Wolf Night


What if kris,suho,chen,chanyeol,kai,and sehun were in the pack named sun. While tao,luhan,D.O,beakhyun,lay,and xiumin were named moon. And they dont know that the other pack exists. Now there all in school so the sun pack is clasafied as the kagas of EXO high and the moon pack is new students. Whats gonna happen when they find out the truth? Continue reading and you'll find laughs,gigglesl,heartbreack,love and some of your favorite ships!!!


Tao sighed as the moon pack ran home after that nights run in the new place. Once back in the yard suho changed back first sighing in relief once all of us changed back we quickly ran inside to get some clothes. I bet your thinking why change outside why not change back inside well last time baekhyun and luhan had a play fight inside so now we all have to change outside after our alpha caught wind of that D.O was pissed. That wolf can yell man don't get him mad please well all die. Once we go into our clothes D.O said"ok tomarrow were going to EXO high ok"

We all groaned but stop when D.O growled at us

~time skip tomorrow with the sun pack~

Kris shuffled out of him room yawning rubbing his eye from the sleepiness as his packmate gave him a cup of coffee. It was suho,he smiled as a thank u as he downed it sighing happily. Groans can be heard from the rest of the pack as they got up from there rest.

"morning hyun."sehun said as he grabbed some cereal.

"morning."kris replayed to the younger,after they all had there stuff together they headed off to school

"good morning kris-oppa,"a girl smiled and lached herself to kris's arm,"kris oppa theres new students here today."

"new kids?"kris asked in disbelief looking down at the girl.

"yeah,"the girl nodded"theres 6 all boys."

kris thought for a whined after he let the news sink in he shuck the girl off his arm protesting as kris just walked away. Frowning he told his pack about the news they thought it was strange.'this is gonna be interesting,'kris thought as he and the rest entered class to see two boys stopping what they were doing to stare at us.


Hey you pandas So sorry I've been gone for so long. Well I'm back and updating again. I am going to rewrite all of my story's. So stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!


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Thank you so much for your feedback. Sorry I've been inactive for a few years but I'm back and rewriting all of this.
Chapter 8: Umm... I notice that you always spell "Baekhyun" wrong and there's a lot of typos. Maybe you could have someone spell check it? There's also a spell checking button if you're on the computer, on the bottom right. Just click the enable spell check.
Otherwise, I really like your story and the Beast Club. :D fighting!
Muntaha720 #3
Chapter 7: Loved your story very much :D

Please update soon ^^
Chapter 6: chapter 5 and 6...
did you swap SuHo and Lay position?
and... if you still struggling with the words thing, may be you can get someone to assisting and correcting your fics...
Chapter 4: * ^ *
I love it so far!
Chapter 3: more and more confused with your broken word...
Chapter 2: Your plot is pretty good but could you spell check your work, there are typos everywhere. I hope you could change that and maybe your story will become better.
Chapter 2: my, my... don't using slank languange please???
and you still have typos every where...