Your Fan


What could possibly go wrong or right with meeting Infinite?


I felt a cold breeze as I stirred my hot chocolate with my spoon. I hovered over my cup to see a gleam of light in it. I used my hand to lift up the ceramic cup that it was poured in. A nice long sip as I felt the hotness travel down my throat, leaving me with a refreshing feeling. I had waited every day at this Cafe and today, I hear from a fellow Inspirit that Infinite was supposed to appear near here. They were supposed to come around the block, but I didn't want to seem stalkerish like the rest of the girls and wait at the exact spot for them. I really wanted to see them, they were my inspiration. I jumped and almost choked on my hot chocolate when I heard a whole bunch of girls squealing and screeching. I knew it was them. Infinite, that is.


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Chapter 2: Dang it, more should've happened.
seoulcialite #2
Dammit Hoya be mine oh!