When Leo Can't Find His Things


You are an aid to VIXX. What you really should be called is VIXX's live in nanny because that is essentially what you are. You cook for the boys, you clean the dorm for them, you make sure they're up and ready for schedule. Jellyfish entertainment thought it would be a good idea to hire someone like this to give a woman's touch to the dorm.

While preparing for schedule, Leo is having difficulting finding one of his prescious items. You have never seen him so worked up over something before so you decide to comfort him. 


Just kind of came up with this idea randomly. I hope you readers enjoy XPP


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Chapter 2: BUT LEO <3 TOO KYA~
Chapter 2: I NEED THIS JOBB!
shflyLeo2203 #3
Chapter 1: Omg I need this kind of job omooonaaa ㅠㅠ
sarahsohn77 #4
Chapter 1: Ahhhh we need another leo story please :)
Chapter 2: Where can I apply for that job? Seriously!?!?
JungAidee #6
Chapter 1: so cute! I really liked it :)
ieyayeol #7
Chapter 2: Looking forward to the sequel!!!
Chapter 2: Omo!!! A sequel!!!
sunshinemist #9
Chapter 2: Awwww, this was so cute! I loved it! :D