Chapter 18

Curiosity Killed The Cat (DISCONTINUED)

Chapter 18

Baekhyun’s POV

The exam started yesterday but I didn’t even break a sweat. Officially if you finish early and get out before the last 20 minutes you can get out of class early. I was waiting for Xiumin to get out. As I waited in the hallway as started to figure out that Xiumin must have fallen asleep in the exam. The door to my class suddenly opened and HyeRin came out.

“Hey.” She greeted me. With her usual arrogant tone.

“Why hello there…I didn’t expect you to finish so early” I said sarcastically.

She frowned, “ What’s that suppose to mean?”

I ignored her question looking around the empty halls. “You wanna get out of here?” I asked feeling a rush of excitement. She gave a look of annoyance but she was clearly interested.

Personally she annoyed me a lot sometimes with her attitude…But something just draws me to keep annoying her back. Before she could answer I pulled her across the hallway not going in a specific direction.


HaeYoun’s POV

I was eating my late breakfast with Luhan and Kai. In fact I could have just ate alone since everyone was off doing their own business in Jeju.

Since it’s our 4th day on Jeju the teachers announced that we’ll be able to spend the day however we want. Basically, complete freedom as long as you don’t cause trouble. Since I woke up late I ended up eating alone but Luhan and Kai were ‘passing by’ and saw me alone in the hotel restaurant and decided to join me.

They told me most of the students have already left the hotel. I could vaguely remember Min Min and Seira telling me that they were going swimming somewhere earlier in the morning. Maybe they went to the each again? I don’t know waking up early always made everything groggy.

You’d think I’d be glad to have some company but with that guy around I just felt really irritated.

I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t take a detective to figure out  who was beside me again. Although in the last dream it left me guessing where the place specifically was the dream now lead me inside of a bright lit mall that Seira and I went to once last year.

We were on the escalator that seem to take forever to go down. The shops all seem empty even with the bright lights flashing out. Kai wasn’t to close next to me this time and he wasn’t smirking either. He had his face turned to one of those super expensive lingerie shops with full focus. He turned to me with his usual smirk plastered onto his. I thought he lost it for a moment in the dream.

“I feel like I should get a present you know.” I kept silent as he glanced at that shop again. His next sentence hit me hard.

“You know what I’m thinking? I’m sure you do. So tell me.” His smirk broke into a grin. “ So tell me what’s your size?”

“What?” I manage to speak for once. It felt good but I knew this conversation isn’t done yet.

“ You know your size?”  He glanced up and down of me. I swear his eyes lingered at my chest longer than anything else.

In the dream I was wearing this zip up jacket and Kai took a step closer to me a slowly, slowly my jacket. I knew if he opened it all the way down he would see that particular undergarment since I don’t seem to feel another piece of clothing touching my skin. I had a panic attack on the inside and I wanted to push him to the other side of the escalator so he would crash to the ground floor. He grew closer to the middle.

But I woke up.

“KAI STOP INVADING MY DREAMS!” I shouted as I tune back in reality.

I was outside of the restaurant with Luhan and Kai. I didn’t even realize we walked out. Tourist and passersby were staring and bowed awkwardly.

“Woah…what was that about.” Luhan asked wide eyed himself.

“You can tell?...” Kai gawked slightly.

What?!” Luhan jerked go Kai. I’m guessing this isn’t a first time.

“Does this mean those dreams aren’t just mere a coincidences? You really did have something to do with them didn’t you?” I felt my face flush with anger and humiliation.

“You’ve been teleporting again haven’t you? Pabo! You’re not supposed to use it especially on a human’s mind!” Luhan looked furious. Kai head seem to dip down slightly but a familiar smirk grew on his face.

“It was just a joke hyung! I didn’t expect her to even be conscious about it. Humans rarely do. Believe me I was quite surprise myself” Kai shrugged.

“I hate you! You freakin ert! Byuntae!!!! Byuntae Byuntae Byuntae!” I lashed out in a fit of rage. I stepped out with my hand raised. I felt the familiar dark feeling I had whenever I get too angry. If that person turns up everyone would be in trouble. Kai stood where he is, unfazed. Luhan held my hand back from hitting him.

“It’s time to disappear.” He winked as if nothing happened and snapped his fingers. In a short speedy burst of white hot wisps he was gone. As if he plucked out of thin air. The previous rage was replace with surprise and confusion.

“Pabo… He’s not suppose to use his powers. I’m sure he expects me to keep quiet about this…” Luhan grumbled to himself as he let go of my hand.

“Since when to werewolves have teleportation? Don’t tell all werewolves can zip around like that whenever they want. What about you? Can you do it?” I poured out all the questions I have in my head.

“Hush! Of course we can’t teleport but Kai is an exception. His mother is a aura so me manage to inherit the teleporting. I myself have telekinesis and we cant use those higher powers anytime we want or we’ll burn up.” Luhan explained in a quiet tone. He started walking out the hotel.

“What’s an aura? How do you have telekinesis? What about the rest of Exo? How does it feel to have this mysterious kind of force?” I continued to ask but the questions were starting to sound like the kind of questions Min Min would ask.


Author’s POV

“Day 2 of the exams. My surroundings are at extreme silence. The questions stare back at me waiting to be answered. I- OWW!” Baekhyun’s forehead got flicked by HyeRin.

“What’s with the narrating? Pabo…” HyeRin huffed. “If that’s suppose to be a description of me during the exam it’s not funny. Where are we going now? Yesterday you took me to the gardens but now we’re just…are we headed for the woods?”

Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows teasingly at HyeRin making her punch his shoulder.

“Don’t do that. It’s annoying and weird. Do you usually wander around after taking tests ?” Hye Rin said. They reach the woods and the tall trees provided some shade for them.

Baekhyun nodded “ Usually with Xiumin and the alphas but I find it more interesting to hang out with you.”

“Interesting?” Hye Rin questioned. It wasn’t answered though. They walked around in silence for a few minute. It was  getting awkward so Baekhyun tried to break the silence.

“You know with us spending time together like this you could almost call it a date” Baekhyun smiled.

“W-what are you talking about?! There’s no way I would ever date you! P-Pabo!” Hye Rin pinched Baekhyun’s face as a reflex.

“What? I was just joking! But why wouldn’t you want to date me. I’m a awesome guy!” Baekhyun pried Hye Rin’s hand off his face.

They argued around until Baekhyun suddenly stopped HyeRin frowned and looked around. She mouthed a ‘what’ to him but he just held up his hand to hush her.

“Someone’s coming. It must be the security guard.” Baekhyun uttered. He looked around trying to find the direction of the sound .

“Crap. We need to go.” Baekhyun dropped his hand and started running. Hye Rin followed but was far more slower than he was. Baekhyun could hear the security guard shouting and HyeRin was still far behind.

“Human are slow” Baekhyun sighed. Hye Rin could see him turn turning back for her. She slowed down but Baekhyun didn’t show any signs od doing that too.

“What are you- “ She was cut off as in one swift move got slung over Baekhyun’s shoulder. The forest seemed to zoom by as Baekhyun speeded up. By the time they stopped Baekhyun had deposited the the girl to a bench infront of the school cafeteria.

“That was a close one if we stayed any longer the guard would have caught us and we’d fail the exam- “

“BYUN BAEKHYUN! What the heck were you thinking?! My skirt flew up you-“

Suddenly the cafeteria doors open making the two freeze.

“Annyeong! Baekhyun-ah! Hye Rin-ah! How was your test?” Xiumin suddenly appeared. He had his usual friendly grin on and slung his right arm onto Baekhyun’s shoulders.

Behind him Yujin was talking to with Suho and Kris. Yujin saw HyeRin and waved back at her to come. Hye Rin reluctantly walked over seeing how Baekhyun was got dragged away by Xiumin.

“I finished just in time to get out of class so Xiumin invited me to go to the cafeteria with them” Yujin said before realizing her friend was upset. “What happened to you anyway? Your hair is all windblown and stuff.”

She glared at baekhyun and pointed at him.

Yujin glanced between her friend and Baekhyun “I have a feeling I wouldn’t want to ask the details…”


Author’s Note

CheshaCat: Hey guys sorry for disappearing for 2 months but we had a lot going on since it was exam time for us here. I double updated today just for you~ *starts throwing hearts everywhere* jk jk XD About the recent news on Exo I really don’t know what to say. I just hope things don’t get too messy with SM.

Anyway thanks for the support.


XxAiko_16xX = =-= cheshacat.... did woohyun spread his disease to you? anyway enjoy reading! XD and yeah thanks everyone for the support and still loyal to us (lol what??? haha) (Y) Luv ya all! XD

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Booyah000 #1
Good job! Haha
teentopbapshineefx #2
Satisfaction brought it back !!!! ;)
Chapter 21: Hi, its weird cause I cant see chapter 17. Its 16 then 18. Please do sth about it :D
Thank you~ anyways, thanks for updating. I really ship LayMin :) please more moments! ^^
Chapter 21: Where's Chap 17??
Chapter 19: Please update soon author nim
Chapter 19: pls update soon author-nim!! ^^ i'm waiting~~
sunset812 #7
Chapter 19: The filler chapter was still good because we got to see how they interact. "I'm right here you know."-Tao. I spit my drink out on my dog. Now he needs a bath.
Chapter 19: Please update soon! This is interesting!
Chapter 18: Kyaaa! I'm new here and already fall in love ❤️
sunset812 #10
Chapter 18: Ugh. School. Good luck!