When Changjo Kissed Niel..


just felt like writing a NAP (niel & cap) one shot.. ^_^


hopefully you'll like it :P





Teentop were filming Teentop 100% Rising Brothers...

Niel decided to have teentop play passing the paper which requires them to use their mouths...

After so much failed attempts because Ricky cannot control his laughter when he faces CAP.. the others decided to get Niel in and put CAP on the side..

It was going smoothly..until ***chu~*** changjo and niel kissed...Ljoe and Chunji did too but they were only laughing about it unlike the real maknae who was freaking out a kiss was stolen by niel accidentally...

Unknown to everyone..CAP who was quietly sitting on the side..sporting a smile..was holding some feelings back just because the cameras were still rolling and there was too much people for him to show what he was feeling...

when teentop got home it was entirely a different story...

what will happen? let's find out :)


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TakeshimaTaki-desu #1
Chapter 1: me likes it a bunchie!! ^-^
eunahsoo #2
L.Joe is so funny teasing C.A.P
Chapter 1: so cute! i could still remember Changjo's face when that happened.. bwahahahaha... thumbs up for you author-nim
Chapter 1: :)))) so cute. changrick especially are so cute the way they keep teasing ech other!
Descarta #5
Chapter 1: omo!!!!!!!! so cuuute i'm gonna die!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh!! The ChangRick's ending is so cuteee~~~
Chapter 1: I love it . Sooooooo cute . I love the last phrase of changrick moment . Make me squeling .
TOPJaeLoveChild #8
Chapter 1: So so so sweet n.n N.A.P!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Awww cute :)
mzjonghyun #10
Chapter 1: haha its cute and a lil funny I like it