Episode 1 (Part 4)

Monstar (Season 2): One-shot

[Next morning at Buk-chon High's entrance gate]

Soo-bin and Tae-young walk small steps towards the main building as Tae-young glance at his back from time to time. The other students around them are walking hurriedly to class.

Tae-young: Where is Noona? (glance at his watch on his right hand) We'll be late again. You don't think something bad happen to her, Soo-bin?

Soo-bin: Nonsense. She's always fine, Tae-young.

Tae-young: Still, she lives at that nightclub, you know...

Soo-bin: Just trust her and ME. (smirks a little) The boss takes good care of her. He was Ahjusshi's bandmate some years ago.

Tae-young: So, Noona is comfortable living with a guy in his mid-20s. (sulks, then grumbles) Why can't I be older?

Soo-bin: Hey. (nudges his arm) You're also good for Shin-kyung. It's just that she considers you as a little brother/ dongsaeng

Tae-young: (sulks for a moment) Actually, Soo-bin (stops at the door entrance) I like Noona. (meets Soo-bin's eyes) And, I'm about to confess my love soon. (smiles suddenly) I know this happens suddenly, but for the past 2 years... I begin to like her for who she is.

Soo-bin: (frowns a little) Really?/ Geurae? (forces a smile) It's okay if you wait a bit longer, but I guess you want this to happen so badly. So, when are you gonna confess?

Tae-young: Since White Day is coming up, then it's on that day I'll confess to Noona. (giggles)

Soo-bin: Don't you think you're rushing too fast? I mean, haven't you thought about Shin-kyung liking another guy?

Tae-young: Eih...No way/ Seolma. There is no other guy to be with Noona, except that boss. Besides, we're always with her; so, no way Noona is liking someone already.

Suddenly, Tae-young sees Teacher Dokgo talking with a male student who looks familiar to Tae-young. Tae-young nudges Soo-bin's arm whispering a "Hey" to her.

Tae-young: Doesn't that boy look familiar to you?

Soo-bin: (eyes on the boy) I think I've seen him before. I got a feeling he's a handsome one.

Tae-young: Hey!

Soo-bin: You're handsome too, Tae-young.

Tae-young: No. I mean, look! (points index finger at the male students who is walking upstairs with Teacher Dokgo) That's the jerk.

Soo-bin: Oh! Wait. What he said last night to us...(her eyes meet with Tae-young's, looking surprised)

Tae-young: He's a...


Teacher Dokgo:... a transfer student from Okinawa. (eyes on Eun-jae) Introduce yourself.

Eun-jae: (bows to his classmates) Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Jang Eun-jae.

Most of his classmates whisper among themselves, especially the girls who are giggling and expressing their excitement of seeing their new classmate.

Girl #1: So, he's Korean as his name said.

Girl #2: He looks hot. Don't you think he looks like a celebrity model?

Girl #3: He's not tall, but he's really handsome. How about inviting him for lunch, girls?

The girls giggle among themselves. Tae-young looks at them, feeling goosebumps in his skin. His seat is next to Soo-bin's, and she takes out some textbooks from her school bag. 

Tae-young: (rolls his eyes) Cham. (laser eyes on Eun-jae) I hope Snitch won't be popular with the girls here.

Soo-bin: Do we have to call him that name?

Tae-young: Why not? He caused us big trouble last night.

Soo-bin: Okay, you're right but he helped us to get out of the club.

Tae-young: Lee Soo-bin, are you falling for this guy??

Soo-bin: What nonsense are you saying...

Teacher Dokgo: Eh-hem. Lee Soo-bin, Seo Tae-young. Is there something wrong?

Soo-bin: Oh. It's nothing, Teacher.

Meanwhile, class president Seung-hee has been staring at Eun-jae from the moment he comes inside this classroom.

Teacher Dokgo: Then, we'll start class now. Eun-jae, you're seating...

Suddenly, the front sliding door opens with a loud thud, which made everyone turn to see Shin-kyung panting and sweating at the door.

Teacher Dokgo: (disappointingly frowns) Eun Shin-kyung. Late again.

Shin-kyung: (bows to her) Joesonghamnida, Teacher. Truth is I overslept.

Teacher Dokgo: Alright. Since we can't have Eun-jae here get confused with unforseen commotion, I'll let you go. For the last time.

Shin-kyung: Yes./Neh. (eyes widen at Eun-jae) 

[Background music: https://soundcloud.com/ms_kimsayoung/17-1-17-to-1-of-legend]

Shin-kyung: Huh? You...

Eun-jae: (ignores Shin-kyung) Teacher, where's my seat?

Teacher Dokgo: Mmm...(eyes on Shin-kyung) You'll be sitting next to Shin-kyung. It will be great for her not to get lonely at her seat. (smiles wickedly at Shin-kyung)


Shin-kyung doesn't look happy throughout the lessons until lunch time.

She keeps staring, and sometimes glaring at Eun-jae who carries on with writing down notes even on his first day at Buk-chon High. In front of her and Eun-jae, Soo-bin and Tae-young glance behind from time to time.

[JUMP CUT; ending background music]

The school bell rings for lunch time. As Eun-jae leaves the classroom, he is stopped by Shin-kyung at the classroom's backdoor. Her hands in her black jacket make her look like a badass with the upset look she gives right now.

Shin-kyung: (huffs) Hey, Snitch. Is this what your words meant last night?

Eun-jae: Last night? (puts on a confused look) We never met before.

Shin-kyung: (eyes widen surprisingly) Snitch. What the heck is this talk? Are you acting blatantly like nothing happened last night?

Eun-jae: Eun Shin-kyung. (walks an inch closer to her) Seolma, you want the whole class to know about last night? I'm doing you a favour.

Shin-kyung: (growls the words) Snitch. Is this a threat?

Eun-jae: (replies with a straight face) Think whatever you want, but I promise not to tell anyone about last night. I'm leaving now. (walks past Shin-kyung and turns right)

Shin-kyung: Huh! (hands out of the pockets) That Snitch!

Soo-bin and Tae-young comes forward and stands next to Shin-kyung side by side.

Tae-young: Noona, just ignore him. Are you worried he'll tell...

Soo-bin: He pretends not to know us, so I think he's helping us.

Tae-young: (scoffs softly) Yeah, right! What that punk really wants is to stay out of trouble with us. Right, Noona? (sees Shin-kyung staring at Eun-jae walking along the corridor) Noona?

Shin-kyung: (looks back at her friends) Let's go. (smiles upsetly) I'm hungry.

Soo-bin and Tae-young look confused at each other. Then, they follow Shin-kyung out of their classroom.

[JUMP CUT] [Background music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiIXwXFpGg8#t=35]

As Seung-hee walks gracefully while checking the time on her watch, she then looks up and coming in front of her is Eun-jae, who walks nonchalantly with his right hand in his pocket. Seung-hee stops and stares at Eun-jae as if time has stopped already. After a while, she gains back her consciousness when three girls run towards Eun-jae, and they're now gathering in front of him like what fangirls do whenever they see a handsome idol. This startles Eun-jae as he never encounter any girls coming so close to him before. Not even this has happened in his Okinawan house.

As Eun-jae is trying to speak up a word, Seung-hee comes forward and calls his name.

"Jang Eun-jae." The girls and Eun-jae look at her, standing there full of glamour thanks to her beauty.

"Follow me," Seung-hee says nonchalantly. "I'm taking you around the school."

"Oh...," Eun-jae replies trying to decide whether to leave or not. At first, he's still remember his awkward encounter with Seung-hee the other day, and he still feels awkward to communicate with her. But as he glances at the girls behind him, he has a feeling he must go as his social skills won't be going well with weird people. "Well, I suppose...Alright."

The girls find themselves squealing softly in the brink of having their class president "snatching" a hot boy away from them.


Despite having to escape from the squealing of his newfound fangirls, Eun-jae brushes his neck with his right hand as he still feels awkward while walking next to Seung-hee. Then, Seung-hee stops at a random corridor, and turns around to look at him. She breaks the awkward silence with an informal talk.

Seung-hee: You know we're the same age. You don't have to keep quiet like this once you attend this school.

Eun-jae: Huh? Oh. (lets his hand drop down slowly) Well, I've been homeschooled back in Okinawa, so that's why I'm being like this. (stares at her eyes)

Mian, I guess I'm talking nonsense here, Hoe-jangnim (President).

Seung-hee: (forms a quick smirk) You can call me "Seung-hee" whenever we're alone like this.

Eun-jae: Oh. Geurae? Your name "Seung-hee"...

Seung-hee: I'll let you in a secret since you've revealed you being homeschooled just now. I'm the eldest by one year.

Eun-jae: Jin-jja? (looking surprised) Then, we're the same age.

(They have another awkward silence until they laugh softly and smiling with their eyes facing the floor.)

Seung-hee: Well, (clears ) let's get along well, Jang Eun-jae. (lifts her hand towards him for a handshake) 

Eun-jae: (gives in to a handshake with her) Neh.

Seung-hee: So on with the tour. (stars walking again with Eun-jae beside her)

Suddenly, Seung-hee notices Eun-jae that he stops walking, and seems to be staring inside a classroom. His eyes are filled with fear, and then, he runs away, leaving Seung-hee behind.

"Eun-jae!" Seung-hee cries worriedly. "What's wrong?! Jang Eun-jae!"

It isn't clear for Seung-hee to figure out why Eun-jae ran off until she runs straight ahead for the first few metres. Then, Seung-hee turns her head to her right and sees the students in the classroom are watching a video footage of a tsunami. But, it isn't an ordinary one for the happenings in that video happened three years ago.



"Teacher Choi!" Teacher Dokgo cries out as she finds him sitting on the bench during lunch time. As she sits on the bench right next to him, she can see Teacher Choi looking distressful as he places his forehead on his palm for one moment.

"What happened? I heard from Seung-hee that Eun-jae..."

"That kid," Teacher Choi abruptly replies, puts his hand down, and knits his brows. "I saw him climbing out of the entrance gate just an hour ago."

Teacher Dokgo is looking worried, and she tells herself it's time for her to know the truth.

Teacher Dokgo: Choi Joon-goo. Tell me the truth... about Eun-jae. What's your relationship with him?

Teacher Choi: Alright. I guess you'll have to know about Eun-jae since he's your student, Soon.

(Silence moment. At the same time, somebody arrives at a crematorium with a bouquet of roses.)

[Background music: https://soundcloud.com/ms_kimsayoung/night-of-17-years]

Teacher Choi: Eun-jae is my cousin's son. Still, I'm considered as his uncle. Anyway, he had a traumatic experience three years ago in Japan.

Teacher Dokgo: What? Wait. You mean...Eun-jae was there, really? How did this happen?

Teacher Choi: Eun-jae and his family were there on a family holiday. Unfortunately, the tsunami... (silent)

Teacher Dokgo: How did Eun-jae survive? What about his family?

Teacher Choi: Hyungnim and Eun-hye were unharmed, but Eun-jae's mom...We were unable to find her body. Before the disaster, Noonim was driving Eun-jae on their way home. Later that night, Hyungnim got a call from a Japanese hospital. He found Eun-jae unconscious there. The kid was in a coma for three days.

Teacher Dokgo: Seolma. I can't believe Eun-jae was in that horrible state before. What did your cousin say to Eun-jae after those three days?

Teacher Choi: Hyungnim told the kid about Noonim died of drowning. Eun-jae couldn't handle his emotions, refusing to believe those words. Hyungnim also told him that they cremated Noonim's leftover clothes instead for her funeral held in Korea. Eun-jae didn't get to attend the funeral, but he did visit Noonim at the crematorium once here.

Teacher Dokgo: Don't you want to look for him now?

Teacher Choi: The kid needs some space for now. Don't worry. He's a strong kid.

[JUMP CUT; Background music stops suddenly]

Meanwhile, Shin-kyung is sitting alone on the school's rooftop, listening to the demo music (wearing big headphones on her ears) she's gonna perform tonight along with Tae-young and Soo-bin.


Then, someone takes off Shin-kyung's headphones which made her yell: "Hey!/Yah!", and she sees her class president standing there, giving an unsatisfied look as if Shin-kyung had done something irresponsible.

[Background music: https://soundcloud.com/ms_kimsayoung/dear-friend-epilogue @0:15-1:00; skip to @1:55 till the end]

Shin-kyung: Must you take off whatever you see on me? Cham. (glares at Seung-hee, then stands up to leave) I've nothing to say to you. Geureom. (walks past Seung-hee, heading to the rooftop's door)

Seung-hee: Shin-kyung. (Shin-kyung stops walking and turns around, facing Seung-hee.) You think you've the right to hate me no matter what?

Shin-kyung: (scoffs) Why not? After all, you're always the good girl. I'm sick of seeing you being like that to your parents. Hhmph.

Seung-hee: Eun Shin-kyung. (sounding upset at hearing that) My parents...Our parents are worried about us. Especially Mom. (Shin-kyung frowns angrily hearing that.) Can't you reconcile with me for Mom's sake?

Shin-kyung: How shameless. Daring to call that woman as your mom. Of course she is always good to you despite being your stepmom.

Seung-hee: She's your birth mother, Shin-kyung. Can't you pity her? She had a hard time bringing you up for several years...

Shin-kyung: Just because she's a doctor doesn't mean she can look after anyone. She didn't save my dad.

Seung-hee: That...(knits her eyebrows) It was too late. Your dad...

Shin-kyung: Go Seung-hee, Dakcheo/shut up. As if your dad had cancer before.

Seung-hee: Geuraeseo?/So what? You'll still want to be reckless at those unpleasant nightclubs?

Shin-kyung: Mwo?/What? How did you...

Seung-hee: A guy you know told me about it since he witnessed the whole thing. He wants me to keep an eye on you from now on.

(Hearing this makes Shin-kyung angry, sending herself storming out towards the door with a big slam, and that cuts Seung-hee calling Shin-kyung. Seung-hee sighs and stands at the rooftop, watching the bright sky to ease her mind from this complication she has.)

[JUMP CUT; Background music: Night of 17 Years]

Eun-jae: Mom. (stares at a picture of his mom smiling while playing a guitar on a bench at a park) 

[Eun-jae is at the crematorium where his mom's ashes rest in there.]

Eun-jae: I'm here. Sorry for taking so long to see you here. (sniffles) Do you like the roses? (fakes a happy smile) You told me about yourself being a rose that it became your favourite flower. Guess what? (sniffles) It's my favourite flower when you told me about the beauty of being a rose. That it becomes beautiful despite having ugly thorns. Now, I understand how you felt that time, Mom. But, (sniffles) I wish you're here right now. I don't know why I'm still angry at Noona and...(sighs heavily) him. They shouldn't have fooled me for the past three years. I came back all alone. Uncle is persuading me to go back, but I won't. Not until I grant your wish, Mom.

(Eun-jae leaves the scene. Then, a woman, from the looks of her wearing black high heels, comes out of a room without bumping into Eun-jae at the entrance [e.g. "God of Office" how Ms Kim and Mr Jang comes out of the crematorium]. Viewers only get to see her backside as she walks towards the entrance door. Viewers get a good view on a picture of a young boy, wearing a gray jacket, a white T-shirt, and blue jeans, smiling his teeth towards the camera with his hands in his pockets. A bouquet of cherry blossoms are placed on side of the window. Viewers get to see the young boy's name on a black ash jar next to the picture frame.)


1993년 3월 3일 - 2011년 3월 11일

[JUMP CUT; Background music ends]

Eun-jae is back around Hongdae late evening. He feels peaceful again being in Hongdae back again even after the "incident". He walks around while still wearing his school uniform until he comes across a bongo performance by two young African men on the streets. As Eun-jae watches the performance a few metres away, somebody knocks over his right shoulder that Eun-jae falls on his on the ground. Eun-jae tries to get up until a young boy, who looks the same age like Eun-jae, appears. Somehow the young boy wears like some gangster punk, but Eun-jae doesn't notice about this suspicion.

Boy: Are you alright? (grabs Eun-jae's right hand)

Eun-jae: Oh. (stands up) I'm fine.

Boy: Aigoo. (pretends to brush off something on Eun-jae's shirt) Your uniform looks dirty. (scans Eun-jae's head to toes) This won't do.

Eun-jae: (looking confused) I'm good.

Boy: Eh-hey. (puts his left arm around Eun-jae's shoulder) I insist. (slips his right hand into right pocket of Eun-jae's pants) You're not from around here, are you? I'll show you around. (takes out the black wallet from Eun-jae's pocket secretly) Of course if you wish to pay some allowance on this trusty tourguide of yours. Hehe.

Eun-jae doesn't realise this boy has got a hold of his black wallet. The boy thinks he has succeeded in pickpocketing a wallet until a hand got hold of the thief's hand.

Boy: Ow! Who the hell...

Eun-jae is startled by this commotion. A tall man, in his mid-20s, wearing some summer clothing, grips the petty pickpocket's hand holding Eun-jae's wallet.

"What do we have here?" the man says, grabbing Eun-jae's wallet back from the thief's hand. The man holds onto the wallet.

"Let me go. It hurts. Ah, ah, ah," the petty pickpocket begs.

"Next time, we'll be at a police station. You don't want that, do you?" the man warns the pickpocket.

"Alright, alright. I won't show up again," the pickpocket replies.

The pickpocket runs off once the man lets go of his hand. Eun-jae blinks twice, trying to gain his five senses back. He should've been aware of his surroundings while venturing to any places. Luckily, this man has helped him today. The man walks up to him, stretching his arm to give Eun-jae his wallet back.

"Here./ Ja. You should be careful next time. There are kids like him eyeing on clueless people."

As Eun-jae takes his wallet back, he notices the man's face. Eun-jae has seen him somewhere before.

"You know that kid was the one who knocked you over."

Eun-jae remembers who this man is. "Oh? You're the bartender I met last night."

"Oh. You're right. I guess it's a small world," the man replies, stretching his right hand out for a handshake. "I'm Kim Hyuk-jin. Nice to meet you."

Eun-jae: We're friends already?

Hyuk-jin: (smirks) Hey, kid. That's your first response in introducing yourself?

Eun-jae: (shakes Hyuk-jin's hand) Well, this is strange. Anyway, nice to meet you.

Hyuk-jin: (stares on Eun-jae's nametag) Jang Eun-jae?

Eun-jae: Oh. (eyes wide open) How do you know my name?

Hyuk-jin: (points at the nametag) Nametag.

Eun-jae: (glances his nametag) Oh. I see.

Hyuk-jin: You shouldn't be wearing like this. Someone might catch you once they already know who you are.

Eun-jae: What should I do?/Uh-tteok-hae? I never thought of that, but I still want to stay here for a while.

Hyuk-jin: So, liking Hongdae very much, don't you? Let's go.

Eun-jae: Where?

Hyuk-jin: (smiles at Eun-jae) I still owe you a drink.


Hyuk-jin leads Eun-jae into a nightclub where he works as full-time bartender.









Eun-jae: Woah. (admiring the Muse Club's setting) So... (turns to face Hyuk-jin) you were covering your junior's job back then?

Hyuk-jin: Well, he had a band performance with his bandmates that day, so I was willing to cover up for him for a few days. Oh, (waves friendly at a man in his 40s) Sunbae!

"Hyuk-jin," the man replies with a friendly smile. "You're here." Hyuk-jin walks behind the bar stand to hang his brown cardigan on a coat stand.The man sees Eun-jae sitting down on a seat at the bar stand.

"Who is this you brought with?" the man asks Hyuk-jin, looking at Eun-jae oddly.

"Sunbae, don't you remember what I told you last night?" Hyuk-jin replies, standing next to the old man.

"Oh," the man says in awe. "The boy who helped your dongsaeng (younger sibling) from trouble. Nice to meet you, young boy."

Eun-jae: I've a name, ahjusshi. Eun-jae. Jang Eun-jae.

Mr Chu: Well, I've got a unique name. Chu Sang-wook.

Eun-jae: Oh. (not looking surprised or curious about that name)

Hyuk-jin: (giggles) Sunbae. I guess I didn't tell you that Eun-jae hasn't been in Korea for some time.

Mr Chu: Seolma... (looks at Eun-jae) Surely you've watched that medical drama "Good Doctor" last year?

Eun-jae: Actually, we don't have a TV back in Okinawa. So, it's been 3 years I've never watch a drama then.

Mr Chu: Eh?? (looking very surprised)Then, what was the last drama you've watched?

Eun-jae: Dream High.

Hyuk-jin: That. (giggles) She hates that drama no matter what.

Eun-jae: (looking confused at Hyuk-jin) She?

Mr Chu: Speaking of her, where is she? (glances at his watch) It's about time they perform. (turns to face Hyuk-jin) You don't think she's doing anything reckless?

Hyuk-jin: (looking concerned) Seolma. (takes out his handphone of his pocket) (mumbles) Hope she doesn't do anything stupid.

Then, someone's handphone rings. It turns out to be Mr Chu's handphone as he takes the call.

Mr Chu: Yeoboseyo? (eyes wide open) Shin-kyung? How did you... Never mind. Where are you right now? My guests are expecting you in a few minutes. (silent for a moment until...) Huh? You're stuck in traffic?! Then, you can't get here on time?!

While Mr Chu talks, Eun-jae and Hyuk-jin observe the worried look on Mr Chu's face. They are also concerned on what has happened to Shin-kyung. Eun-jae takes a second to think that somehow whether this Shin-kyung is the same Shin-kyung he has known. Suddenly, Hyuk-jin takes Mr Chu's handphone, looking upset as he speaks harshly on Mr Chu's handphone.

Hyuk-jin: Yah, Eun Shin-kyung. (Eun-jae becomes alert hearing that name.) What were you doing for the past hours? How irresponsible can you be? (sighs heavily) That...we'll talk about it later. Make sure you get here safely. Alright? Ggeun-noh./Hanging up now.

Mr Chu: (speaks calmly) Hyuk-jin, when she gets here, go easy on her. She must be having a hard time preparing for the festival.

Eun-jae: Festival? Is it the Band Festival?

Mr Chu: Oh. How did you know? (looking curiously at Eun-jae) Hokshi...

Eun-jae: Ahjusshi, what are you gonna do? Over there, (points at the spot) the guests are whispering...

Mr Chu: Big trouble. Hyuk-jin...

Hyuk-jin: Sunbae, I don't think I'm ready for tonight. Most of them are fond of Shin-kyung...

Eun-jae: Jeo-gi./Excuse me. (Hyuk-jin and Mr Chu stare at Eun-jae.) Do you have a guitar?

Mr Chu: Huh? Well, there's one on that stage. It was meant for Soo-bin or Tae-young.

Eun-jae: I'll do it. (gets up from his seat)

Mr Chu and Hyuk-jin look surprised by those bold words from a boy whom they barely know.

Hyuk-jin: Eun-jae, what are you...

Eun-jae: Trust me, hyung. You too, ahjusshi. (turns around and walks towards the stage)

Mr Chu is confused despite Eun-jae has said simple words to him. Hyuk-jin doesn't try to stop Eun-jae as those words remind him of someone. As Eun-jae is up on stage and getting the guitar being tuned properly, the audience below whispers to each other: "Who is that?", "What's going on?", "Is it a solo stage?", etc.

Eun-jae: (grabs a microphone nearby) Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Jang Eun-jae. I'll be performing solo for tonight. The song I'm gonna sing was written by someone special to me. Hope you'll enjoy it.

And it begins with Eun-jae's strumming on this song.


[Then, Shin-kyung and her bandmates arrive unexpectedly at the front entrance of Muse Club when Eun-jae performs the song @3:00.]

Shin-kyung: Aish..Big trouble.

Soo-bin: For you. (giggles)

Tae-young: It's not funny. Noona, don't worry. (locks his right arm with Shin-kyung's left arm cheekily) I'll get that drumset for you in no time.

Shin-kyung: Let go. (her arm frees from his arm) Seo Tae-young, (glares at him) you think it's easy for you?

Soo-bin: Huh? Who is singing in our place? (smiles) Nice voice.

Shin-kyung: Wait. (sighs) They can't wait for us, huh? (storms inside)

Tae-young: Noona! (walks inside hurriedly with Soo-bin following behind)

As Shi-kyung arrives inside the club, she spots a young boy strumming a guitar, and immediately she recognises who the boy is: Snitch wearing the high school uniform. Tae-young and Soo-bin arrives a late second, and recognises the boy too. Shin-kyung glares at Eun-jae while Tae-young comments some frustrating words.

Tae-young: That punk. What is he doing up there?

Soo-bin: Seolma, he came to see you, Shin-kyung? (notices Shin-kyung's glaring at Eun-jae) Shin-kyung.

As soon as Eun-jae finishes performing, the audience give a welcoming applause on his lovely performance. They still smile as Eun-jae bows down before them.

Mr Chu: (claps enthusiastically) That kid. Wow! 

Hyuk-jin smiles as he watches the audience's response until he spots Shin-kyung and her friends at a far corner near the front entrance. He puts on an upset look as he is coming towards the youngsters until he notices Shin-kyung walking towards the stage angrily. Hyuk-jin attends to see what's going on.

As Eun-jae is off the stage, Shin-kyung and her friends appear in front of him. Looking surprised, he starts a talk with questions to them.

Eun-jae: Oh? You guys. As expected...

Shin-kyung: (scoffs) What do you think you're doing?

[Background music: https://soundcloud.com/ms_kimsayoung/wake-up-prologue]

Eun-jae is shocked to hear those harsh words from Shin-kyung, and Hyuk-jin sees the commotion, but he stands still in waiting to see the reason Shin-kyung is being like this right now. Then, viewers get to hear Eun-jae's narration on what's gonna happen in his life while seeing 5-second stills of Mr Chu, Soo-bin and Tae-young, Hyuk-jin, Shin-kyung, and finally, himself at Muse Club.

Eun-jae: "Everyone wants another beginning. However, that doesn't mean one can avoid running away from an unpleasant past. I know that I can't face my own past right now, but someday I might need the courage to do so since I've got a chance of another beginning. With a band that needs me soon."

[Scene ends with stills of Eun-jae and Shin-kyung facing each other.]










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I'm really enjoying this! :D
it feels like a real drama already.
oh and I cannot wait for future episodes!
I like your idea for this~
Just watched the finale for Monstar on Friday.
Can't wait to start reading this.