(Hair) Hair Tip

❀ Beauty's Amulet ❀

Hair is beauty too. Walk out the door and show off your silky hair~

Tips from way back, that our ancestors had used^^ Or maybe just a few years back.

Gorgeous Hair

1 | Camouflage roots by zigzagging your part rather than making it straight. February 1981

2 | Brush hair from roots to ends nightly. This distributes natural oils throughout the shaft and gives hair a healthy sheen. October 2005

3 | Be direct when telling your hairstylist what you want, and bring photos from magazines of styles you like. April 1971

4 | Doing your color yourself? Don’t make too drastic a change. Stay within one or two shades of your natural color. October 1955

5 | Comb wet hair like the pros: Hold a handful at a time and work from center to ends, then scalp to center. March 1963

6 | Never let a stylist interfere with the natural hairline on your neck. The hair there is cowlicklike and will stick out when it grows. February 1976

7 | Always rinse out conditioner (which should go on hair ends) with cold water to seal the cuticle and promote shine. September 2009

8 | Protect hair from sun damage with a scarf or hat. June 1938

9 | Keep a blowout lasting days longer by sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase. September 2009

10 | Change your part to boost body and volume. April 2010

11 | To fix hat-head, bend over and shake your head a few times. Then run fingers through hair to add volume. For even more body, mist a natural-bristle brush with hairspray, bend over and brush lightly from underneath. February 1990

12 | Avoid frizz: Use only a widetooth comb, especially when hair is dry. January 1940

13 | If you color your hair, look for sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, which don’t contain harsh detergents. September 2009

14 | Stop flyaway hair! Spray Static Guard on your comb or brush. Or smooth an antistatic dryer sheet along your head. February 1990

Read more: Home Beauty Tips - 75 Timeless Beauty Tricks - Woman's Day 

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Chapter 38: YAYYY! Your tips are the best!
Chapter 1: Can u explan how to make ? Number 6
Chapter 32: Also,I've re read all the chapters and something came to mind.Do you know how to make under eye bags dissapear.I think I have it but you can see some veins under my eyes too.It's been bothering me a lot since I have pale skin.Do you have problems with under eyes bags.I sleep a lot and take care of my health and what I eat but the visible veins under my eyes won't dissapear.
Please help. :(
Chapter 37: I actually heard about the first link but the other are new to me and i'm very interested to check it out.Thank you for the update and it's okay if you don't update that often.
I always come here every now and then to check if I'm doing the right thing. And sure enough my acne has gone down a bit and not that visible anymore.
abyxiu #5
I like this place
Its been so long since you updated
XOXO_Lee_Joon #6
Chapter 30: Please check out my blog too!
Chapter 10: http://www.h2oplus.com/home.do
I found this website that talks about all different kinds of skin. I hope this helps.