a night out for Sung Lee

Simple interpretation

Sojin woke up first. His arms were still around Kat. This was a wonderful way to wake and he wanted to do this every morning for the rest of time. He leaned forward and nuzzled her neck and mostly hair.

"You're smelling my hair again, aren't you?" She asked.

"I can't help it, I swear I still smell the ocean." he replied.

"Sojin, I got a new shampoo, "ocean scent" I thought it was funny, but I didn't mean to drive you crazy." She said.

He laughed, of course it's ocean scent shampoo. I knew that, he thought. Kat smiled at her silly man.

"We should get up and ready for work." She said.

"I just want five more minutes, just like this. Is that okay?" He stated.

They spent a few more minutes just looking at each other, kissing, talking. It was the best way to wake up, they both agreed. Sojin let Kat go first and she scurried off the bathroom to take a shower. He gave her exactly 1 minute and then he decided to join her...

The couple rushed around the apartment, trying to get dressed and find his keys and locate her purse. Finally out the door with a sense of urgency, Sojin drove a little faster than usual.

"Alright, that cannot happen again. We are going to be late. Shower alone! Always! Unless it's at night, then I guess it's okay, but seriously Sojin, shame on you." She said.

"Shame on me? How can it be my fault?" He said.

"Seriously? You said I could go first." She answered.

"I know, I'm sorry." He admitted.

Then Sojin put his head down like he was really sorry and a little ashamed. Kat felt bad, she put her hand on his shoulder and apologized for speaking so harshly. She was mad, but not really. She also felt responsible, then she noticed he was smiling. Then Kat took a good look at him then quickly looked away, smiling herself.

"We just need to be more careful…maybe get an earlier start." She said.

"I love you! You're wonderful you know." he said.

"I know, so are you." She said.

There was nothing to be alarmed about, they made it to work on time. In the parking garage they decided it needed to be work as usual. They could meet for lunch, ride home together. They would absolutely try and avoid the elevator and definitely the stairwells.

They walked in together and each went to their departments. Sojin met up with Sung Lee in the locker room. Sung Lee was quiet and just watched his friend out of the corner of his eye. He was picking up a different vibe. He kept looking at Sojin thinking he would ask, but knowing better than to actually ask him.

"Sung Lee, how are you this morning?" Sojin asked.

"I am good and you?" Sung Lee replied.

"Just fine. Wonderful morning, don't you think? Sojin asked.

"Yes." Sung Lee replied.

Just then Sung Lee looked at Sojin and wondered what was up. He was acting so different this morning. He has been happy but today he is really happy.

"Sojin, do you want to get a drink after work? It's been a while, you know." Sung Lee asked.

"Sounds great." He replied.

"You don't need to ask Shorty?" Sung Lee questioned.

"No, unless you want her to come? It would be fun." Sojin said.

"No I didn't mean that. Just us guys would be great. I don't need another reminder I am alone." Sung Lee said.

"Maybe there is a girl you like. Someone at the hospital?" Sojin asked.

"No, no one here that I like. They don't even see me. You are lucky, to have found someone you like so well. Someone you find so agreeable. They need me when there is trouble, but then it's always back to work." Sung Lee said in a sad tone.

"Sojin patted him on the back and said, "don't wait as long as me."

Out at the desk, Sojin and Sung Lee worked well together. No big emergencies to take care of. A few lost visitors, a bus that ran off the road, sent a few people to the ER, but nothing serious. There was a disturbance in the parking garage and Sojin sent Sung Lee. While he was away, he made a call to Kat.

Sojin) Hello Kat. How are you?
Kat) Good, and you?
Sojin) Great! I have a question and I need your help.
Kat) Wow, this is out of the blue, shoot.
Sojin) I don't understand…oh yes, you mean out with it, Okay…I need your help finding a girl for Sung Lee. I wonder if we all had drinks together after work? There's a place the hospital staff frequents most, maybe you could pick up on who he notices.  He will be an old man before I could catch on. Also, keep an eye out for someone showing interest in him. Girls are good at this.
Kat) Hmm…I can help you. I would like drinking after work with you. I will tune my radar in before we leave tonight.
Sojin) I will accept that what you just said means yes, you will try.
Kat) Radar, like the military. Oh, you are pulling my leg. We have spent enough time together, you know my silly American sayings by now.
Sojin) Not all of them, but I am trying. Oh, he's coming, talk to you at lunch.
Kat) I will see you then.

Sung Lee came back from the parking garage. Situation is under control, he reported.

"I spoke quickly to Shorty and she was too excited about joining us for drinks, if you don't mind. I am to blame, I wanted her to come. She's fun, you will see. She will not make you feel like an odd man out. She is quite good at making those around her feel comfortable." Sojin said.

"Alright, I guess you can't ask her to NOT come. How about we go to the place across the street, where everyone goes after work." Sung Lee suggested.

"That is a great idea." Sojin said with a little too much exuberance.

"Friend, please stop smiling so much." Sung Lee requested.

"Okay." Sojin said with an obviously fake scowl.

Kat was excited to meet Sojin for lunch.  They walked down to the park and talked about the plan for this evening. Sojin didn't want it to be too staged. He felt that would scare him away from any potential girl or worse yet make him overly excited and scare them away. Kat was so surprised that Sojin was interested in something like this. She was happy knowing that he would keep surprising her ever day.

"When it comes to love, I think we should take chances. I think Sung Lee is willing to take a chance he just needs a little nudge." Sojin said.

"I agree, a little push in the right direction can change you world." Kat added.

The couple sat on their favorite bench, eating and talking. Kat asked Sojin what type of girl has Sung Lee ever spoken about. She also wondered if he liked cute girls or y girls, college student or someone older maybe?

"I have known him for a while and honestly I have no idea. For a while I thought he liked you and I will tell you, it made me angry. Then I realized he smiled when you were around because I changed my manner in front of you. Honestly I think he knew I liked you before I knew. I can't figure out why he is having trouble sorting this out for himself." Sojin said.

"All we can do is try Sojin. You are a good friend and mentor. We should head back. I will meet you in the lobby after work and we can all head over together." Kat suggested.

The couple returned, walking slowly together. Holding hands, even if it was frowned upon by some older people in the park. Some people are very stuck to their old ways and do not like public displays of affection. They probably feel we are setting a bad example for the younger population. Kat felt it could not be helped and Sojin didn't mind who looked
at them.

Five o'clock came quickly. Sojin and Sung Lee were ready when Kat came off the elevator.

"Hello boys!" Kat said in a cute, I am ready for a drink voice.

Sojin was quickly at her side and taking her hand once again. Sung Lee made a face and Kat felt she needed to ease his tension.

She put an arm around him and said, "Sung Lee, please don't be angry that I am joining you. I promise to have fun and not be a burden to your friendship with Sojin."

"No..No..I don't feel that way. It was just a long day, that's all. Let's all go and have fun." Sung Lee said.

The three walked into the little food and drinking establishment. It was already alive with chatter and drinking. The tables were big and open, what Shorty thought of as "family style" from back home. Sung Lee let Shorty sit first. She felt she had a pretty good view of the entire place, she gave Sojin a quick wink.

They ordered the first round of Soju and as well as some food. It was a "cook at the table" type of place, so Kat offered to treat the guys.

"Thank you Shorty, that is very kind of you." Sung Lee said.

She leaned over the table a bit, so she could be heard and said, "you can call me Kat if you like. I don't mind. Kat is kind of a nickname, like Shorty. Honestly now that I think about it, you just call me whatever you prefer."

The drinks and food came. Sung Lee did not hesitate, he poured for the two seniors at the table. Kat liked this custom, it was sweet.

"Drink, Kat…please," said Sung Lee.

"Lets all drink to good friends," Sojin added.

Kat recognized some people from the hospital, they were of course looking at Kat and her two men. Whispering and Smiling, the onlookers seemed amused. No doubt had heard about the budding relationship of the stoic guard and American lady.  Kat waved and gave a nod in their direction.

Then, as if it had been planned (but better than that because it was by simple chance) a group of girls from the hospital came in and took seats just next to Kat and her little group. Sojin was on the outside and that left Sung Lee to the seat next to one of the new happy hour customers. Kat wanted to be subtle yet see if their was any interest towards SungLee.

Kat spoke first, "Hello, how are you?"

The girls all smiled and said hello almost in unison. Sung Lee smiled back at them and bowed with a greeting of his own. The girls, being…well the way Korean girls are, smiled back waving their hand in front of their face. I guess this is a nervous habit or a shy thing they do when greeting someone. They want to say hello, but not be seen doing it? Kat had been curious about this "custom" since before her arrival in South Korea. It still left her perplexed.

Sojin then said hello to our fellow table mates, which created more greetings and waving of hands. The girls ordered and when their drinks arrived, Kat happened to catch the eye of Sung Lee. She started to pick up the soju to pour, but Sung Lee took it first and poured her a drink. Then she quickly gestured to the ladies next to him so that he could offer to pour for them. He didn't quite understand. Kat thought maybe she should try harder to include the ladies into the little group.

The food came and Sung Lee and Sojin dug right in. Kat tried to strike up a conversation with the young lady right next to Sung Lee. She was sweet. She worked in the lab as a technician. She had been at the hospital only a couple of months. Her name was Shin Hye. Kat knows their are a lot of Koreans with the same or similar names. But this was special to Kat, she was a fan of Park Shin Hye (the entertainer) this of course made Shin Hye nervously giggle.

Sojin ordered another round of beer and some soju, so Kat quickly added another bottle for their table mates.
This of course made the girls happy. Sung Lee seemed pleased that they were pleased. Kat gave a look to Sojin, trying to get him to make Sung Lee strike up some kind of conversation with the girls or maybe even just Shin Hye. Kat was getting the vibe that she may be interested in him.

The waitress brought the order and Kat decided to push a little more by asking Shin Hye if she had ever been formally introduced to Sung Lee?

"No, I don't think I even know where he works?" Shin Hye said.

Well, Kat took it from here. She introduced them. She smiled to Sung Lee as if to say, now you know her and she knows you, maybe you could take it from here? He then gave her a puzzled look. Kat thought great, he is making this harder than it needs to be.

Kat excused herself from the table for a minute. She went to the ladies room. She didn't really need to go but she needed to get a text to Sojin.

(Kat)**Sojin, help me! He's not picking up the signals. You need to get him to actually talk to one of these girls. I like the girl next to him. She is sweet.
(Sojin)**Men can be stupid in this area. I will do my best.
(Kat)** I like Sung Lee, You are right…he needs a nice girl.
(Sojin)** Leave it to me, hurry back, I miss my Kit Kat!
(Kit)**I miss you! Give me 2 seconds.

Back at the table, Sung Lee was just busy drinking and eating. Kat Sat down and began speaking again to Shin Hye.

"Shin Hye, do you have a boyfriend?" She said.
Sojin and Sung Lee both looked at her. Subtle was going out the window. They both need help, it's a wonder anybody gets together here, she thought.  

"No," she answered.

"I was just curious. I think a little karaoke would be fun, are any of you girls up for that? Kat asked.

"That sounds great. I know a place close to here. We could all walk." Shin Hye said.

Sung Lee gave Kat a look, like…what are you doing? She didn't understand. They all finished their drinks and wondered down the street a few blocks. Sung Lee held Sojin back a bit and expressed his lack of desire to sing in front of anyone .

Sojin said, "Listen, we have all been drinking and karaoke is fun. You don't have to be perfect. It may be a good time to get to know one of them better. Maybe Shin Hye. She seems to already like you."

"I don't know what you are talking about. She's not interested." Sung Lee said.

Just then Shin Hye leaned over to Kat and whispered something. The guys stopped talking and if they needed to know what she just said.

Then Kat turned and said, "she said it all depends on what song you choose."

Then she smiled at both of them and took Shin Hye's arm in hers and they hurried off together. They followed the others to the club and made their way to a private room. Sung Lee and Sojin followed after Kat and Shin Hye. Sung Lee was growing more nervous by the minute.

The little group chose songs, and took turns singing. Then it was Sung Lee's turn. He was nervous and tried to find a song. Shin Hye volunteered to find something for him. She picked "Dream Girl" by SHINee. Sung Lee, thought this is it. I can't fall apart now. The music started and the words popped up on the screen. Sung Lee started off a little quiet, but soon found his voice. It wasn't that bad. The girls all helped with back up vocals and Sojin and Kat cheered everyone on.

The new friends stayed for a while, singing and drinking a bit more. Then they decided to call it a night, stating we all have work in the morning, huh? Kat looked t Sojin and said, maybe we should go. At the very least we could leave this to the kids.

Sung Lee looked at Kat and said, "we don't really need to leave yet, do we?"

Kat said, "No, we don't have to go. I know it's more fun with a group but it does look like a couple of the girls are ready to leave. Maybe it would be a good chance for all of us to get home. Now, I stopped drinking a while ago, I could drive us all home. Shin Hye, can we give you a ride home?"

"Really, that would be great. Sung Lee, are you coming with us?" Shin Hye said.

"Yes, I could if you don't mind dropping me off at home?" Sung Lee said.

"No problem. Lets all go." Kat said.

The foursome headed out and said good bye to the other girls who were already getting in a cab. Sojin told Sung Lee and Shin Hye to stay there and he and Kat would go back to the hospital and get the car. They walked away holding hands as Sung Lee and Shin Hye stood nervously in from of the karaoke bar.

"I had fun, even though I am not good at singing." Sung Lee said.

"I think you did well. You even had some great SHINee moves." Shin Hye said.

Sung Lee didn't know what to say so he just stared at the sidewalk. Shin Hye laughed a little thinking her new friend was cute and shy and that was just fine with her.

Kat pulled up in front of them and Sung Lee helped Shin Hye into the back seat first. Kat pulled away and headed down the road. Once she got instructions from Shin Hye and they were heading in the right direction, she paid attention to Sojin for a bit. Leaving the new couple to bond by themselves.

They dropped off Shin Hye first. She said thank you and waved good bye to everyone. She then looked at Sung Lee and said, maybe I will see you at work, and waved again.

Sung Lee waved good bye and said, "okay."

Kat rolled her eyes, but realized this was huge in their world. She was pleased it went well and looked forward to asking him how he felt, just as soon as they pulled away from the curb.

Sojin spoke first, "Sung Lee, what do you think of her. From what I could tell, I think it went well my friend."

"It did. I had no idea it would have turned out like this, after meeting over drinks. I am so glad we did this." Sung Lee said.

Kat looked at Sojin and smiled. My work is done. She dropped Sung Lee at his apartment and then drove off again.

Looking at Sojin she said, "I hope you don't mind coming home with me again? Although, what will our mother think of me?

"I think my mother likes you. I mean she helped you pack my clothes to take to your place. I am sure she is well aware of the reason for that. I am curious how you managed it though." Sojin Said.

"I stopped by your place and asked if I could please take some of your things to my apartment. I told her I was planning a surprise, since I was back in Seoul early. I also told her that being away, just for a couple days made me miss you so much. I told her that I loved you and that I wanted to make you feel welcome at my place." Kat replied.

Total silence. Sojin had no words. Then he looked at Kat and smiled.

He finally said, "you went to my house, told my mother you loved me and you needed some of my clothes to take home so that I would feel welcomed to stay, whenever…and she just helped you?"

Kat laughed and said, "it wasn't that simple. We spent time talking, but basically…yes, that's what happened."

Sojin took out his phone and sent a text message. He told his mother that he was staying with Kat again tonight, but would be home tomorrow after work. Then he sat back in the seat and let Kat drive them home.


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