The Family Dinner

L. Joe, My Secret Fiancé


Hana went home after meeting – or having a date with – Zico. She saw her mom and dad talking in the living room.

“Oh, Hana! You are here.” Mr. Kim said as he smiled at her and invited her to join them.

Hana nodded and immediately went to her parents who were both flashing her bright smiles. It has been a while since she had seen her parents smile at her like this.

One, they are busy.

Two, they are busy and have no time for her.

Three, they are busy.

So, Hana felt really overwhelmed that her parents finally had time to talk to her like this.

“How was school?” Mrs. Kim asked as soon as Hana sat beside her.

Hana smiled. “Fine, Mom. I am trying my best.” She replied happily.

Mrs. Kim beamed at her. “That’s good.” She said.

“How about being the President of the Student council?” Mr. Kim asked.

Hana smiled. “Everything’s smooth, dad. I am glad I have such supportive co-officers. We help each other a lot.” She replied.

Mr. Kim nodded. “That’s good. You are already building your character in working with others.” He said. “At least you will be able to get along well with your subordinates when you take over the company.” He beamed.

Hana smiled weakly. SO that was it. They are talking to her again because they want her to remember that she is taking over their company someday.

“Of course, dad.” She said sadly.

Just when she thought she will be able to connect to her parents after a long time, they come in with thoughts about the company still.

Mr. Kim sighed. “That is why we are having a dinner tomorrow night. Free your schedule.” He said.

Hana nodded and smiled. “Okay, dad.” She replied.

Mr. Kim looked at Hana. “Wear something nice. We will be meeting with the Lees.” He said.

Hana looked at her mother and her mother just smiled. “Okay, dad.” She replied as she stood up. “I’ve to do my homework.” She bowed before she left to her room.


“Byunghun, I have prepared your suit for tomorrow.” Mrs. Lee spoke as the family was eating dinner.

L. Joe looked at his mom questioning. “For what is that suit, Mom?” He asked.

His mom looked at his dad before she looked back at him smiling. “We have dinner tomorrow.” She said.

L. Joe nodded. “But do I really have to wear the suit? It’s just a dinner.” He whined.

Mrs. Lee smiled. “We have guests.” She said.

“Who?” L. Joe asked.

His dad coughed. “Well, we will be eating with the Kims tomorrow.” He said.

L. Joe nodded as he continued eating. “Okay.” He replied shortly in agreement. Well, he couldn’t do anything about that, could he?

His parents are always asserting that he should do this, that, those, these. For all of his life he has been following what his parents are saying. So, probably, L. Joe has been immuned to being submissive to their commands.

“You would be able to meet their beautiful daughter as well.” Mrs. Lee beamed.

L. Joe narrowed his eyes on his mom. “Mom, I already have Minji. She’s the most beautiful for me.” He replied.

His mom smiled. “I know. But you should meet other girls too, you know.” She said. “It’s not like you are going to marry Minji in the future.” She added.

L. Joe flinched. “I will. Someday.” He replied making his parents look at each other in urgency.

Mr. Lee coughed. “Son, you should know that nothing lasts forever.” He said, trying to ready his son to what will happen tomorrow night.

L. Joe raised his brow. “I know. But that doesn’t mean we won’t keep trying to make it happen.” He replied as he wiped mouth and stood up.

His parents looked alarmed at his sudden gesture.

L. Joe bowed politely. “I’ll be going, Mom and Dad. I have some homework to do.” He said as he walked to his room.

Mrs. Lee looked at Mr. Lee worried. “What will we do? How will he take what he will know tomorrow?” She asked, anxious.

Mr. Lee sighed and held Mrs. Lee’s hand. “He will make it. I know our son can do it.” He said as he looked at the direction L. Joe went.










“Babe, I’ll drive you home?” Zico asked Hana as they were walking hand in hand towards the parking lot.

Hana shook her head. “No need. The driver is about to pick me up because I’ll be heading straight to the family dinner.” She replied smiling.

Zico nodded. “Okay. Let’s wait for your driver then.” He said as he kissed the back of her hand.

Hana blushed automatically. Seriously, when Zico is being the sweet one, Hana couldn’t help but blush.

“Hey! You’re blushing again!!!!” Zico teased.  

Hana hit Zico’s arm lightly. “Aish! Why are you sweet sometimes?” She asked him casually making Zico laugh and hug her tight.

“Why are you so beautiful all the time?” He asked back making Hana hit him in his chest lightly.

“Ouch! Ouch!” He acted like he was really hurt. “That hurts, baby.” He frowned like a baby.

Hana chuckled as she massaged the point she hit.

Aigoo. These two.

However, their lovey-dovey moment stopped when Hana’s driver arrived.

“Oh, he’s here.” She beamed as she looked at Zico who was a bit disappointed. Well, he wanted to have more time with Hana. He even wants to live with her if possible. If he could just marry her now.

Zico held her hand and pulled her to a tight hug. “Bye, baby. Have fun in your dinner.” He whispered as he kissed her cheek.

Hana nodded. “Of course I would.” She beamed. “You take care of yourself too. Drive slowly.” She reminded.

Zico grinned and saluted. “Yes, Ma’am!” He replied. “Tell Aunt and Uncle I said hi.” He said.

Hana nodded. “Of course!” She beamed. “Bye, Jiho!” She kissed his cheek and waved.

Zico smiled and gave her his biggest wave as he watched his girl get in the car. He smiled to himself as he watched the car drive away. How lucky was he to have Hana? He doesn’t even think he deserves her.








Hana walked into the comfort room of the five-star hotel to change into her clothes. She was specially reminded by her mom to look really presentable when she comes to the dinner. Her mom said there are guests. The Lees she said.

“Who are those Lees anyway?” She mumbled as she fixed her hair in the comfort room.

“Are they very important for me to have to look decent?” She was putting on slight make up.

She sighed as she looked at herself. “I think this is good enough.” She said as she fixed her things. “I believe I am a decent-looking lady after all.” She chuckled to herself as she dragged her feet out of the rest room, going to the dinner area.

She walked in the huge hall and saw her mom and dad talking to a couple of their age.

She breathed deeply as she walked towards her parents.

Her mom saw her coming and stood up to welcome her. “Oh, Hana! You are here!” Mrs. Kim beamed at her. Hana smiled. “Come here. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Lee.” She beamed.

Hana bowed and greeted them politely.

“They are the owner of the Lee Group of Companies.” Mr. Kim said.

Hana smiled at them and nodded. Wow. These guys are big time. Well, they really are. The owner of the largest group of companies in Korea. That is pretty much overwhelming for a student like Hana.

“Nice to finally meet you, Hana.” Mrs. Lee said. “Your mom is right, you are really beautiful.” She said.

Hana smiled. “Thanks, Mrs. Lee.” She beamed.

“And respectful too.” Mr. Lee added making Hana bow at him. “I wonder what year you are in college.” He told you.

“I’m a senior in Seoul University, Mr. Lee.” Hana replied.

“Oh!” Mrs. Lee gasped. “Our son is senior as well in that same university.” She beamed.

Hana smiled. “Wow. I hope I know him.” She said.

Mrs. Lee laughed. “I’m certain you know him.” She replied.

Hana smiled. “I hope to meet him too, Mrs. Lee.” She said in courteousness.

Mrs. Lee smiled. “Of course you would meet him. He will come tonight.” She replied.

Hana smiled. “Well, I think that’s great!” She said. *I wonder how pressured their son is to inherit such a big company.* She thought as she smiled at them.

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Chapter 21: The title That Should Be Me remind me of Justin Bieber "le sang That Should Be Me" poor L.Joe
ItzJaeKay #2
Chapter 28: I still kinda slightly really wanted jiho... but damnnn.. okay next book
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 26: chappie 26: poor minji..... poor zico.......
but, i want ljoe and hana together!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 22: chappie 22: woow!!!
i can't believe l.joe said it straight to hana ........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 19: chappie 19: aigoo...............
they were so cute together.........
Chapter 27: Isn't too fast for them to say I love you's? Kyaaaaaa~ Moving on..........
Chapter 26: Awwwwwwwww.... :(
Chapter 25: O.M.G!!!! Here comes the drama!!!! How did he know?!
Chapter 22: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa! Lee Byunghun-ssi! Eottokke?! ♥
Chapter 21: KyAaaaaaa... L.Joe! Make up your mind!!!!