Karma Giveaway #4 (10.07.17)

Shoes of a Unicorn Writing Contest | Round Eleven | Closed for Judging

Giveaway #4 (10.07.17)
Hi everyone! Today is the fourth karma giveaway! This should've happened a few weeks ago, but I've been swamped with schoolwork and midterms, so I haven't had a chance to do it until now. Anyway, let's start!
So first off, we hit 77 upvotes and 283 subscribers! That means our fourth checkpoint was reached!
Now to see what the lucky number is!
Our lucky number! Subscriber number 126!
I won't be doing counts for any numbers over 100 (because it's excessive), so I hope you all can just trust me on this, haha.
Here is the winner of the fourth giveaway of the Shoes of a Unicorn Writing Contest! Congratulations to PandaLover11! Your 70 karma points will be gifted now! To everyone else, there will be more of these in the future and of course, the most important thing to remember is that the big prizes are still waiting for you all to send in your entries! Have a lovely day and continue writing!

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Chapter 57: You owe us no explanation at all. But, it's really kind of you to do so. Everyone's been going through a storm of reality right now. Currently, my grandmother is in the hospital with stage 3 cancer. Although there isn't a "great" time for anyone to fall ill, now is an especially awful time. Please don't neglect your personal healing for the sake of this contest! My heart is with you, Emily :)
Chapter 57: Take all the time you need! Health and personal life come first and that's perfectly fine. No need to apologize. 😊
I hope you can get some rest, and don't forget to take care of yourself. 💕
Chapter 57: Hey, Emily. I'm so sorry to hear about the losses in your family. My condolences. I was getting worried as well when I haven't heard from you in a while. Thank you for the update and there's no need for the apologies, my friend. Family and real life comes first. I hope you're doing well too! Take care, and have fun reading the rest of the entries!

P.S. That quote at the end definitely holds true. Hang in there. <3
Chapter 46: Hello! MX Castle: Monerosia is now completed. Thanks again for granting me the extension. I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Chapter 46: Hi, I've completed my story on December 15th :D thank you so much!
Chapter 56: Hi! My story is now complete :)
Chapter 56: Hello there! I just wanna ask if I am still qualified to this contest? Sorry for the late reply when you asked me to uncheck the subs access.

I hope I gt a response from you. ;)
Chapter 56: Hello~ I just unchecked the subs access only from my entries. Apologies for the lateness. I kept forgetting to do so when I was on the computer. I hope you enjoy reading everyone's entries. Good luck with the judging and to those who entered!
Chapter 56: Hello there, just dropping by to say that I get so giddy whenever I see this story thread updated even if I didn't join the competition. I would love to be a part of round 12! I only hoped that I discovered this way earlier. What I'm trying to say is, thank you for hosting this contest. Aff community is fun with the likes of you. ♡