The Coven

Let Me Keep You

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The Coven

Two words. The emptiness of three years had been summed up in two words.

It was unacceptable—complete bull. Chanyeol had said those words as if he never left—no, as if he never disappeared.

Impulse was faster than forethought. Kyungsoo cried out, and Baekhyun gasped. In one blurry stride, Jongin had seized ahold of Chanyeol’s shirtfront.

“‘Yo, Jongin’?” hissed out the seething newborn. “‘Yo, Jongin’?!”

Growls of incredulity and provocation rumbled deep in Jongin’s chest, the vibrations of it rattling his stiff body like a miniature earthquake. The tremendously tight grip he had on the other vampire’s collar made the tendons in his arm taut, causing them to fissure up to the surface of his marble-like skin. The tips of their noses were touching when he brought his snarling face closer to his former best friend’s.

Former? Why ‘former’? Jongin had no idea.

“IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY TO ME, PARK CHANYEOL?!” Jongin roared, unbidden anger and hurt and betrayal from the past seeping through his icy veins without permission. Emotions that belonged to another lifetime were involuntarily let loose, fueling Jongin with the humanity that demanded to be appeased before it was permanently forgotten to time. “You disappeared out of nowhere, Chanyeol! For three years I’ve been worried sick about you! And your family, too! They—we—thought you were dead!” His growling became more invoked by fury as he stared up into those glinting pair of burnt burgundy that were maroon in the flickering torchlight. “No, I stand corrected. You are dead, aren’t you?”

Even though he was being confronted and manhandled in such a hostile way, Chanyeol’s defensive instincts hadn’t bothered to kick in. As the matter of fact, he peered down at the somewhat chalky face of someone from his former human life like he was an amusing spectacle. To make up for his lack of emotional sensitivity, a bundle of nerves with brunet hair on Chanyeol’s right emanated immense vibes of anxiousness, and the tall vampire was keenly aware of the other’s emotion out of habit, but he wasn’t too concerned for the worry that was directed at and for him. He could handle a newborn throwing a three-year-old tantrum. This petty fledgling before him was no threat. That thought was accompanied by an overconfident snort.

“Why ask when you already know the answer?” Chanyeol replied breezily. Then a toothy smile was plastered across his lips, but this smile was accented with a crooked edge of maliciousness, his pearly-white fangs extended out on full display. Seeing that crooked smile underlined with callousness had Jongin jolting inwardly because he was so used to seeing a cheery, lopsided beam on that handsome yet cherubic face. The tall vampire laid a big hand over the stone fist that held his collar captive. “You can see it, Jongin—I’m right in front of you.” He leaned forward a bit, forcing Jongin to rear back his head so their foreheads wouldn’t touch. Maroon eyes glinted slyly at that intimidated retreat. “I can see it, too. You’re dead like me, but...” Larger fingers swiftly pried off Jongin’s intense grip in one effortless movement, earning a look that was a mixture of surprise and disgruntlement. “We’re alive, too,” Chanyeol purred.

Like a springing trap, Chanyeol’s arm was the wire as he threw Jongin over his shoulder and sent him flying towards the foot of the staircase. As fast as ever, Jongin’s instincts overrode his shock and had him backflipping automatically so he could skid across the polished floor in a panther’s crouch, his braced palms and heels squealing on the surface as friction built up to slow his crash course. Jongin immediately straightened up and glared at the tall vampire who was grinning at him in wicked glee.

Chanyeol’s lanky shoulders shook as he huffed out a boisterous laugh. “Not bad! Not bad! I guess those bloodthirsty eyes aren’t for show!”

Baekhyun frowned disapprovingly. “Chanyeol,” he warned.

Kyungsoo shot a worried glance over to his fuming mate, then peeped up uncertainly, “Um, guys, I don’t think Daddy would like it if you—”

Their words of caution were dismissed with a jaunty wave of Chanyeol’s hand. “Oh, come on. Let him attack me all he wants. If he doesn’t do it now, then he’ll just be a loose cannon later. Newborns need to release their extra strength, y’know.”

Baekhyun opened his mouth again to object that. “Yes, I know that. But—”

The brunet’s sentence was cut off when Jongin lunged forward with his fist sailing towards Chanyeol’s flawless baby face. In response, Chanyeol bent down into a half-crouch, and the punch soared smoothly over his head. As he straightened up his spine, he grabbed Jongin’s punching arm and hurled him over his shoulder, slamming the younger newborn into the ground back first.

Not a chance. Jongin’s muscles moved faster than Chanyeol’s. When also seamlessly combined with his quick reflexes and exceptional footwork, Jongin’s timing and reception outmatched even a veteran pureblood. Therefore, it labeled him as the better and well-balanced fighter between him and Chanyeol. As if he was dancing, the dark-haired fledgling relaxed the tension in his body, allowing him to gain more use of his flexibility so he could arch up his back and bend his knees to reverse his falling trajectory midair. The moment his feet touched the tiled floor by a hairsbreadth, he disappeared.

Since he could fairly sense where Jongin had disappeared off to, Chanyeol raised his brows in that general direction, both impressed and disconcert. Jongin had darted over to Kyungsoo, wearing a glare that could only be described as ‘pissed off’, evident by the scrunched up lines near his sculpted nose and the locking of his broad jaw. Near the castle’s front doors, the servants stationed there looked frightened by the newborns’ uncalled for fight, but they didn’t dare budge from their spots no matter how much their nerves screamed at them to run.

“You’ve just been freshly Turned,” Chanyeol complained, miffed. “And yet you can control your speed and strength better than me.”

Jongin released a harsh breath through his nose. “Well, that’s not surprising. You were born a klutz. Just seeing you move half-decently is a shocker.”

A frown marred Chanyeol’s usually playful features, and he raised his hands in what was supposed to be a placating gesture. “Hey, now. There’s no need to bite. Let’s just calm down and not resort to violence.”

“You attacked me first,” Jongin grumbled accusingly. “And how can I be calm when you haven’t even bothered to explain to me why you left?”

“I wasn’t allowed to,” Chanyeol said, but he didn’t sound particularly rueful. In fact, when Jongin wanted to discuss about his sudden disappearance, a detached distance would reflect in his behavior and he would tactfully skirt around the topic. It was like...he didn’t care. Like he didn’t regret it.

Well, that certainly made Jongin mad.

The dark-haired fledgling launched himself forward on the balls of his feet, and Chanyeol prepared himself for a tackle, but then Jongin rounded, the image of his body flickering, and he reformed on the other vampire’s unguarded side. Chanyeol’s beady eyes were able to follow Jongin’s impossibly quick movements, but his body failed to catch up with the speed. He was barely half-turned when Jongin’s fist connected with his jaw.

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun flinched when they heard a rock-hard crack similar to an aluminum bat making impact with a ninety-nine per mile fastball.

Chanyeol flew back at the force of the punch, but he saved himself from smashing into the wall by backflipping to his feet. Wasting no time to retaliate, he rushed towards his opponent, eager to return the favor. His lips were pulled back into a wild grin, and his fists were ready to fly.

Stop it.

Madness and revenge were all that clouded the newborns’ minds, narrowing their view of the world around them. Their only thought was to destroy each other, so that person was all they could see. Handicapped by that thirsty desire to annihilate whatever displeased them, they had failed to notice when another vampiric presence—one that exuded muted power and authority—entered the immediate area. This new presence was swift and cunning; it was like the cutting edge of the roaring wind that chopped up and shaped cliffs.

Chanyeol and Jongin were startled from their malevolent trances when an indistinctive blur materialized in the tiny margin of space between their charging bodies. Two palms reached out and were lightly pressed against the area under their collarbones, then a hint of pressure was applied to them.

Skreeeeet! Heels automatically dug into the polished tiled floor. Soles squealed in profound protest when they were forcibly pushed back. The two newborns regained their balance from being shoved back within a second, and they both stared, amazed and incredulous, at the person who had driven them apart with the effort equal to opening a door. At least, that’s what it seemed like.

At the sudden appearance of the new vampire, both Kyungsoo and Baekhyun paled—well, figuratively, since their complexions were already so white. Jongin heard his little one whimper, “Uncle Yifan,” in a tiny voice, and that cleared up any violent intent he had in him.

This man is Kyungie’s uncle?

Jongin’s brows knitted together as he inspected the guy. What he saw left him dumbstruck.

This vampire had a head of stylish ash-blond hair and a long, angular face with a pointed chin, sculpted nose, and envious jawline. His defined facial features were increasingly emphasized by his sharp, narrow eyes that were the artful color of bronze and hazel. His body was exceedingly straight and lean with long limbs, yet his shoulders were broad and his muscles wiry. With a gaping start, Jongin realized how tall this man was. He towered over him and even surpassed Chanyeol—who, by far, was one of the tallest people Jongin had ever met—by a couple of centimeters when it came to height. That additional aspect of the blond vampire made him ten times more intimidating, especially with those hard, calculating eyes of his and the permanent yet subtle scowl that was etched around his thin lips and thick brows.

Jongin felt his stomach plummet when he realized what type of vampire this guy, Kyungsoo’s uncle, was.

He was someone strong. Someone powerful. Someone old.

A superior one.

Yifan possessed a clandestine aura that was deep yet devoid and surrounding it was an air of sophistication and regality that was reflected in his posture and expressions—both of these aspects were similar to that of Joonmyun’s. But while Kyungsoo’s father resembled an unworldly angel who looked lovely on the outside but had the core of a deadly demon on the inside, Kyungsoo’s uncle resembled more of a holy warrior made of steel, with a mighty sword that was forged in Heaven strapped to his side and an army that revered him as God to answer at his beck and call.

Yifan’s cool gaze drifted over to Jongin regardfully. “So, another newborn,” he drawled, his voice low and raspy. It sent chills down Jongin’s spine. “Why were you Turned, young one?”

It was Kyungsoo who answered: “Jonginnie is my mate, Uncle Yifan.” He slipped his tiny hand into Jongin’s bigger one and gave it a meaningful squeeze.

A flicker of interest and shock appeared before it disappeared as quickly as it came. Yifan lifted a thick brow and quizzically repeated, “Jonginnie?”

There was an amused snicker from Chanyeol, but the dark-haired fledgling ignored it and awkwardly cleared his throat. “My name is Kim Jongin...sir,” he clarified in a half-embarrassed tone.

The extremely tall vampire stared at Jongin for a long, hard minute before nodding in acknowledgment. “Hello, then,” he returned eloquently. “I am Wu Yifan. My son is Baekhyun and my grandson is your mate, Kyungsoo.”

Grandson? Jongin shot a puzzled look down at his mate. Then why does Kyungie call him ‘uncle’?

As if reading his thoughts, Yifan explained, “Kyungsoo’s father and I are around the same age and we’ve been close friends for many centuries, so it feels as if I am more of an uncle figure than a grandfather.” He shrugged slightly. “Either way, I don’t mind.”

“Oh,” was Jongin’s lame response. Then his confused gaze shifted over to the skinny brunet who stood close to his former best friend. “Then how is he...?”

“—my son if he’s looks barely older than Kyungsoo?” Yifan finished, having no trouble reading Jongin’s train of thoughts, and the latter nodded numbly.

“I’m not a kid,” Baekhyun spoke up to his defense, but his tone wasn’t spiteful or annoyed, just informative. “I’m older than Soo.” He tilted his head curiously at his cousin’s mate. “How old do I look?” he asked.

Jongin bit his bottom lip in contemplation and examined the brunet’s physical features. A skinny somewhat short frame with a thin, pretty face accented with slight angles. Cinnamon brown eyes set above a perfect nose. Coral pink lips that were full and finely shaped.

“Twelve—maybe thirteen-years-old,” the former human finally conceded.

Baekhyun sighed resignedly. “Hearing that makes me feel too young.”

“Do not be discouraged, my son. You still have centuries to grow into your height and weight,” Yifan said calmly. Then his demeanor became stern and admonishing when he faced the vampire standing beside his son, and that mentioned vampire flinched under his cold, passive glare. “Now I must address the reason—no, the problem—that invoked my sudden appearance,” Yifan declared loftily. “Piao Canlie”—the use of Chinese piqued Jongin’s interest—“may I ask why you were blatantly fighting another vampire in the foyer without any care in the world?”

Oooh, busted, Jongin thought smugly with glee when he noticed how Chanyeol was inwardly cowering at the superior one’s overwhelming presence. Watching him cringe and retreat skittishly brought him immense satisfaction. It was petty of him, but he didn’t care. He wanted payback.

“B-because I—I was, um, defending myself!” blurted out the older newborn. He sidestepped, trying to hide behind Baekhyun, but it didn’t help that he was distractingly taller than the brunet. “You see, Jongin is really mad at me, and he attacked me a couple of times, so I fought back!”

“To defend yourself?” Yifan reiterated, crossing his arms over his chest.

Chanyeol bobbed his head rapidly, his semi-curly locks bouncing at the movement. “Y-yeah!”

“And why is he mad at you?” Yifan asked.

“Because Channie and Jonginnie were best friends when they were humans. So, when Channie left, Jonginnie was really depressed, but seeing him now makes Jonginnie really mad because Channie is okay,” Kyungsoo chirped, not exactly helping Chanyeol’s predicament. The tall, curly-haired vampire looked ready to dig up his own grave. “Jonginnie wants to know why Channie left, but Channie is a meanie and won’t say anything. He picked a fight with my Jonginnie.”

“Soo!” Baekhyun squeaked, horrified that his little cousin was sending Chanyeol to the sharks.

Jongin peered down at his little one affectionately. God, I love him.

Yifan’s long, elegant fingers thrummed against his upper arm thoughtfully. “Is that so?” he murmured. “Well, considering how Jongin is now Turned, you don’t have to keep it a secret anymore, Chanyeol. Tell him—properly.”

The older newborn let out a relieved sigh when it appeared that he wasn’t going to be brutally punished—at least for now. Somewhat reluctantly, he faced his former best friend and evenly met his gaze. “I left for the same reason as you, Jongin,” he mumbled, “because of him.” He pointed his index finger at Baekhyun.

Jongin glimpsed at the skinny brunet speculatively before frowning. His words were halted with incomprehension as he asked, “You left...for the same me? For him?”

“Who else would I leave my entire life for?” There was a hint of sarcasm when Chanyeol said that, as if it was so obvious that he would abandon his family, his friends, and his future for some boy. “And you can’t accuse me for doing something selfish when you’ve done the same thing, too.” He jerked his chin in Jongin’s direction but was actually pointing out the little owl-eyed boy who was half-hidden by the former’s tall, lean build. Kyungsoo.

Baekkie’s mate.

That’s when everything finally clicked together in Jongin’s head, but he was still completely thrown off guard by the answer he totally wasn’t expecting. He blinked and asked, “Your mate? That kid is your mate?”

“That’s right.” For emphasis, Chanyeol wrapped an arm around Baekhyun and pulled him close to his side. The latter blushed delicately (and that reminded Jongin that he still needed to ask how that was possible).

“Yes, it’s very uncommon for vampires—especially purebloods—to have human mates,” Yifan mused out loud, holding his chin as he peered between the two former humans curiously. He leveled a pointed glare at the arm Chanyeol had slung around his son, and the newborn was quick to drop it. “But it does happen. However, even if it is possible, what is extremely uncommon here is that two purebloods have acquired human mates who are friends from the same city within years of each other. Perhaps it’s just coincidence?”

None of them could provide an answer.

On the other hand, Jongin felt more appeased that Chanyeol had finally answered his question. His old friend was right—Jongin couldn’t accuse him for leaving since he was basically doing the same thing for the same exact reason now.

“Anyways,” Yifan continued, “I believe it would be best if you met the other vampires of this household, Jongin.” A tiny smirk adorned his angular features, making the ruby-eyed fledgling being addressed inwardly flinch. “Especially Kyungsoo’s mother.”

Chanyeol must’ve felt safe enough from punishment because he snickered gleefully, and Baekhyun jabbed his mate’s side with a bony elbow.

Oh, great, Jongin groaned. First an overprotective dad, now an overprotective mom.

“This way,” Yifan urged with an indicating tilt to his head.

At first, Jongin expected the blond vampire to suddenly vanish into thin air since most vampires had the tendency to utilize their speed to quietly and quickly move about; but, much to his confusion, the superior one tilted his chin up elegantly, and the rest of his body was slightly inclined upward as if he was an eagle about to take flight.

Imagine Jongin’s surprise when Yifan did, in fact, take flight. The former human watched, entranced and awestruck, as the older vampire gracefully floated upward as if he weighed nothing more than feather that was riding upon a gentle breeze. The action itself was simple and refined with the comfortable way that Yifan held himself, his muscles relaxed and his posture straightened out. It took a little over a second for him to gently swoop over the balcony railing and for the soles of his classy black shoes to softly touch the second story floor in a soundless landing.

Seeing his mate’s speechless expression, Kyungsoo tugged on Jongin’s sleeve and beckoned at him to lean down so he could whisper, “Uncle Yifan’s Gift is flight.”

Flight? marveled the fledgling. Wow, that’ And here I thought he could float. It’s a good thing I didn’t blurt that out loud, or else I would’ve been in deep trouble. Yifan looks like that type of guy who’s too dignified to be floating.

“Come,” urged the blond vampire without looking back. By the time his low, raspy voice had traveled down and reached the others’ ears from where they stood clustered on the floor below, he had already ambled down a chosen hallway after conveying his lazy order.

With his hand clasped with Kyungsoo’s, Jongin obediently followed after the superior one’s tracks. Trailing closely behind them were Chanyeol and Baekhyun, their pace matching the one Jongin set forth. As expected for a huge castle, its interior was spacious, complex, and labyrinthine. There were too many hallways that branched out into smaller ones or led to dead ends, but Jongin was keenly aware of Yifan’s presence, so he didn’t get lost. It was hard not to when Kyungsoo was practically glued to his side and Chanyeol and Baekhyun were shadowing him; none of them called him out for heading in the wrong direction.

Along the way, Jongin tried to sense if there were any other people that might’ve inhabited the castle. He noted the sounds and scents that mingled in the areas that he passed by. Some footfalls and voices echoed here and there, but Jongin knew most of the people he sniffed out were human, due to the unmistakable scent of their warm, fresh blood and salty, heated flesh. However, none of these people that he assumed were servants were nearby, their scents having traveled down countless corridors, rooms, and story levels.

Why do they have so many human servants? he wondered. How does Kyungie’s family get them? Isn’t it dangerous and risky for humans to be around vampires?

A squeeze to his hand fished him out of his wondering. Jongin glanced down at his little one who had his chin raised to meet his questioning gaze.

The temperatures of our skin are almost equal now. I can barely tell the difference. It’s like I’m holding something solid, but it isn’t actually there.

“Here we are, Jonginnie,” the little vampire softly declared, pointing down the empty hallway that they were currently occupying. Jongin saw that Kyungsoo was pointing at a set of ivory double doors with an intricately carved border. Yifan’s scent trail indicated that he had disappeared somewhere behind those doors. Fiery-orange light shone through the thin crevices, meeting with the sheet of shadows that stretched out in the territories that the light couldn’t reach.

A part of Jongin’s inner demon was unnerved by the presences he could faintly distinguish beyond those hauntingly beautiful ivory doors. Even though the presences were experts at concealing their monstrous power and intense auras, the void that they left behind in result of that was bone-chilling and stifling.

Kyungie’s dad and uncle are definitely in there, Jongin thought warily. But I sense two more people. They don’t have a superior feel to them, but they’re still strong.

“Scared?” Chanyeol asked mockingly when Jongin noticeably stalled outside the room for a moment too long.

At that derisive remark, the dark-haired fledgling threw Chanyeol a sour glare. “How are you not affected by their presences?”

In response, a haughty nose was lifted up into the air and then accompanied by an equally haughty huff. “You get used to it. It’s nothing to cower at.”

“Oh, don’t mind him,” Baekhyun inputted bluntly. “He’s lying. In fact, he’s probably too scared to go in and see them all at once.”

“N-no I’m not!”

“I can sense your feelings, Yeol. You’re shaking on the inside.”

The four younglings flinched simultaneously when Joonmyun’s presence flared with impatience. He was summoning them. A demand.

Kyungsoo tugged on his mate’s hand urgently, his round eyes expressing caution. “Let’s go.”

As much as he internally refused to throw himself in a den full of starved lions, Jongin allowed his little one to drag his unwilling behind over to the fancy doors. Despite his diminutive size, Kyungsoo opened one of the doors effortlessly and padded into the room with him in tow.

The first thing Jongin registered was how toasty the room was. Located on the east wall was a crackling fireplace—the source for the room’s cozy warmth and the fiery-orange glow that filtered through the doors’ crevices. The heat greeted him with a welcoming touch, caressing and sinking into his cold skin, and he imagined himself defrosting as if he was a hunk of frozen meat being taken out of the freezer to thaw. Underfoot, the room’s floor was covered in a plush violet carpet, emphasizing how bare and neutral the ashy-white walls were. Arched windows, with large gold curtains that were drawn back into curved bundles, aligned the entirety of the back wall.

Arranged around the center of the room was a circle of cushioned chairs with a matching coffee table settled in their midst. Although there were four people accounted for, only two people were currently situated in the seats. Poised gingerly in an armchair was a skinny yet attractive-looking male with neatly brushed copper hair, his long, stylish bangs swept low over his smooth, wide forehead. His narrow shoulders were hunched over as if he was bearing a tremendous amount of weight. Perhaps he was distraught or conflicted? Standing sullen beside the male was Joonmyun, his ribbon-like lips pressed into a vexed line. His hand was clutched at the armrest of the armchair rigidly in an involuntary gesture. The way he hovered anxiously over the seated copper-haired male in a worried and protective stance suggested that the two of them were most likely a mated pair. Adjacent from those two in a loveseat was a tall, slightly muscular, cream-haired male with olive skin and lilac bags under his bold, dark eyes. Yifan stood lax behind this male, leaning casually on the back of the loveseat, his hand lying on the cream-haired male’s shoulder to signify his association. These two acted too close and too relaxed around each other, hinting that they were obviously mates.

The second Jongin had stepped inside the drawing room, four pairs of eyes had locked on to his form. But then one pair of eyes did a double take when finally catching sight of a small, owl-eyed boy.

Instantly, the copper-haired vampire leaped to his feet and hitched out a distressfully loud gasp. “Kyungsoo!”

“Mommy!” Kyungsoo cried out in response. Dropping Jongin’s hand, the little boy raced across the room and tackled his mother around the waist. Kyungsoo’s mother swept him up in an exuberant hug and planted feverish kisses all over his son’s angelic face.

“Oh, Kyungsoo! You’re back! You’re back home!” sniffled the relieved parent. He hugged Kyungsoo tight against his chest, and it looked like he had the intention of never letting go. “Please don’t ever scare me like that again!”

Kyungsoo, at least, had the decency to look guilty and ashamed. He nuzzled his mother’s cheek apologetically. “Sorry, Mommy,” he peeped.

Kyungie’s a MAN?! Jongin shot an incredulous look over to Chanyeol, wordlessly conveying his extreme confusion and asking how his beloved’s conception was possible. But his fellow newborn locked his lips together and shook his head. Later, Chanyeol’s rusty-red eyes seemed to say.

Then Jongin had to mindfully recompose himself when Joonmyun’s mate directed his piercing, analytical gaze at him over Kyungsoo’s shoulder. Everyone noted his stiff posture and meekly ducked head.

“So you must be this Jongin boy I’ve been hearing about,” said Joonmyun’s mate, his overly emotional voice now forged into something that was temperate yet razor-sharp. His voice was incredibly soft and smooth, combined with that natural lilt that Kyungsoo possessed—so the child must’ve inherited his alluring tone from his mother.

Joonmyun stepped forward so he could stand beside his mate. He hummed a low, musical note in the back of throat thoughtfully, watching in satisfaction as the ruby-eyed fledgling awkwardly stood there in a modest stance. “Yes, that is him.”

Kyungsoo patted his mother’s cheek, diverting the male’s attention to himself so their gazes could squarely meet. “Mommy, Jonginnie is my mate,” the little boy said in a deliberate tone. “You cannot hurt him or take him away from me.”

The boy’s mother frowned, clearly displeased. “But that human kept you away from me for weeks!” he argued. “He practically stole you from me!”

“Now you know how I feel,” Yifan murmured under his breath. His mate rolled his eyes, while Baekhyun shot his father a look that sternly told him to drop it.

“I Changed him, Mommy. He’s not a human anymore,” Kyungsoo said, his sweet disposition becoming hardened with protectiveness. “He’s mine.”

The cream-haired vampire grinned slyly. “Then I guess you can say that Kyungsoo was the one who stole the human.”

“You’re not helping, Zitao,” Yifan mumbled, but his mate only chuckled lightly in amusement.

Much like his son, the bottom lip that belonged to Kyungsoo’s mother quavered with warring confliction. Lines creased the flawless surface of his pale face. Angular facial features were scrunched up in suppressed objection and resentment. He glared at Jongin intensely, contemplating and debating, before unplugging all of his pent up indecision with a grumpy but defeated sigh.

“Fine, he can say,” declared Joonmyun’s mate, “but I still cannot accept that he is your mate, Kyungsoo!”

Joonmyun crossed his arms and passively said, “That’s what I couldn’t believe before, too, Yixing. But this brat, without a doubt, is our son’s mate. I’ve interrogated Kyungsoo myself. He feels all the effects that their bond has established. Even the brat has showed signs.”

Hearing this made Jongin really surprised that Joonmyun, the proud and stubborn superior one himself, was defending his bond with Kyungsoo, who happened to be the man’s precious son. But still, the most mindboggling thing that stumped Jongin today was how Kyungsoo, and even Baekhyun, were possibly born from males. He couldn’t wrap his mind around that. He’d learned from Minseok that vampires had a different bodily composition than humans to a certain degree, but was it truly to the extent that male vampires could bear children? Yes, after today, nothing else in the world could be as inconceivable as that. Not even discovering the existence of vampires topped that one.

“Kyungsoo is too young!” Yixing protested, a whine pitching from his throat. He held his son closer to his body as if to shield him. Seeing that had Jongin frowning instinctively, the muscles in his body ready to spring so he could snatch his mate away from anyone who dared to separate them. But, in the corner of his peripherals, he saw Chanyeol giving him a wide-eyed look that screamed at him to be careful with his actions.

“You say that and yet you were only a minute-old when our bond came to be,” Joonmyun remarked with a raised brow.

The room began to be filled with disorderly noises as Yixing argued and whined about his son having a mate too soon, and Joonmyun exasperatedly tried to reason with him while the son in question staunchly defended his right of having a mate, but it wasn’t helping that Yifan was tossing in his two cents, having decided to side with Yixing, and Zitao was chiding his mate for being such a spoilsport just because he was still miffed that it had “happened to our baby boy.” Off in their own spot, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had their heads inclined together as if they were having a silent conversation, so that left a lone Jongin being ignored by the majority. Bored, he toed the carpet as the seconds ticked by, the arguing growing more raucous and agitated as he waited.

Echoing footsteps of light, prancing feet sounded from down the hallway and was muffled by the ivory doors, but Jongin could still hear them over the quarreling. Just as he was pivoting around to see who this presence was, the gold door handle was gripped and turned. The door was pushed open, and a short, small figure peeked in.

Baekhyun had snapped his head around when the door had opened. “Seh—!”

Jongin had blinked when trying to identify who had entered the room, but that impulsive action caused him to miss the vampire’s swift movement that was underlined with impatience and unrestraint. Automatically, the newborn’s reflexes kicked in, and his arms stretched out to catch the blurry figure that launched himself at him. Now he had an up-close view of this unfamiliar vampire whose cute nose barely touched his.

A boy. A mere child.

A curious pair of dark orbs peered straight at him intently. His childish and cherubic face was slack as if it was a container that never held any emotional markers. No, actually it was rather innocent and inquisitive, so those emotions erased the rest in order to be the only two words written on paper. The boy’s milky complexion was enviable, but it wasn’t like Kyungsoo’s snow-white parlor that Jongin loved more.

The child’s nose twitched like a rabbit’s. He was sniffing at the former human, taking in his strong, unfamiliar scent that was mingled alongside someone else’s that he knew all too well: his older brother’s. He tilted his head slightly and spoke in a blunt, piping voice:

“Who are you?”



Wow, Four months of idleness and unmotivation totally got the better of me. For that, I am very sorry. I honestly couldn't write for a while because I felt mentally drained due to school (I'm in my senior year) and then family matters. Even now as I'm typing up this A/N, I have a bunch of chores and schoolwork and studying to do afterwards, so this commentary of mine will be really quick and simple. Just to let you know, I haven't been active in the k-pop world since the summer, and I've been busy with college applications (I have no idea what I'm doing) lately, but my Thanksgiving Break starts after this weekend, so hopefully I can catch up on my writing for either LMKY or UTCOU, NLUTCOU. But, as always, you're aware that I am infamously known to be the most horrid updater in history, and therefore ask (ahem, plead) for your patience and forgiveness if I happen to 'disappear' again.

To new subbies/readers: Hiya, there! Thank you for taking your time to read my fic and even showing your support for it by subscribing, upvoting, or commenting! It really warms my heart and gives me the strength I need to continue writing. If you have any questions or concerns regarding my fic, please comment below and I will answer the best I can without giving away too much of the plot.

So, other than what I've already said, I'll fix any writing mistakes (for this chapter and the others) later in the future. Until then, thank you for everything. Enjoy some Kaisoo!

Reminder: No plagiarizing! No copying! No stealing! No translating! Tell me immediately if someone has done so!

cr: to real owners

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Please also pay attention to my AN at the end.


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aerinaa12 #1
Chapter 17: Hi I'm your story reader who is from Indonesia, I really like your story😭 oh when you say, now you like BTS more than EXO, to be honest it makes my heart hurt :(, but it's okay, it's your right to like another group :(. But I beg you, please continue this story to the end😭
Chapter 17: I'd be sad if you discontinued this story but I understand. Reality slaps hard, but this story was a good one! God job author-nim
Babygirlempress #3
Chapter 17: I don’t know if you dropped this story but not to be rude I’m still hoping for an update
this looks so cute :D
mistymountains 193 streak #5
Nice story!
Chapter 17: Omgeeeeeee ❤ you're back
Chapter 17: I thought I was alucinanting when I saw this on my feed.