On Sunny Days.

Key to Beauty - Beauty Shop

Hi guys, it's the author-nim. Although it's been cooling down in the UK, I'm sure there are a lot of countries where it's still boiling. So I wanted to make a section on Sun care etc. Let me start off with Sun Cream!


Sun Cream

If you think 




Because guess who paid attention in her chemistry lesson. Me ^^ and I think I was the only one who paid attention too. //awkward. Okay moving on.

The Sun emits UV rays. There are a lot of types of UV rays but to know about that, pay attention in class since I can't be asked to talk about that.

Okay next, each UV ray has a different wavelength and strenght so some are more dangerous than others. Back to the point, the earths atmosphere reflects most of it back into space however some still remains and passes through. Not wearing sun cream can lead to a tan, sun burn and even skin cancer which isn't something you like to have. So just wear it xD


Have you ever wondered what SPF 15, SPF 30 etc means. 

SPF = sun protection factor


SPF 15

A sunscreen with an SPF of 15 will delay the onset of a sunburn in a person who would otherwise burn in 10 minutes to burn in 150 minutes. The SPF 15 sunscreen allows a person to stay out in the sun 15 times longer.

In other words you would have to re apply this after 150 minutes which is around 2 hours and 30 mins. It will protect you for that long.


SPF 30

Protects you for 300 minutes. That's around 5 hours ^^


SPF 50

Protects you for longer, 500 minutes which is a little more than 8 hours.


That's not all, you can find SPF in some Moisturisers, Foundations and BB creams so you have to look out for it. If you go swimming I'd advise for you to wear water proof suncream.

UV rays are also there when you least expect them. For example in the winter. Also, people tend to wear sun cream inside the house too and not just outdoors.



UV rays from the sun will not be blocked out by windows, so if your inside where there are windows or in your car you are still exposed to the rays, in fact even if it's cloudy out some of those rays still get through.


That's all. Bye *runs away* by the way, if you want me to post about something you want to know, so let me know ^^


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Slytherinese #1
Chapter 14: Yey thanksss!!! ^^
This is very helpful :D
if there's more tips and tricks about eyeshadow again,post it yeah XD
Slytherinese #2
Chapter 13: halooo~
i was wondering how to apply eyeshadow and how to mix and match the colors and the blending style XD
Chapter 11: thanks unnie!! ♥
hey can i request for tips on how not to get your skin caught with eye curlers? :))
ParkVictory #5
Chapter 8: Please go ahead and do make up or skincare chapterss
kitkat_bunnytime #6
Chapter 6: thanks so much, but what if I do these anyway and i'm not getting much progress?
Chapter 4: keke..^^
I liked this short update!
And yeah no doubt,water is the most important!
kitkat_bunnytime #8
Chapter 2: what group is that miss admin NaNa?
kitkat_bunnytime #9
Chapter 1: why not do a chapter on types of make up for each season? like what colors would go with the season.
warm colors for the fall, Cool colors for the winter, Vibrant colors for the spring and neutral for the summer? (this is just an example) you know what I mean ^^
I hope this shop rockets off!