Kenta X Sanggyun (JBJ)

K-Pop Mpreg Moments
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"Come on, kids. Let's go home, yeah? We have laundry to do," Sanggyun directed as he started to clean up the trash that sat at their small table, "Donghan, Hyunbin, please help me."

"Okay, Daddy," Hyunbin chirped, the five-year-old, ever obedient and willing to help out his father. He had become even more so when he was told that his father was expecting another baby for their family of four, "I carry it to the trash can for you!" he almost shouted, small hands grasping for the tray that Sanggyun still had in his hands. 

Sanggyun smiled, his oldest son was so sweet and helpful. His four-year-old, on the other hand, was quite the handful and wasn't exactly disobedient, but he wasn't obedient either. He would rather do his own thing, "But, Daddy! I'm not finished!" Donghan protested, trying to scoop the last serving of rice on his platter into his mouth. He had recently started using chopsticks and he was still struggling, but he was getting there. He could still feed himself but always made a mess in the end. 

"Honey," Sanggyun sighed, reaching over to help his youngest son balance his food on his chopsticks, "You haven't touched your food in five minutes, why are you suddenly so worried about finishing?" he asked, gently guiding the decent amount of rice into his son's mouth. 

Once the rice was in his mouth, Donghan decided to speak again, "Because otousan always tells me it's bad to waste food. He says to eat every rice bean," he smacked his lips, trying to keep every grain in his mouth. Donghan had a very large mouth for a kid his age and it made him easier to sneak the desserts his father liked to make for the family. 

Sanggyun chuckled, "Rice bean? Where did you hear that?" he asked, grabbing a napkin to wipe the four-year-old's lips. His food was starting to slip out. 

"I don't know," he offered, reaching over and grabbing his cup of water with both hands to take a large gulp. Hyunbin had, luckily, not grabbed his cup and taken it to the trash yet, "Don't they look like beans, Daddy?"

Sanggyun looked at the last few grains sticking to the plate and scrunched his nose, "Not really... but you're very creative for thinking that, baby boy," he bent over and placed a kiss on his son's fluffy hair, black strands sticking up in small curls, "Wait, you don't even like beans, Donghan," he remembered, recalling every time he had made a dish with beans for dinner and the boy had refused to eat it. 

Donghan scrunched his nose, copying his father, "Rice is the only bean I like."

Sanggyun shook his head and smiled when Hyunbin returned with no tray in his hands, "I did it, Daddy!" he cheered, raising his hands in the air, searching for praise from his favorite person in the world. Sanggyun chuckled and reached out to hug his oldest son to which Hyunbin reciprocated, wrapping his little arms around his daddy's neck. 

"Then let's go," Sanggyun directed, pushing his chair back and standing up, "Baby is making me feel sick today," he was eighteen weeks pregnant with a girl but you couldn't tell that from the outside. Both Hyunbin and Donghan had been big babies and that was very evident from the moment they had been born, both already very tall and towering over their classmates. He was barely showing with this baby, but he was sure she would fill out sooner or later unless she took after Kenta's height. His hand splayed across his tiny bump and guided Donghan out of his seat, "Let's go home and wait for otousan to get home," he suggested, grabbing both of his son's hands and leading them out of the restaurant to the car. They lived fifteen minutes away and he was looking forward to laying down and taking a nap to sleep off the nausea he was feeling. 

Except, that didn't happen. As soon as he pulled into the driveway of their small house, he knew something was wrong. It was only until he walked up to their front door and noticed the broken window next to it that the ominous aura made sense. He had panicked and immediately picked up his boys and dragged them back to the car to think clearly and through what he was supposed to do. Someone had broken in, his view of the inside giving up enough evidence to see that their tv had been ripped from the wall and the silver candlesticks were missing from the bookshelf, gifts they had been given on his and Kenta's wedding day. He had no idea if the person who had robbed them was still there or if he was gone, armed or not, he had no clue and he was risking his children to find out himself. 

Inside the car again, Hyunbin and Donghan were asking a million questions at a mile a minute and Sanggyun honestly had no idea what to do. Even his daughter was stirring inside of him, sensing her father's distress. The first thing he could think of was calling Kenta, "Boys, I need you to calm down and keep quiet while I call otousan, okay?" his voice was shaking, anxiety and worry for his children's safety getting to him as he called Kenta. When the ringtone started, Sanggyun started his car again and backed out of the driveway to get further away from the house in case whoever it was the broke in came back. 

It took a missed call, almost a second call, and Sanggyun parking on the street for Kenta to answer. He was busy at work, so it made sense that it took a while for him to answer, but Sanggyun really needed to talk to him now, "Hey baby, why are you calling the office?" he asked, voice calm and collected. Sanggyun could practically see that crooked toothed smile that Kenta so famously wore. Kenta had been called several times before for his sons to talk to him and tell him about something that had happened, but that was always the house phone. It was new to find that Sanggyun was calling him directly on his cell. 

Sanggyun had stayed relatively calm until he heard his husband's voice, and then he broke down. Tears fell from his eyes and his voice cracked as a cry left his lips. Kenta's curiosity quickly turned to concern and before he could ask what was wrong, Sanggyun beat him to it, "K-Kenta, someone broke into the house. I-I d-don't know if they're still there or n-not, but I don't know what to-to do," he sniffled, furiously wiping at his eyes to rid them of tears. Hyunbin and Donghan grew scarily quiet and it seemed like not ever their breathing was present. It was that quiet. 

Sanggyun could hear Kenta swear over the phone and the rustling of him moving and running somewhere, presumably to his boss' office to explain what was going on. It took maybe 30 seconds before Kenta was speaking again, "Stay outside, stay in the car, I'm coming home. When I hang up, I need you to call the police and tell them what happened. Tell them it's an emergency, whether or not the bastard is s

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Chapter 27: Chapter 26 says cap and l joe from teen top but its not.
Chapter 94: Nahw, it's sad to see this book come to an end. But I have that too sometimes, it's your decision. I loved reading every single part of it :D
aanyaa #3
Chapter 94: It’s adorable. And you can always come back to it if you change your mind.
Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 93: Oh my my! Is this a Valentine gift especially for someone single like me
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I really really in love reading this ♡ My Hyungwonho! Thank you so much, love, for writing this and sharing with us! I miss them so so much and i can't believe you write them here finally.
I know I'm a little bit late but here I am! Thank you again. Love ya!
Chapter 93: Who needs a Valentine, when we have a lovely author-nim giving us some comfort food for our eyes to read? ;)
Chapter 94: This is so cutee
aanyaa #8
Chapter 94: Adorable. Really made me smile.
Chapter 92: This is so cute <3