A Home To Reunite At

Let Me Keep You

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A Home To Reunite At

Days have passed since Jongin had awoken as a newborn. Those days were lethargic and mundane, a repeated schedule of waking up during odd hours, pacing around the apartment, feeding when necessary, and then falling back asleep into a dreamless slumber. Jongin hardly ever talked unless Kyungsoo probed it out of him, and occasionally the chubby-cheeked vampire guard would elicit some small-talk, but it was mostly a one-sided conversation.

Though Jongin refused to admit it, he yearned to go outside to alleviate his restlessness and mild case of claustrophobia. But, of course, he wasn’t allowed to, which was why he didn’t ask or imply that he sorely missed the outdoors, even though he thought it was unfair that the other vampires got to leave the apartment while someone was left behind to babysit him. Furthermore, Kyungsoo happened to pick up on his disheartened feelings like a radio. The little vampire would pout and frown every time he felt his mate’s mournfulness through the connection they shared. He tried to distract Jongin by urging him to do the things they did before his father and guard came into the picture: they watched TV, played board games, took selcas, and cuddled a lot. But no matter how insistent and determined Kyungsoo was to cheer up his mate, it was given halfhearted results.

Jonginnie doesn’t like being cooped up in his home, Kyungsoo thought glumly as he a head of dark, soft locks. The pair were resting in bed again, with Jongin’s head pillowed on Kyungsoo’s small lap as he listlessly napped. I have to keep telling him to sleep or to calm down. The little vampire nibbled on his lower lip troublesomely, his baby fangs nearly piercing his skin. When will Daddy let Jonginnie come with us to the castle? It’s almost been a week, and we can’t stay too long in the city. Minseokie said that our hunting trips are causing a ‘frightful stir’ amongst the humans.

His ears pricked at a faint padding of footsteps, and he threw his pensive gaze over to the door. “Come in, Minseokie,” he acknowledged.

The door slowly opened, and a head of orangey-brown hair peeked in. “Sorry to disturb you, Young Master, but your father wishes to speak to you,” informed the impish guard.

A curious knit formed between the boy’s brows, and he conceded with a cautious, “Okay.” He leaned down to press his plump lips on Jongin’s smooth forehead, then whispered, “Keep on sleeping, Jonginnie. I’ll be right back.”

The slumbering newborn made a low sound in the back of his throat, but he didn’t wake up. Kyungsoo extricated himself carefully from his mate’s possessive grasp, then soundlessly left the room. As a precaution, Minseok stayed behind to watch over Jongin, hovering just outside the bedroom door like a silent, preying hawk. In the meantime, Kyungsoo pranced over into the living room alone where his father was waiting for him.

For the past week or so, Joonmyun rarely mixed his presence with Jongin’s unless it was necessary. Usually he sat on the couch when they were being cozy in the bedroom, but when they decided to hang out in the living room, Joonmyun would suddenly and wordlessly disappear. To where, Kyungsoo didn’t know—maybe he was out on the veranda or had chosen to go out to hunt—but other than that, Kyungsoo scarcely saw his father since he was always attached to Jongin as if glued to the hip.

Right now, the superior one was seated in his regular spot on the couch and was still wearing the same outfit Kyungsoo had first encountered him in at the park. Pale, lilac-tinted eyelids were drooped over in utter boredom, and ribbon-like lips were pressed into a grim line. Kyungsoo had heard from Minseok that his father had been in a sulking mood as of the late.

Kyungsoo skipped over to his father and climbed up onto his lap. The older vampire his son’s cheek absentmindedly. “So, is there something that you wanted to talk to me about?” he asked forthrightly.

“Hmm, yes,” Joonmyun drawled. “I think it’s time we returned home.”

Owl eyes widened incredulously. “Home? Right now?” Kyungsoo blurted out, surprise coloring his tone.

“Well, as soon as the fledgling wakes up, then yes,” clarified the older vampire. “I’ll need you to inform him.” He sighed and used a finger to tilt up Kyungsoo’s drooped chin. He looked at the young boy squarely in the eyes. “Although he agreed to our terms, if he acts unwilling to leave with us, command him to fall asleep again, and Minseok will just have to carry him home.”

“Aw, man,” they heard the mumbled complaint in the darkly lit hallway.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo hesitated. Leaving meant Jongin could experience the outdoors again, but that also meant that he would permanently leave his human life behind. There was no going back for Jongin. He had no choice.

Jonginnie said it’s fine because he has me, Kyungsoo contemplated seriously. But will he be able to...adapt to his new life? How much will he change? His insides clenched uneasily in correspondence to his anxiousness.


At his father’s inquiring tone, Kyungsoo snapped out of his worrisome thoughts and returned his attention to the man. “U-understood,” he complied reluctantly. “...I’ll tell him.”

Joonmyun’s dark, round eyes considered his son’s state of mind for a second. He made a low sound of contemplation before saying, “Minseok and I will give the two of you some time to...discuss anything that you haven’t before. We’ll be waiting outside the apartment, but don’t take too long. We need to leave while it’s still dark out.”

Having been given extra time before their departure, Kyungsoo’s petite shoulders sank with reassurance. He raised his chin to give a hearty peck to his father’s velvety lips. “Thank you, Daddy,” he chimed.

The superior one huffed indifferently and shooed at his son with a dismissive hand. “Go on, go on,” he said, pretending to sound gruff.

Jumping off his father’s lap, Kyungsoo landed on the floor nimbly, then he dashed over into the hallway. He passed by Minseok, who chimed suggestively, “Don’t do anything I won’t,” which earned him an irritated “Don’t give any ideas!” from his master as he entered the living room. Kyungsoo heard the air swish as the two deserted the apartment in no time flat.

Kyungsoo turned the knob of the bedroom door and opened it. As he quietly shuffled into the dimly lit room, Kyungsoo detected the slow and steady tempo of his beloved’s breathing, so that meant that he was still asleep. With a rueful twist to his lips, Kyungsoo climbed up onto the bed and crawled over to his mate, whose long, narrow body was tangled up in the blankets. He stifled a giggle, thinking how cute a vulnerable Jongin was with his bedraggled hair and slack expression.

“Oh, Jonginnie,” he sighed affectionately. “You’re too cute.” He bent down and nuzzled his beloved’s locks with his nose. “Wake up,” he whispered.

There was a groan and a rustle. Lashes fluttered as bloody-red eyes opened themselves up to the world. A nose twitched, and plush lips parted to release an exhale. “Ermmm,” Jongin moaned and rubbed his face into the bed sheets. “Kyungsoo?” he sought out drowsily.

The raven-haired boy chuckled fondly and lightly touched his mate’s ashen cheek with his cold fingertips. “I’m here.”

A bigger hand reached up to capture that icy-cold hand. Jongin brought it to his lips and kissed those bony knuckles. “Morning,” he mumbled. “I think.”

“It’s the evening,” Kyungsoo corrected as Jongin sat up and pulled the younger vampire into his lap. The newborn buried his face into the crook of Kyungsoo’s neck and shoulder.

“Right,” the fledgling muttered sullenly. “My sleeping schedule is messed up.” He sighed miserably. “So, why did you wake me up? It’s not like I need to feed right now...”

Kyungsoo his lips nervously, a habit he must’ve picked up from his younger brother. “Don’t get upset,” he warned.


“...We’re leaving soon.”

Jongin immediately stiffened at the news, which caused Kyungsoo to also tense up. The taller male lifted his face from his hiding spot and stared at Kyungsoo with a conflicted grimace that marred his handsome features. “‘We’re leaving soon’ as in...right now? For good?”

Kyungsoo tried to erase that grimace by rubbing his thumb over Jongin’s cheekbone, but it didn’t work too well. “Well, Daddy gave us maybe an hour or so to...to say goodbye to the place.” He inwardly cringed at the note of finality in his own words. “But we do need to leave soon so we can make it to the castle on time.”

“Wow, I...” The newborn blinked once, as if dazed. “I expected this to happen, but I...didn’t really prepare for it.”

Kyungsoo peered around the familiar bedroom where they had generally spent most of their time cuddling under the blankets and talking to each other in whispers. “Will you...miss this place?” he asked, unsure of Jongin’s reaction.

“Yeah,” whispered the former human forlornly. “I once thought that I wouldn’t mind missing this place because I lived here alone, but...” Ruby eyes filled with wistfulness and longing turned Kyungsoo’s way, and the latter bit back a protesting whine, not liking that broken look. “But since you came into my life and filled my gray days with color, I guess I will miss it—because of the memories that we made together here.”

Kyungsoo nodded mutely in response.

Jongin gave his little one an inquiring glance. “Am I...can I write a letter addressed to my parents?”

The little vampire didn’t know whether or not if his father would be upset by his actions, but he said, “Okay, but don’t give anything about us away.”

Jongin pecked the child’s cheek in thanks, then rose from the bed. Sitting on the top of his dresser was a set of stationery. Picking up a pen, he hovered the tip of it over a piece of notebook paper and waited for some type of inspiration to pop into his mind so he could write a decent goodbye. Then, after a hesitant pause, he started to scribble some personal words to his parents on the spot, but his short letter was too awkward and too rushed to convey his full sincere apologies.

To Mom and Dad,

I’m really sorry. Please don’t worry about me because I’m fine. I’m not in danger or anything. It was my choice to leave. Don’t come looking for me; it’s better that way. I love you and everyone else.

Your son, Jongin.

His throat was tight and clogged up as he read over what he wrote. What kind of son am I? he berated himself sorely. Suddenly leaving without a reason to give?

Skinny, short arms encircled his waist comfortingly. Jongin had to smile—even just a little—at the action.

What else was there to deal with? He should’ve already been fired from his job since he missed so many days. His cell phone ran out of battery a long time ago. He just wrote a short letter to his parents. He couldn’t do much about his school. Sooner or later, someone would be dropping by to question him about his sudden long-term absence...

“You should bring some pictures with you,” Kyungsoo suggested softly. “I don’t think my daddy will mind. I know Baekkie’s mate did that.”

Jongin glanced down at the owl-eyed boy musingly. “Pictures, huh?” he murmured. Bending down, he retrieved his tin box of pictures that Kyungsoo once discovered from the lowest drawer. They both sat on the bed as Jongin silently thumbed through the collection of captured memories. In the end, Jongin only selected a handful, enough to remember the people important to his human life.

A single glimpse at the clock told the two that their hour was almost up. Kyungsoo waited wordlessly as Jongin changed clothes and safely tucked his pictures away into his jacket pocket. The taller vampire held out a hand towards the smaller one.

“Shall we go?”

And Kyungsoo gave his beloved a tiny smile and accepted his offered hand.

“Yeah, let’s go home.”






Jongin and Kyungsoo exited the apartment, but the former left the door unlocked since he hadn’t bothered to bring his keys with him. The newborn inhaled the crisp night air of the outdoors. It was laden with disturbing scents from the city, which indicated its polluted state, but after being under house arrest for almost a week, Jongin didn’t mind. There was a swift swish of movement in the air, then suddenly Joonmyun and Minseok appeared, both leaning casually against the railing as if they had been waiting for the two all along. The moonlight that shone behind the older two made them look divine and unreal.

Joonmyun cocked a brow at Jongin inquiringly. “I see that we don’t have to forcibly drag you home,” he remarked, a tiny bit pleased at his willingness.

The former human ducked his head modestly, making use of the subservient manners Minseok had been coaching him on. “Yes, sir. I’m ready to go.”

A small, approving smile laced the superior one’s succulent lips. “Well, I have some last minute reminders for you, boy.” His tone was stern as he said, “Hold your breath if you need to and don’t get too carried away with your strength. Other than that, keep up with us. Is that understood?”

Jongin nodded compliantly, and Kyungsoo gratefully squeezed his hand for being so obedient.

Minseok inclined his head over the railing. He was wearing a perky, upbeat smile, happy that they could finally return home because he really missed his mate. “Let’s go!”

With that jubilant exclamation, Minseok nimbly jumped over the railing, but then he grabbed ahold of the platform above him and swung himself up. Jongin assumed Minseok must’ve scaled the floors up to the roof.

Beside him, Kyungsoo giggled at the guard’s infectious glee. “Minseokie loves roof hopping.”

Exasperated, Joonmyun rolled his eyes. “Let’s just hurry home, and be cautious of your presence.”

Joonmyun picked Kyungsoo up (Jongin had to grit his teeth so he wouldn’t growl in protest) into his arms, steadily hopped onto the railing, and then gracefully jumped up all the way to the roof in one bound.

Wow, these vampires sure make this look easy, the fledgling thought in awe. Getting to the roof normally should’ve taken a while if we used the stairs.

Inside of his soul, he felt a prickle. It was a question from Kyungsoo conveyed through their link. His little one was asking why he was taking so long to join them. Inhaling a deep breath to calm himself, Jongin copied Joonmyun’s jump. He accidentally forgot to restrain some of his strength, because he heard the railing crack under his feet after he flew up. His jump made him soar upwards like a bird, but he overshot it a bit. He zipped by past the roof where Joonmyun, Kyungsoo, and Minseok were waiting for him. Normally, he would’ve freaked out over his lack of restraint, but his body responded naturally to the situation. Just tipping over the slightest, he performed a somersault—effectively slowing his descent—and suddenly landed on the roof like a ninja, his feet spread out to balance himself and to disperse his momentum. Thankfully, this time, the floor beneath him didn’t crack.

Still held in his father’s arms, Kyungsoo clapped gleefully, entertained by his mate’s impressive actions. “Cool! That was so cool!”

“Show off,” Minseok muttered with a pout.

On the other hand, Joonmyun’s chocolate brown eyes were narrowed, analyzing Jongin sharply with intense judgment. This boy...his movements and strength show how much potential he has. He’s well-adept when it comes to adapting to a vampire’s speed and agility. All he needs to do now is to learn some restraint and timing.

“Well, well, well,” Joonmyun mused. “It looks like we got a keeper.” Jongin became puzzled at the superior one’s enigmatic words. “Another first-class brat to take care of.”

Seemingly shocked, Minseok whipped his head his master’s way. “No way,” he gasped. “You serious?” A grin split across his impish face when Joonmyun responded with an apathetic shrug. “Awesome!”

“What are you guys talking about?” Jongin asked, brows furrowed. What did he mean by first-class?

“I’ll explain it along the way!” Minseok chirped, bouncing on his feet excitedly. “Come on!”

The three of them, with Kyungsoo being carried by his father, began traveling from roof to roof, hardly breaking a sweat at the tremendous speed and force they were going at, but it was an average pace to them. Joonmyun took the lead, his gait more swift and refined. Kyungsoo had his arms wrapped around his father’s neck and was carried in a position to where he could peek over the man’s shoulder. Attentive doe eyes were fondly trained on a dark-haired, ruby-eyed newborn who was intently listening to the explanation that the bronze-haired, chubby-cheeked vampire was giving to him.

“You see,” the vampire guard started out enthusiastically, “in our vampire society, we have a caste system that separates vampires by social rank. Usually, for the vampire-born, it’s their lineage that determines what division of the caste system they’re in. But when it comes to us es, our ranking is decided by how strong we are and who we’re mated with.”

“Oh, I understand,” Jongin said as he and Minseok leapt over a water tower. “I remember learning about this stuff in school. How many—uhhh—classes are there?”

Minseok held up the significant amount of fingers. “There’s five. At the top is the pureblood class—obviously comprised of those who were born as pureblood vampires. The one below it is the first-class division. They’re usually vampires who are mated to purebloods or are strong enough to challenge a pureblood’s position. Now, it’s easy to guess that the next set of classes are the second and the third-class divisions, but the lowest of the caste system are known as the Unwanted. These vampires are too weak and too deranged to be considered a part of our society. Heck, they can’t handle the sunlight at all; they’d burn to a crisp.”

Minseok paused a second as Joonmyun veered in a different direction, doing so to avoid a taller set of buildings with a multitude of windows. Now they were roof hopping on buildings with an abundance of billboards and mechanical machines on top. Such obstructions were used to shadow their presences, and they were also easy to outmaneuver. Jongin had to wrinkle his nose in distaste at the pungent smell of the city’s inner district. There was so much smoke and exhaust and heat. Under all those gritty, dusty scents were the richer, warmer scents of humans. But somehow, Jongin didn’t feel compelled to hunt one down. He had already fed yesterday night from Kyungsoo, so his inner monster was quenched for the time being.

“Anywaaaaays,” Minseok sang as they regrouped near each other, their legs still pumping with unexhausted vigor as they ran. “All vampires are equipped with physical abilities that surpasses a human’s and any animal on this planet. But we have varying degrees in our abilities—some are stronger or faster than others. And those with Gifts are considered true gems.”

“Gifts?” Jongin repeated in a murmur.

The older vampire nodded ecstatically. “Yeah, Gifts. You know, like supernatural powers. If a vampire has a Gift, then they’re either in the pureblood class—because a majority of purebloods are born with Gifts—or the first-class. My mate and I are both super strong vampires who have our own Gifts, so we’re considered first-class vampires. Get it?”

Jongin acknowledged that query with an amazed nod, then asked, “What’s your Gift?”

Minseok winked at him playfully. “I was hoping you’d asked that. Watch.” Once his soles landed on the next rooftop, the vampire guard sprang up into a somersault and somehow managed to stay airborne for a few moments longer. Now upside-down with his arm outstretched, he snapped his fingers sharply, and suddenly a chilly blast of frost spewed out of nowhere. The frost hardened into an ice ramp, and Minseok descended downward, only to slide down his personally made ramp like a skateboarder. He skidded back onto the roof, and the ice ramp shattered into diamond dust, no longer needed.

Jongin nearly stuttered to a halt at the unexpected spectacle, but he managed to correct his footwork without much of a hitch (being a dancer and vampire had its quirks). “Wh-what was that?” he gaped.

Minseok matched his pace with his underling’s and shot him a grin. “My Gift is the power of frost. I kid you not.”

In front of them, they heard a huff that most likely came from Joonmyun and a peal of laughter that most definitely came from Kyungsoo. Though their reactions weren’t surprised, Jongin was floored. His eyes were wide with disbelief as he replayed Minseok’s demonstration in his mind.

“Do I have a Gift?” he asked.

Amber-brown eyes peered at his way speculatively as Minseok contemplated on how to answer that. “Maybe?” he offered doubtfully. “Master did say—no, he deemed you as a first-class vampire, and he’s never wrong with his assumptions. But I’m not sure if it’s because of the strength and speed you have now or it’s because that...” His eyes twinkled mysteriously. “You might just acquire a Gift one day. Gifts are unpredictable, though. Mine didn’t make itself known until after a few decades. My mate was able to tap into his Gift pretty quickly—only after a couple of years, if I remember correctly.”

“Kyungsoo and his dad have Gifts, too, right?” Jongin whispered, even though the people he was talking about could hear him clearly in the open air.

“Yes,” Minseok responded with his easygoing smile. “Young Master Kyungsoo can control the earth, and Master Joonmyun can manipulate any form of water.”

I remember now, Jongin idly thought as he leapt over a set of metal pipes. At the park, Kyungsoo made spikes come up from the ground, and Joonmyun did something to stop and move the blood in my body. He cringed when recalling that disturbing, unnatural feeling. Ugh, it’s creepy and terrifying to know that vampires can do this. It makes them—we—almost impossible to kill. But... He nibbled on his lower lip debatingly. I honestly wonder what kind of Gift I have if I even have one in the first place.

When the former human glanced up for a brief moment while pondering, he was met with a beautiful, knowing smile from his mate. Kyungsoo’s sweet, angelic face had brightened up when he had realized that Jongin was looking his way. In helpless return, Jongin smiled back softly, and, off to the side, Minseok was failing to suppress his giddy train of thoughts.

Awwwww! They’re just so CUTE together! gushed the vampire guard. Oh, crap. The veins in Master’s neck are throbbing. Well, he can’t do anything to hurt Jongin if Kyungie has something to say about it. He snickered at the underhanded thought.

As if he knew whatever his subordinate was snickering about, the vein in Joonmyun’s forehead hammered violently. By narrowing the space between his thumb and forefinger, Joonmyun briefly staunched the blood in Minseok’s leg muscles, rendering them useless.

There was a yelp, then sounds of tumbling, and then a huge BANG! as a forehead made impact on metal. Uttering a sound of confusion, Jongin skidded to an abrupt halt, and then darted over to the older vampire whose face was smushed up against the metal side of a ventilation shaft. Joonmyun also slowed to a stop, his expression cool and unconcerned. Knowing that it was his father’s doing, Kyungsoo had his cheeks puffed out angrily. The little vampire punched his father in the chest, making a hard, solid sound on contact, but the older one didn’t grunt at all.

“I’m going to tell Jongdae that you’re bullying Minseokie again!” cried the child.

“Um...” Jongin hesitantly held out a hand, just in case he needed to help. “Are you okay, Minseok?”

The vampire guard said something muffled that was probably, “Yeah, hold on. I don’t need help.” He braced his hands against the circular shape of the shaft, and, with a single push, he freed his face from the metal surface. The three-dimensional shape and curvature of his face was imprinted into the plating, and it wasn’t all that attractive (sadly, Minseok had to agree with that).

Minseok laughed sheepishly. There weren’t any scratches or cuts on his flawless white face. “Okay, I deserved that one.”

“If you’re done joking around,” Joonmyun cut in evenly, unamused by his subordinate’s antics. “We should hurry up. We’re almost out of the city.”

“Yes, Master,” the subordinate replied and took Jongin’s offered hand to be hauled back up onto his feet.

The three continued their effortless trek through the city until they reached the outskirts. Soon, buildings began to shrink in size and height. They now traveled across the land. Even if there were any human onlookers as they journeyed across the low lands, their inhumane speed would’ve made them almost invisible to the eye. Jongin, having lived in the city most of his human life, was amazed at how rural the area was. There was only a single, thick road that wasn’t made of dirt. Farms and small villages were aligned along the road. An occasional car sped by with its lancing headlights.

About an hour and a half before midnight, Joonmyun changed course again, now heading towards less inhabited lands. Civilization seemed to completely cease to exist as the vampires ducked into a sea of trees. Thick tufts of grass crunched under their speedy feet. Leaves danced languidly as they whizzed by. The wind whistled in their ears. Nocturnal animals skulked around in the darkness. The air was fresher and greener here; Jongin liked it.

“We’re almost there,” the newborn heard Minseok say to his right. “Just a little further.”

Experimentally, Jongin inhaled a deep breath and concentrated. Up ahead, maybe another dozen or so kilometers, was a humungous structure that smelled of stone and mortar and bricks. The castle? he wondered. It certainly smelled like one.

Moments later, they broke through the tree line and were sprinting across a vast field of tall grass. Jongin’s breath almost caught at the astounding, magnificent sight of a large castle in the middle of nowhere, surrounded only by nature. The design of it was strange to Jongin, for it appeared nothing like what he’d seen in books or on TV. It was almost a blended design of architecture from around the world, but it mostly resembled a European-styled stronghold with its thick, sturdy walls and solid structure. Although it was built with the idea of a fortress in mind, it gave off an elegant and classy feeling with the architecture concerning its pillars and roofs and windows. There was a tall, thick stone wall erected around the castle with only a scary-looking gate to allow entrance inside. The traveling vampires slowed to a stop in front of it.

It’s ginormous now that I’m standing next to it, Jongin gaped. He had to crane his neck and tilt his head back uncomfortably to see the top of the gate. Even so, it felt like it extended up to the sky.

The fledgling was fished out of his marveling when he heard a pair of footsteps coming from the other side of the gate. These footsteps belonged to humans—no doubt by their lack of unnatural grace.

Recalling Joonmyun’s reminders, Jongin mindfully held his breath as two humans dressed like servants approached the gate, sauntering down a neatly paved stone walkway that didn’t seem old. One of the humans was carrying a lantern, illuminating the night with a mystical fiery glow. When they reached the gate, they seemed surprised when they spotted the master of the castle.

“Master Joonmyun!” the shorter servant exclaimed in a joyous tone. “You have returned! And with Young Master Kyungsoo!”

The superior one nodded, a small smile adorned on his lips. “Yes, I found him.”

“I helped,” Minseok inputted innocently.

The taller servant squinted his eyes suspiciously at Jongin, who was half-hiding behind Minseok, and raised the lantern to get a better look. “I am glad that the three of you have returned safe and sound. Master Yixing will be elated, but...who is that young man behind you?”

It was Kyungsoo who answered with a chipper, “He’s my mate, Jongin!”

The servants gasped loudly in disbelief. “Mate?!”

Just by a fraction, Jongin turned his head their way, and the two humans gawked at his captivating appearance. His bloody-red eyes glinted sinisterly amidst the dim night. His chalky pale skin was whiter under the silvery moonlight. The intense, prominent contours of his cheekbones and jawline were bewitching. He almost resembled a panther, a dark, tantalizing creature with a muscular, lean build that lurked in the dangerous shadows, silently eyeing its prey. He inclined his head as a demure way to say hello.

The shorter servant could only mouth a speechless wow. His fellow companion managed to recover his bearings with a bit of difficulty, and he cleared his throat. “W-well, that’s wonderful news—I think. Anyways, please come inside. Everyone is expecting you. Master Yifan had seen your arrival from the high tower.”

The servants opened the gate, and they were ushered in quickly. Just before they headed up the pathway that led to the castle’s front doors, Kyungsoo wiggled madly in his father’s arms.

“Put me down, put me down,” demanded the small child. “I want to hold Jonginnie’s hand.”

Joonmyun growled lowly in irritation, and the servants became skittish, but Minseok was unbothered by the interaction between the father-and-son pair. Reluctantly, the superior one set his son down, and the little boy immediately flitted over to his mate. If Jongin could’ve blushed, he would have when Kyungsoo wove their fingers together in front of everyone. Kyungsoo smiled up at mate reassuringly.

The worst is over, Kyungsoo seemed to be telling Jongin through their link. Welcome home.

Kyungsoo tugged on Jongin’s hand, urging him to hurry up so they could reach the castle faster. The massive doors were heaved open, then closed with a groan when everyone had stepped inside.

The interior was much more impressive and decorated than the exterior. Scores of silky banners and elaborate tapestries lined along the high walls. A huge crystal chandelier was hung over the spacious foyer, but it wasn’t  since there were torches adhered to the pillars, providing most of the light that usually wasn’t needed at night. A violet carpet was rolled out from the threshold to the far end of the foyer where a majestic twin staircase dominated the space there. Hallways and arched openings offered countless alternative paths from the foyer.

The second they’d entered, a female servant stepped forward from where she was patiently waiting and formally bowed her head at Joonmyun. “Master, your mate wishes to see you immediately.”

Joonmyun sighed collectively. “Yes, I can tell.” Unraveling his scarf and shrugging off his coat, he handed those items over to the servant then vanished with a single step. The lady promptly went off to put away her master’s belongings while the two male servants stood vigilant by the castle doors. They tried not to act like they were shamelessly scrutinizing Jongin with profound interest and fascination.

Minseok winked at Jongin and Kyungsoo. “I’m going to go find my hubby now. See you later!” After giving them a jaunty wave, he happily skipped off down a hallway, humming a merry tune.

Kyungsoo squeezed his beloved’s still, tense hand and whispered, “Are you okay, Jonginnie? Is this place...too daunting?”

“It’s not that bad,” muttered the fledgling. He felt too numb and too uncertain whether or not to move. He was clueless as to what he should do.

Nose twitching, Kyungsoo perked up when he registered a familiar pair of scents coming their way from down the middle hallway. Jongin peered down at his little one inquiringly.

“It’s my cousin, Baekkie,” explained the child excitedly. “And his mate. You finally get to meet them!”

Kyungie always babbles about those two randomly, Jongin recalled. I wonder what they’re like. It doesn’t take a genius to know that he likes them.

The fledgling could detect two sets of footsteps, both of which were unhurried. His gaze flickered over to the hallway where the footsteps were echoing from, and he could see two skinny silhouettes amongst the shadows. The shorter of the two—by a good eleven centimeters or so—emerged out first. The person’s form blurred, and Kyungsoo was suddenly engulfed into a hearty hug. Jongin growled defensively when his hand was wrenched from his little one’s, but Kyungsoo shot him a placating look over the brunet’s shoulder.

“Oh, I missed you so much, Soo,” whimpered the brunet, his voice husky yet musical. “Don’t ever run away without me again.”

The younger vampire chuckled bashfully. “Okay, Baekkie.”

“Hey, if you’re going to run away with anyone, Baek, it should be with me,” joked an immensely deep voice that resembled a giant’s. It belonged to the abnormally tall person that had been walking down the hallway with Kyungsoo’s cousin.

And Jongin, out of shock, let out the breath that he’d been holding.

Kyungsoo’s words echoed in his ringing ears.

“He’s not dead.”

It was like he was seeing a ghost of his past as the tall vampire emerged from the shadows and into the torchlight. Seeing that deathly familiar face that hardly changed in the past three years was like a punch in the gut. The only thing that was different about him was his eyes. Jongin’s glistening ruby-red eyes met a beady pair of mischievous maroon. A broad grin spilt across the face that once belonged to his best friend.

“Yo, Jongin.”

Jongin hissed out an exhale.




SHALALALA! /throws confetti and candy and cookies everywhere/ I updated within a month! Whoooooooooo! Aren't you proud of me? /wags tails expectantly/


You know, I think this chapter was the biggest of them all, because I definitely went overboard with the paragraphs. It's 5,678 words (LOL) total! I really deserve some comments and love and upvotes for that, riiiiight? To new subbies: don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't understand something. I'll do my best to answer you without giving too much of the plot away. 

Sorry if there's any mistakes or it feels like I'm missing some points, because I certainly didn't know how to explain what the castle looked like. But hey, I'm still polishing my writing skills, so don't judge too hard. Anyways, like always, I don't when I'm going be updating again, and I only have about a month left of summer, so I need to inhale all the anime/manga/fanfiction that I can. I think that's all I can say for now. Tata!

Reminder: No plagiarizing! No copying! No stealing! No translating! Tell me immediately if someone has done so!

And here's my usual Kaisoo for everyone to gush over.

cr: to real owners

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Please also pay attention to my AN at the end.


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aerinaa12 #1
Chapter 17: Hi I'm your story reader who is from Indonesia, I really like your story😭 oh when you say, now you like BTS more than EXO, to be honest it makes my heart hurt :(, but it's okay, it's your right to like another group :(. But I beg you, please continue this story to the end😭
Chapter 17: I'd be sad if you discontinued this story but I understand. Reality slaps hard, but this story was a good one! God job author-nim
Babygirlempress #3
Chapter 17: I don’t know if you dropped this story but not to be rude I’m still hoping for an update
this looks so cute :D
mistymountains 193 streak #5
Nice story!
Chapter 17: Omgeeeeeee ❤ you're back
Chapter 17: I thought I was alucinanting when I saw this on my feed.