Strawberry Kiss


Everyone had their own special moment with Key, all but Minho. And it was driving him crazy.


Not one of my best works, but since I churned it out, here it is >< Do pardon the awkwardness of the running of this story!

Silent readers, do comment (:


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23elevens #1
Nedy90 - i believe so too xD hee, thank you! ^^<br />
NhiAngela - I love minkey too and will of course write more for them <: check out my newest series, Love Me Whenever, there will be minkey ^^
haha.. diva key owns all member..<br />
but he's urs,minho ah..<br />
so happy for minkey.<br />
this is cute
23elevens #3
@not_me heh! I glad I intrigued you enough to read it (: thanks! <br />
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Patzmelody01 - thank you! I do like fluff SHINee stories ^-^ btw, do you happen to have a livejournal account? :o <br />
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Kolpupanda - phew, I'm glad you liked it! I'll write better stories in time to come, I just need ideas *-*
kolpupanda #4
you're very welcome!!!<br />
Thanks a lot for making a happy MinKey story! I'm so touched...... :')<br />
omo, that was really fun to read!!! I love it <3 so much!!!!<br />
Saranghae!!! <br />
It was great, it ain't boring at all!!!!!!!!<br />
HWAITING!!!!!! <3
Aw. This was so sweet! <br />
<3<br />
ahaha, minkey. I barely read fics with this pair..<br />
I like this story!
23elevens #7
@Sweetpoison - Thank you, glad you liked it! (:
SweetPoison #8
So cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ I love this storyyy~