Chapter 8

Curiosity Killed The Cat (DISCONTINUED)

KfonJuneGloom Kfon


KBAStitchInTime(Chapter 8 , MinMin's pov)

Bad enough I had to deal with Lay, when I finally tracked down HaeYoun she was leaning against the door with tears running down her face.

"Unnie.... Waegure?" I asked as I kneel down next to her.

She let out a whimpering sounds & hugged me. Was she having one of her psycho mode again? Although crying was rare even in her psycho mode/state..... Usually it was just average screaming, laughing & random comments or insults(if she's in her B*t*h mode.). 


"Unnie... Let's get you on your bed" I said & gently pulling her up & making her sit on the bed.


She was basically crying her eyes out. I went to the study desk & looked for her pills. I took 3 & handed them to her. She stared at them with teary eyes as she made those sniffling sounds she gets when she cries. I thought she wasn't going to take them but she swallowed them anyway. I sat right beside her on her bed & tried my best to comfort her.


'I'm guessing she got chased by Luhan & Xiumin because she did something wrong & basically made them mad & after her then they yelled her' I thought seeing how it was with those two chased her earlier.


I decided to call everyone else & tell them the situation. Within 10 minutes, they arrived at the door noisily until they saw HaeYoun.

"So what happened exactly?" Yujin asked. Just by seeing her face, you can tell that she was worried sick about Haeyoun.


Seira & HyeRin were sitting down- left &right- next to HaeYoun to console her. So far she just stare at the wall.

"I'm not sure myself .But earllier I saw her getting chase by Luhan & Xiumin so I figured that she must have bothered them without knowing & they probably shouted at her" I told Yujin.Yujin nodded & glanced at HaeYoun.


"HaeYoun can you tell us what happened?" Yujin said as gently as possible.

At first she didn't respond but after what seemed like forever, she said in a hoarsed voice.


"I'm sorry guys but I can't tellyou...."


Everyone was quiet until Seira spoke up.


"Maybe we shouldn't go to the dance tomorrow.Since HaeYoun doesn't seem to be able to." she said slowly as is still considering. Everyone slowly nodded in agreement.


"No! I wanna ro to the dance with all of you. We've already got the dresses & we waited for a long time for the day to come" she said.That silenced everyone.


"Arasseo. But if you fell like you can't go then we're staying here in your dorm room with you. " HyeRin said crossing her arms across her chest. A signature gesture which meant giving out the final decision for her.

(end of pov)ALL AGES DEMO

Eglantine (XiuMin's pov)

"We are screwed LuHan...." I said as soon as he followed me from the girls dorm building.

I tought he was going to kill her on the spot. Threatening her was his the last thing he does. From his face I could tell he wasn't satisfied.

"So are you really going to stalk her like you said you would?"I said trying to lighten him up.

He turn to me & opened his mouth to say something but quickly dismiss it...


"Well, you shook her up really well. I doubt she'll tell" I said giving out a relaxed shrug.

"Easy for you to say hyung. We're in big trouble now"He replied frustration in his voice.

"What kind of trouble?" Kris asked from behind.

Luhan fliched at the sudden sound of his voice. Kris always managed to sneak up on people quietly.

"Alpha! How's it going? ^O^" I backed Luhan up immidiately.

Definitely can't let the alpha finds out what just happen.


"Fine. We need to get back to the dorms. Suho insist we meet up with everyone to make plans for tomorrow."Kris said.

"Of coarse.We'll be there in no time" I said slinging my arm around Luhan's shoulder.Luhan gave me a 'SERIOUSLY' look.

End of POV.

Lina Script Alt Demo

Angilla Tattoo Personal Use.(author's pov)

Room 371...., 


All 12 of the EXO members were cramped into 1 room. XiuMin & ChaYeol were sitting on the top bunk. Tao, BaekHyun & Chen were on bottom bunk. Standing around were Luhan,Sehun , D.O & Kai. Lay sit on the only chair in the room that was the nearest to the window & also the earliest to arrive.

Suho & Kris stood infront of the dorm room's window overlooking everyone at that spot.


"Everyone knows what event tomorrow holds correct" Kris ask glancing at everyone.

"The dance or the other one" SeHun questioned poker-faced as usual.

"The other one." Suho responded before Kris could.

"The plan for tomorrow is simple. We attend the morning dance arrangements and the dance at night. 1 by 1 we'll go in the woods. Is that clear?" Suho explained.It was quite obvious he had rehearsed it.


Suddenly, from the outside the chime to alert students for announcements rang. There were fixed megaphones that stuck out in the corner of every building possible so the announcements could be heard no matter where you were as long as your within the school compound.


"To all students of All Saints Academy. Please give us your full attention. There will be a change in plans tomorrow. The preparations of the dance is complete so students will attend the morning classes. The Afternoon & night classes will be canceled. Thank you." The teacher sighed off but you could hear everyone in the building groaning as students complained.

Even inside of room 371 everyone started complaining.

"Does this mean we have to go for the morning class?"Chen asked hoping the alphas would say no.

"Unfortunately YES.We are going"Suho said finally.

Now every in that room except for the alphas groaned & complained.



the next day

8:10AM, School gym.

The morning was bright & the 3rd year & 2nd year students filled of the field. Supposedly the academy wasn't very open with sport activities & would usually pair up the 3rd &2nd year together for PE. HyeRin,YuJin &SeiRa were standing within the basketball range which only consist of two simple BIY hoops.The gang had changed from their normal school uniform which was _____(A/n: sorry idk how to describe the unimform) 


This colour & same for the guys....except that they're wearing pants of course....

to our normal white shirt and black shorts for P.E. Yujin had tied her hair up like whenever she had the chance to exercise. The teacher had instructed that part of the group to play basketball.Standing opposite from the girls were some of the guys from EXO. Suho, Kris, XiuMin,LuHan, ChanYeol,BaekHyun,D.O & Chen. BaekHyun was crouching down on the ground as if he just had a jog. XiuMin ,LuHan &Chen were busy having a really deep conversation on hair styles. D.O restlessly paced around the field while the alphas kept their distance from everyone like usual.


"Alright.Since I'm sure everyone knows how to play I'll just pass the ball to the guys. I'll be supervising the game, so make sure you play fairly. If you need me I'll be watching.... I mean helping with the warm up practice on the other side of the field."He said firmly.


"But teacher there's already Mrs.-" a male students suddenly pointed out the other teacher but got stunned immidiately.

"I know whose there! Now play!" He said quickly throwing the ball to him.

The teacher ran off & the male student passed the ball to the others.HyeRin &Seira were busy chit chatting away unlike Yujin who had her competitive mode on.


The ball had went into the girls hoop 2 times until it was passed onto Luhan who catch it anyway eventhough he wasn't concentrating.He narrowed his eyes at it as if it was the most annoying thing in the world & threw it away randomly.As in results the ball crashed on top of HyeRin's head & made her fall.


"OUCH! WHAT THE WAS THAT?!!!" She growled. A small crowd surrounded her but only YuJinhelped her up.


"The ball hit her head?"

" Must be painful"

"Owwie~ That MUST hurts...."

"Poor her... Being hit on the head..."



People around her whispered & mumbled.


"WHO THE HELL THREW THAT DAMN BALL???!!!!!!!" She yelled while rubbing her head. She could feel a small bruise rise on her head. The guys pointed at Luhan who just watched Hyerin walk up to him.She kicked him on where he least expected it.


He never expected the girl to just  point & yell. In return he instinctively tried to punch her but was held back by the XiuMin & D.O & Chen. who was nearest to him.

"Seriously?! You just walk up & kick guys just like that?!"Luhan shouted angryly.

"Well maybe next time you should watch where you were throwing! Ever thought some girl/people would be hit by your carelessness?!!!" She retorted back obviously aiming to kick him again but this time was held back by YuJin & Seira.


"You call yourself a girl?" He scoffed & smirk.

A crowd was formed around the yelling teens.Both from the basketball group & out. They slowly, but loudly chanted... FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!!!! The chanting grew louder & the teacher jogged over.

"What's going on here?"The teacher said pushing through the crowd.

He looked around & had a good idea on what was happening.

"A fight? Well,will anyone care to tell me who started this?" The students pointed the very obvious pair in the middle still being back by their friends.

He gestured them forward & they walked forward after the others let them go.

"Oh well atleast I tried keeping my feelings lock in... Man.... Headmistress...Why did you have to make a class for this morning?... You're making things harder for us...." Luhan thought....

(end of pov)


Author's POV

Suho was watching Kris scolding his Beta....

"If you actually hit that girl hard,she could have collapsed & then everuone will be suspicious about us."Kris yapped at Luhan.


He had just gotten back from detention which was for only today during the school hours since he said the headmisstress 'Didn't want to ruin their dance night.' School gave quite a light punishment Suho thought.But one thing , Suho did agree with Kris is that this school made their pack's mood swings much more active than they usually skip school during the full moon.


Luhan simply hung down his head to the floor & listened to his alpha. Everyone else was getting ready for the dance but Kris wanted to see this guy personally.Suho didn't really catch what was happening since he was so far back from the crowd.Suho just reviewed the plan for tongight. Go to the party, stay there for a while & when the time comes, go into the woods one by one. 


After 2 minutes, Luhan left the dorm room without saying anything.Kris sighed & yanked his wardrobe open.

"So how close do you think they are?" Suho whispered but still emphasis the word 'THEY'.

This has been on their minds since we came to the school. They are screwed if they find them at that particular time.

"Well they seemed to be on the right track & I mean that in a bad way.They don't show any sign of turning the other way. If I'm sure they're in the school right now watching every of our moves."He said shaking his head.

"But honestly, the strees of running this pack is killing me."

'Well he isn't the only one to think that' Suho thought.

(end of pov)I Love What You Do!!..


"I'm back...." I said sourly.

I had to spend my whole morning class in detention thanks to that guy.But the headmisstress said the punishment was already light since she wanted us to said the punishment was already light since she wanted us to enjoy the dance. Damn that guy was asking so many questions considering there was the possibility that he was the one who made Haeyoun ccried like that. I never seen her so shaken up before. He really pissed me off =_=



I was sitting in an old classroom that was server as a detentioned room. Lucky for me I wasn't alone. Luhan sat 3 chairs from the right away from me. Earlier we had a small misunderstanding & the teacher decidedly gave us a face to face appointment with the misstress. She said since the dance was tonight she was going to let us off easy but we have to stay in detention until morning classes ended.


The teacher supervising had left us to take care of some sort of bussiness & told us to keep quiet & stay. The only sound you could hear in the room was the faint sound of the fan humming above us. I thought the silent was just going to go on like that but Luhan broke it when he suddenly asked "Where's your other friend?"


"What?" I qustioned back.

"She wasn't present. I always see you with her..."he asked casually.

"HaeYoun? Its none of your bussiness." I said defiantly.I didn't feel like talking at the time. But he pressed on.

"Did something happen to her? Is she taking a day off?" He asked looking at me in the eyes. I tried not to meet his gaze.

"Yes she is as the nurse says she's mentally & emotionally unstable. There! Happy now?! ughh! Now can you please off"I said frowning. He shrugged & turn to the front.


"HyeRin-ah! I heard you got into detention. What happened?" MinMin asked snapping me back to reality.

She & everyone else were here to get ready for the dance since YuJin keeps the biggest stock of cosmetics.

"Oh a guy hit me with a basketball ball on the head & I tried to teach him a lesson." I explained.

Seira & YuJin shook their heads. I mouthed 'What' to them but they ignored me. 

"Must be bothering for you. I bet you took a nap in there too" MinMin grinned her usual grin.

Although what happen yesterday was preety worrying everyone was smiling & laughing as we prepared for the dance. I just hope it will be this enjoyable there too.

                                                                   One Starry Night



XxAiko_16xX : Chapter 8's up! ENJOY! ^O^

CheshaCat: You I just realize how annoying editing can be.@~@ Now I get why some people don't bother to edit their chaps again but it's my turn to do the job. Anyhow enjoy the reading I don't know how long will it be till Aiko updates again. Just yesterday my cat gave birth to 3 kittens. They're so kawaii~ XD Stay awesome and comment please :3

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Booyah000 #1
Good job! Haha
teentopbapshineefx #2
Satisfaction brought it back !!!! ;)
Chapter 21: Hi, its weird cause I cant see chapter 17. Its 16 then 18. Please do sth about it :D
Thank you~ anyways, thanks for updating. I really ship LayMin :) please more moments! ^^
Chapter 21: Where's Chap 17??
Chapter 19: Please update soon author nim
Chapter 19: pls update soon author-nim!! ^^ i'm waiting~~
sunset812 #7
Chapter 19: The filler chapter was still good because we got to see how they interact. "I'm right here you know."-Tao. I spit my drink out on my dog. Now he needs a bath.
Chapter 19: Please update soon! This is interesting!
Chapter 18: Kyaaa! I'm new here and already fall in love ❤️
sunset812 #10
Chapter 18: Ugh. School. Good luck!