
Scarlet Smile

“Dude look… Broadcasting accident…” Youngjae pointed to the Tv in the restaurant. It’s news about broadcasting accident that happened recently. “Ohh.. The variety show that was trying to reveal about out tokkies…?” Daehyun slurped his soup noodles and looked up to the Tv.


Youngjae grinned. “They lost their memories and when the show about to air they got nothing to talk about since Jokomato made them lost their memories and also they didn’t have an extra plan to cover up for everything…”

“Am I late…? Anyway did you guys watch the news…?” Junhong came. Both Youngjae and Daehyun nodded to him then they pointed to the Tv. “Ohh.. Hah.. Awesome!” Junhong sat down with them.


“Saw the news yet….?” Jongup asked Himchan. “Yeah… Poor them…” Himchan smirked. Then both of them walked in the restaurant and looked around. “Oyy~ Here~” Youngjae waved his hand to them.


“So what are you going to do to Haemi…?” Yongguk asked as he changed the TV channel. Jieun sat next to him with some chips. “I’ll wait for her next step first…” She stuffed . Yongguk took some chips from her. “Alright then…”


“Argh!! My dad was ruined!! She must have done something to everyone!! Ergh.. Song Jieun!!!” Haemi tear her pillow and made feathers came out of it. “I hate you!!!!”


Jieun walked through her school entrance gate. “Jieun~!!” Taeil ran to her. She grinned to him. “Where’s the others..?” She asked him. Taeil shrugged to him. “I’m super early today and I don’t even know why..” He made that stupid smile of him. “Anyway! You know what! I slowly got an improvement in my math! All thanks to you!”

Jieun held her hand out to him. Taeil made a blur face for a moment then he gave her a high 5. “Yaa! Hahaha! Not high 5 but pay me..” Jieun shook her head to him. Taeil tilted his head. “Pay you..? For what..?” He looked at her.

“For helping you improve in math..” She grinned to him. “Okay.. how much..?” He took his wallet out. Jieun laughed at him and pushed his wallet away. “Don’t pay me with money..” She smiled to him.


Taeil looked at her. “A kiss..?” He asked her. Jieun quickly took a few steps back. “Not that!!”


Myungsoo who was leaning at the tree laughed at them. “Then..?” Taeil asked her again with his blur face. Jieun smiled to him. “A secret…” She said it to him. “Secret..?” He asked while she nodded to him.


“Yaa! Jieun’ahh! Are you okay now..?” P.O and Jaehyo asked her. She frowned to them.  “I’m always okay..” She answered them with her blur face. Jaehyo went in front of her. “You’re such a good liar..” He pointed to her. P.O crossed his arms and nodded to him.


“Wh.. what.. When did I lie..?” She frowned to them. P.O stared at her. “Remember the day we met at the beach.. You seemed you got a problem that day..” P.O said and this time Jaehyo was nodding to him.


“Ahh.. Forget about that day.. I’m super fine now! Anyway! Did you guys finish the math questions I gave to you..?” She pointed to them one by one. “Ohh crap..” Both of them bite their lower lip. Jieun smiled to them. “You guys need some punishment..”

“Like what..? We’re not scared..” Both of them answered her. “Ohh yeah..? Yongguk’ahh!” Jieun said putting her hands to . “Ohh! Andhe! Arra! We’re sorry! We’ll finish it next time!!” Both of them begged and chased her but she ignored them and searched for Yongguk with a smiling face.


“She’s smiling a lot now..”


“She looks beautiful..”

“I kind of miss her..”

“Don’t you think it’s time we forgive her..?”


Haemi heard the other students talking about Jieun. She clenched her fist tight. L.Joe was walking passed by her. He stopped and took a few back steps. He looked at Haemi face. “Are you okay..?”

Haemi was silent. She didn’t even realize about the presence of L.Joe. “Haemi’ahh..” L.Joe held her shoulder. “Wae!!?” She glared and shouted to him. L.Joe was shock with her sudden anger.

“Ohh! L.Joe.. Miannhe!! I didn’t mean to..” She held both of his hands. “Chincha miannhe~” L.Joe shook his head to her. “It’s okay… but.. you’re okay..?” He asked. Haemi nodded to him. “I’m fine..” She smiled to him. “Let’s go to class..”


Suho looked around then he sighed. “Are you okay…?” Haemi asked him. He stayed silent. L.Joe and Myungsoo turned around and looked at them. “He’s not okay… Jieun didn’t came to class anymore.. She’s with those Block B Beast.. and Yongguk too..” L.Joe answered Haemi question.

“That’s her decision…” Myungsoo said leaning back to his chair. Suho rolled his eyes to him. “She’s breaking the school rule..” Suho said leaning back too. Haemi looked at him. “Yeah.. But.. Why the teachers didn’t take any action to her..?” Haemi crossed her arms.

“Because… She helped those monsters in study…” L.Joe said fixing his spectacle. Haemi looked at them. “What do you mean..?” She stared at him. L.Joe crossed his arms. “Their math and history are getting better than me.. She really did a good job in raising their marks…” L.Joe said amazed. Haemi face changed a little.



A teacher walked in making everyone blurrily looked at each other. Then they glared at the teachers. Jieun stood up. “Good morning…” She bowed. The teacher smiled to her and told her to sit down.

“It must be weird that a teacher suddenly came into your class… But don’t worry.. I’m not going to teach you guys…” The teacher smiled while Jieun made a blur face and the others were having a glad face on.

“I came to congratulate Jieun for helping you guys in studies… And also to congratulate Zico, Kyung and Junhyung…” Everyone looked at the three of them while the tree of them stared at the teacher. “Here…”

The teacher handed out an exam answered sheet. “You guys passed in English too.. And you guys even got 80 plus and above…”

“Woah!!!!” Everyone looked at them. Jieun laughed and clapped her hands. “Congratulation… You did this…” Yongguk lean closer to her and whispered to her. Jieun smiled to him. “You guys should thank her…” said the teachers before leaving.

“Sam!” said one of them when the teacher was already at the door. The teacher looked at the one who was calling out for him. It was P.O. “Yes…?” P.O looked down to his fingers in silent. “What is it…?” The teacher asked again. “Can you send one science teacher for us…” P.O said shy.

Everyone looked at him. “Yaa.. What do you think you’re doing…” U Kwon glared to him. “I… I slowly grew fond in studying… And everyone’s … All of us in science… Even Jieun…”

“He’s right!” Jieun said standing up with a smile. “So sam… Can you pick a really special science teacher only for us… We’ll study hard and pass in all subject… Right everyone!?” She looked at them.

“No…” but it seemed like Zico and some of them don’t like the idea of having a teacher in their class. “Ohh come on guys!” Jieun pouted sadly. “Guys… Let’s do this…” Everyone turned their head to Yongguk. He grinned. “Fine…” They answered them.


The teacher smiled to them. “Alright… Don’t you worry… I’ll find a really special teacher just for you guys…” The teacher waved to them before walking out of their class. “I still don’t like this idea…” said Zico starring at P.O. “Why you guys don’t like teachers…?” Jieun asked. Everyone was silent. Hyun Seung leaned back to his chairs.


“We got a bad memory with some teachers in this school… Don’t even wanna talk about it…” said Hyun Seung. “Ohh… Then forget about it and move on! I’m sure this time we’ll make awesome memories! Right Yongguk…?” Jieun smiled and looked at Yongguk. Yongguk grinned and nodded to her. Zico looked away. “Tch.. This girl…” He smiled.


“Class… From now on Jieun and Yongguk won’t study with us anymore… We decided to let them stay with Block B Beast…” Everyone dropped their jaws and opened their eyes wide. “Jieun did a really good job helping them in studies… She was like an angel sent just for them… and Yongguk the knight who will always support and protect her… And so we decided to let them stay there and help the others…”


Suho sighed. L.Joe turned and looked at him. “It’s getting harder for us…” He said to Suho. Myungsoo smirked to them. “Just give up…” Haemi looked at Jieun old seat. “That …” She whispered to herself. {Even the teachers like her now…}

Accidentally, L.Joe heard her. He stared at Haemi. {What did I just heard… Or I got problems with my ears… Haemi… cursed… to who…?} L.Joe looked at where she was staring at and it was Jieun old seat. {Jieun…?}


“We’re walking home today…” Jieun looked at Yongguk. Yongguk flicked her forehead. “Aww! What was that…?” She looked at him. “You already forgot the reason why I was late earlier huh…” Yongguk stared at her. “ahh! Right! Your bike is sick again… ehee…” She smiled stupidly to him.


Yongguk looked away and smiled. “Should we go somewhere before reaching home…?” Yongguk said looking up at the sky. Jieun looked up at the sky too. She smiled and both of them looked at each other.

“The weather looks good today…” Jieun grinned to Yongguk. “Let’s grab some ice cream and hang out at the park…” Jieun suggested to him. Yongguk nodded and about to held her hand when suddenly…….

“We’re joining you guys!” Suho and L.Joe came out of nowhere. Yongguk made an annoyed face while Jieun stared at Suho who was standing beside her. She looked around but she can’t find Haemi and Myungsoo.

“What are you doing…? Let’s go!” Suho grabbed her hand lead her. Jieun stared at him. “What do you think you’re doing!” Yongguk pulled her hand away from his. Suho ignored him. “Nice whether today…” L.Joe said.



“Yaa… Your favorite flavor is still vanilla right…?” Suho held a vanilla ice cream in front of Jieun. She stared at him. “Here…” Yongguk handed her the ice cream and lead her to the cashier. Suho smiled and followed them. “Count this too~” Both L.Joe and Suho put the ice cream next to Yongguk’s and Jieun’s.


Yongguk and Jieun glared at them. “What…?” L.Joe said while Suho walked out already.

“Hmm… When was the last time we hang out together like this…?” Suho said to Jieun then he his ice cream. “Myungsoo aren’t with us but Yongguk here so it felt like how we were back then…” L.Joe said.


“Shut up… Don’t even compare me with one of you…” Yongguk said. He held Jieun hand and walked further from them. Suho and L.Joe looked at each other and smiled. “Wait for us!” L.Joe said catching up. “We’re supposed to walk together!” Suho ran to them too.


They soon reached the park and decided to sit down on the grass. “Stop following us…” Jieun finally spoke. “I won’t… We won’t…” L.Joe sat next to Yongguk while Suho sat next to Jieun who was sitting next to Yongguk.

“Jieun’ahh… Let’s forget about everything and become friends again uhh…?” Suho looked at her. Jieun looked straight to playground. Yongguk looked at Jieun. {I knew this day will come…} Suho held his hand out to her.

“I’m Kim Suho… Let’s be good friend…” Jieun looked at him who was looking back at her with a smile. “And I’m Lee Byunghyun but you can just call me L.Joe…” L.Joe leaned to the front and waved at her.

Jieun sighed. “One condition…” She said making Yongguk looked down to his fingers. Suho and L.Joe waited for her condition. “If something happen between me and Haemi you guys should just shut up and don’t meddle in including Myungsoo…” Jieun looked so serious.


Suho and L.Joe became silent. “I’m not sure… Both of you are our friends…” said Suho. Jieun stood up. Yongguk and the others looked up to her. “Then don’t even try to be friend with me again… Let’s go Yongguk…”

“Aeish! Arrasoe!!” Suho held her hand. He looked up to her in a serious way. Jieun was locked in his eyes. “Just come back and be friend with us again… uhh…?” Jieun looked away. “Promise first…”

Suho pulled her hand and linked his pinky finger to hers. “Promise..” He smiled to her. Jieun blushed. She pulled her hand and looked away. “Great!” Suho grinned and looked at Yongguk. Yongguk rolled his eyes and looked away.


Haemi was alone in the class. Everyone went home already and she actually saw Suho and L.Joe chased Jieun and Yongguk. Suho and L.Joe were smiling. Haemi sat to Jieun old seat and clenched her fist. “I can’t stand this anymore.. Jieun! You !” She hit the table.

Myungsoo leaned to their classroom door. He looked at his nails then sighed.






I think this is a boring chapter.. Sorry.. *look down*
Wait! Jieun asked Taeil about a secret.. What secret..?
Jieun and Yongguk end up staying in the same class with Block B Beast..
Suho and L.Joe made their move.. Uuu~ Yongguk seemed jealous~
Haemi said something when she was alone..

Do you think Myungsoo heard her..? He knew everything..?


Prettysunhwa - Annyeong!! Yep~ Shishi was saved but they went to Planet Mato already..
baby_eunkyura - I'm sorry but there's no Jieun vs Haemi scene in this chapter.. but in the next chapter.... hohoho~ Just wait arra~? Haemi found out about everything and was very frustated!! Hahaha! 
Panda3093 - Woah! Panda'shi!! Daebak!! Hahaha!! Seriously I like your comment.. Thumbs up!! Hm.. Myungsoo like Haemi..? Hmm.. Maybe we'll see what happen in the next chapter.. X3 Hohoho.. She might or might not end up like how Jieun exprienced.. Alone and lonely~ 

As soon as I ended my exam my family went to a holiday trip away from my country.. 
and stupid me I forgot to bring my lapop.. Shishimato should just slapme.. XD
and also.. WELCOMETO MY NEW SUBSCRIBER~ You guys are such a silent reader.. X) 


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smileondesy #1
Chapter 29: OOOHHHHH FINALLLLLYYY~ Both are met by the fate, I mean, by Be_Happy authornim LOL =))
Chapter 29: Welcome back :-):-):-)
I liked it :-):-):-)
Chapter 29: Sarang!!!!!!! What is this sorcery of plot twist yoou speak of? *Author.nim starts walking.away slowly* authornim get back here, this isnt over, dont walk away slowly!
Chapter 29: That was a really good chapter!! What do you mean twisted plot?!? Should I be worried? lol :P
Chapter 28: Yah! Yongguk, someone is kissing your girl. Where the hell are you when she needs you?
Suho, between us I should step back if I were you. That kiss is not okay.
And Authornim, you are forgiven. I really like this chapter. drama~ ;D
Chapter 28: I dont like suho in this story -_-)/ yongguk pls come back ; u ;
Chapter 28: i miss you so authornim <333

oh no... dont... jieun is youngguk's
dont kiss her :(
Chapter 28: OKAY!!!!! THE HELL GIRL!!!! thats a super huge NO.. Its BANGSONG 4 EVERRRR <3<3<3
coward or not my gukkiee is sensitive give him some time..
well honestly that wasn't my favourite chapter *sigh* hope she rejects him (although I like suho but not in this story)
keep the hard work authornim :-):-)
baby_eunkyura #9
Chapter 28: Shishimato!!! Wht do u mean?? Is Yongguk really late, ???!!? :""'( No, HE CAN'T. He is belong to Jieun. And Jieun is always YONGGUK'S. Oh my god Yongguk ! Why r u soooo make me crazy??! >< You said that u r love Jieun, but why r u disappear from her ?? Why r u disappear?? T__T Okey stop now Yongguk ! Go catch Jieun and make her happy again ! You can't always like this ! >< And thanks authornim, u r bring back shishimato. Shishi, help Yongguk ! Help Yongguk to confess his feeling toward Jieun and make them official, please ! Jieun, open your eyes! There is still Yongguk waiting for you ! Don't give up. Always happy with shishi ! Authornim, u always the best! I'll wait for ur another daebak chapter ! ♥