Heart of a Jaeger


Aliens were never deemed to be real, however one mundane day was turned askew as the aliens didn't descend from the skies by the heavens but from the fiery core of our earth. Humanity is on the brink of collapse and depression, however the idea of a humanoid toys with a scientist's mind and the new world of the jaeger is opened up others into its danger zone and forcing mere children to synthesize their brains and travel through new experiences in which they never had to actually travel through.

Luhan is a mere trainer. One who finds those compatible with one another and pairs them. However, many of the new recruits will never find their compatible partner and will never be paired with anyone and would be pushed into the job of maintaining the jaegers. Luhan yearns to be out there fighting side by side with the other jaegers, actually putting an effort to help save humanity. However his first task is to find someone who was compatible with him.

Each year as a trainer he feels his dream slipping farther and farther from his calloused fingertips. Maybe the one he was supposed to be compatible with has already left his carbon footprint. Maybe all that is left of his partner is the energy that one gives off. The energy that is given off when you're dead.


Jaeger (German): hunter
Kaiju (Japanese): giant monster
As time greedily travels forward it has taken with it the beauty of our once thriving ecosystem. Humans have made a concordance with time, breaking their backs trying to keep up with it. However, as humans began to overpower time they began to poison our planet. 
It was only a while ago that the earth choked its inhabitants with the rich bliss of oxygen, but now its inhabitants choke earth with their toxins. The earth and we have no choice but to acquiesce to these noxious changes as we carry on with our environment. Humans are on the top of the food chain, why should we worry about mundane things such as our deteriorating world and its dying species of animalia? We are the survivors and have been for thousands of years. We have overpowered so many species of bacteria and viruses. We believe we are unstoppable.
Until we are face to face with a problem that moves at a pace that seems as it flows over the blockade of time and travels in its own momentum.
"There are things you can't fight - acts of God. You see a hurricane coming, you get out of the way. But when you're in a Jaeger, you can finally fight the hurricane. You can win."


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omg please post this soon