
Scarlet Smile



“Guys.. This is Jieun.. Jieun this is Hyosung, Eunji, Gayoon, Hoya, Gi Kwang and of course you already know Himchan and Jongup right..” Jieun nodded and waved her hand to everyone awkwardly. “Yaa.. Your girlfriend..?” Hyosung whispered to Yongguk. “Soon.. Maybe..” He stuck his tongue out. “Hai guys!” Junhong, Daehyun and Youngjae walked to them. “And they are..?” Eunji asked.


“Junhong, Daehyun and Youngjae..” Himchan said pointing to them one by one. “Ohh yaa.. Guys.. Zico and the others are just over there..” Yongguk pointed to them not far from their place. “Chincha!!” Gi Kwang asked and quickly speed away to them. “Doo Joon’ahh! Jun Hyung’ahh! Hyun Seung’ahh!!” Everyone laughed at him. “I guess we got to greet them too..” Hoya said to Himchan. “Of course.. Let’s go..”


“Are you sure you’re okay..?” Yongguk looked at Jieun. “I’m…. fine.. Maybe..” She said looking down. Both Yongguk and Shishimato sighed. Yongguk pulled Shishimato out and gave him to Jieun. Shishimato stared at Yongguk. “What..? You want to stay in my bag all day long and don’t bother to look around..?” Shishimato ignored him and looked around. “It’s pretty…”


“Jieun’ahh!” Eunji pulled her. “Ehh! Your stuffed animal looks the same like Himchan’s!!” Hyosung showed her Tatsmato. Jieun laughed at her. {That stupid Himchan! He dare leave me and let this earthling held me!} Tatsmato acted like a doll. “This one belong to Yongguk.. I made it for them.. Youngjae, Daehyun, Jongup and Junhong have one too..” Jieun pointed to them. {Jieun.. Did she just cover me..?} Tatsmato looked at her. “Chincha!! Make one for me too!” Hyosung said excited.


“Me too!!” Eunji wanted one too. Gayoon sighed at them. “Don’t burden her guys..” Jieun awkwardly laughed at them. “I’ll.. Find some time.. To make it..” Yongguk smiled looking at them. {Finally getting some girlfriends huh..} Yongguk was glad for her. Eunji pulled Jieun to the beach making Jieun threw Shishimato to Yongguk. “Wait for me!!” Hyosung threw Tatsmato back to Himchan bag and ran to them. “That earthling!” Yongguk and Shishimato laughed at Tatsmato who was rubbing his .


They played together. “1.. 2.. Jump!! 1.. 2.. Jump!!” They jumped over the wave for a few times and laughed when Hyosung almost fell. Eunji looked at Hyosung signaling something to her. Hyosung smirked and nodded. “Ohh no..” Gayoon said as she grabbed Jieun hand. “Wae..?” Jieun looked at her when suddenly Eunji and Hyosung pulled them dragging them in the water. “Push them!” Gayoon said and both of them immediately pushed Eunji and Hyosung in the water. “Wargh!! Yaa! Eunji let’s revenge!! Buahaha!”


Jieun ran away with Gayoon as Hyosung and Eunji were attacked them by splashing water. {This is fun…} Jieun smiled as she looked back for Eunji and Hyosung. They keep on running and chasing. When suddenly Jieun stopped running and looked down. “What’s wrong..?” Gayoon looked at her. Eunji and Hyosung approached her. “Did you step on something..?” Eunji held her arm. She shook her head. Hyosung looked at her. “Omo! You’re crying!! Wae!? Kenchanna Jieun’ahh!?”


Jieun wiped her tears as she was smiling to them. “Creepy! Are you okay Jieun’ahh…?” Eunji held her arm. “I’m okay! I just miss my old friend.. We used to hang out a lot..” She wiped her tears one last time and smiled at them. “You didn’t hang out with her anymore..?” Gayoon asked. Jieun shook her head. “She died few years ago..”, “Akk.. I’m sorry..”


“It’s okay..” She grinned to them when suddenly Hyosung jumped at her and both of them fell in the water. “OMG! Hyosung!” Gayoon and Eunji got shock with what she just did. Jieun wiped her face and looked at Hyosung. “You can hang out with us then! We can be best friend!!” Hyosung hugged her. “Me too!!” Eunji joined them in the water and hugged Jieun too. Then all of them looked at Gayoon. “Ohh no…… Wargh!” The three of them pulled her in the water. “Ergh..” Gayoon sat and wiped her face while the other three laughed at her.


“Ohh! Here I come!!!!” They turned their head to the voice and saw Gi Kwang running over them. “Ohh no.. Gi Kwang no!! Don’t do it!!” They shouted at Gi Kwang but he ignored them and jumped in the water making it splashed at everyone. Gi Kwang then laughed at himself. “Awesome!” Hoya and Himchan walked to them with a ball in their hand. Jieun looked around for Yongguk. He was walking to them with Jongup, and Daehyun.


“Ohh.. I guess I’ll be the one looking over for their things..” Junhong said looking at their things. Totomato looked at him then he looked at Junhong’s friend things like bag, carpet, basket and so on. “They’re having fun..” Youngjae said as he took his book out. Junhong nodded to him as he was looking at everyone playing in the water. “Aren’t you joining them..?” Junhong asked. Youngjae shook his head then he showed Junhong his novel. “Got to finish this..” He said making Junhong nodded to him.


“Aren’t you joining them..?” Youngjae asked. Junhong pointed at their things. “I’ll take care of it.. You go on and play with everyone..” Junhong looked at Youngjae. His eyes were like ‘chincha?’. Youngjae laughed and nodded to him. “Wanna join me..?” Junhong said to Totomato. “Of ourse!!” Totomato said excited and pulled Dadamato along with him. “Where are you guys going!?” Tatsmato and Shishimato asked in the same time.


Totomato and Dadamato pointed to the sea. “I’m coming along!” Shishimato said when suddenly Kekemato ran passed him as fast as lightning. “What was that… He was that excited..?” Youngjae looked at Kekemato dashing away. Junhong laughed as he hugged those three, Totomato, Dadamato and Shishimato.


“Aren’t you going..?” Youngjae looked at Jokomato and Tatsmato. “I’ll go if you go..” Jokomato said being a loyal toki. Tatsmato looked at him. “Since when did you become so loyal to human!?” Tatsmato stared at him. Jokomato just shrugged to him. Tatsmato looked away feeling annoyed. He then looked at everyone in water.


The others were playing Water-Volley Ball while Junhong with those Matoki were a little distance from everyone since he wanted to avoid human looking at them. “Woah.. this is fun and relaxing..” Dadamato said as he was lying on water, floating around looking up to the sky. “How did you do that..?” Totomato asked. When suddenly Kekemato passed by him doing the same thing as what Dadamato was doing.


Totomato scratched his head as he was looking at them. Shishimato put his head underwater and looked at things under the water. He pulled his head out. “OMG… There’s a living thing under this water..” He said looking at Totomato making Junhong laughed at him. Totomato dived and after a few second he came out with something in his hand. “Monster!” He showed it to Shishimato making Shishimato about to shoot a laser to that thing when Junhong grabbed it.


“Hahahaha! It’s not a monster guys.. It’s just a clamp..” Junhong said and putting it back in the water after he was finishing his laugh. “But I saw it opening itself in the water..” Totomato said making Junhong laughed at him. Shishimato stared at him. “You guys are so funny and cute!”




“That was fun..” Jieun said smiling as she sat next to Yongguk. Yongguk looked at her. “Really..?” She looked away. “Urm… yeah…” Yongguk sighed and looked to the sea. “But I can clearly see that you’re avoiding all the guys when we were playing Water Volley Ball..” Jieun stayed silent and hugged her knees.


“Ice cream in daa house!!!!” Gi Kwang said running with Hoya. “Yeay! Ice cream!!” Hyosung and Eunji ran to them. Yongguk looked at them. “Want some ice cream..?” He asked to Jieun. “Sure..” She looked at him and smiled. Yongguk get up and get some ice cream for them.


Daehyun looked around and frowned. “Where’s Kekemato…?” He looked at Youngjae. “Probably still playing with Junhong…” Daehyun frowned. “Guys!! Dadamato is missing!!” Jongup ran up to them. “He’s with Junhong too..” Youngjae said looking up to the worried Jongup. “Chincha.. Where are they..?” Jongup looked around. “Maybe still in water..?”


“Hai guys~!” Junhong came with Totomato, Dadamato, Kekemato and Shishimato. Both Daehyun and Jongup looked at them. “Where have you been!?” Daehyun asked as Jongup was hugging Dadamato. “Buying ice cream for this guys..” Junhong said as sat down next to Youngjae. “Yeah.. Like you will buy one for me..” Kekemato said crossing his arms. “It’s really yummy Tatsmato!” Totomato said happily while Daehyun looked down to Kekemato. “If you want you can ask for it!”


Tatsmato glanced away. “Whatever…” Then he looked at the others not far from them. Himchan walked to him with ice cream in his hand. “Yaa.. Want to try this..?” He said as he bent down to Tatsmato. Totomato starred at Tatsmato. “Erm.. No thanks..” Tatsmato crossed his hands while Totomato chuckled at him and walked away.




Hoya his ice cream. Jieun looked at him making him smiled at her. Jieun looked at Hoya in horror.


That guy held her hand and looked at her as he his lips.


Hoya looked at her. “What’s wrong Jieun…?” Hoya walked to her. “No!! Don’t come closer!!” Everyone looked at Jieun. “Jieun’ah! Kenchanna!?” Hoya threw his ice cream and went to check on her. “Go.. away!! Please..” Jieun cried as she held her head down. Yongguk was throwing his ice cream stick away when he saw everything and rushed to Jieun. “Jieun’ah! It’s me!”


“Yongguk’ahh!! I’m scared!!” She hugged him and cried making the others looked at each other. Bam! Hyosung smacked Hoya head. “Aww!” Hoya rubbed his head and looked at her. “What did you do to her!?” Hyosung glared at him. “Nothing!!” While Yongguk was patting her back Jieun cried in his arms. “Kenchanna… It’s only Hoya.. Look..” Jieun shook her head in tears. “Jieun.. Look at him.. It’s Hoya…” Jieun slowly opened her eyes as she held Yongguk hand tight.


“Say sorry to her..” Eunji said hitting Hoya shoulder. “What…? What did I do..?” Hoya frowned to her. “Just say sorry!” Hyosung said. “Jieun’ah… I’m sorry… Did I look like a ghost just now..?” Jieun shook her head in silent while her hand was still holding on tight to Yongguk. Himchan came back with Shishimato and Tatsmato in his hand. “What’s wrong..?” Himchan asked putting down Tatsmato and Shishimato. Yongguk grabbed Shishimato and gave him to Jieun.


Gayoon stared at her. Gi Kwang looked at Gayoon and back to Jieun then back to Gayoon again. “What’s in your head..?” Gi Kwang asked her. She glared at him. “None of your business…” Gayoon turned and walked away. Gi Kwang looked at her and frowned. “Another weird girl.. Sometimes she’s nice and friendly.. but then.. she’s cold and emotional too… Hmph..” Gi Kwang scratched his head.


“Looks like something’s not right over there..” Youngjae said as he was walking with the others to Yongguk. Yongguk held Jieun hand and her other hands was holding Shishimato hand. “Breath in.. and out…” Jieun followed what he told her to do. “Now remember… I’m here… Shishimato’s here.. No one will hurt you and we won’t let them hurt you.. Remember that…” Jieun nodded to him. She looked up and smiled. “Okay! She’s fine now so let’s party!! BBQ time!!” Gi Kwang said excited. Eunji and Hyosung walked to Jieun and sat next to her.




Gayoon was walking around the beach, lost in her mind when suddenly someone pushed. “Argh!!” She was about to fell but that person hugged her. Gayoon pushed that person and turned. “Doo Joon you idiot!! What if I fell!!?” Doo Joon smirked to her. “Then I’ll fell with you!” He hugged her and made both of them fell in the water. Gayoon wiped her face and looked at him. “Uhh.. You idiot! I just change my cloths!!”


“I’m sorry baby~” He pinched her cheeks happily. “You doesn’t look sorry to me!!” Gayoon pinched his cheeks too. “Let my cheeks go..” Doo Joon said as his face changed. “I’m hurting too so let’s both let go together on the count of 3…” Gayoon suggested which Doo Joon agreed to. “1… 2… 3!!” Gayoon let go but not Doo Joon and pinched her cheeks harder. “Aww!!” Doo Joon then let her go. “Hahaha!! That’s a punishment!” Gayoon glared at him. “For what!!?”


Doo Joon didn’t answer her instead he stood up and pulled her out of the water. “When Gi Kwang and the other came to us earlier why didn’t you come along when you know I’m here along with Hyun Sung and Jun Hyung…” Doo Joon starred at her. Gayoon stuck her tounge out. “I wanted you to come to me…” She smiled and ran away. “Yaa! Wait! I’m not done with my punishment!!” Doo Joon chased her. Zico and the others saw them. “Hmm.. Lovers~”




Tatsmato crossed his arms. Shishimato looked at him. “What’s with the long face..?” Tatsmato said nothing. {I want the thing that Himchan ate earlier… but Totomato was looking at me… Grr… When can I taste that thing…} Jieun sat with Hyosung and Eunji but she can’t stop looking for Yongguk if he was out of her sight. “Jieun’ahh.. Do you like Yongguk…?” Hyosung said so suddenly making Jieun looked at her. She stay silent for a moment.. “Do I… like Yongguk…?” She said as she looked at Yongguk. 








Guys! I'm back! Sorry for making you guys took a long wait for Scarlet Smile! *bow*
Jieun finally got some girl friends but she still can forget about what have happen to her..
The Matokis and Junhong are cute like usual~ I just love it how Kekemato runs to the water more excited than Shishimato and how Shishimato and Totomato found some 'monster' and also how Tatsmato wanted to eat the ice cream.. XD
There's a little DooYoon part in here.. Anyone ship them..?

Wait! Why is Haemi so silent...?
Did Suho, Myungsoo and L.Joe knew about her evil plan..?
Will Jieun recover from her trauma..?
And what about Jieun's feeling to Yongguk...?


OMG!! I can't believe this.. I got 30 subscriber all together...? Thank you.. Thank you.. *bow*
For some people 30 is only a small amount of numbers.. but that 30 means a lot to me!! Thank you guys! *bow*
Once again thank you and I'm so sorry for not updating recently.. I'm having my exam.. My exam only ends on December 4.
So to my new readers... I hope you enjoy my fanfic.. *bow*


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smileondesy #1
Chapter 29: OOOHHHHH FINALLLLLYYY~ Both are met by the fate, I mean, by Be_Happy authornim LOL =))
Chapter 29: Welcome back :-):-):-)
I liked it :-):-):-)
Chapter 29: Sarang!!!!!!! What is this sorcery of plot twist yoou speak of? *Author.nim starts walking.away slowly* authornim get back here, this isnt over, dont walk away slowly!
Chapter 29: That was a really good chapter!! What do you mean twisted plot?!? Should I be worried? lol :P
Chapter 28: Yah! Yongguk, someone is kissing your girl. Where the hell are you when she needs you?
Suho, between us I should step back if I were you. That kiss is not okay.
And Authornim, you are forgiven. I really like this chapter. drama~ ;D
Chapter 28: I dont like suho in this story -_-)/ yongguk pls come back ; u ;
Chapter 28: i miss you so authornim <333

oh no... dont... jieun is youngguk's
dont kiss her :(
Chapter 28: OKAY!!!!! THE HELL GIRL!!!! thats a super huge NO.. Its BANGSONG 4 EVERRRR <3<3<3
coward or not my gukkiee is sensitive give him some time..
well honestly that wasn't my favourite chapter *sigh* hope she rejects him (although I like suho but not in this story)
keep the hard work authornim :-):-)
baby_eunkyura #9
Chapter 28: Shishimato!!! Wht do u mean?? Is Yongguk really late, ???!!? :""'( No, HE CAN'T. He is belong to Jieun. And Jieun is always YONGGUK'S. Oh my god Yongguk ! Why r u soooo make me crazy??! >< You said that u r love Jieun, but why r u disappear from her ?? Why r u disappear?? T__T Okey stop now Yongguk ! Go catch Jieun and make her happy again ! You can't always like this ! >< And thanks authornim, u r bring back shishimato. Shishi, help Yongguk ! Help Yongguk to confess his feeling toward Jieun and make them official, please ! Jieun, open your eyes! There is still Yongguk waiting for you ! Don't give up. Always happy with shishi ! Authornim, u always the best! I'll wait for ur another daebak chapter ! ♥