A Love Story


Just .. read you know.


Im running so fast across to the Incheon airport. I woke up late and Im in a  hurry now to get in my plane. 


But Im so unfortunate, I collapse with a woman and his buddy won't let me get out of this. This is my dead end, I thought, but it turns out to be my new beginning.


So, here it is.


I landed on the floor. "Ahh!!" I groaned. I didn't mind that my felt so dumb because of the heavy fall and I stood up. I was about to run again when a hand pulled me causing me to fell on the ground again. 


I looked up to see a fuming fat man. "You can't just run away without saying sorry little girl" He said, gritting his teeth. 


"And you can't just pulled a girl so hard that will cause her to land here" I fired back. Ahh.. Now, my is in complete pain.


"Yah!!"He yelled. Seriously, he yelled? " Im older than you you shouldn't be answering like that to me!"



"Ah-huh? How can someone younger or older than you talk nice, if you just behaved like the king of fat boys huh?" 


Its clearly as a crystal that he is so mad now. 


"Take it back, you punk!"


"Im sorry mister but I never take my words back!"


"Who the hell are you're parents, that let you grow up like this?! No manners! I'm assuming that you're parents behave as you! No respect! What a shame family!"


Woah, you stepped in a  wrong insult here, fat man. I will forgive you if you didn't include my family here, but you did! I glare at him. A glare which will make his fats melt. 


"You thick man, if there's a one thing I will be ashame of, is that I've been touched by your full of cholesterol hands! And to add up, you look very awful fitting yourself in a XXXL shirt!" I started "I send my pitty for your clothes because I know if they have a life they will be dead now! You speak like you know me, especially my parents which you completely don't know. To tell you the truth I don't know them either, but I have their friends to testify how good they are!" I finalized and turn my heels.




"Don't you dare to speak!" I warned "or else I will murder you!"


He was taken a back by my words. Tch. I walked away but guess what? He speak.


"Then do it little bastard! Because I will tell what I want and--" I slowly turn my head to him. This is time to kill some pig.


I hold his hand and twist it. "What do you want again?!"


This is funny! He is crying like a baby now. A fat baby. Im completely ready to broke his arm when Gina came. Gina is my P.A. and same age as me, eighteen. She is trying so hard to push me out of this full cholesterol man.


"Stop it Ms. Barley! You might kill him"


"Oh, please. That's exactly my purpose, Gina. " I said victoriously smiling


"Oh my God!" She run, maybe calling for some help.


"Please stop! Let me go, please. Im sorry. I-I didn't mean anything what I said.. so.. please .. just let me go.." He cried


Oh. How pathetic voice. "Im so sorry because like what I said earlier I n-e-v-e-r  take my words back!" I twisted his other arm and he cried out loud.


I was enjoying his plead when someone knock my head. "What the--"


"What the hell!! Youre really going to kill, Erick?!! You heartless punk!" a woman I guess 24 age? yelled "Let him go or I will call a cop!"


Without any more seconds I loose my grip on him.


"You stupid! How can you be so heartless when you!.." She harshly poked me in my chest "..actually start showing youre bad side! And I don't even think that you have a good side in there because of what you just did!" she breathe "Yes! Erick was wrong in bagging you and judging youre  parents carelessly but don't you think it's rude to collapse with someone like me, and just run away without even just saying sorry?!!" She took a short break. Gina arrived and stand by my side "Now, if you don't want to spend youre life in jail, say sorry to him and to me!!!" 


Finally, she's done. All pair of eyes were on us. Enjoying live action folks?


"Say! S O R R Y!!" she commmanded


I blinked my eyes. Once, twice..


Who is this girl? How can she yell at me?! And how did she do that without making me angry?


"Im sorry." I muttered. For just one gird I take back my words.


 Great, it looks like she has a control in me. All she wants me to do will be granted. This is weird.


"Thank you!!" she said and walk dragging that fat man.


"Stop!" I said and walk to her."What did you just do to me?" I pushed this fat man aside. Cupped her both cheeks in my hand and kissed her.




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