The City of Fortune

How Far Until Footprints Vanish - Undergoing Revision and Finalization

The City of Fortune


Fortune - a chance of luck as an arbitrary force affecting 'human' affairs.


                 The classroom was bustling with students, the lecture soon to start. Chansung sat restless in his seat. He desperately wanted to be at home, after all, he was becoming a big brother today. His mother, no matter how hard he pushed and pleaded, wouldn’t allow it. It angered him immensely that he wasn't permitted to be there, he couldn't understand why she wouldn't let him stay home. It wasn’t like he would be able to help or anything, he just wanted to be there, to see them. Then again, he would probably just get in the way. She had been saying that more often.

                “Alright class, I have an interesting lesson for you today. The history of animal hybrids.”

                Groans of disagreement broke out all over the room, and Chansung shared a look with his best friend, and basically adopted sister, Fei. She rolled her eyes and he smirked.

                "We do this lesson every year - it's boring! We all know our history." One grumbled, causing laughter all around the room.

                "Do you? Tell me about the Old Village Times." Silence fell over the room, but the hairs on Chansung's arms stood up. "Oh? Well, tell me about the relations between red- and gold-eyed hybrids." Once again, initially, silence met her statement.

                "Who cares about red-eyed hybrids. They're violent and just wild animals-"

                Laughter rose up but their teacher shook her head. "Well, then blue- and green-eyed hybrids are the same. Wolves prefer to live out in the country in their packs, retaining the Old Village Way. Why do you think red eyes have such a bad reputation?"

                "Because it's in their nature-"

                "By that reasoning all hybrids are wild inside. Red eyes are no different than any others, we only have different beliefs and traditions. So, you see, it is important to know your history - the histories of hybrids is diverse. You might find it boring now, but at some point this will all become very meaningful to you, both in surprising ways and at different times in your life."

                Chansung trained his attention on the teacher at the front of the class. His mother and father said this to him often as well, and to be truthful, he had always been interested in his ancestral heritage.

               Animal hybrids had been around for as long as humans. In the past neither interacted with each other very often, but this changed rapidly. As time went on, hybrids and humans were taught at an early age to adapt and connect, with both eventually coming to co-habit together. He wondered sometimes what it was like for the first human to make contact with hybrids. What would anyone do if they encountered a human-looking animal, sometimes adorned with a tail and ears? Rolling his eyes he tried to pay attention. As much as he appreciated these classes, he primarily learned hybrid history from his father when he had time, the real history. Well, he used to.

               Thinking about his father, he withheld a growl. Even he was distancing himself from Chansung.

                “Besides, if we don't speak about hybrid history, we risk forgetting those who have been severely impacted by violence. Such as what has happened with the Foxes.” His teacher interrupted his thoughts.

                “Aren't there scientists looking into the Fox Realm still?”

                Whispers broke out around him. He tried to quell his anxiety. If there was one hybrid history he was most curious about it concerned the Foxes and the Fox Realm. Foxes were among the rarest of all hybrids, and their history was overshadowed by the Fox Hunts. Chansung's parents forbade him from speaking about his own encounters and memories of foxes with others. What he did know was that there was a small community in the west but they were heavily protected and kept from the public.

                 "Come on, who's interested in foxes anyway? Like they say, they're even worse than red-eyed hybrids, they're nothing but bad omens, tricksters, thieves, and overall just bad folk."

                 Chansung felt his blood beginning to boil. The memory of cradling a small, shivering white body made him clench his hands into fists.

                 "Now, now, foxes are none of those things. See, this is exactly why learning our history is important. Otherwise, you'll believe the lies the media is trying to tell you. It is why the work advancing hybrid rights is so important." Their teacher chided gently.

                 "Ah, right, have to remember that some people's parents are trying to fight for all hybrid rights." The kid seated to his left sneered in his direction.

                 "At least someone is fighting for us, unlike most." Fei snipped. "If not for him and others like him, even if we co-exist with humans, you wouldn't have your cushy bourgeoisie lifestyle, or be able to sit in this classroom." She finished with a flip of her hair.

                 "Yes, because whether you like it or not, there are catchers out there who don't care for status, or that we are sentient."

                 A very heavy silence fell over the room. Chansung looked out the window. He knew his parents tried to hide it, but there was still a lot of violence happening against hybrids. This was especially true for red-eyed hybrids.

                “Even if there are some protections afforded to us, not everyone is equal. It is very different now than even when I was your age. We have so many working on advancing our rights, including Mr. Hwang." Their teached nodded in Chansung's direction and he stifled a sigh.

                “Who cares. We would have the protections in place already if they left out certain hybrid groups. Like, why even search for the Fox Realm, it would be better off if they're all dead. Foxes are nothing but scavengers.” One boy laughed.

                Chansung couldn’t help but bristle and glare at him.

                “Isn't there some truth to what's being said, teacher?” Another classmate posed to the classroom. “As much as I think it’s a valid search, what would be the benefit in finding the Fox Realm? They’re the lowest class-”

                “It wasn't like that before and you know it. Foxes are some of the rarest hybrids, and the hunts are still going on. How could you be okay with saying they're better off dead just so you could have rights?" Fei said, crossing her legs and arms. “Besides, if we’re going to be talking about class...shouldn’t you be concerned with your own?”

                The boy flushed with embarrassment and moved to speak further.

                “You're vile, you know? I doubt they would wish what has happened - and is happening to them - upon you...” Chansung said as he looked at his classmate. “I bet they would give anything to come to school like us, and have a normal day, without the threat of being hunted. If they’re out there somewhere living in peace beyond our reach and don’t want to be found, I can understand why.”

                “That’s funny coming from you, Hwang. You’re probably the one cat in this town that wants to see a fox more than anyone else.” An acquaintance chuckled.

                Shrugging he sat back in his chair. “Yeah, and? There are a lot of hybrids I want to meet, but not at the cost of their safety and sovereignty.”

                He received nods of agreement from several classmates.

                The teacher sent him a kind smile.

                “You have a valid point. So, let us hope that the many groups speaking up and working hard on this very issue continue to do so.” She said and returned to the board. “In the beginning, and up until now, we have been divided amongst our individual hybrid species into clans. Those descended from the first clans are of the highest class, and do not connect themselves with humans, the red, gold, and silver-eyed hybrids.” Chansung clutched his uniform shirt tightly. “They live in extreme isolation sometimes, and only venture into towns when necessary. They are of the Old Ones and wish to stick to the old ways – which we celebrate on our own individual time. If we want to go on rumour and legends, the foxes descend from the silver-eyed old ones, so one of the first clans. Nowadays, the current class system is based on wealth and prestige...”

                Chansung had met the younglings of some of these clans while venturing with his family over the years. They were snobbish and looked down on anyone who made comrades with humans or other hybrids with discontent. Chansung absolutely detested them. “Disgusting...” He muttered under his breath.


                Looking up, he realised he was the focus of the class’s attention.

                “Did you say something?”        

                Blushing he shook his head. “Just thinking out loud...”

                The P.A. beeped. “Ms. Heart, will you send Hwang Chansung to the office please?”

                His heart rate sped up in his chest. Was it happening!? He rose quickly and took off.


                The train car jerked, awakening the dozing feline. Slowly extending into a stretch he hopped up onto a crate and peered out a crack in the car wall. The train whistle blew signalling the arrival. Tail swishing back and forth he stretched again and yawned. Dreaming about his school days was never a pleasant experience. Slowly, his body began to transform leaving him amidst the cold. “Why can’t we keep our clothes!” He hissed and slipped into as much clothing as necessary. “Alright...” Hopping down he landed on all fours and hoisted up his bag. He had been travelling for nearly two years, seeking out the history of foxes. He knew that it was going to be difficult, but he never could have anticipated just how much. When he felt the train come to a complete stop he opened the side door and looked about. It seemed to be a small city, a familiar one. There was a large crowd for the train.

                Jumping to the tracks, making sure to look around, as he always needed to be careful with the situation he was in, he slowly began his trek into the city. He heard a gentle jingle and looked around. "Strange..." His eye caught something white out of the corner of his eye and he looked off into the distance. He inhaled deeply, taking in all the scents. "You're interesting already." He said and began walking into town.

                It was a quaint little place. Houses divided by fences, citizens waving or smiling when necessary. The further he went it, the more it reeked of humans, something he wasn't really used to anymore. Hybrids had been taking to living in their own cities since he’d graduated from high school. There had been an increase in a disturbing movement where humans abducted younglings and sold them on the slave market. Even worse, no one fought to get those younglings back, despite the cases being so obvious. It riled him up. No wonder he dreamt about high school. Things weren't any better, perhaps a bit worse than when he was young.

                Taking a deep breath, for a split second he caught the whiff of something familiar. Smoke and blood. Shivering, the scents faded along with the terrible memories from along ago, and instead the comforting smell of coffee lured him and he ducked into a small cafe.

                Walking up to the counter, he smiled at the cashier. “Hello,” he greeted gently.

                She flushed and looked down, “h-hello, how may I help you?”

                A rabbit. Glancing up at the menu, he ordered a large coffee and five meat buns.

                “F-Five meat buns?”

                “Mm...yes...” He forked over what little cash he had left. He would need to work some odd jobs again soon. His father told him he would help but he couldn’t depend on him for this. If worse came to worse he would just go hunting. Although, cityscapes made it difficult because they extended so far and their noise disrupted the habitats. “Say, you wouldn’t happen to know of any places hiring temporary employees?”

                “Ah...well...there’s a bakery down the street looking for a cashier. The owner’s name is Kim Min-Jun.” She said and smiled. “He’d probably love to have you.”

                Kim Min-Jun. That name was familiar, too.

                “Probably?” He asked.

                She nodded. “He helps hybrids. And, he really likes cats.”

                He stilled for only a second. “Am I being obvious?”

                She shook her head quickly and apologised profusely. “Oh, I didn't know! I'm sorry, he just really likes cats. I really meant he's the best person to have help you, he's helped many hybrids over the years and I make sure to help, too.” She shrugged and handed over his order. “If you get a job, I hope you come again soon and order more meat buns.”

                Laughing, he thanked her and exited. Heading in the direction of the smell of fresh bread, he came to the small establishment and stuffed a bun in his mouth. As much as he wanted meat, red, plump, juicy meat, he could only afford small portions. Slowly coming to enter, the cashier appeared to be passed out against the counter. Smiling, he walked up and rested his bag down on the counter and set his head in his hands. Blowing over the protruding ears, they twitched slightly but the boy didn’t stir. Rolling his eyes, he blew over them again causing the boy to sit up ramrod straight and stare at him. His eyes immediately widened and he gasped.


                Chansung erupted into laughter. Such a cute one he’s found. “Ah, you pups are always the most bashful and cute.”

                The boy pouted and glared, cheeks a wonderous red. “What do you want, ert?”

                “Hey, I’m a customer here.”

                “I only see a ert...” He grumbled and shook his head, making his ears disappear.

                “Oh? But I only called you cute.” He purred and smiled.

                The boy stuttered a little.

                Purposefully running his hair back, Chansung couldn’t help but smirk as the cute face reddened further.

                “What do you want?” He grumbled.

                “A gentle rabbit told me I could find a Kim Min-Jun here who could help me. Is he here?”

                The boy stole away quickly.

                Turning to look around the shop he caught a faint scent, one he was sure he'd never smelled before but he knew it. It bothered him when he couldn’t place it, especially since it seemed so familiar, just like this city. He noticed a small decoration in the window. Walking over to it, it was an emblem of the fox. Curious.

                “Oh? It’s not everyday we get a famous writer in our town.” A new voice said.

                Turning on his heel, he found the man he presumed to be Kim Min-Jun and the blushing pup.

                “Seems you already know me."

                The older man smiled warmly, which surprised Chansung, because it was as if he'd seen it before. Somewhere deep in his chest he felt an ache he didn't understand. He shook away the feeling and stepped forward.

                "Pleased to meet you, I’m Hwang Chansung.” He walked back over and held out his hand. It was grasped immediately.

                “Kim Min-Jun, overstressed baker and patissier, surrounded by cute cashiers. What can I do for you?”

                Chansung chuckled at the introduction. “I was told by the kind rabbit at the coffee shop I could get part-time work here.” He said and took a sip from his coffee. "And that you're the best place for helping hybrids."

                “Well, not to brag, but I am very good at helping out wandering hybrids." Min-Jun said with a wink. "And yes, I am indeed looking for help. Can you bake? Got any cashier experience?”

                “Whatever you want me to do, I’m a quick study. I do have cashier experience.” Chansung boasted.

                “Okay!” Min-Jun cheered.

                “Min-Jun! You can’t just hire people like that!” The boy reprimanded. "What about a résume or a criminal record check-"

                "Criminal record check-?"               

                “Oh don’t worry Junho. I can tell he’s a good guy.” He said with another wink that was very much exaggerated.

                Chansung smirked at the pup, now known as Junho. Hearing the entrance bell ring, that smell returned, but stronger. It was an intriguing scent, and it wafted all around him. Turning, he was met with a man of similar height to Junho, but much slimmer. He had black hair and mysterious brown eyes. His cheeks were adorably puffy, but didn’t make him seem any less enigmatic.

                “So rowdy in the morning...” He grumbled.

                “Aww, my adorable Wooyoung is back.” Min-Jun raced past him and encompassed him in a tight hug. “You still look unwell, do you want the day off?”

                The new person, Wooyoung, grit his teeth before forcing Min-Jun back and fending him off with a baguette. “Get off me!” He shoved some of the bread into Min-Jun’s mouth and then turned his gaze towards him. Something unreadable to Chansung shown in those deep brown eyes. Wooyoung recovered quickly. “Oi, oi, oi, there’s a customer here and we’re acting like-”

                “He’s our new co-worker.” Junho grumbled.

                Chansung’s hand shot out and his fingers pinched the pup's cheek. “Don’t sound so disappointed, I don’t bite.”

                “Haa? A new co-worker already?” Wooyoung pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “I’m Jang Wooyoung.” He greeted and then went out the back.

                “Well, I’d better get you started!” Min-Jun said. “Happy smile on my cute pup.”

                Junho flushed and looked away. “Get out...”

                Min-Jun laughed as he dragged Chansung into the back. He found himself put to work already with moving all of the heavy ingredients, re-filling stocks and shelves, sometimes greeting customers to introduce himself, and being puzzled by Jang Wooyoung. Min-Jun himself was mysterious as well, he couldn’t figure out his scent either. He had hidden it very well and quite sufficiently. Junho kept calling him "cat", but not in a fond way, and remained apprehensive around him. When they finally closed up shop he collapsed against the counter. He so desperately wanted to cat nap the whole day away.

                After Junho left, he found his chin clutched by Min-Jun who had an unlit cigarette balanced between his lips and a studious gaze cast upon him. Letting him observe, he got the sense that Min-Jun was an alpha, but more than that. His eyes were filled with emotion, a longing.

                “You look like you’re about to collapse.”

                Chansung yawned on cue. "Sorry."

                "All good." He sighed. “I had heard rumours that the famous Hwang first born was elusive and hard to find, but for reasons unknown.”

                Chansung steeled himself.

                "Oh, as much as you'd like to hide yourself from me, I'm too old to be fooled, small kitten." Min-Jun's thumb brushed under his eye. There was...the only word that Chansung could describe Min-Jun's expression was fondness. "Travelling without stopping I imagine?"

                It was as if Min-Jun unleashed all his exhaustion and it seeped deeply into his bones. “I’ve just been journeying a lot. I should be fine with a good night’s sleep.” Chansung murmured. He didn't know if this was Min-Jun's doing but he felt so very tired. "Know of a good place to stay, Min-Jun?"

                “Oh sure, we have a room upstairs." Min-Jun said with a smile. "And no, it won't bother me, and yes, we have space. So, how about some rest and then we’ll chat more tomorrow.” He said as if reading Chansung's thoughts.

                 Smiling tiredly, he noticed Wooyoung at Min-Jun’s side. When did he get there? How hadn’t he noticed him?

                “Yah, my lovely Wooyoung, Chansung needs a place to crash tonight. I should have the guest room clean in a couple days. Will you take him in?”

                “But... I live with you...” Wooyoung grumbled. "And I don't-"

                “Exactly, let him sleep in your room.” Min-Jun clapped him on the back. It was a split second, and Chansung couldn't tell if it was intentional or not, but Min-Jun's scent came to him clear as day.

                “Oh, you’re a bear?!” Chansung livened up a little. “You’re the second bear I’ve ever met.”

                Min-Jun was shocked and then laughed out loud. "Wow, that's the fastest anyone's ever guessed." He was practically grinning. "I'll go grab some things. Help him settle in, babe." Min-Jun vanished up the stairs.

                Sharp eyes him and Chansung swallowed. They softened and Wooyoung sighed heavily, “Come with me, and carry your own .”

                Chansung nodded and followed happily.

                “Min-Jun must like you, or know who you are. He never let’s strangers stay in the upstairs unless he can tell they’re good.” Once more he was on the receiving end of those mysterious eyes. Wooyoung’s lips pursed out and his shoulders slouched. “I can’t tell what you are...”

                Comforted that he wasn’t the only one he chuckled softly. “It’s not like I’m keeping it hidden.”

                “Hm...I wish I was able to be as free as you about my identity...” He cooed softly and led them up to the third floor. “You’re not going to try and attack me in my sleep are you?”

                Chansung shook his head, “nope.”

                “Why did you come to Fortune?” He asked, making small talk as he pulled out a bed mat.

                “Is that the name of this city?”

                Wooyoung sent him a quizzical look. “How did you get here?”


                “ just bought a ticket and didn’t know where you were going?” He asked as he set up the bed.

                “Ah...” Rubbing the back of his neck he grinned, “I kinda maybe was a stow away.”

                “Haah?! But you’re some big shot author aren’t you? Min-Jun even knows who you are and he doesn’t read - not often anyway.” The shorter man came up to him and stared him in the eye. “So you’re cheap and a moocher, ne?” He tilted his head cutely.

                The scent coming off of him was driving him crazy. “Aren’t you also a moocher?” He gripped Wooyoung’s cheeks and pulled at them. “You’re a cute one I’ll give you that.”

                “Ah!” Wooyoung groaned and bat away his hands. “Set up your bed and sleep you moocher.”

                Chansung shrugged, “I am very appreciative of both yours and Min-Jun's hospitality. I'll look for my own lodgings tomorrow-”

                “No.” Wooyoung said suddenly, and then flushed a little. "I don't think Min-Jun would let you anyway. If you're not careful in Fortune you could get yourself into trouble. And a big cat like you? Min-Jun's place is safest."

                “Does he really like cats?” Chansung huffed and finally lay out his mat.

                "You best be prepared for how much he likes big cats, Hwang Chansung." 

                He received some sheets and blankets, plus a wonderfully plush pillow. He was ever so curious now why Min-Jun liked big cats so much. "And what's Junho's problem? Does he always treat people like that?"

                “Junho...” Wooyoung looked a little downcast. “Junho hates cats...”

                Chansung paused and looked back at him. “Like, all cats?”

                “Well, black cats.”

                Chansung swallowed hard and looked down at his hands. “Why?”

                Wooyoung shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never asked.”

                The answer really wasn't convincing. Chansung decided not to press and changed the subject. “Why can’t you tell me what you are?” He whined.

                The mysterious Jang Wooyoung shrugged and sat down on the floor. “Would there be a benefit in me telling you? What if I’m human?”

                Chansung crawled towards him and went up close. He took a deep inhale, letting that scent completely overwhelm him. He couldn’t help wanting to be closer. Something about Wooyoung was driving him crazy and he needed to know why. “You smell...familiar, but strange...” So familiar, yet so far away. Something nostalgic, something similar to the deep ache in his chest when we saw Min-Jun.

                Wooyoung looked at him in annoyance. “I stand corrected. You are a rude and erted cat...”

                Chansung slowly came to sit in front of him and smiled. “But...I - I feel like I've smelled your scent before...are you a wolf? So far I know I’ve only been attracted to canid species, and your scent is...familiar.”

                Wooyoung seemed to flush a little at the confession. “I - Hwang, you’re invading my personal space!” Chansung found himself pushed onto his back. As he arched up onto his elbows, the slender enigma crawled over him and stared him in the eye.

                “You’re being a hypocrite.”

                Something swirled in those dark eyes. Chansung lay back down and his eyebrows scrunched together as he became more and more confused.


                “I’m human.” Wooyoung said gently. “I’m a normal human who has been in contact with hybrids all my life.”

                Chansung made to shake his head but his chin was caught in a delicate grip.

                “Are you running away from something?”

                Eyes widening he laughed immediately to cover up his surprise. “What? No, of course not,” he tried to push Wooyoung off of him but warm hands touched his face. The urge to purr suddenly rose in his chest and he was almost embarrassed.

                "A mysterious cat, and a handsome one at that, wanders into a city with no obvious motive; lands a job at a small bakery, with an owner that acts as a host for a safe house specifically for hybrids. It can’t be a coincidence that you’re here. I know Ellen recommended you come here, but that's too coincidental." Wooyoung murmured. “What brought you to Fortune, Hwang Chansung?”

                The door flew open.

                “Wooyoung! I can’t...find...” Min-Jun halted immediately, wearing obnoxiously orange rubber gloves, and holding a cleaner in one hand and a cloth in the other. “Right, we have a cat staying with us tonight. Sorry! I interrupted your !” He turned with a grin and slammed the door shut. "You move fast!"

                “This isn’t you stupid bumbling bear!” Wooyoung leapt up and chased after him.

                Chansung managed to take a deep breath and closed his eyes. And, what was up with his scent? Why was it bothering him so much? Why did he feel like he knew it? Why did he almost purr?! Opening his eyes, he found those same brown eyes peering down at him. Shifting uncomfortably, he kept still.

                Wooyoung sighed and crouched down. “You better make yourself more interesting or he’ll keep going on about how fast I was trying to get into your pants – which I wasn’t!”

                Chansung sighed and smiled before slowly sitting up and facing him. “I’m...looking for something. So, pure chance brought me here.”


                “Can we talk about it in the morning? I’m really, really tired.” He said without looking at him. “I’d rather be completely awake and ready to take any ridicule.”

                Wooyoung snorted. “No one will make fun of you here...Hwang.” He said as he climbed into bed.

                “Even if it’s about foxes and the Fox Realm?”

                A tremor of an unknown emotion seemed to pass over Wooyoung’s features. “Why are you lookin' for that? People don't even think it's real...”

                Chansung shrugged. “I believe it’s real.”

                Wooyoung sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Well, Min-Jun might know about it. He’s actually seen foxes...”

                Chansung immediately livened up. Scooting closer to Wooyoung’s bed he grinned. “Thank you for not laughing!”

                Wooyoung shrugged, “why would I?”

                “I've kind of had an obsession with foxes since I was small. People have always teased me about it. I’ve had all kinds of different reactions whenever I've told someone about someone doesn't make fun of me, it makes me feel normal.” Chansung said and smiled.

                Wooyoung flicked his nose. “You’re actually kinda cute when you’re talking about something you’re passionate about.”

                This of course made him blush. He didn't think Wooyoung would compliment him. No one had called this journey a passion either.                

                “Still a erted cat, you didn’t even try and push me off of you.”

                Chansung blushed. “It’s because your’s...addicting.” He admitted. It really was. Something about it kept pulling Chansung, and he wouldn't deny wanting more of it.

                Wooyoung threw a pillow in his face knocking him back onto the ground. Surprised, he looked up and found him huddled underneath his blankets. “A human never has an addicting scent you dummy!”

                Chansung slowly got up and rubbed his face. “No, and a normal human doesn’t know anything about scents.”

                “I’m around hybrids all the time. I’m used to...reacting like that.”

                Deciding it was time to drop the subject and succumb to his much desired rest, he scooted back to his mat and plopped his head onto the pillow. “Ne, Wooyoung, why is there a fox emblem downstairs?”

                “You’ll have to ask Min-Jun.” Wooyoung answered and flicked out the light. “It’s been there ever since I can remember...”

                “Okay...” He yawned and closed his eyes. “Thanks for letting me share your room.”

                “Just stop talking and sleep already...”

                Chansung chuckled, “alright.” He felt so comfortable and warm.

                For the first time in a while, he had the dream about a vast field. Running at fast pace was a small figure, a silver fox. And, all he could smell was that same mysterious and addicting scent of Jang Wooyoung.


Next Chapter...The Seeker of Foxes

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Story update - Mar 1 2024: revisions with major and minor updates have been made in chapters 18-34.


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 50: Please post the extra chapters and the conclusion...

I really love chansung but there are so many unfinished story of him...
oh my god i haven't visited aff for years! and to see that you really came back and finish your master piece, i'm giving you a standing ovation really HUGE THANK YOU for doing this even though you didn't owe us readers, but you still came back to us. i suddenly remembers aff and decides to check out and came back to you finishing the story 😭🤧 thank you so much. i wish you always have a good health and living a good life, bc you're an amazing person. THANK YOU ❤️
hwootestjang #3
Chapter 50: After so many years, you congratulate me for staying and waiting but you mesmerized me more. You kept your promise to return and rewrite the story. Making it better you said, it was soo good back then and this is even so much better. This story is packed with emotion. Truthfully, this is one of the best story I have ever laid upon. Youre such an amazing writer probably because youre such an amazing person. Stories like this should be published instead of some those in the market.

Thank you for writing this masterpiece. Sad that this is your last but what a grand retirement. I always wondered why I kept holding on this account. I guess this is it that Ive been waiting for. The end to such a beautiful story. Well another bonus you said. But yeah. I read because i love chanwoo but this story is so enticing and so so good. Im not good with words and I am jealous how good you are with it. You and your ways with words. Not sure if youll read this. Knowing you was one of the best Ive ever had. This site has given me so much that I couldnt fathom or know it over the years. You are one of it. I wish you happiness and everything you wanted. So long my penpal(?).

Thank you so much for this.
Linnyxx17 #4
Chapter 37: Aish! I'm late to reading both updates! But I was thrilled to have two chapters all to myself! Wonderful again simply wonderful, and Kaiden! his eyes!!!!!!! I knew it had to be her somehow! *standing ovation* I love it, I remember the date being planned in the original which sadly i never read because you are now writing this wonderful change, from here on out im on the edge of my seat with waiting for new things that are coming!!! <3333333333
Chapter 35: This update shook my heart up so much! So happy that Chansung and his family are on the path to healing though!!
Linnyxx17 #6
Chapter 35: Yes!!! finally some of the big reveals that I remember from the first draft of this! Gosh its still so wonderful and I'm still on the edge of my seat! I'm completely worried about Chung-Hee's health! Chan can't lose him! Aurora is gonna get what is coming to her I just know it! Hehe you have me shouting at my screen reading as if Chan and his dad can hear me XD

amazing update yet again!
Linnyxx17 #7
Chapter 34: This was such a wholesome chapter! and you are now just being cruel with the teasing of them being intimate!!! *dies* I seriously love this I can never get enough, I hope next chapter Chan and Woo get more closure and Chan can start moving more towards healing, though he is doing wonderful now on his journey, I need answers for him as well!

Thank you for another lovely update! <3333
Chapter 33: This is the most amazing chapter!! I’ve been on such an emotional roller coaster but loved every second of it! Thank you so very much for this beautiful update!! I hope you are safe, happy and healthy.
Linnyxx17 #9
Chapter 32: Ah! just keep pulling me closer and closer to the edge of curiosity! Such a wonderful update! <3333
I'm so excited to see your updates when I just got back to read stories!!!!!!