The Perfections of an Imperfect Love


“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,

And therefore is wing’d Cupid painted blind.”

- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1





                Lightsblinding white lights

           Surely it was better than being in the dark… a void of blackness surrounding you filling you with despair. But to this certain man, it was more   preferable than this never ending brightness.

He was so used to the dark that he wished he had never left it. It was the only company he had for almost all of his life. Until she came and painted his dark world with colors he’d never known existed.

He started blaming himself yet again for what happened. Their friends and family said he wasn’t even there when it did, and he replies that if he were, this wouldn’t have happened.

The door of the emergency room opened and whooshed closed, and he concentrated on the surgeon’s footsteps as he walked closer. The doctor had sympathy written all over his eyes as he clasped the young lad on the shoulder and bent down to his ear to tell him the outcome of the operation.

At that moment, Daniel Hayden broke down and cried.



I started writing this story back in high school and just recently went back and added into it. I can't promise when I'll get back to it, since I'm more focused with my other story, Leap of Faith (please check it out if you haven't already! ;P) but I will say, that I will complete it. :D


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