An overseas conversation

Simple interpretation

Kat woke up a little before her alarm was to go off. She had fallen asleep in Sojin's arms. That was a wonderful feeling. She wanted to do this more often. She even let herself feel like she could do this every day.

It was early and she tried to be very quiet as she slipped out of Sojin's arms and off the bed. It wasn't her most graceful move, but she did manage to not wake him. She stood by the bed looking at him, sleeping so peacefully. She made her way to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. The water was perfect. She stood there letting the water rain down on her and she thought about the night before. She quickly shook off any bad feelings about Sojin's Grandmother. In fact, she hoped she was alright. She would feel bad if the picture some how upset her. Then Kat started thinking about this man in her house. She liked it. She liked having him close. She again shook off those feelings so she could continue washing and stop wasting water.

She stepped out of the shower into a foggy room. She wiped off the mirror and looked at herself. You're not so bad she thought. You don't look that old, you don't feel terribly old. If you plan on making things work with this guy, you will have to change you attitude a little, she thought to herself again.

She sneaked quietly back into the bedroom and searched her closet for something to wear. Comfortable but not too casual. She still needed to dress in something suitable for work. After finding something that was not too hideous and met all her other requirements, she tiptoed around the room to her dresser. She pulled from there the other things she needed and tried to slip back into the bathroom to get dressed. Just then the light from the hallway exposed the top part of her bed. She could see Sojin was awake. He was just quietly watching her.

She walked over to the side of the bed and they just looked at each other for a minute. Kat reached down and held Sojin's hand.

"Thank you for last night," she said.

"You don't have to thank me. It was my pleasure." He said.

Sojin sat up and slid over to the edge of the bed. Still holding her hand he pulled her close. Kat felt a little uncomfortable just in her robe, but she tried to hide it. Not very well, since Sojin smiled and looked like someone who was guilty of something. She knew this was wrong but she leaned in and kissed him. It started out sweet and innocent but quickly moved into heated and dangerous.

Sojin knew what needed to happen. They needed to stop and Kat was always the bad guy, so this time he stopped kissing her first. He tried to look at her but her eyes were closed. Finally she opened them and they just looked at each other again. Kat smiled as if to say "thank you" then she turned and walked into the bathroom with her clothes.
Sojin fell back on the bed thinking of babies,  puppies and kittens. Then he sat up all of a sudden, and shouted coffee…I will make some coffee.

Then he heard Kat say,"yes please" from the other room.

Happy to have something to do, he bolted to the kitchen and started making the coffee. While it was dripping, he cleaned up the living room a bit. Straitened the pillows and gathered Kat's purse and jacket. He put them on the table by the door. He asked her if she had packed and could he help her with her bags.

"I only have one bag, in the bedroom on the floor, near the closet." She said.

As he walked by the bathroom, he paused and said, "only one bag, but you will be gone almost 4 days. I thought at the very least, you would have two HUGE bags, no?"

"Well, someone thinks they are funny this time of the morning." She said.
Sojin smiled and to himself said, yes, I think I am pretty funny. He straightened the bed and picked up the bag. He chuckled a little to himself because he noticed the bag was very heavy. He put the bag on the bed in case any last minute items needed to go in.

Kat came out of the bathroom, dressed. Hair and makeup on. He noticed she looked particularly pretty this morning.

"You're too pretty to go on a business trip. I don't like it. Go mess your hair up or something." He said.

She said, "no, I can't this is how I look, like it or not."

He said, "I do like it, but it should be for me and not shared with everyone, especially Seul Chan. I have never liked that guy. "

"Oh Sojin, now you are being silly." She said.

He grabbed her from behind and held her close. He told her he didn't really want to let her go, but because they are grown ups, he should be able to. Still, it was very difficult.

"Sojin, if I tell you something, will you promise not to over react?" She asked.

He spun her around and said, "yes, I promise."

She looked into his eyes, trying to decide if he was joking or not. She finally thought, what the hell, I will just do it.

Kat reached up and hugged Sojin and as she did she whispered in his ear, "I really like you. I am going to miss you these next four days. I am really sad about missing your Grandmothers party."

Sojin got very serious now, his heart was beating very fast. There were so many things he could say right now, but what should he say? Why was this so damn hard, he thought?

"I will miss you Kat, very much. I have grown used to seeing you every day and I like it. I like you very much." He said.

"I will just finish getting ready and we can drive me to work and then later, if you have time, drive me to the airport?" She asked.

They did finish getting everything ready, Sojin lugged her bag to the car. Kat followed him, they were both in a very somber mood. Once in the car, Sojin headed towards the hospital. They were quiet. It was too quiet so Kat spoke first.

"I will call you, when we get there tonight. It shouldn't take too long. We will check into the hotel and I will call you as soon as I get to the room," She said.

"Sounds good. I will be waiting for your call. Hopefully it will be busy and the time will fly by." Sojin said.

"Please let me know when you talk to Grandmother. I am curious how she really feels about the picture," she said.

"Alright, I will. I can call you tonight after I get home. Wait, you said you were having dinner with someone, you should call me when you get back to the hotel." He said.

"Sounds good. I will do that." She said

They arrived at the hospital and went in together as usual. Sojin held on a little too close as they rode the parking garage elevator. Their were windows on all sides, so she was always worried people would see. She wasn't thinking about her reputation as much as Sojin's. They walked in and past the desk. It was early, Sung Lee was not there yet so they knew they had some extra time. Sojin rode the 25 seconds up to Kat's floor. They kissed like they were already saying good bye. Kat had to push him away as the doors were opening.

As they walked to Kat's office she said, "we have to stop acting like teenagers."

"Why?" Sojin said.

"Because, it's a little silly and a little reckless. What happens if we get caught?" She said

"I will agree it is a little reckless, but not silly at all. I la….la….LIKE you, you like me so it's not silly. It's quite normal and natural." He said as he was getting a little flustered.

"Okay, silly may have been the wrong word. Have you even read the employee handbook or checked with HR on their employee dating policy? I bet we aren't even supposed to date, and if we are I am sure we have to register or sign something. They don't like people to sneeze out of turn over here without signing a contract." She said as she seemed to be getting upset.

They were in her office now. They had 10 minutes before their shifts actually started. Sojin was behaving like a teenager, with no sign of him backing off either. He took Kat's hands in his. He slowly backed her up toward her desk, looking her in the eyes the entire time. When she ran into her desk, she seemed startled, but not as startled as when Sojin kissed her. He leaned a little into her as she was leaning back. She thought they should stop but instead she wrapped her arms around his neck which seemed to take him by surprise. It simply caused the kissing couple to kiss with a little more gusto and a little more urgency.

Sojin's mind was racing, thinking 10 minutes is long enough while Kat was thinking just the opposite, 10 minutes is not long enough. They were heading down a dangerous path. Obviously "sleeping" next to each other may have solved one problem, but created a new one. They were both so crazed with each other right now, but they had to stop.

Sojin took a step back and said, "I am sorry, I am not sure why I started that. I should have showed some strength."

"It's alright, you have showed nothing but strength. I think you are trying to make things more difficult with my leaving today. That's four days and three nights without seeing each other. Without any kissing that we seem to have become very fond of." She said.

As Sojin had predicted, it turned out to be a very long day for both of them. Kat's flight was at 4:45, she had to be at the airport by 2:45. Since Sojin had suggested driving Kat, Seul Chan asked if he may ride along. In his head the "teenage" Sojin said NO! But the "adult" Sojin actually said, "yes…that would be fine." They all arranged to meet at the lobby at 2:00. (Against teenage Sojin's will.)

They all arrived in the lobby at the same time. They all made their way to the parking garage. Sojin looked at Seul Chan's incredibly small bag and thought (inside his teenage head-my girlfriend packs better than you.) Kat looked at Sojin as if she could actually read his thoughts. They smiled at each other and Seul Chan was oblivious.

Once in the car the conversation was awkward and they all knew it. Sojin made great time driving to the airport. He credited this to lots of practice. Kat suggested she go in alone. Sojin thought she must be kidding, so he parked the car and helped her out, leaving Seul Chan to help himself out.

"Is it strange that I feel a bit like a third wheel round you two?" Seul Chan said.

"No, it's not," Sojin said.

Kat quickly corrected him and said, "not at all, this was fine. I am glad we could take one car. There's enough traffic, right?" She said as she looked at Sojin and scrunched her forehead a little.
Once at the ticket desk, Kat checked in. Sojin knew he would have to say goodbye here. He could not go past the security area. It was difficult and he was not sure what to do really. He had never taken a girlfriend to the airport before. This was a first for him.

Kat looked at him with sad eyes and said, goodbye to Sojin. Don't worry too much. Have fun at your grandmothers party. Don't fall for any funny, older woman while I am gone.

Sojin looked at her, smiled and said, "no way, I could never. My heart belongs to you."

Kat's eyes got big. Sojin thought to himself, what a stupid thing to say, you are going to freak her out. Seul Chan finally became uncomfortable enough that he said he was going to check through and would see Kat at the gate. Sojin kept looking at Kat but waved to Seul Chan.

Kat smiled and squeezed Sojin's hand and said, "I will take care of your heart if you take care of mine?"

He hugged her and then she walked toward to security gate. He just watched, thinking any minute she would turn around and smile, that's all he needed. Any minute now……come on Kat…..just turn around. As if she heard his thoughts, Kat turned around, smiled and waved to Sojin. He smiled back.

It was a lonely walk back to the car. Sojin decided to try and not be too down. He had some extra free time now since he didn't have to go back to work. He wanted to get something for his grandmother, even though she already got the real gift. He stopped at the flower shop near his house. He arranged for flowers to be delivered on Saturday. It would surprise her and she likes flowers.

Sojin arrived at home a little earlier than normal. His mother was in the kitchen and Grandmother was in the living room watching TV. He went in and joined her. He looked sad, she asked what was wrong. He said he had come from the airport where he left Kat to board the plane to the UK.

"Surely you remember Grandmother. I was taking Kat to the airport today." Sojin said.

"Oh yes, that's right. Four days of freedom for you, right?" She said.

"That's not funny. It's a little early in our relationship to feel like I need my space." He replied.

"Just give it time. I am sure this American woman will grow board with you and your Korean ways." she said.

"Grandmother, what happened the other night, when you opened the picture Kat had made for you?" Sojin said trying to change the subject.

"I don't feel like talking about it. I am sorry if I offended her." Grandmother said.

"Well, you should have apologized to her. She thinks you didn't like it. She was very hurt." He said.

"I thought that it was very nice. I may have been shocked seeing my parents look so new and shiny." Grandmother said.

"But you liked it?" he asked.

"Yes. I liked it. It was unusually thoughtful of someone who has no attachment to my family." Grandmother said.

"Grandmother, you are a kind and loving person, I know this. Why can't you accept that Kat is someone I care about? Grandmother, I plan on asking her if she would….if she and I….I would like to offer her a chance to have an attachment to this family." Sojin exclaimed.

"Dear grandson, if you can't say it out loud here, in front of me, how can you say it to her? Grandmother said.

"I will be able to choose my words, and ask her when the time is right. The fact that I can't tell you how I feel inside about her, does not worry me. If the time comes and I can not say them to her, then I will worry." Sojin said as he excused himself to his room.

Sojin felt uncomfortable talking about his feelings with everyone but Kat. He sat in his chair and looked out the window. He tried to relax and not think about the last 24 hours, but it was hard. He smiled thinking about last night holding Kat. Then the ride into work. The airport…hold on…what did she say at the airport? Take care of my heart and I will take care of yours….that was something. Something special in deed. Just then his phone beeped alerting him to a text message.

(Kat)**Hi, we landed fine. Seul Chan snores. He took a lot of air sick medicine. I tried not to laugh. It's raining, how are you?
(Sojin) ** Fine. Are you going to dinner as planned? Don't stay up too late. You must be tired.
(Kat)** I am tired. We are still going to dinner. I am waiting for Seul Chan to call me. I have some time.
(Sojin)** maybe you can call me after you get back from dinner? we can say goodnight.
(Kat)** okay,
(Sojin)** I am glad you and Seul Chan have different rooms… since he is calling you.
(Kat)** oh, we are sharing the room. He is in the lobby waiting for the car.
(Kat)** Sojin….I am kidding. It wasn't funny. sorry.
(Sojin)** please don't joke like that. He's not even your type. I am you type…right?
(Kat)**yes, you're my type. From what I can tell…my only type.
(Sojin)**you're forgiven.
(Kat)** phone's ringing…I will call you tonight… ^..^~

Dinner with Seul Chan, Kat and the UK company rep. was….boring. That was the only thought Kat could think of in referring to the evening's conversation. Dinner and biohazard waste disposal. She realizes it's a serious problem, but wow an entire weekend conference dedicated to it. The only hope she would have is concentrating on translation.

Seul Chan and Kat rode up the elevator together, they were in rooms on the same floor, but several rooms apart. They said goodnight in the hallway.

Kat went into her room, kicked off her shoes and started undressing as she headed to the bed. Her suitcase was already open so she pulled out her pj's and some fuzzy socks. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and got ready for a good nights rest.

Before she got in bed, she grabbed her phone and a book and got ready to settle in. Now, for a call to Sojin, I hope he is still awake, she thought. She dialed the number.

***their phone conversation***

(Sojin) Hi Kit Kat…how are you?
(Kat)  good…how about you?
(Sojin) lonely.
(Kat) oh my goodness, it's not even been 24 hours.
(Sojin) So you don't miss me?
(Kat) oh no, I miss you. I have been thinking about you all day. and this phone call…..all evening. I hope your ready to use up your battery mister.
(Sojin) now that's the level of enthusiasm I was looking for. Where are you?
(Kat) In my room, silly.
(Sojin) where, in the room?
(Kat) well…I came in, changed, and got in bed. It's very cold and uncomfortable.
(Sojin) I am sorry. Would it be warmer if I were there?
(Kat) wow, you are good at this, don't get me too crazy!
(Sojin) I am bad. It's somewhat uncomfortable for me.
(Kat) Lets just talk like normal, it doesn't have to be a  HOT conversation. I just want to talk to you. Oh…Oh…we could discuss your behavior in my office this morning. That would be interesting.
(Sojin) Well, I wanted to…leave you with something to remember me by… in case the hotel room is really cold.
(Kat) Well it did help me, it's actually helping me right now. (silence…) Oh Sojin…your too easy. I really like you. We don't have to think about being apart. Lets think about being together again. Just a couple days away. It will be alright.
(Sojin) Yes, Kat…it will be alright. Hey…I kept that t-shirt you let me borrow the other night. I'm wearing it right now.
(Kat) oh, Sojin…you're funny and very sweet. Now that you mention it, I may have helped myself to one of you t-shirts. I am wearing it right now. It's white, plain and kind of small. If we are going to keep sharing clothes I may have to skip some meals and start walking more.
(Sojin) I like you just as you are…So you're wearing it right now?

Sojin and Kat finally found something to talk about. Kat was right, Sojin's battery on his phone died before they said goodnight. He promised to have it fully charged before tomorrow nights conversation.  


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