Chapter Five- Part II- Shaved Punishment

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‘’It’s a natural reaction, Taemin, you of all people know that.’’

Sora sighed in relief. At least Jongin understood why she tried to run away. Wait, his name is Taemin? Sora furrowed her brows. Though, he isn’t a human, so why is Jongin referring to him as one? Or did he mean it as a saying?

Jongin noticed Sora’s expression, and laughed.

‘’She amuses me most of the time. Look at how easy it is to make her confused. It’s as easy to make her scared, you know that, Taemin?’’

Taemin chuckled in response; he put both his elbows on the table and held his face in his hands. His eyes had turned into half-moons as he amusedly eyed Sora.

Sora slightly shook, she felt like screaming. They were obviously playing around with her. You're so lucky you're physically stronger than I am, or else…

 ‘’Say, human girl, do you have questions? You can ask them if you want. I’ll try to answer as many as I can.’’

Sora narrowed her eyes. Was Taemin serious? Would he answer the questions that were constantly running around in her mind? Sora wasn’t sure if he was luring her into a trap, but judging by the tone of his voice, and his expression- she figured she could ask a thing or two.

Where do I start? Do I ask them about their whereabouts? Their families? The relationship between them? or, no wait- the transparent figure! Or the monster? Sora shivered. No, I’ll skip the monster.

 Sora suddenly remembered what Taemin spoke of earlier.

‘’I do have questions—‘’ Sora unsurely started, ‘’— you mentioned something about the souls staying in the graves, right?’’

Taemin nodded.

‘’Well, how do those people on TV, who claim to talk to ghosts and stuff, know so many things about the deceased? I know the people from the audience aren’t in it. One of my friends once called to such a TV show when her mother passed away, and the lady from TV actually knew stuff that only my friend and her mother knew.’’

Jongin smirked, ‘’I should’ve known she was going to ask something like this.’’ Taemin nodded in agreement before he turned his attention on Sora.

 ‘’For starters, those people don’t speak with ghosts. They speak with the Jinn. These people have, wh

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[11-09-2018], Im back with a new chap!


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minjee4236 #1
Chapter 17: Omg I'm so glad you're back!!! Hope you're doing well. I'm going to re-read all the chapters 😁 it's been a while
Chapter 12: Wow, I just know it now that SM sueing people who use their idol...thanks for your information and I really like this story! It give some horror vibe and mystery but not always horror
Chapter 16: I literally was thinking about this story this morning and then boom here you are. XD
Chapter 16: I was actually thinking about the story yesterday lol heading back to chapter one now
Chapter 16: Thank you for all your effort! I'm supporting you!
Alecxakpop #6
Chapter 15: I will forever wait oh wise one.
Chapter 15: *incoherent inhuman noises* YAAAAAAAAAAAS WELCOME BACK!!
Chapter 15: Heart racing so bad .... Jongin better do something
Chapter 15: You updated on my birthdayyyyyy!!!

Wow it's been a while... I missed this story