My Best Friend


They were best friends from day one.




They were practically the same person. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. 


They fought like a married couple, protected each other like siblings. 


When one was upset was upset, the other knew just by looking at them. When one was sick, the other cared for them. When they were happy, it spread to everyone like wildfire. It was just natural for them.


They only knew each other as best friends. Or at least that's what they thought.


Were they meant to be together? Or were they meant to be with someone else?


Hi guys!


SO this is my first fanfic. Like ever. It might .


BUT, this is for one of my best friends, (her name will not be mentioned). 



I hope you guys enjoy this fanfic!! And I especially hope you like my Asian Bear!! (:


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