One Shot to Tell You

breath in....out.....in....

Hello, its nice to meet you again

Do you remember me?

Lets begin again, I want to start over and remember all that has happened. Forgetting the present and the future, let me relive the past

It starts out sweetly, doesn't it?

I don't think I can quite recall but I am unable to let it go, like bittersweet chocolate, yes...the soft memory is stuck in my mind

It was wet, raining, softly falling everywhere, I saw you for the first time

Like a magnet we are drawn, again and again, no other possible reaction, no other possible outcome

Droplets patter around me, but I can still see you, a delicate picture, no. A beautiful painting.

Skip forward with me, I can taste the coffee, but I mostly remember your smile, the twinkle in your eyes the pink in your lips

The warmth, not from the room, but raidating from being around you. So calming and peaceful, my heart hurts, but there's more

Two halves of a heart, others look on us with pity, but it's okay. We are a whole together, you and me, two beautiful parts

Shoes still wet, heart that hurts, eyes still blurred and a mind that still remembers those careful memories

wipe my heart, no remember! Teach me that melody again, that simple one that you and I played, remember?

Our song, the melody that plays out our love story, it was so short, it still plays in my head, still lulling me to sleep, still provoking me to think, to remember

Can we talk, shall we talk, I want to listen to your peals of laugher again, the cresent moons of your eyes when you laugh and the tilt of your head

You face was always bright, eyes always looking around, innocently, my innocent little doe, so curious, of things we shouldn't know

Everything. It's still etched perfectly in my mind, haunting me, never leaving me, comforting me until the next time we meet again, next time

I still remember your old number, before you changed it, and also the new one you gave me, before you stopped using it

I still remember the hours of calls, the hours of arguments, laughers, sadness, the comfort, the peace, the memory

Goodbye, every goodbye, it hurts, always. Every hello, made me miss you even more, I want to wrap you in my arms, the tender spirals of your voice as you spoke. 

Say something to me, teach me more, the melody can't stop, there is more to us than meets the eye, I won't ever leave you, I won't ever forget you

That's enough, stop thinking about her, you need to forget, you need to let go. She's gone, you can't change that! It's not your fault, but you need to let go

I need to stop, I need to forget, they tell me I'm holding on to you too long...but I didn't hold on to you long enough

Forget the present, I just need to remember a little bit longer, just a little bit more, before the memories flood back, before our time stops again, let me rewind 

Stay with me, I remember that dream, our song, our melody playing, there's the piano, there are the memories, can we play our song agin, it's so simple, it's so sweet, I miss you, I'll never forget you, no matter how much I try

But I need to go now, I need to move on, I know. I can't live inside this dream anymore, you already left me, already passed by, I'm the only one who is still mourning

You didn't leave me, I don't understand, your still here in my arms, I don't want to ever let go, so fragile and pale, please don't break away, stay by my side through it all, I want to protect you, with everything I have

Can they stop worrying, your okay right?, did something happen, I don't understand, ani...it's not important, ah...I have to remember now don't I?

Everyone. They tell me your death was sad, they tell me it will be okay, just let me forget it, I just needed more time with you, just a little bit longer, we were perfect but were we not ment to be?

You and I, we made a firework. Perfectly perfect, like R2π yes the area of a circle, our circles, brought together, making one unity, an infinity.

I need to let go, I love you, you would have been mad at me, I'm sorry I still clung on, like fireworks all the emotions are exploding though me, everything rushes past me one last time before I have to let go of your hand
like a final goodbye, it really is over...I will miss you, watch me from above and greet me in my dreams...I will see you again in another lifetime
one.........two...........three, such a familiar melody. Have we met before?
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