

kibum doesn't really know if he likes surprises or not, especially since it's coming from jonghyun and sekyung.


uh. so yeah, a random oneshot i suddenly wanted to write.

tbh i orignally had one of the scenes here for a jongkey oneshot but idk i think it fits better here. orz.

and i wasn't even supposed to post or finish this?? i just wanted to start it off and yeah. so that explains the no-capitalization, i hope you don't mind that um.


.. and obviously i gave like no effort to make this pretty lol uM aNYWAYS -- 


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this is such a heartbreaking and beautiful story. please write more. xo
Chapter 1: how can this oneshot have no comments?? >.<
I love it, even it's pretty sad (key's my bias T.T) !! <3
I really like the way you write :DD