Even if Love is Also Lonely


Namjoo lives in a world of pretention, because there's this boy she loves from afar. The things he does; she wants to do with him. When he succeeds in something; she celebrates alone. Her one-sided love is full of tireless dedication. So let me tell you her story. 

***Characters are mine, this is all from my imagination. I'm only borrowing images and names, no other intention.


This'll probably be a short oneshot. I'll most likely make it a sad one, so watch out for it!


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Chapter 1: first things first: thank you for yet another good read! :D

back to the annoying reader i am: i'm always skeptical when it comes to fanfics like these. it's always tempting to put something psychological in a story but ever so difficult to make sense of it. words need to be carefully chosen and sentences need to be clear in order to convey.

it was very interesting to write this from not namjoo's perspective (which would have been terribly hard), but instead choosing the nurse's perspective. the story itself was saddening, but pretty in its own way. the biggest problem for me was the insanely difficult sentences in this fanfic sometimes. of course, this is my own opinion, but i think (1) this nurse has way too complex thoughts about namjoo for her own good and (2) the difficulty of it all made the reading of it less smooth (for me). the first time I read the sentence 'namjoo was like a bird kept safe in a cage slowly wanting out' i skipped elaborating it. it was, for me, too difficult. the second time i read it, i started thinking about it. this is really foolish me we're talking about, but i would be thinking: is she really a bird? does she really wants out? she seemed to me as someone who never wanted out, but always in. 'light seeping through the door was reality but she can't reach it' --> i thought maybe it could have been 'but she turned her head away from it' or something? the last sentence made me think the most. hugged at home, at last? was she gone or was she swept by reality? i think i can appreciate this sentence. makes me think a lot.

the reason why i pointed certain things out, suggesting alternative sentences, is because i found it hard to read sometimes. i didn't understand some of the sentences, and i quite dislike that haha. i would've preferred a simpler text, clearer and to the point, more objective. if you really want to go really deep, i would have chosen a kind of narrative perspective. the nurse seems to know a terribly lot of namjoo*
namjoo #2
♥ hunjoo beautiful
Chapter 1: Wow, this was seriously worth the wait~ I don't really know why but for some reason I kinda feel like what Namjoo experienced and how she "felt" is sorta what sasaeng fans "go through" and how they perceive things..
Chapter 1: Written so beautifully author-nim! :)
Chapter 1: I liked it, very much^^
Chapter 1: I like this story and omg i can get what you mean : >