Here She Comes

Queer & Proud

Both Chanyeol and Kyungsoo weren’t present during lunch. Baekhyun constantly casted worried glances at the empty table, biting his lips anxiously. Jongin wasn’t present either, and that itself worried Baekhyun enough. By the time Baekhyun had woken up his best friend was gone, and now both his crush and the reason for Jongin’s misery were nowhere to be found?


Byun Baekhyun hated how cruel life was to him.


Luhan was also sulking in his seat. Sehun was gone, but it was because one of his relatives had come to visit him. Jongdae and Minseok were also gone, but that wasn’t something unusual. Their absence was actually quite common.  


“You’re making me nervous as well, Baekhyun,” Luhan muttered as he saw Baekhyun take yet another look at the empty table, “stop. Seriously.”


“I can’t help it! Jongin’s gone, Chanyeol’s gone, and Kyungsoo’s gone. All I can do is hope that those three aren’t together because good lord that isn’t going to end pretty.”


“Why would those three be together?” Luhan sighed. He couldn’t help but feel worried for Jongin too. Although he knew Jongin and Kyungsoo were currently not on speaking terms, thus Kyungsoo could not verbally harm Jongin in any way, that itself could be more painful to Jongin than anything else.


“I’m going to kill that son of a if I find him,” Baekhyun hissed, “I swear if someone doesn’t return Jongin to his usual annoying, cocky self I’m going to have to resort to violence.”


“Just give it time. He’ll be back soon enough.”


Baekhyun sighed and picked lazily at the food in front of him. He took a small bite of the salad and looked up. His eyes caught sight of a disgruntled looking Sehun being pulled along by a woman in her mid 20s.


“What in the world.....?” Baekhyun muttered as the woman’s eyes suddenly brightened and she fastened her pace, practically running over to their table. Luhan jumped in his seat at a sudden screech of joy.


“Oh dear, you boys must be Sehun’s new friends!”


Baekhyun gawked as the woman bent over and hugged Luhan fiercely. Luhan’s mouth dropped open and he looked to Sehun in panic, who was trying very hard to pull the woman away.


“Taeyeon! Please! You’re scaring him!”


“Nonsense!” Taeyeon said before finally letting go of Luhan. She beamed at him and ruffled Luhan’s hair.


“You are adorable!” She exclaimed. She finally looked over to Baekhyun with an equally excited expression. Baekhyun gulped and tried to stand up but was too late as Taeyeon had already caught Baekhyun’s arm and pulled him into a tight hug.


“Sehun, I must say your friends are the cutest boys I have ever seen in my entire life.”


“Ugh, Taeyeon!”


Sehun finally succeeded in prying Taeyeon off Baekhyun, who looked dazed at the lack of oxygen from the hug. Sehun looked at both Luhan and Baekhyun nervously as he stepped in front of his aunt, keeping her from going near them again.


“Guys, this is my aunt. Taeyeon, these are my friends Luhan and Baekhyun. Please don’t hug them anymore. I think you might’ve killed them.”


“Oh, don’t be silly!” Taeyeon slapped Sehun’s arm. She smiled brightly at the boys, who finally understood what was going on and smiled back.


“You know I was quite surprised when Sehun told me he had friends here. He’s always been a shy boy, especially with all the moving and it’s been hard for him to get close to anyone. To be honest, I didn’t believe him at first, but now that I see you I must say I am very excited that-”


“That’s enough!” Sehun bellowed. “I think they got the message. You can seriously stop talking now.”


Taeyeon frowned. With a sigh she averted her gaze to Luhan and changed her frown to a pretty smile.


“You’re Luhan, yes?”


Luhan blinked in confusion. “Yeah, but how did you-”


“Sehun told me all about you boys. He said that there was this adorable looking boy with large brown eyes and you fit the description,” she turned around, ignoring Sehun’s look of rage, and smiled at Baekhyun. “Of course, you’re Baekhyun? The one who kind of looks like a puppy and is pretty short for his age, but is really pretty and could pass as a girl.”


“Taeyeon! That is not how I described them-”


“Hush, Sehun! You’re making a scene,” Taeyeon scolded. Sehun’s jaw dropped open in exasperation and Luhan chuckled quietly.


“I’m adorable, Sehun?” Luhan asked with a teasing smile, “aww, you shouldn't have.”


Sehun turned red and opened his mouth to retort when Taeyeon spoke instead.


“Damn right you are! I could just look at you all day!” Taeyeon squealed as she pinched Luhan’s cheeks and pulled on it in glee.


“You know what, I think I’m just going to go ahead and show you my room right this instant,” Sehun said as he grabbed Taeyeon and pulled her away. He spun around and pushed her out of the cafeteria, but not before turning around with a flushed look.


“Luhan, for your information, I did not call you cute. I said you looked really young and kind of like a deer.”


Luhan smiled in amusement as Sehun huffed and disappeared from view. Baekhyun stood in silence before pointing at himself in shock.


“I look like a girl?!”


Luhan crossed his arms and stared at Baekhyun, nodding. He burst out laughing at Baekhyun’s horrified expression.


The two boys remained that way until lunch came to an end.





“That was unnecessary,” Taeyeon huffed as she crossed her arms, glaring at Sehun. “I was bonding with your friends, Sehun. You didn’t have to pull me away.”


“You were embarrassing me,” Sehun groaned as he rolled his eyes, “seriously though, why are you even here?”


“Isn’t that such a nice thing to say to your aunt who you haven’t met for the past year?”


“Taeyeon. You’re like 6 years older than me. You’re not even married, for gods sake. Do you really want me to treat you like you’re really old?”


“Sehun” Taeyeon screeched. Sehun cringed at the noise before sighing.


“Why are you here?” He asked. Taeyeon rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.


“Your mother wanted me to come over and check how you were holding up. She was really worried because you were being a horrible son and not calling her.”


“She shoved me into a school for gay guys, and she was worried because I wasn’t calling her?”


Taeyeon shrugged. “I don’t think the gay part really occurred to her.”


Sehun spun around and glared at Taeyeon. “Do you know how shocked I was when I first found out? The least she could do was tell me so I could’ve been prepared.”


Taeyeon scoffed. “Let’s be honest here. If your mother told you that you were going to attend a school strictly for homouals, would you really have come here?”


When met with silence, Taeyeon smirked in victory.


“You’ve been kicked out of four schools in one year, Sehun. This was the only school that was willing to let you in. Your mother wasn’t willing to risk that. It was her last resort. Do you understand?”


“I am literally the only straight guy here!” Sehun yelled, gesturing to place around them. “I can’t talk to anyone about girls because no one understands and they think I’m nuts! Sure, the kids are nice, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m like the ugly duckling here!”


“And it’s also the only place where you have friends!” Taeyeon snapped back, “you’ve been going out of your way to avoid talking to anyone before coming to this school, and now thanks to those sweethearts out there who were willing to hunt you down and be friends with you, now you actually look like you have a life other than studying until dawn breaks every single day!”


Sehun fumed, but he knew he had always lost. Everything Taeyeon said was true after all - if Luhan hadn’t persistently trailed after him and basically forced him to start hanging out with him and his friends, Sehun would’ve been more than happy to lock himself in the library until he was expelled again. Although he was reluctant at first, and he was still afraid to call anyone here his friends, it was a positive sign that Sehun was actually willing to interact with his peers. And Taeyeon clearly saw this.


“See?” Taeyeon asked. “You can’t deny it either. You like it here, despite all the bullcrap you just said. Who cares if you’re the only straight guy here? That shouldn’t keep you from making some decent friends, right? And from the looks of it the boys here are the nicest ones you’re going to get.”


Sehun frowned, and like the teenager he was, stomped his foot in frustration and stormed over to his room. He could hear Taeyeon roar in laughter as she followed him into his dorm room.


“You share this with Luhan, right?” Taeyeon said as she looked around the room in interest. Sehun nodded before plopping down on his bed.


Taeyeon spun around and looked down at Sehun with a large grin.



“You know, I really like that boy.”


Sehun groaned and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I get that. You think he’s cute.


“And you don’t?”


Sehun’s put on an exasperated look. “I’m a dude! Dude’s don’t think other guys are cute.”


“I bet Luhan thinks you’re cute!” Taeyeon sang before spinning around and looking at Luhan’s extremely messy desk. “Aw, you guys even balance each other out. You’re an insufferable neatfreak, and Luhan is,” Taeyeon picked up a dirty underwear from the ground and cringed, “untidy.


“That is not the adjective I would describe him as,” Sehun grumbled under his breath. He finally stood up and grabbed his phone, dialing a number.


“Hey mom,” Sehun said. Taeyeon gasped and spun around, eyes wide in alarm as she tried to pry the phone away from her nephew. Sehun easily swatted her away.


“Yeah, sorry for not calling. I was a bit preoccupied with the fact that I was stuck in a school where everyone was gay.”


A low rumbling was heard and Sehun sighed.


“Look, the thing is, Taeyeon is here right now and she won’t leave. I have class in the morning and I would really like to have some time with my friends,” he stressed the last word, earning a glare from Taeyeon, “so I would really appreciate it if you could come over and take her away.”


Sehun grimaced as he jerked his head away from the phone.


“Okay, geez, Aunt Taeyeon. You didn’t have to scream.”


Finally, Sehun nodded and muttered a small thanks before ending the call and slipping the phone into his pocket. He crossed his arms and looked at a disgruntled Taeyeon with a proud smile.


“She’s coming right now,” he said. Taeyeon groaned out loud and slapped the back of Sehun’s back.


“I would say I hate you, but I can’t because you’re my nephew and I’m obliged to love you and your entire stupid self!”


“Let’s get you back home,” Sehun said before grabbing Taeyeon’s arm and dragging her outside. He bumped into Luhan in the hallway, who looked at them in mild amusement.


“Hello, Sehun’s aunt!” Luhan waved, smiling when Taeyeon squealed.


“This one here is a keeper,” Taeyeon pointed at Luhan with a bright smile. Sehun groaned and pulled Taeyeon along.


“I’ll be back for dinner. Meanwhile, clean up that ridiculous pile of laundry in our room, okay?” Sehun yelled back. Luhan rolled his eyes but grinned good-naturedly before bowing politely in Taeyeon’s direction. Sehun finally managed to drag Taeyeon to the lobby.


“Never come visit me again,” he panted. Taeyeon chuckled and slung her arm around Sehun’s shoulders.


“Not going to happen, kiddo.”


Holy crap why was my last chapter so freaking long. It was like pages :O

Kaisoo angst is unbelievable XD

Anyways, I'm taking a break from all that and giving you some fluffy Hunhan XD next chapter has hunhan all over it, so look forward to it!

Taeyeon is one of my favorite girl group members XD can she not be so adorable? Anyways, this should show you guys what Sehun's current mental state is.

Sorry for the delayed chapter but the next one will come soon!


Thankyou so much for all the support so far! <3

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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 1: Luhanieeeee
Rainflowerstorm #2
I remember reading this WAYYYY back in 2013 for the first time. Seriously so well-written and beautiful!! I know it's been almost a decade since I first started this, and I know that the last update was in 2015, but know that I am still holding out for the Act 3 update even after all this time. If you decide to update it, that's awesome and I'll be here for it! But even if you don't decide to update, please know that IT IS OKAY AND I STILL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR ENDEAVORS!! Do what makes you happy!! We love you author-nim!! <3
Chapter 42: Act 3! Please, I read this way too fast and I need more!
EerinKaialovers #4
Chapter 42: Excited for the Act 3
Chapter 42: Please update 🥺
Rainflowerstorm #6
Chapter 42: I first read this story 5 years ago. I read it about a week after the Act 2 Finale chapter had been posted, and I completed it within a few days. And ever since then, I have been checking over and over and over again for the past 5 years to see if it has updated. Normally, if a fic hasn't updated in a year, I give up on it, but not this one. This fic is SO GOOD, that I have continuously checked for an update on it for the past 5 years. Sadly, the day has not come, but I will continue to check, because it is just THAT GOOD.
Chapter 42: Ugh. I miss this. Its been bloody years since the update. I hope you'll give us the update still.
Chapter 42: Still waiting for an update!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 42: I really really loved this story. I onow it’s been a long while since it’s been updated but It was still a very good read. I enjoyed the plot, the characters and the emotions I felt while reading Queer and Proud.
I’ll keep an eye incase you return back. And. I hope you’re doing great author.
Take care!♥️