It's MY Baby

It’s MY baby


A/N The moment we all have been waiting for … it’s here


Enjoy :P



''W-we do?'' Sungmin started searching for her apartment keys, maybe she could lock herself in and then he would leave her alone. ''I thought we agreed on never seeing each other again'' She stuttered. ''I know we did, but you see, I had a family dinner today and my youngest sister told me something very interesting.'' Sungmin found the keys but her hands trembled. She knew, that after what happened with Yuri, he'll eventually found out, but she pushed the thought back in her head with a pray that Yuri won’t mention her being pregnant. Like that could happen.


Kyuhyun huffed and took the keys out of her hand and unlocked the door and invited himself in. Sungmin stared after him, mouth gaping, how rude! She snapped out of her trans when her front doors almost shut right before her eyes.


She stepped in, quickly discharging her shoes. ''Yah! What do you think you are doing?'' ''Oh my god'' Kyuhyun could be heard. ''Please leave'' Sungmin came behind him, hands on her hips trying to look as serious as she could. ''How dare you just barge into someone else’s home?'' ''Did someone puke rainbow in here?'' Kyuhyun wasn't listening to her at all, he was amazed at the sight in front of him.


He was standing in the living room. ''How can you have a lime couch, turquoise pillows, a yellow coffee table, a white TV, black closets and pink walls in the same room?'' Sungmin frowned and walked closer, she was standing beside Kyuhyun now, looking at her living room. ''I like it and that couch is super comfy.'' She smiled like a child and Kyuhyun found himself staring at that cute smile. Sungmin was still admiring her living room, she liked all this colors, they made her feel happy and they brighten up her mood when she's all alone,  for just a second, she forgot that currently she's not alone.


''What are you doing?'' Sungmin’s dreamy image was ruined; Kyuhyun was making himself comfortable on the lime couch. ''It really is comfy'' He agreed with Sungmin previous statement. Sungmin couldn’t believe her eyes. ''What do you ...'' Her voice disappeared when her stomach rumbled as loud as it could. Kyuhyun started laughing, not because of the rambling, but because of Sungmin’s bright red face. ''Yah, stop laughing!'' Sungmin pouted. ''Today I haven't even had a decent meal.''


Her Kitchen, living room and dining room were practically the same room. So it only took her a couple of seconds to reach her fridge and took out a bowl of rice. She took two spoons and mixed the rice with some kimchi and some other things that were eatable in her fridge. She didn't mix it completely, because she couldn't wait to taste it. She brought a full spoon in , it was so good, her knees went week. She stomped back, to where Kyuhyun was, with the bowl in her hands and slumped down next to Kyuhyun.


''You are not going to offer me something? I'm the guest here.'' Kyuhyun eyed her, he wanted to keep a serious face, but he couldn’t help to smile at Sungmin’s expressions and her chubby cheeks. ''A guest?? I don't remember inviting you ... oh right, because I didn't, you practically barged in.'' Sungmin's mouth was full so a few rice grins flew to Kyuhyun’s face. Kyuhyun cleared his throat, she was right on that one. ''Why are you even here? How did you even know where I live?'' Sungmin asked before she brought another full spoon in . ''Are you kidding me, Siwon is like my best friend since childhood, I was even his best men at his wedding, all I had to do was call him.'' Kyuhyun smirked. ''Wait I was at the wedding too, but I don't remember you'' Sungmin said with full, it’s even a miracle that Kyuhyun understood what she was saying.


Kyuhyun tried to remember his best friend’s wedding and that night evens. ''Wait, were you by any chance Sooyoung's bridesmaid?'' Sungmin eagerly nodded and then she stopped. She swallowed her rice. ''You are that Kyuhyun?'' She gaped. She wasn’t the only one gaping, Kyuhyun also couldn’t believe it. ''And you are that Minnie? Oh my gosh, I can't … we were even a pair! I can't believe I didn't recognize you ... maybe because I remember you blond … you looked better with blond hair by the way.'' He grinned and took the other spoon that was still in the bowl and brought the rice to his mouth. It wasn’t so bad. ''Really” Sungmin scoffed. “You looked terrible with those red hair, thank god you got a new haircut.'' Sungmin made her comeback and put more rice in . Kyuhyun ignored that last comment and putted the spoon back. ''Can I ask you something? Why the hell were you hitting me all the time?'' ''Why? Because you are such an , you are so stupid'' Sungmin took some time to chew on her food before she started talking again. ''Who was that girl that was sitting in front of us? I forgot her name, I think she was Siwon’s cousin or something.'' Sungmin thought really hard but couldn’t remember the girl’s name. ''Viktoria?'' Kyuhyun was more guessing than anything. ''Yes, yes, her, she was also one of the bride's maid, right'' Kyuhyun nodded. ''I was nudging you because it was so obvious that she wanted to dance with you, she liked you big time'' ''That was the reason?'' Kyuhyun was surprised, he was sure it had a deeper meaning. ''It was so obvious that it hurt, I was so annoyed by her constantly remarking how she liked this song and that she's a good dancer and lalalala and then you fool, you asked me!? Didn't you see her face?'' ''Well I thought you like me or something and since you were so annoying I took pity and asked you to dance and as a reword you stepped on my shoes and left me in the middle of a dance floor, I looked stupid.'' Kyuhyun give her a glare. ''You deserved it!'' Sungmin scoffed and continue eating her food.


“Well, we kind of got off topic” Kyuhyun broke the awkward silence. Sungmin nodded and asked for a second time what he wanted, before she ate the last full spoon of her rice.


''I want to be a part of the baby's life'' Sungmin almost chocked on her food. She started violently coughing. Kyuhyun thought that she was overreacting. “Don’t be so surprised, I’m the baby’s father of course I want to be a part of my son’s life. I was thinking on moving here, you know, we could be roommates” He looked at the girl, who wasn’t coughing anymore, but her face was bright red and she was waving with her hands for help. “You’re not kidding” Kyuhyun started patted her back, when even that didn't helped, as Sungmin was getting redder and redder he quickly brought her a glass of water.


“Are you trying to kill me!?” Were the first words that came out of Sungmin’s mouth as soon as her thought was clear. “First of all, It’s my baby and it’s a girl, she’s going to be just like me.” Sungmin smiled just a little at the tough of her daughter before she continued. “And it’s my house and we’ll be no roommates and, and, why do you even think that this baby is yours.” Sungmin started looking around the room with her hands trying to fan her red face. Kyuhyun looked at her as if it wasn’t obvious that’s she’s lying about the baby’s father. “Sungmin, did anyone ever told you that you are a terrible liar? Since I’m the father, that baby is also mine!” Kyuhyun stood up. “You are forgetting that I’m the lawyer here, I know the laws and I have all the rights to watch and help my son to grow up.” Well, Sungmin had no comeback to that. “You know, I’m giving you a chance here that we raised it up together.” Kyuhyun slowly walked towards the front door. “I believe that for children both parents are really important, I don’t want to raise my son alone.” Were the last words that came out of Kyuhyun’s mouth before Sungmin could hear the door closed.


She kept still for a couple of minutes, trying to process what Kyuhyun just said. He wouldn’t do that, he can’t do that … can he? Everything was going wrong, this isn’t how she expected things to happen. A small tear escaped down her cheek.





I’m back :D

I was really busy with school, two exams on the same day *feels dizzy*

But I did great on one, but the other *hides her face* … not so good, but let’s wait for the official results … maybe is not so bad …


What do you think, is Kyuhyun showing his evil side? Is he serious?




It’s supposed to be a comedy fic … xD I think I’m failing that tag


( About that law stuff, what I wrote I made up, I don’t know how the laws work for unborn baby’s …)


Comments please :D I love those 

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magicelf #1
Chapter 20: Fighting writer 😍💙💙💙
magicelf #2
Chapter 10: Thank you it's very good 😍💙💙💙
queenie2975 #3
WONKYU Fanfiction please
Hi, why r u not continue the story ...
pls update soon...
CH0Ara #5
Chapter 35: Hi, I am new reader and am loving your fanfiction *-*

Too bad it just my fun because just the extra chapters T-T
I do not know if I will continue commenting, it is difficult to write in English ( I'm Brazilian )but wanted to say that I will continue to follow and I am loving , very loving fanfic.
Thank you for writing and sharing your fanfiction .
Kisses * 3 *
gitaawe #6
Chapter 35: Omo...i saw my name ^^
I like ren falling in love with siwon???but who hurt ren??so curious...
emperty #7
Chapter 35: ohohoho I saw my name there XD
yousshh!!! I'm ready for the drama :D
Chapter 35: Ehhh..what a twist. To think that they are actually related and evil mostly, it must scare Sungminie so much...luckily Kyu is there by her side. and yet, the ending is making me anxious! ren!!

Thank you so much for the fast update!! ^^
nAJOnHyun #9
Chapter 35: omooooo hope ming's bby is okay :(
hyukbear #10
Chapter 34: Ohhh now i see, hmmm i been thinking about that he have something to so about the bad things happening to her, and who's that hurting ren