The Ladybug of the Cheonggyecheon Stream

Agent & Dr. C

“Dr. Park I’m disappointed,” interrupted Sooyoung. “You’re wrong,” she coldly said, looking away from the file, in her hands towards her intern. “The results of the toxicology test just came back. She was administered the drug and consequently was ,” announced Sooyoung, closing the file and regaining her seat. A heavy silence took over the room, after Sooyoung’s announcement, at the exception of Kyuhyun grumbling. Luna drew her fingers in a tight fist and pushed her nails into her skin letting the pain compensate for her anger.

“It’s your fault,” accused Luna, starring at Sooyoung, with incredulity. “You tampered the evidence,” she accused. Sooyoung’s delicate lips formed a small round, in surprise. She looked over at her intern and then at the two police officers that looked just as surprised as she was. The teacher proudly straightened her back, before speaking.

“Dr. Park, who are you to accuse me of tampering my own evidence? I left more than enough for you to realize there was a ual encounter and that the aggressor ed several times. Besides, you should’ve noticed the forced entry marks. Do not blame me for your mistakes,” scolded Sooyoung. “Now, you can either apologize or leave the room and get taken off the case,” threaten Sooyoung, giving her intern a cold look. Luna clenched her fists even harder before loosening them and getting up. Sunny let out an inaudible gasp, anticipating the worst. She had never seen an intern rebel against its superior. To their surprise, the intern bowed deeply and begged for forgiveness. After a long pause, Sooyoung accepted the apology and signalled to Luna to take her seat again.

“So, she was ?” asked Kyuhyun, pretending the showdown between the two doctors hadn’t occurred.

“She was,” confirmed Sooyoung. “And I think I know how.”

“How?” he demanded, pulling his chair closer to the table, waiting for answers to his questions.    

“It was the drug,” declared Sooyoung, interlocking her fingers and placing them on the file.

“But, I thought the drug didn’t kill people. It just put them to sleep,” reasoned Sunny, shaking her head.

“In theory yes, Agent Lee,” replied Sooyoung. “But in some cases it’s lethal. Especially when the person administrating it is a novice and when it’s mixed with high levels of alcohol.”

“What do you mean?” asked Kyuhyun, his chin, in wonder.

“What I’m trying to say is that the high levels of the drug that were administered combined with the already high levels of alcohol, in the victim’s blood, are the cause of death. Both substances combined created a lethal cocktail.”

“And this was done by someone who was new to the drug?” inquired Kyuhyun, who was now taking notes of the new information.

“Well, anybody who knows the drug well enough knows that combined with high levels of alcohol the victim’s heart rate drops dangerously low. And, like Dr. Park said,it is like going to sleep, except you never wake up. It’s ironically a very peaceful way to die,” gloomed Sooyoung, playing with her fingernails. Kyuhyun looked at Sooyoung thoughtfully before speaking.

“You’re absolutely sure about this?”

“Positive,” replied Sooyoung. “The science and the evidence corroborate this conclusion. Add the images on the CCTV, of her being in a lethargic state, and you have a case,” said Sooyoung, pointing at the CCTV’s images. “Our killer probably didn’t know his victim was going to die. He most likely learned it like the rest of the world this morning.”

“Making it very suspicious if he suddenly disappeared for no reason,” finished off Kyuhyun, scribbling something on his notepad. “Sunny we need to ID this guy A.S.A.P. I know it’s late and it’s Friday, but…”

“I’m on it,” replied Sunny, getting up, and quickly gathering her belongings.

“You might want to get some help from my artist in residence,” suggested Sooyoung, when Sunny was just about to exit the conference room. “She’s very good at facial reconstructions. Her extension is 903.” Sunny took a mental note of the number and nodded, before exiting the room.

“Dr. Park, follow her,” ordered Sooyoung, without looking at Luna. The younger doctor looked over at Sooyoung, with anger in her eyes.

“Why?” was her only answer.

“You are of no use to us here,” coldly explained Sooyoung. “Your extensive knowledge on the body’s anatomy will be of better use to them. Now, go,” insisted Sooyoung. Luna gave Sooyoung one last callous look and quickly left the room, in order to catch up with Sunny. Kyuhyun observed the youngster leave and only dared to talk when she had left the room.

“That was a bit harsh,” reasoned Kyuhyun, looking over at the doctor.

“It wasn’t,” retorted Sooyoung. “When I contradicted my supervisor, I ended up not seeing the inside of the ER for a whole week! On the contrary, I’m being too nice with her. It’s a weakness,” grumbled Sooyoung, looking at a bird land on the edge of the window. She stared at it for a while, in silence, thinking about her intern years in the emergency department. The doctor then slowly looked back at her papers trying to block the memories of her and Kyuhyun.

“You’re free to go home,” offered Kyuhyun, not knowing what to say. “It’s late and it’s been a long day. And like you said, there is nothing much for you to do here.”

“And what will you do?” countered Sooyoung, raising an eyebrow.

“I’ll wait for a missing person’s report matching the description of our victim to come in. It’s almost 8PM. I’m guessing this is around the time our Ladybug left, yesterday, to go to her party. Therefore, we are approaching the twenty-four hour mark,” explained Kyuhyun.

“Then I’m staying too,” replied Sooyoung. “If someone comes in to identify the body, you’ll need me.” Kyuhyun nodded in agreement, happy he wouldn’t have to spend the night alone in his office.

“I’ll go order us some Chinese,” he said, getting up and leaving Sooyoung alone in the conference room.



After the food had been eaten. After the surveillance videos had been rewatched. After cause of death had been put in doubt and reconfirmed, the two co-workers sat at the conference table, in muteness. Kyuhyun was playing with his chopsticks, trying to make one balance over the other on the edge of a water bottle. The occasional sound of falling metal, after a failed attempt, was the only noise that disturbed the silence.

“Maybe we should finish classifying those file in my office,” suggested Sooyoung, after yet another one of Kyuhyun’s failed attempts.

“It’s not worth it,” grumbled Kyuhyun, bending over to get the fallen chopstick. “The family will be here soon.”

“You’ve been saying that for the last forty-five minutes,” retorted Sooyoung, exasperated.

“Yeah, but this is the real one,” replied Kyuhyun, carefully sitting up, so as to not hit his head on the edge of the table. “Assuming she left home at eight o’clock last night, the family – or whoever will report her missing – probably waited all day until that hour to fill this missing person’s report. But, they probably still had one last glimmer of hope and waited another hour, just in case. Now, calculating the time it took them to leave their home, arrive at the police station and file in the report, we should be getting a notifications to ID the body in a few minutes,” concluded Kyuhyun, looking over proudly at Sooyoung who was frowning. The doctor didn’t get a chance to reply because a police officer opened the door announcing that a missing person’s report matching the victim’s description had been filed in. Kyuhyun smirked and looked over at Sooyoung who looked defeated. He then ordered that the couple be brought to the morgue, in order to begin the identification process. With those words, the conference room was emptied.



Sooyoung stood in the cold room that contained the mortuary refrigerators. She slowly put on her white lab coat, her surgical gloves, and walked towards the capsule that contained the body of the Ladybug. The doctor carefully opened the door and with the help of a conveyer she rolled the body onto a simple medal trolley. She then carefully lifted the white sheet and looked at the body under it, double-checking that it was the right body that she would be presenting to the family. It was a ritual she followed with every body. She knew that a technician could do it for her, but she preferred doing it herself because it gave her one last chance to be with the body. As Sooyoung rolled the gurney to the identification room, she did one last prayer for the body. Like every time she sent a body for identification, Sooyoung had contradicting hopes. A part of her wanted the body to be identified and for it to be able to have a final resting place, but another part of her knew that it would mean grief and sorrow for the family identifying the body. With those contradicting thoughts, Sooyoung placed the gurney in the middle of the small room that served as the identification room. She then signalled to Kyuhyun, through the glass door, that the family could come in. As the door was opening, Sooyoung observed an older couple walk into the room. Sooyoung could read fear in their eyes and couldn’t help but notice the red and swollen eyes of the woman. She also noticed how austere their clothing was, indicating that they were from a lower social class. After Sooyoung had introduced herself, she carefully explained to the couple what would happen during the process of identification. When everything was explained, she gave one last look at Kyuhyun and to the couple, who nodded giving her the okay. Just as she had done earlier, Sooyoung gently lifted the white sheet and folded it underneath the shoulder, permitting the family to take a good look at the body. A long howl and incontrollable sobbing ensued. In fear and surprise, Sooyoung involuntarily took a step back as she looked at the older woman fall to the floor in a crying fit. Her husband, who had become as pale as the white sheet, tried with all his force to pull her up, but it was clear he had none left. In two strides, Kyuhyun was quickly on the other side of the older woman, trying to get her to stand, but in vain. She was using all her remaining energy to stay put on the cold tiled floor.

“It can’t be, it can’t be,” repeated the woman, between two sobbing fits.

“Honey, please get up,” pleaded the husband whose eyes had become watery. “Please get up, you’re going to catch a cold.”

“How can I care about my health…when…when…” the rest of her sentence was lost in a mumble of sobs.

“Ma’am do you recognize this body,” firmly asked Kyuhyun, eager to get the woman out of the room. Kyuhyun got as sole answer a nod followed by more tears coming down the woman’s plump cheeks. “I need you to say it out loud, for the records,” insisted Kyuhyun, who had managed to pull the woman up.

“Yes, yes,” answered the woman, cradled in Kyuhyun’s strong arms. “It’s our Lee Minjeong!”



After the identification had been completed, Sooyoung had proposed to bring the couple to her office, in order to talk to them. Kyuhyun suddenly understood the importance of the warm and homey environment that provided Sooyoung’s office. It did offer some peace of mind and it certainly had calm downed the mother of the deceased. Sooyoung offered the couple, which were sitting on the larger couch, some coffee, before sitting down on one of the individual couches.

“My name is Kang Dayoung and this is my husband Lee Yeongrim,” offered the woman, after taking a small sip of her hot coffee. “I’m sorry about earlier.”

“Don’t worry about it,” answered Sooyoung. “I can understand.”

“Do you have kids?” asked Dayoung, looking eagerly at Sooyoung who was taken aback by the question.

“No, no, I’m sorry,” replied Sooyoung, looking down at the mug in her hands, embarrassed. “I still haven’t found the right one.”

“Oh, I think you have,” replied the older woman, before taking another sip of her coffee.

“Well, maybe, but he’s in London so it’s a bit complicated,” answered Sooyoung, looking up at the woman, with a sad smile.

“Oh sweetheart, he’s not in London. He’s sitting right next to you,” contradicted Dayoung, looking over at Kyuhyun. In surprise, Sooyoung looked over at the man sitting in the couch next to her. Embarrassed Kyuhyun looked over at Sooyoung who gave him a shy smile before looking back at her mug and shielding herself with a curtain of black hair.

“I’m sorry,” interrupted Yeongrim, sensing the tense atmosphere. “My wife likes to pride herself with divinatory abilities. I keep telling her that if she’s so good, she should open herself a booth in Hongdae.”

“Don’t laugh at me,” protested Dayoung. “It’s true! That’s how I knew something was wrong with our Minjeong.”

“Can you tell me more about it?” asked Kyuhyun, taking out his notepad, remembering he had a killer on the loose. “Tell me more about the final hours you had with her.” The broken mother looked over at her husband, who gently squeezed her hand, giving her the energy to talk about their daughter.

“She was very tired,” debuted the mother. “She had just finished a long series of tests, that morning, but she was so excited for that party. She even took time off from her work. I told her not to. It’s a stupid western tradition and money is tight, we need as much as we can get, but she insisted. She left right after lunch to go shopping for a costume. A few hours later, she came back with a ladybug costume. It looked expensive, but she wouldn’t tell me how much it was. She told me I worried too much. The rest of the afternoon was norma.  She studied in her room and we waited for my husband to comeback from work. At seven, we had supper. She ate quickly because she wanted to get ready for the party and at around eight-thirty she left. She kissed us, told us she loved us, that she would be back at the latest at four, and left…forever,” concluded Dayoung, grabbing some tissues to wipe away the tears.

“When we realized she wasn’t in her bed this morning, we started to get worried, but we thought she was at a friend’s place. We tried calling her, but there was no answer and we both had to leave for work. We assumed she would be back in the evening, but she wasn’t. That’s when we started to get worried and called her friends. Nobody had seen her in class. Everyone thought she was hung-over. So, we waited until eight, but gave her another hour, just in case. But, at nine the pain was too big and we came to the police station,” explained Yeongrim.

“I saw the crowds and the police near the stream today,” added Dayoung. “I didn’t know it was for my own daughter. How? What happened?” she asked, breaking down. Sooyoung felt her heart break, this was the part she hated the most about her job. She looked over at Kyuhyun who looked just as lost as her. He gave her a small nod.

“Your daughter was found early this morning, next to the stream, by a gardener. We arrived at the scene as quickly as possible and brought her body here for an autopsy. My results,” said Sooyoung, taking a deep inspiration. “My results conclude that she was administered the drug and was . After the aggressor was done with her, he left her body where it was found today, at little bit before two-thirty this morning. Time of death is calculated between three and four o’clock this morning. We are also certain that cause of death are the high levels of alcohol combined with the drug.”

“Did she suffer?” whispered Dayoung.

“No, she was already unconscious at the time,” reassured Sooyoung.

“Do you know of anyone who would want to hurt your daughter?” asked Kyuhyun. The couple shook their heads grimly. “Have you seen any picture of her at the party?” continued Kyuhyun.

“Yes,” answered the man, taking out an old modeled phone. “On her Kakaostory. Here,” he said, giving them the phone. Sooyoung leaned over, towards Kyuhyun, to look at the phone. On the screen they could see Minjeong, with her ladybug costume, next to her was a Cleopatra, and two men, one was a pirate, while the other one was a football player.

“Who are they?” asked Sooyoung.

“The Cleopatra is her best friend Cho Hyeona, she invited her to the party. The pirate is…was her going to be boyfriend, Oh Kijung. The football player is her childhood friend, Lee Dohoon.”

“What do they study?” asked Sooyoung.

“Hyeona is in administration, just like Minjeong. Kijung is in chemistry and Dohoon is in his final year of business.” Sooyoung felt her heart skip a beat and slowly sat back in her couch. She looked at Kyuhyun converse with the parents, but heard none of it. Her brain was focused on something else, calculating variables. The interrogation went on for a little longer, but it was soon evident there wasn’t much left to say.

“I think you should go home and get some rest,” offered Kyuhyun, when the clock hit midnight.

“How am I supposed to sleep, when my daughter isn’t with us anymore? I always knew she was too good to be true. Her conception, let alone her birth were a miracle. You know I was frothy-five when I got pregnant. My husband and I had been too busy working and we never had enough money to have a child and when we did, it was too late. Everyone told me I was too old, but then she was born. I…” Dayoung’s voice began to tremble. “I loved her with all my heart, why did she have to die? He should’ve taken me.” Her husband rubbed her back lovingly, trying to comfort his wife.

“I’ll prescribe you both some sleeping pills,” said Sooyoung, getting up and walking to her desk. “It’ll help you get through the coming days.” Sooyoung printed two prescriptions and signed them off. She bid farewell to the couple, wishing them her condolences and the best of luck and watched them leave with Kyuhyun, who brought them back home in his car. By the time Kyuhyun was back in her office, it was already one o’clock.

“You’re thinking of something,” said Kyuhyun, when he walked back into her office.

“I am,” confirmed Sooyoung, siting at her desk.

“Care to share?” he asked, slouching on a couch, exhausted.

“That almost boyfriend,” began Sooyoung, closing her eyes. “He’s in chemistry.”


“So, he would have access to the chemicals needed to produce the drug. We need to go to his place, now, and check it out,” explained Sooyoung, trying to open her eyes.    

“We can’t,” replied Kyuhyun, feeling his eyelids becoming heavier by the second. “We need a warrant and every judge in this city is sleeping at this time. Can’t we just sleep here for the night, again, in separate couches? We’ll do it tomorrow.” Kyuhyun waited for an answer, but soon realized Sooyoung was fast asleep. Gathering the last bit of energy that was left in him, he reached for his phone, in his pocket, but stopped midway when he remembered he was out of battery. He stirred lightly to get into a more comfortable position before drifting to sleep where he was greeted by uneasy dreams of hospital monitors, doctors, and hallways.



The pair was woken only a few hours later by a soft knock on the door and Luna’s voice.

“Can I come in or are you two at it again?” she asked, from the other side of the door.

“Come in,” grumbled Kyuhyun, while stretching, not understanding Luna’s innuendo. Kyuhyun looked over at Sooyoung waking up and felt a pang of guilt when he saw her rubbing her neck visibly in pain. Kyuhyun had fallen asleep on Sooyoung’s bigger couch, permitting him to have a fairly comfortable sleep, on the contrary to Sooyoung who had fallen asleep at her desk.

“I’ll go get a search warrant,” he announced, getting up from the couch, trying to make himself useful.

“For what? Yourself?’” retorted Luna. “You look like a drug dealer that’s been on the streets for too long,” continued Luna, looking over at Kyuhyun’s attire. Kyuhyun took a quick look at himself and had to admit that Luna was right. His two sleepovers in Sooyoung’s office had wrinkled up his suit and made his two-day old stubble very visible.

“y,” commented Luna, when Kyuhyun his now thorny jawline. Kyuhyun smirked and offered an inquisitive look at Sooyoung, hoping to get a similar comment from her.

“Don’t look at me,” coldly replied Sooyoung, from her desk. “I don’t look any better than you.” Kyuhyun slowly nodded, trying to hide his deception.

“Well then, I’m off to get the warrant. Dr. Choi, can you please put Luna up to date? I’ll call you later and give you the address of Oh Kijung.”

“Copy that,” teased Sooyoung, inviting Luna to take a seat, while Kyuhyun left the office. Sooyoung did not lose a moment and immediately started to tell the night’s events to Luna. She carefully gave her all the details and asked her for her opinion. The two doctors conversed for a long time, forgetting all about their altercation the previous evening. It was only an hour or so later that Kyuhyun called Sooyoung’s office to inform them that he had the warrant. Sooyoung scribbled the address Kyuhyun gave her and promised they would be there as soon as possible.


After a long drive trough the busy morning streets' of Seoul, the coroner and her apprentice joined the detective in what was known to be the universities’ ghetto. Sooyoung looked up at the old apartment building reminiscing her student years.

“Did you live in one of those?” asked Kyuhyun, with a smirk, reading her thoughts.

“No, but my best friend Tiffany did. When I wasn’t studying, I hanged out in one of these apartment buildings. We would get ready on every Friday and Saturday night to go out and party and we would cry our lost conquests on Sunday mornings,” replied Sooyoung with melancholy. Kyuhyun looked at Sooyoung tell her story and smiled internally, there was after all a normal person underneath those layers of coldness.

“I didn’t know you were a party animal Dr. C,” interrupted Luna, curious.

“There are a lot things you don’t know about me,” teased Sooyoung, giving her a playful smile.

“Ladies, I’m sure you can catch up on your life stories later, but right now we have a killer to catch,” interfered Kyuhyun, walking towards the building. The two doctors looked at each other and followed him, without a word. The trio walked into the apartment’s lobby and quickly found the elevator. Sooyoung smirked when she realized the building had no thirteenth floor remembering all to well Tiffany’s apartment building. When they had finally reached the right floor, Kyuhyun gave them the final instructions before knocking loudly on the door. They waited for a few seconds, in anticipation, but no one came. Kyuhyun grumbled something about students being unreliable and knocked a second time, announcing himself as being with the police. After a second pause, the door of the apartment opened revealing a fairly well built young man, half asleep, still in his pyjamas.

“Are you Oh Kijung,” asked Kyuhyun.

“Yes,” mumbled the youngster.

“Good, my name is Detective Cho Kyuhyun,” announced Kyuhyun, showing him his badge. “I’m with the Seoul Police and these are Dr. Choi and Park. We’re here to investigate the death of Lee Minjeong and we have a warrant to search your apartment. Now, you can either let us in gently or we’ll have to push our way in.”

“Wait, wait, wait, Minjeong is dead?” asked Kijung, looking distraught.

“She died two nights ago,” confirmed Sooyoung.

“Surprise,” sarcastically answered Luna. Kyuhyun gave her a cold look indicating that it was neither the time nor place to play games.

“Can we come in?” insisted Kyuhyun. Kijung reluctantly opened the door, letting the trio in. As soon as they were inside, Sooyoung put on her surgical gloves and began her observations, looking for anything that could help tie Kijung to the murder.

“How did she die?” he asked, standing against the small living room’s wall.

“Unfortunately, that is still under investigation,” lied Kyuhyun. “Where were you the night of Halloween?”

“I was at the same party as she was,” replied the student. “If you don’t know how she died, why are you here?”

“Just looking around,” shrugged Kyuhyun, trying to read Kijung’s body language.

“Mr. Oh, you’re majoring in chemistry is that correct?” asked Sooyoung, looking at class notes on the coffee table, next to a few bottles of beer.

“Correct,” replied Kijung, looking at her, feeling more and more nervous.

“In your labs, at the university, do you have the chemicals and material to produce the drug?” asked Sooyoung, walking towards the small kitchen. Kijung opened his mouth to answer, but closed it quickly when he noticed Kyuhyun looking at him.

“I might be in chemistry, but I know my rights. I won’t talk unless I have a lawyer,” declared Kijung, crossing his arms.

“Perfect, it’ll make the search easier,” replied a grinning Kyuhyun. “Doctors, how about we go take a look at our friend’s bedroom?” he said, pointing at a bedroom. The two doctors continued their investigation in the bedroom while Kyuhyun and Kijung observed them silently. It took only a few minutes for Sooyoung to find something on the desk, buried underneath a pile of books.

“Kyuhyun,” she called out, forgetting all formalities. “I found something.”

“What is it?” asked Kyuhyun, looking over her shoulder.

“It’s a how to guide to make the drug,” she said, showing it to him. Kyuhyun looked at it and frowned.

“All I see is how to make CH3C2Mg…something, something.”

“That’s the written formula of the drug,” explained Sooyoung. “It’s probably written that way so the authorities can’t find it easily on the Internet.”

“I also found something,” announced Luna, showing them a shoe box full of vials containing a liquid that looked like water. Kyuhyun sighed heavily and turned around, taking out a pair of handcuffs.

“No, wait,” interrupted Kijung, putting his arms in front of him. “It’s not what you think. I can explain.”

“I’m sure you can,” sarcastically answered Kyuhyun. “Now, turn around and let’s get this over with.”

“No, really it isn’t me. I can explain,” he pleaded, voice shaking in fear.

“Please do,” urged Kyuhyun, crossing his arms.

“This…this isn’t my room,” debuted Kijung. “Look, the bed is made! I just got out of bed. My bed is all upside down over there. I’m sure it’s still warm! We can go touch it,” he said, looking over desperately at Sooyoung.

“That won’t prove you’re not guilty,” argued Sooyoung.

“This isn’t my room,” repeated Kijung. “Look at the books,” he said pointing at them. “They’re all related to business and finances. This is Dohoon’s room.”

“Isn’t that the childhood friend?” asked Luna, with a frown.

“Yes, yes that’s the one,” replied Kijung, eager to get someone on his side.

“That still doesn’t explain why he has the drug,” reasoned Sooyoung. “You could’ve placed the papers and vials here to frame him.” Kijung sighed heavily and sat on the edge of his friend’s bed, bringing his hands to his face.

“A few days ago, he left with my keys – the ones that have the access card to the lab. I thought it was an accident and I didn’t make much of it. I only had classes that day. All of them take attendance, you can check with the school.” Kyuhyun nodded, welcoming the new information while remaining doubtful.

“How long would it take someone to make the drug?” he asked, looking over at Sooyoung.

“Only a few hours,” she replied. “Whoever did it could’ve done it in a morning.”

“Look, I loved Minjeong,” continued Kijung. “I wasn’t the problem. He was.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sooyoung.

“Minjeong had come to me, a few weeks ago, telling me that Dohoon was acting weird with her,” explained Kijung, with a sigh.

“What kind of weird?” inquired Kyuhyun.

“Weird as in making ual advances. She told me she didn’t feel safe with him. She even refused to come here. She was scared. But, when I saw them leaving together, after the party, I figured everything was okay. I wasn’t worried anymore. I was just mad.”

“Mad enough to kill and ?” inquired Luna. Kijung’s face became very stiff.

“No, mad enough to spend the night with her best friend. You can ask Hyeona. I was with her.” Kyuhyun took a deep breath and began to think. He only had a few seconds to decide if Kijung was telling the truth or not.

“Cho,” interrupted Sooyoung.


“It’s not him,” she said, looking over at Kyuhyun. “His physique doesn’t match the one we saw on the CCTV. And now that I think about it, the physique of Dohoon does resemble a lot more the one on the videos.” Kyuhyun looked at her gravely and then at Luna, looking for a second opinion.

“I’m not as good as her, but I think she is right,” answered Luna. Kijung looked up at Sooyoung and mouthed a thank you. Sooyoung replied with a warm smile.

“I can ask for a team to come and look at the sheets. We might find some l fluid or maybe hair from Minjeong,” offered Sooyoung. Kyuhyun bobbed his head, indicating that he was okay with the idea. Sooyoung immediately ordered Luna to call for a team.


Only an hour later, the trio and Kijung were waiting in the living room for the results' of the tests. A technician suddenly came out and whispered something into Sooyoung’s ear, which made her smile.

“They found some hairs and l fluid,” announced Sooyoung. “They’ll be sent out for a DNA match. We’ll try to match the with whoever did it.” Nobody had a chance to answer, since the sound of an opening door interrupted the group's discussion.

“What's going on?” asked a young man, looking confused.

“They’re here to prove you killed Minjeong,” answered Kijung. The young man, who could only be Dohoon, turned pale. In a quick movement, he ran away, slamming the front door shut. Kyuhyun cursed a few words, before jumping out of his seat and running after him. The doctors and the young chemist followed him as quickly as they could and found the two men in the hallway, on the floor, fighting.

“I hate it when they’ve done their military service,” complained Kyuhyun, delivering on last punch that weakened his opponent. He then quickly hooked on the handcuffs onto Dohoon, before pulling him up. “Lee Dohoon, I am arresting you for the and murder of Lee Minjeong. It is my duty to inform you that you have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay. You may call any lawyer you want. There is a 24-hour telephone service available which provides a legal aid duty lawyer who can give you legal advice in private. This advice is given without charge and the lawyer can explain the legal aid plan to you. If you wish to contact a legal aid duty lawyer, I can provide you with a telephone number. Do you understand? Do you want to call a lawyer? You are not obliged to say anything, but anything you do say may be given in evidence,” announced Kyuhyun, in a monotonous tone, almost sounding bored. Kyuhyun waited for a while and then realized Dohoon was not going to speak. “You’re going to remain silent? That’s a good idea,” he said, reaching for his phone and realizing it was out of battery. Kyuhyun gave a sheepish look to Luna, before asking, “Can I borrow your phone?”



It was a peaceful Saturday evening and the jazz music had been in a Hongdae apartment. The owner had poured herself a glass of wine and was walking towards her living room when the sound of someone knocking on her front door interrupted her. The woman rolled her eyes and opened the door slightly to look for who it was. Suddenly, a man violently pushed the door opened and forced himself in.

“Thank God you’re home,” grumbled Kyuhyun, pulling in a big suitcase. He then delicately put down a bag, which contained his computer, as well as his pillow on the suitcase. “Thank God for wine,” he continued, taking the wine away from the woman’s hand.

“What the hell are you doing here?” barked Ahra, furious to see her little brother interrupt her calm evening.

“I got kicked out of my apartment,” snapped Kyuhyun, drinking some of the wine. “You call this wine?” he asked, with a grimace, giving it back to her. Ahra rolled her eyes, for a second time; tired of having her brother and Sooyoung criticize her wine tastes.

“What did you do this time?”

“I didn’t answer my phone for two and half days,” answered Kyuhyun, closing the front door.

“That’s nothing new,” replied his sister, helping him take off his coat.

“Yeah, well that was really nothing compared to what I really did.”

“What did you do?” asked Ahra, discouraged.

“Long story short, I almost had with your stupid doctor friend, because I thought I was dreaming,” explained Kyuhyun, hanging up his jacket.

“Don’t call my friend stupid,” snapped Ahra, sending him a cold glance. “It takes two to have .”

“Fine, maybe she isn’t stupid, but you can’t deny that she’s a cold ,” he said, bending over to untie his shoes. “She is a cold that only cares about her career, no wonder she’s still single. No man would want a woman like her,” Kyuhyun’s heart suddenly sank when we saw a second pair of feet next to his sisters’.

“I think I’ll leave the two of you alone,” murmured a voice that Kyuhyun knew all to well. Kyuhyun slowly stood up, anticipating the worst as his eyes meet those of Sooyoung. She suddenly looked very frail, as she bent down to put on her shoes.

“Soo, don’t go,” pleaded Ahra, taking her glass of wine away.

“It’s okay Ahra, don’t worry. I should be going. I probably have some paperwork to finish, somewhere.”

“But it’s Saturday night! Why don’t you call Tiffany, maybe she’s free,” reasoned her friend.

“She’s probably with Nichkhun. Those two are really hitting it off,” Sooyoung answered getting up, and offering her friend a sad smile. “Ahra, Agent Cho,” she said, bowing. “Have a good evening.”

“You are an ,” declared Ahra, once the door had been closed. Kyuhyun stared at the door dumbfounded and mumbled: “Yeah, I guess I am.”  


Disclaimer: The drug combined with alcohol and becoming a lethal cocktail is pure fiction.

Hello my baby strawberries, happy Monday! I hope this update can bring some joy on this horrible day.

Omg, this was super long! Do you like long chapters or not? I'm still trying to figure out your needs!

I know I've been saying this a lot, but prepare yourself for a big boom in the next chapter - like for real! There will be a cliffhanger and if you know me well... I'll try to update as soon as possible, but I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed today and I don't know if I'll be up for writing ;__; Anyways, wish me luck. Sending kisses and love to you all!

Have a good week~

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Chapter 9: Seriously, i'm in love wth this story! Good job authornim :D
bukaqiaqia #2
My favorite! I am a new reader and so glad to find this awesome story!
Ps.Did sooyoung lie about her phone to avoid kyu using it?
trotch #3
Chapter 10: I'm a new reader and read it all at one shot. It's so good!!! I'm waiting for the next season!
soobeautifulchoi #4
Chapter 10: I love it :D
I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Chapter 10: You did a great job on your trailer, nice editing.... Can't wait for the next season.

lulu88 #6
Chapter 10: When I so it marked as completed I was confused and disappointed and then her it is another part of this wonderful story , and the trailer is great .
going to read season two now :)
Chapter 10: OMG *_* the trailer ..,, is AWESOME !!!
can't wait for the next season !
hope kyuyoung will still be alive !
update soon, hwaiting !
neonflowers #8
Chapter 10: Waaah cant wait for the second season but then how come when i click the link it redirects me to my stories...?

I mean idk if its just my phone going cray cray or you made a mistake HAHA
singsongsungjong #9
Great story! ^_~
lohsna #10
Chapter 10: for a sec i thought you abruptly make this complete *sob sob.
Yeeeeeey season 2. Lets go :D