Always, No Matter How Many Times


The excitement was so palpable you could almost touch it. Everyone was abuzz. Frantic footsteps could be heard racing across the polished wooden floors as servers bumped into each other in their haste to get to their destinations. The Bathhouse had never been this alive.

There was only one person there who didn't seem to notice the charged energy filling the halls of the Bathhouse. Soh was too busy with his nightly chore of laundering all the used and dirty rags to bother questioning where all the servers were going. Although, the dark-haired boy couldn't help but look up from the cloth he was washing when he heard his name being called by a familiar voice. He squinted towards the direction the shouts were coming from and the corners of his thin lips turned up when he saw his friend, Chenchen, expertly skirting around the other workers to get to him.

"Soh!" the boy called out again. "Sogogi! Soh!"

He waited for his friend to reach his side before he answered. "Hey, slow down."

Chenchen clutched tightly at the sleeves of Soh's plain orange kimono before he anxiously said, "We can't slow down! Let's go!"

"Go where?" Sogogi asked but his overly enthusiastic friend didn't waste time in answering and just unceremoniously dragged him away.

It was a good thing that Chenchen was a mouse spirit and could find his way through the maze of bulky bodies crowding the entrance. Fortunately, Soh had a small frame, too, so he could squeeze through quite as easily as the other boy. They were both breathless and panting when they reached the bridge outside. Chenchen pulled him a little to the side, moving out of the way of the older workers.

There were a large number of servers outside but they were more organized. The crowd was parted in the middle as if making way for something. As per usual, two lines of female workers were standing on either side of the entrance. They were wearing flower-patterned yukatas and carrying brightly colored fans--small eyes lined with kohl and wide frog-like faces painted heavily--ready to welcome the customers.

However, tonight, Soh finally noticed that something was indeed different.

He glanced up the darkening sky then shifted his gaze towards the gaily lit entertainment district on the other side of the bridge. Soh's brows knotted. They appeared the same to him. He then looked at the gigantic Bathhouse soaring above the red bridge, bathed vermillion by the setting sun. The large metal chimney emitted the same black smoke it did every day while the same steam rose unending on the right side of the building. Everything was where it should be.

Except, there was something strange with the way the wind blew because... It didn't. Not even a small gust was present. In contrast to the beings milling about him, the night was so still it was as if it was holding its breath in anticipation for what was to come.

Soh felt a nudge to his side.

"When the guests arrive, bow low but be sure to show your face and get noticed, okay?" Chenchen whispered.

He looked at his friend questioningly. "What for? And why did you drag me out here? I still have to mop the floors and scrub the stairs and--"

"Shhh! Do you want them to hear and notice that you're out here? Do you want to be sent back inside?"

"But my work's inside," he replied in a hushed tone.

"No, you have to be here! He's coming. One of the most powerful spirits in the Realm is visiting the Bathhouse tonight!" Chenchen said excitedly.


"The Time Spirit!"

The Time Spirit? Soh frowned in thought.

The Bathhouse was known all over the Spirit World and beings from all four directions travel to the small island it was located on to recuperate and relax. They serve gods, spirits, and guardians--any and every creature in the Realm. As long as you have the gold to pay, the Bathhouse's large doors were open for you.

Soh thought of all the beings he had seen since he started working there. He had already laid eyes on the Earth Guardian and was surprised to see that he looked just like an ordinary boy not much older than him. He saw different river and water gods every day and he even caught sight of the legendary Black Dragon once. But he had never even heard of the Time Spirit.

"Should I know him?" he asked.

"Of course!" Chenchen sputtered. "The Time Spirit is like the spirit of all spirits! I even heard that Life and Death are scared of him and that's saying something. He has been here since the beginning. No. I think he is the beginning," his friend finished, eyes widening at his own realization.

"But how come I haven't heard of him before?"

"Because it's the first time he's coming here. That's why everyone is scrambling to get in front because it's an honor just to be in his presence. And I also heard that the Time Spirit is generous. Just think of all the gold he will give the one he bestows his favor on!"

Chenchen fixed his short-cropped hair and even patted his sharp eyebrows in place, "I have to look my best and you should, too, so he will pick us to serve him!"

Soh just smiled at the way his friend was primping himself. He knew no matter how much he fixed his appearance, he wouldn't get chosen. First of all, he was the youngest worker there--not even twenty summers old--and he didn't even have experience in serving and entertaining. He was always delegated to do the dirty work. Secondly, unlike all the other employees there who were reincarnated animal spirits, Soh was different. He was human and the only one left after the young girl, Sen, was set free six full moons ago.

There was no way he would get the favor of the Time Spirit. In this Realm, no one ever favored humans.

They heard the ringing of the town bell, signaling the arrival of the ferry that brought the guests to the island. Before long, Soh could see the procession of the new arrivals as the lanterns lining the main street glowed brighter.

"They're coming," the mouse spirit whispered, "Bow down."

Soh bent down and placed his slender hands above his knee, eyes still surreptitiously following the newcomers. There were about a dozen figures in black silk robes in front of the line. Spirits, he thought, based on the large white masks they were wearing. Each one of them had the symbol of a sand clock emblazoned on the front of their robes.

The progress was slow and Soh had a strong urge to crane his neck to peek over them and get a glimpse of the Spirit they were so obviously protecting. He gave in and he caught sight of inky black hair and scarlet robes worn by a tall figure. Was that the Time Spirit?

Soh felt another nudge against his side and saw Chenchen anxiously motioning for him to stoop lower. He reluctantly did as his friend wanted but not before he threw another quick glance at the imposing presence in the middle of the procession.

"The Great Time Spirit has arrived!" the manager announced and a hush fell over the crowd.

The Bathhouse owner, Yubaba, went in front and her large, wrinkly face split into a warm welcoming grin... or as welcoming as a sly witch--with inhumanly large figure as well as a huge and prominent crooked nose--could grin. Soh had always been wary of her. Yubaba was quite overbearing and intimidating.


And selfish--binding everyone here to her bathhouse forever unless they could miraculously recall their full names which she "stole" from them upon signing the contract. Soh had already lost hope in ever getting free. He had been here for so long; he couldn't even remember how many seasons have passed since he found himself lost in the Realm.

He was abruptly pulled from his thoughts when the spirits stopped by the entrance and moved aside to reveal their master. The red-robed individual stepped forward for everyone to see.

They said he was one of the first to exist in this World yet he was the very picture of beauty and youth. His peach colored skin had an ethereal glow. His raven hair set off his small, slanted eyes to perfection--the brown orbs reflecting centuries gone by.

He was magnificent.

"Welcome, Your Greatness," Yubaba said reverently before she bowed. Soh's jaw dropped. She had never done this before. His gaze returned to the Time Spirit to see his reaction but his attention was caught by a slight movement behind him. There was an even taller being standing a step away from Time Spirit's side.

Soh's eyes rounded upon seeing the mud and soot covering the figure's burgundy cloak. His head was under the hood of the robe and his face was concealed by shadows but Soh had an uncanny feeling that the mysterious being was staring straight back at him.

He quickly looked away but the feeling remained. His heart began to thump loud and fast. Soh huddled closer to his friend, convincing himself that he was just imagining things.

"Our doors are always open for the Great Time Spirit, Tao. We are at your service," Yubaba continued, gesturing towards the servers.

Tao gave her a nod.

"Let us all go inside then, Master Tao. We have the most luxurious of baths prepared for you and your company." Yubaba waved for the crowd to get out of the way as she led Tao through the entrance.

"I am not in need of a bath. Just a place to rest for the travel had been long and tedious. This place," Tao said as his gaze travelled up the imposing structure before him, “is quite far from our land."

Yubaba was quick to respond in her gravelly voice. "Of course we also have the best rooms fit for Your Greatness. I believe you will find that the long travel will be worth it."

The witch's smile froze, though, when she finally spotted the figure behind the Time Spirit. Tao probably noticed where she was looking at for he said, "Oh, someone else is in need of a bath. Have one prepared for my good friend."

At the mention of the word friend, everyone's gazes went to the hooded figure. Soh could hear the muted sounds of disgust and protests go through the servers at his appearance. He certainly does need a thorough bath to clean off the filth covering him.

"Of... course. Sure," Yubaba replied, her tone a little less confident.

Tao smiled in approval. The witch continued to lead them inside followed closely by the servers who were still eager to get the favor of the Time Spirit.

"Come on!" Chenchen said, grabbing onto Soh and trying to beat the others to the front.

"Do you know him?" Soh asked while being pushed and squished by the eager workers around him.

"I just told you he's the Time Spirit!" Chenchen answered distractedly, tiptoeing to see where they could squeeze through.

"No, not him. The other one. The one behind--"

His friend grimaced. "The dirty one? I don't know him. Oh, dear. I hope we won't be chosen to give the bath to that creature!" Chenchen saw an opening and pulled on Sogogi. With a forceful shove, they found themselves inside the Bathhouse, beside the watch stand by the entrance. Soh found the guests standing with Yubaba in the middle of the atrium.

"You can leave your friend to choose which tub he wants and my trusted workers will make sure to take care of him, Master Tao. I can then guide you and the rest of your party up at our best room on the second floor. Shall we?" Yubaba said graciously.

The Time Spirit proceeded to walk towards the elevators especially made for important guests. Yubaba threw the bath's assistant manager a glance, ordering him silently to take care of the filthy spirit, before following in the Time Spirit's wake. All the other servers moved to follow once again but the corridors were narrow so it was more difficult to squeeze through.

Soh held onto Chenchen tightly but he found himself being suddenly picked up from the collar. He looked up to see, Aniyaku, the assistant manager holding onto him. "Where do you think you're going?"

He couldn't find his voice fast enough to reply. Aniyaku dragged him back towards the center of the atrium. Sogogi struggled to get free but he was too thin and small compared to the frog spirit holding onto him. He made one last desperate glance towards the direction Chenchen disappeared to. Was he going to get punished for skipping his duties?

He heard the other workers snicker at him before shuffling toward the employee elevators to go after the Time Spirit's group. Soh closed his eyes and resigned himself to another of Aniyaku's unfair punishments. He just wished that it wasn't the one he gave him two moons ago. He still remembered the terror of almost falling off the brick roof after the assistant manager told him to scrub them clean. It took Soh more than an hour just to climb there as his limbs were shaking uncontrollably. He had always hated heights.

He was surprised though when Aniyaku dropped him in the middle of the room, near the biggest tub inside the bathhouse. Soh felt a wave of relief. Was this the punishment? Cleaning the large tub would be a piece of cake.

"Sorry for the wait Time Master's friend," the manager said over Sogogi's head. "But here is our Soh, the best bath server we have."

Wait. Time Master's friend? Best bath server? Soh felt dread settle in his stomach and he was afraid to even turn around. He felt eyes boring into the back of his head causing his knees to weaken. No. Please no.

"Soh, you take care of this fellow and I'll go assist Yubaba," Aniyaku said with a wide grin that made his frog face even uglier. He sounded kind but Soh could see the threatening glint in his large bulging eyes.

With a last smirk, Aniyaku left, leaving Soh alone with the scary hooded spirit behind him. He heard footsteps walking away from him and despite his anxiety, Soh looked back to see the filthy spirit stride towards the cubicle housing the large wooden tub.

He would rather scrub the roof again than assist him but he couldn't do anything except to trail after the spirit. No other server was around. They were all probably at the second floor with the Time Spirit, Soh thought grudgingly. He paused mid-step though when he remembered that he wasn't in possession of any bath token. He needed it to request for the medicinal soak that would help clean the somber creature ahead of him.

He was about to turn to get some but then he recalled Aniyaku already went to attend to Yubaba. Soh had to suppress a groan. All he could use was the basic bath token that could be found in every cubicle--the one for water. He reluctantly continued to trudge after the spirit, trying to think of what to do.

He supposed water would suffice. He just had to scrub the guest thoroughly and hope he didn’t hurt him in the process. He doubted he wouldn't though as he watched the tall figure climb slowly into the circular tub. Mud caked around his feet and slim ankles. It would take all his strength to get all of it off.

Soh wanted to just slump down and cry but he was never one to give in to obstacles like this. He had learned to toughen up since the other workers tended to bully him into doing their jobs. If they so much as saw a sign of weakness from him, they would get more devious and think of more ways to make him suffer for being different from them.

I can do this, he told himself. Sogogi, you can do this.

He rolled up the sleeves of his kimono close to his elbows and walked purposefully forward. His footsteps faltered a bit however when he saw that the spirit had let down the hood and was staring at him once again. It didn't help Soh's confidence to see that the spirit's hair was long and as filthy as the rest of him. It was so dirty; he couldn't even guess what color it was. The poor human had never seen a creature as grimy as him.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll finish. Come on, Soh. You can do it.

Still feeling the weight of the other's stare, Soh took the bath token hanging beside the cubicle entrance and marched towards the small hatch in the wooden wall. He opened it and attached the token to the stretchable purple string inside before he pulled.

Sogogi immediately ran to the wooden pipe beside the hatch and pulled the hanging rope affixed to it to let the incoming water spill into the tub. He somehow felt comforted at the sound of the cold water rushing down the pipe.

Expecting that the water was enough to fill the tub, he let go of the rope and the pipe went back to its upright position. He spun around, intending to start with the bath but he was shocked to see that the tub was empty except for the Time Spirit's friend standing in the middle. His eyes widened in confusion. Where had all the water gone?

He returned to the pipe and pulled it down again, making sure that the mouth was directly on top of the tub. He almost slid down the side of the tub in surprise, though, when he saw the water turn into steam the moment it touched the spirit's cloak. "You're so hot!" he exclaimed.

He didn't know why--there wasn't any sound at all but Soh could almost hear the other laughing at him. He pulled on the rope harder to make sure that the pipe didn’t return to its original position and then went on to jump into the tub. Embarrassed and more than a little bit indignant at being laughed at, he determinedly marched towards the spirit. There was no one around save the two of them but, even though he was still more than a bit frightened of the tall being, he was resolved to finish this task.

The spirit stood straighter as Soh came closer. On his way, he snatched a small cloth from the side of the tub. He stopped only when he was a foot away from the tall male. "I'm just going to--"

Sogogi raised his hand--the one holding the damp cloth--and touched it tentatively to the other's face. He gave out a yelp at the contact. The spirit was indeed very hot. What if he burned? His apprehension increased but no, he wouldn't let this stop him. What to do?

Soh surprised even himself when he took hold of the spirit's shirt and pulled him directly under the water pipe. They were instantly surrounded by steam, stinging his eyes and clouding his vision. But the brazen move worked. The continuous flow of water over the spirit's head made his temperature drop bit by bit.

With the water now slowly filling up the tub, he could now start scrubbing on the Time Spirit's friend. Taking a fortifying breath, he held on to the other's arm and began to scrub on it. Thankfully, the spirit didn't offer any resistance although Sogogi could still feel his stare heavy on his face.

He was now sweating profusely with the effort and the heat that emanated from the spirit but Soh continued with scrubbing the arm clean. After a few more , Soh was awarded the sight of fair skin under all the soot. This only made him more determined as he rubbed harder, brows knotted in concentration.

An arm. Two arms. The neck. The sharp collarbones. He went on to wipe at the other's face again, feeling more confident as more of the soot and mud were washed away. He transferred his attention to the shoulder length hair. He had to tiptoe to reach the top of his head since the spirit was really tall. Locks the color of fire flowed through Soh's slim fingers. But he didn't even notice how glorious it was, too intent he was on cleaning the spirit.

Satisfied with his work on the other's head, he proceeded to clean lower. Soh absentmindedly took off the spirit's robes and began to wash his chest. He was too focused on his task to notice the smile lurking on the spirit's lips as he looked down on the young server.

Water spilled over the sides of the tub. Soh could feel his arm muscles protesting from all the cleaning he was doing. Still he went on to unfasten the spirit's trousers, frowning when the top knot would not budge.

He heard a choked laugh. His heart slammed on his chest and his hands froze on the fastenings. Sogogi stopped breathing.

"I think I can handle that myself," said a deep, husky voice that sent shivers down his spine. He looked up and saw large golden brown eyes peering at him before they dipped to where Soh's hands were.

It was only then that Sogogi realized what he was doing... where he was touching. With a squeak, he let go and backed away, tripping on his own feet and landing with a splash in the tub. He tried to stand up but only succeeded to kick the drain plug. He watched helplessly as the water swirled down the drain and to make matters worse the pipe chose that moment to return to its original position, stopping the incoming flow of water.

In less than a few seconds, Soh was left in the middle of the empty tub, soaked and gaping at an equally wet, very amused half- spirit. The taller male took a step forward and as if Soh wasn't rattled enough, the stubborn knot gave and the pants fell.

Make that fully spirit then.







He watched with ill-concealed glee as the short boy scooted away from him. His small hand was clamped over his eyes while the other was held up as if to stop him from getting any closer. The taller male's grin widened. This should be fun.

He advanced towards the boy, kicking off the heavy trousers that trapped his ankles. He saw the young server peek between his fingers and heard another squeak when the short boy saw that he was coming nearer. In no time at all, the server reached the edge of the tub and had nowhere else to go.

With complete disregard for his , the spirit walked closer until he was exactly in front of the young man. He bent down and pried the boy's hand away from his face. He wanted to see the bright eyes that looked at him so curiously during the procession. He was able to pull the hand away but the boy's eyelids remained tightly shut much to his disappointment. His gaze dropped down to the server's trembling mouth. The boy really was nervous.

He didn't want that so he let go of the other's hand and stepped back. "I just wanted to get the wash cloth, you know," he said.

The boy's hand lifted and held out the small cloth to him. Immediately after he had it in his grip, the server hurriedly climbed over the side of the tub to escape. The taller male was torn between exasperation and amusement at the eagerness of the boy to get away from him. "What was the name of the manager again?" he mused loudly. "Should I tell him that his 'best bath server' left me to fend for myself?"

At the mention of the manager, the young server's footsteps halted. He could see his thin shoulders tense.

"You said... You said you can handle it yourself," the boy replied, almost accusingly.

"Yes, but I didn't say you could go."

The server's fists clenched before he turned back, eyes still closed. "I apologize, master," he said looking anything but apologetic. "What else can I do for you?"

The spirit studied the boy's face. He had even features--a straight enough nose, thin lips, smooth cheeks and a narrow chin. He wasn't unattractive, he thought. He just looked plain. His eyes were a different story though. That was why the spirit wanted to see them again. He wanted to make sure that he didn't just imagine the dazzling light he saw reflected from their depths.

"You can open your eyes and look at me."

The boy's lips thinned in dismay. "Are you... decent?" A blush stole over the boy's cheeks. He let out a laugh that made the young server frown. "Is that a yes?"

Relenting, the taller male picked up his robe and wrapped it around his waist. "Yes."

The boy cautiously opened his eyes.

It was strange how his breath seemed to catch when the server gave him the full impact of his gaze. He was right. Those eyes were marvelous and unlike any other that he had seen in the Realm. Then it hit him.

"You're human," he said amazement. "What are you doing in our world?"

"I--" The boy paused and his brows knotted. "I'm not entirely sure."

"You're not sure?" He went down the wooden steps beside the tub and stood in front of the boy. "Soh, isn't it?"

"Soh, Sogogi, yes. That's my name," the other replied tonelessly.

It wasn't, he thought. The spark in the boy's irises dimmed when he said the name. So that was the kind of spell this child was under.

"I thought you were a girl," he remarked, hoping that he'd get the glow back.

"I'm not!" And there was that flash again.

"Isn't that a female server's uniform?" The spirit said, gesturing to the orange kimono the boy was wearing. "The other males are wearing the blue one."

The server looked away and he could see the boy blushing once more. "I--These are the only ones that fit."

"Ah, yes. Because you're so tiny." For some reason he wanted to rile the boy. "Just like a girl."
"I'm not the one with long curly hair," the boy answered insolently.

"Touché." He laughed. Unexpectedly, the server grinned.

He didn't notice that he was staring until he saw the boy's smile disappear.

"Time Spirit's... friend. I think your bath is done. I do have a lot of things to do and I just have to... I have go." Soh gave a quick bow before beating a hasty retreat.

"Wait! What about your reward?" he called out, unwilling to let the boy leave. But Sogogi didn't even turn to look back. He was left there alone and quite confused as to what happened.

He shrugged and went to put on the white robe placed on top of a low table. If Soh had been able to finish bathing the spirit, he would have seen the marks on the male's back before it was covered up. Two gold and crimson colored wings like wide tongues of flame across his broad shoulders and down his back. The brand of the Phoenix Spirit.

"Time Spirit's friend?"

Phoenix turned to see Bathhouse manager by the door. He could see the amazement in his gaze as it travelled from his head to his toe. He had an urge to strike a pose for the horrid creature just for effect.

"Where's Master Tao?" he asked.

"Ah, yes. He wants to see you in the Lotus Room. Please follow me."

He was directed towards an elevator. They alighted on the second floor where he was then ushered down two corridors. Phoenix could see the crowd gathered outside the large doors bearing the lotus emblem. He found himself looking for a mop of short chestnut brown hair even though he knew he wouldn't be there.

The doors opened and he was asked to enter before they were closed behind him. Inside was Tao, lounging on his side across a luxurious midnight blue carpet spread over the tatami floor. Black lacquered columns framed the large room along with rice paper painted with colorful flower patterns. "You look right at home."

The Time Spirit raised a brow. "You look clean."

Phoenix chuckled. "I do."

"I told you the bath would do you good." Tao motioned for him to sit. "Also, you already found him."

"Found who?" Phoenix sat cross legged across from the other.

"The creature you would give your last feather to." Tao sat up. "I thought you'd never find him."
Had he really found the recipient of the Wish? His mind went back to his encounter with the human boy. "How did you know?"

"You look unburdened," the Great Spirit answered. "It's great to know. You only have a short time left in this cycle and it would have been a waste if nobody got to receive it."

"Were there times when I didn't give anybody the last feather?" Phoenix asked, genuinely curious. Tao has been with him since the beginning of his first one thousand years. This would be his 812th according to his friend. It was unfortunate though, that when he ends up being reborn, he loses his memories of the past lifetime. He wouldn't exactly know anything except for what the Time Spirit decides to tell him. Which depended on his moods much to the Phoenix's chagrin.

"Yes. Twice. First one was in your sixteenth millennia; there was a war in the realm and you were too busy defending our territories to bother looking for one. The second was on your 37th," Tao explained.

"Was there another war?"

"No, you were just too lazy that time."

Phoenix leaned backward until he was sprawled on the floor, gazing up at the ceiling. His eyes traced the intricate patterns of lotus flowers painted on it. "Did you know I would find him here? Was that why you forced me to go even if I didn't want to?"

"No. I didn't. For countless lifetimes I have endured the same filthy Phoenix spirit before he turns to ashes. This time I just really wanted you to be bathed. You stink," the Time spirit answered quite seriously.

"Thank you, Your Benevolence," he said in between laughs.

"Since you're all clean, we will set out for home tomorrow." Tao arranged his robes so they fell more comfortably around him. "Have you granted the Wish yet?"

"The boy ran away."

Tao sighed. "Alright, I'll allow you some time to give it to him tomorrow. Then we leave."

Chanyeol looked intently at his friend. "Since I only have a fortnight left... Can we perhaps spend it here?"

"For what reason?" the Time Spirit asked.

"No reason. I just felt like it."

The other male studied him and Phoenix kept his face impassive. He wasn't sure how to answer his friend about his sudden reluctance to go. He didn't even know the cause himself.

After a few moments, Tao nodded in assent. Phoenix smiled in gratitude before returning to his study of the ceiling. But, this time, instead of the flowers, what he saw were a pair of sparkling brown eyes.





"Soh, wake up!" a voice screeched into his ear.

He groaned and mumbled a no before he buried his head against his hard pillow.

"Sogogi, you wake up this instant!" he heard before he was rudely shaken awake.

He tried to sit up but his head was too heavy and his muscles ached so much that he just fell onto his back again. Soh was tired after bathing the spirit and finishing his usual workload last night. He just wanted a few more minutes of rest. He his side and pulled the blanket higher on his shoulders.

"If you don't wake up, Yubaba will have your hide. And mine, too! So. Wake. Up. Now!"

Soh felt the blanket being snatched away from him. He frowned and opened an eye. He saw Chenchen's face close to his, glaring at him. "What?" he asked groggily.

"Wake up, Soh!" the mouse spirit said a little frantic now. "The Time Spirit is looking for you and that was fifteen minutes ago! If we don't get there, Aniyaku would surely punish us."

Hearing the worried tone in his friend's voice, Soh forced himself to get up. "But why would the Time Spirit look for me?" he asked, confused.

"We don't have time! Wash your face and fix yourself! Come on!"

Soh was dragged from his quilt and made to change into his work clothes. It was still so early, based from the rays of the sun slanting through the glass windows. Usually, the space was supposed to be cramped from numerous male servers sharing the same room. However, this morning, Soh noticed that the quarters was empty save for him and Chenchen.

"Where's everybody?"

They were running towards the service elevators before his friend replied. "Everyone's at the second floor, waiting for you."


He pushed Soh inside the elevator carriage before going in. Chenchen gave him a pout. "You didn't tell me that you bathed the Phoenix!"

"Aniyaku forced me to and--What phoenix?"

"Oh, merciful heavens, I'm so happy for you!" His friend gave him a hug. "Think of the gold, Soh!"

There was a ding when the elevator stopped. Chenchen tugged on his arm as they made their way towards the Lotus Room. "Chenchen, wait. Slow down," he said breathlessly. "What phoenix are you talking about?"

"Soh, didn't you know? The spirit you attended to last night was actually the Spirit of the Phoenix! I heard from Minseok who heard from Junmyeon who heard from Yubaba's assistant Sehun that the Phoenix was pleased with your service." Chenchen took a short breath before continuing excitedly. "And you know what that means?"


"Seriously, Soh, you should get out more." They turned a corner and from afar, Sogogi could see the frog spirits lined up outside the Lotus Room. "That means not only do we get gold... You might get the last feather!"

He was still so perplexed by what his friend was saying. Gold. Phoenix. Last feather. It was all so confusing. "Stop!" he said desperately. "Please, Chenchen."

His friend finally stopped running. The mouse spirit faced him and asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"

"I am. I just," he answered haltingly. "Whatever it is they want to give me, I don't want it."

"Are you crazy?! Why not?"

He didn't know why. He just felt uneasy and troubled when he was in the tall spirit's presence. The Phoenix? Soh didn't want anything more to do with him. It took him some time last night before he was able to get the image of the spirit out of his head and finally fall into an exhausted sleep.

"What are you two doing standing here?" They both glanced up to find Aniyaku scowling at them. "You have kept our important visitors waiting. This will not be overlooked. I'll see you both at the roof later. Now go!" the frog spirit said before he shoved them both forward.

Soh held onto Chenchen's hand and squeezed it reassuringly, even if he felt nervous himself. A few more steps and they were in front if the Lotus Room. The human boy could hear the other servers talking not too kindly about him. He chose to ignore them and instead prepared himself for what was to come.

"Time Master Tao and The Great Phoenix! The server, Soh, is now here!" a booming voice announced.


The doors slid open and Soh felt a push from behind before the doors closed once again, leaving him alone to face whoever was inside the room.

"Come forward."

Sogogi saw the Time Spirit sitting on the far side of the room. He took off his cloak and was now just in a deep red shirt and slim black trousers, making him look even younger.

"Stop with the mysterious voice, Tao. You're scaring the poor child," said a familiar voice and it was then that Soh saw the one they call Phoenix, leaning against a narrow pillar, watching him.

The tall individual looked entirely different from the spirit he bathed yesterday. It was only at this time that Soh got to see him properly. His hair was gathered behind him with a strap of leather, only a few wisps left to float and frame his face. And what a face it was.

Eyebrows a shade darker than his hair arched over large golden brown eyes. A slightly prominent nose and full lips that curved into a roguish grin. He also had rather large ears but they did nothing to deter from handsomeness of the Phoenix's visage.

He was still so very tall, Soh thought. His frame was on the slender side but he still appeared muscular. The Phoenix was currently wearing the Bathhouse's white robe but it looked good on him, the whiteness contrasting spectacularly with the flame colored hair.

"You don't have to look so surprised, little one. I do clean up nicely, if I do say so myself," the Phoenix teased.

Soh didn't know how to respond. Thankfully, the Time Spirit saved him from having to. "Phoenix, get on with it," he said before giving a long-suffering sigh.

"Fine." The taller of the two straightened from his position and began to advance towards Soh.
The server felt apprehensive. He was once again the recipient of that stare and he felt the spirit looking into his soul as if he knew the real Sogogi. He took a step back but his foot touched air. He glanced down and to his shock he was floating!

He let out a scared squeak. "Let me down!"

Phoenix rolled his eyes as he stood in front of him. "Be quiet, human. It's to stop you from running away. You're always running away." Soh was so high up, the spirit had to look up at him, the top of his red head level with the server's chin. "And you are small. I didn't want to have to bend down to do this."

Soh watched with rounded eyes as the Phoenix placed the side of his face against his chest. His heart leaped to his throat and he couldn't breathe. Soh couldn't bring himself to touch him and push his head away, though. He was too startled to do anything but watch helplessly as the Phoenix press closer against him.

Warm, he thought. So warm.

The taller male finally pulled back but before he let the human go, he gazed up and searched into Sogogi's eyes. Soh was too distracted by the fire he thought he saw in the other's eyes that he didn't notice he was already on the ground.

"You may leave," the Phoenix whispered.

Was that it? Was it done?

"Go now."

As if awakened from a trance, Soh didn't waste time and immediately ran out of the room, never looking back even once. He ran until his heart felt like it would burst, ran until he couldn't feel the warmth the Phoenix left behind inside his chest anymore.

But why? Why did it seem like it was just the beginning?






If Tao found out what he was doing, Phoenix knew the Great Spirit wouldn't approve. His friend would probably think he was losing his mind. And maybe he was.

That was the only reason he could think of to justify him peeking through the windows and looking for one human boy with every intention of kidnapping him for the day.

Yesterday he listened to the human's heart and found out his deepest desire. He looked into his eyes, burrowed into his soul, and Phoenix was now obligated to grant the wish he saw in Sogogi’s heart. He knew he had to - it was the law of their world. But he somehow felt reluctant to do it.

Sogogi wanted to return home. That was what Phoenix saw. The human wanted to go back to his life in the human world. Soh may not know it right now for he was under the spell of the witch but one word from Phoenix and the boy could have his wish fulfilled.

That didn't sit too well with Phoenix, though. He had already decided that he would stay at the Bathhouse for a fortnight, waiting for the Day of the Red Sun when he would have to end this lifetime. What was he to do here without the human to play with?

So he told himself, what was fourteen days? Surely, he could amuse himself with the server boy before he granted his wish. It wouldn't hurt anybody. He'd have his entertainment and the human would have his wish at the end of two weeks. A happy ending for everyone.

He scanned the sleeping quarters once again aided by the rays of the afternoon sun. It was difficult to find the small boy in a room full of sleeping bodies from where he was lurking.

It couldn't be helped. Phoenix quietly slid the window open and flew inside, careful not to wake up the spirits while he was hovering over them. He finally found a small figure huddled near the corner of the room. Phoenix lips split into a broad grin when he saw the tiny feet peeking from under the blanket.

He flew closer and carefully scooped the boy into his arms. He paused a bit when the boy let out small whimpering noises. Phoenix gathered him closer against his chest to muffle the sounds before he quickly raced out the window.

He flew further and further away from the Bathhouse until it was but a small dot in the middle of the sea. A strong wind blew against his face and played with the dark locks of his unsuspecting burden. Phoenix let the soft hair caress his jaw as he tucked the boy's head under his chin.

It was an unfamiliar feeling, wanting to have someone--much less this human--closer to him. It was strange how he wanted to feel the other's warmth to drive away the cold when he could easily adjust his body's temperature to get warm. It was as if the human emitted a different kind of heat that could reach deep inside him, the only part of Phoenix that he couldn't warm himself. He shook his head and blamed his fanciful thoughts on not getting enough sleep last night.

It was some time before they arrived at a small land in the North called Polar. What was amazing about the island was the whole of it lights up every night, like a beacon at sea, due to the fireflies that come out at sunset. Phoenix wanted to see which would glow brighter: the fireflies or the human boy's eyes.

He went on to find the perfect place for them to stay. Phoenix chose a spot under the shade of an old tree. He sat down and gently placed Sogogi across his lap. The spirit smirked when the boy cuddled closer to him. He was honestly surprised to know that the young server could sleep so soundly. Although, the smirk was replaced by a frown when he realized the reason why Soh could sleep like the dead.

Phoenix cradled a smooth cheek with a hand. Are you so tired?

Sunset wasn't until a few more hours. He took off his burgundy cloak and covered the human with it. He leaned his head against the trunk and watched the boy sleep. Rest, little one.

He was awakened by a scream.

Phoenix opened his eyes to a purple sky and a horrified looking boy pointing at him. "Hello?"

Another scream. "You! Why are you here? Why am I here? Where is here? Where?!"

Phoenix winced at the shrill sound of the other's voice. "We are on an island called Polar. I am here because I want to be. You are here because I want you to be."

"What? You can't just take me to places because you want to!" the boy admonished, in his anxiety forgetting who he was speaking to. "How did we even get here? Do you have a boat?" Soh glanced about, panicked. "I don't see a boat."

"I carried you here."

"You walked on water?" the shorter male asked disbelievingly.

Phoenix burst out laughing. "There's this thing called flying."

Sogogi's eyes rounded. "We... flew? We--" The human slumped down on the grass and closed his eyes tightly. "This isn't happening. I'm just dreaming. But why is the Phoenix Spirit with me? This isn't a dream then. It's more like a nightmare--"

"Hey," Phoenix protested. He stood up and poked the server's forehead with a finger. "If I'm in it then it's definitely the best dream you'll ever get."

Soh opened his eyes. The spirit paused at the helplessness he saw there. "Please."

Phoenix sobered and held out his hand. "Come. Trust me."

He thought the human wouldn't take it but Soh surprised him by holding onto his hand and hoisting himself up. The boy looked at him expectantly. Phoenix held on to his slender digits as he guided them down a path towards the center of the island. The sun had almost set and the place was slowly coming alive.

They reached the center just in time. The shorter boy gasped in wonder as the fireflies lit up, one by one, hundreds by hundreds, thousands by thousands until the whole island was alight. "This is--"

"Amazing? I know," he finished for him.

Phoenix watched Soh spin around slowly--his lips turned up at the corners, gaze following the flight of the fireflies. His heart thudded fast and there was an unexplainable ache in his chest but he still looked on.

Feeling his stare, the boy stopped moving and stared back. The wondrous expression on his face was replaced by genuine curiosity. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I just wanted to find out something for myself," he shrugged.

He tried for nonchalance but he didn't think it worked because Soh was serious when he asked, "And? Did you find it?"

Phoenix, for an instant, let himself get lost in those bright eyes. "Yes, I did."

The young server gave a nod. "Then Time Spirit's friend... Can you take me back now?"

The boy touched his arm. Phoenix saw his own life flash before him and he suddenly felt sad. A thousand years wasted.

For the second time, he held out his hand. "Let's go."

"Uh, I still don't see any boat," the boy said, breaking the solemn atmosphere that surrounded them.

"There is no boat," he replied.

"Then how are we going to go back to the Bathhouse?"

He held on to the boy's arm. "The same way we got here. We fly."

Soh swallowed audibly. "But I can't."

"You don't have to worry about a thing. You just have to hold on real tight." Without warning, he wrapped his arms around the shorter boy's waist and propelled them upward. He could barely breathe with the death-hold Soh had around his neck but he thought it felt nice when the boy buried his face against his neck.

"I think I'm too young to die," Sogogi muttered, face still hidden.

The spirit wished there were a little more stars out that night so he could see the human clearly. "I won't drop you."

"No. But I'm already late for work. Aniyaku will kill me."

"I'll take care of it," he murmured against the other's hair. He could feel the boy shiver in his embrace and Phoenix began to think of impossible things.

They reached the topmost balcony of the Bathhouse at half past seven. Phoenix knew he should feel guilty for taking Sogogi away for too long but he wasn't sorry at all for he had learned something new today. He had always thought that the fireflies of Polar were the brightest things in the Realm.

But now he knew they weren't. They didn't compare to this human's eyes at all.

He let Soh down gently onto the wooden floor and was about to leave him when he was stopped by a hand on his robe. He turned back to see the boy looking up at him and he once again found himself unsettled.

"Time Spirit's friend--"

"You may call me Phoenix."

"Phoenix," Soh said timidly, "Thank you for the reward."

"I haven't given you one yet."

The boy appeared stumped. "That trip wasn't the reward? Then what was that?"

Phoenix shrugged. "I was bored."

"You were bored?!"

The spirit could see the human was getting riled. Now was the time to escape. "Yes, little one. Bored." He waved cheerfully before flying away. "See you tomorrow!"

"No, you won't!" he heard the server shout after him.

Yes, I will.







Soh wished he could go back to the night Chenchen dragged him out of the Bathhouse to wait for the arrival of the Time Spirit. He would have refused more firmly and wouldn't have let his curiosity get the better of him.

But he couldn't turn back the time no matter how hard he wished, so here he was standing on the topmost balcony of the Bathhouse for the seventh day in a row, waiting to be 'kidnapped' by the most obnoxious spirit he knew.

It was either this--waiting awake and prepared--or waking up in his sleep clothes to unfamiliar surroundings again (which already happened twice). Out of these two options, it was obvious he would choose the former. The Phoenix wasn't one to actually ask for permission from anybody before carrying them off to heaven knows where. He just did what he wanted. And apparently that was to island hop across the Realm with Sogogi in tow.

They've already gone to the Caves of the Shadow Scorpions, the Wolf Mountains, the Unicorn Plains, the Great Eastern Lake, and a whole lot more places that Soh didn't even realize existed. He couldn't say he didn't enjoy the outings though, even if they did cut on his badly needed sleep.

Besides his annoying habit of pretending to drop Soh whenever they were flying, Phoenix, he grudgingly admitted, was a great companion. He also had this way of looking and smiling at you that would make you hard-pressed not to give in and feel as if you actually wanted what he was forcing you to do.

Soh could feel the wind shift and he knew Phoenix was near. Sure enough, a few seconds and the tall male was perched on the railing, grinning at him. "Ready?"

"Do I have a choice?" he mumbled under his breath. He raised his arms and waited for the spirit to lift him up but Phoenix remained unmoving.

"I apologize if I made you feel that way," the spirit said somberly. "I want you to know that you have a choice. If you don't want to see me, you just have to tell me and I'll go."

If Soh didn't know better, he would say that the Phoenix was serious and that he was truly hurt by the boy's unspoken accusation. But the thing was, after more than a week with him, he did know better, especially that mischievous slant to the spirit's lips. "Oh, really now."

The flame-haired spirit laughed and this time when Soh held out his arms, Phoenix drew him against his chest and carried him away.

It ends up always being after noon when they leave. Soh absently ran his hand through the soft hair on the spirit's nape. He didn't see how the other's eyes softened when he looked down at the human boy. Soh liked how the light caressed Phoenix's reddish hair, making it appear as if they really were flames and a touch might burn you. Except they never did.

"If you're sleepy, you can rest your head on my shoulder," Phoenix said.

Soh did just that and he felt the arms around his waist tighten and pull him closer. He still was afraid of heights so it was a bit ridiculous how safe he felt when he was so high above the ground, he could almost touch the clouds.

"I was serious, though," the other said after a while. "You do have a choice."

"If I really do, then let me decide where we should go tomorrow." Soh couldn't believe those words left his mouth. "Uh--"

"Done," Phoenix answered with a chuckle.

Flustered and feeling out of place after practically ordering around a high ranking spirit, Soh tried to change the subject. "Where are you taking me this time?"

"Just somewhere near. I want to show you something I made."

They landed on a small island just a few kilometers east of the Bathhouse. There was nothing much there, as far as Soh could see, except for overgrown weeds and some trees -- nothing really interesting save for a bunch of driftwood and dried branches arranged in a circle in the middle of the island.

"How is it?" Phoenix asked from beside him. "How does it look?"

"It looks... interesting?" he answered. He wasn't certain what the spirit was asking.

"That's it? Just interesting?" Phoenix looked disappointed. "But I've been building it for weeks." After Sogogi's puzzled look, the spirit pouted. "Can't you see? It's my nest!"

"Your... nest?"

"Yes!" Phoenix flew into the middle of the 'nest' and spread his arms wide. "My nest."

"Oh, okay. Just like a bird. It's... yeah." Soh didn't know what else to say.

"I can fly but I'm not a bird!" The spirit said indignantly before he rolled his eyes at him. "I'm the Spirit of the Phoenix, Soh. I should have a nest."

"For what?" Soh asked. He thought the Phoenix and spirits like him lived like humans do. Why would he need a nest?

He saw the Phoenix open his mouth to reply but abruptly closed it again. "It doesn't matter. It's not important. Let's go."

The human felt bad. He sensed that he said something he shouldn't have. He could feel Phoenix withdraw from him even when he was holding him close throughout their flight back. The spirit didn't smile nor wave goodbye at him when he left, making Soh feel disappointed and at a loss.

No matter, he thought determinedly, whatever he did, he'd make up for it tomorrow. There’s always tomorrow.







"Stop banging your head on the floor, my friend. I won’t pay for it when it gets damaged," the Time Spirit said blandly.

Phoenix, who was lying on his stomach, stopped his self-punishment and looked despairingly at his friend. "How do I fix this?"

"What is it this time?"

"I went all huffy on Soh when he didn’t make a comment on my nest," Phoenix whined, voice muffled as he buried his face in his arms. "I’m too stupid to realize that of course he wouldn’t know what it was for. Now he won’t want to see me nor talk to me."

"Soh? The human boy?" Tao rested his chin on his palm. "So what if he doesn't? There are others--"

Phoenix stopped flailing and his eyes hardened. "There aren't any others."

"I see." Tao studied his friend closer.

The taller spirit rolled over and laid on his back. "Tao, in my previous lives, when I get like... this. What did I do?"

"Honestly, I've never seen you act this way before," the Time Spirit said thoughtfully.

Phoenix sat up. "Not even once?"

Tao nodded. "Never. Usually, you pester me about living too long. You always ask me when the Day of the Red Sun is. You are always so eager to die and be reborn, always eager for a new life. You get tired of things easily. Whenever you hit the last full moon, you just let yourself go, uncaring of what happens around you. You literally gather mold and dust staying in your nest. But now, I see it's different."

Yes, Phoenix thought. He was in a panic because he knew his life was ending but he didn't want to die so soon. If he dies then how would he know? How could he make sure that this thing inside his chest--this thing he felt every time Soh looked at him with those bright eyes was--

"I need more time," Phoenix said and he closed his eyes in misery. "Just a bit more."

In a hushed voice, the Time Spirit spoke. "I watch over Time, but unfortunately I cannot give you what you need."

"I know," Phoenix answered resignedly.

“Even if you think the human wouldn’t want to see you, shouldn’t you be doing something about it? Most of the day has passed. You have so little time as you say--”

The Phoenix wasn’t able to hear the rest of what Tao was saying. He was already out the door on his way to the topmost balcony. There was no time left. Sogogi might not be there waiting for him but he could always just snatch him from the server’s quarters... and perhaps go far away, somewhere where time didn’t exist.

There was no such place but even spirits like him could dream.

The sun was already touching the horizon when he got to the balcony. Phoenix let out a painful breath when he saw that it was empty. The Bathhouse lanterns were by now being lit. Everyone was already awake. Where could he find Soh now?

“You’re late.”

The spirit was pretty sure it was the human’s voice he heard but when he looked, there was no one around.

“You can try looking up.”

Phoenix did. Sogogi. He could only see the boy’s head as the human looked down at him from over the side of the roof. Soh wasn’t smiling - he even looked annoyed - but Phoenix didn’t care. He felt relief course through him. He quickly flew up and settled beside the boy who was hugging his knees to his chest. They were on the flattest part of the roof but the spirit could see why it would still be scary to be here. It was some distance from the ground.

“What are doing you here?” he asked hoarsely.

Soh wasn’t looking at him and was instead observing the skies. Not being able to look into those bright eyes, Phoenix felt deprived. The feeling was completely eclipsed by something else, though, when the shorter boy answered, “I was waiting for you.”

He touched his chest and tried to tell his heart to beat a little bit slower. “I thought the other day you told me you were afraid of heights.”

“I am.“

“And that you absolutely hated the roof because that ugly frog makes you clean the whole of it,” the spirit said questioningly.

“I do.”

“Then why are you here?”

It was then that Soh finally looked him in the eye. He was so close and Phoenix couldn’t breathe.

He had been wrong. Sogogi's face wasn't plain at all. In fact, after a thousand years, it was the most beautiful face he had ever--and will ever see.

“Because I was angry at you when I thought you wouldn’t come. This was the first time that you let me choose which place to go to and I thought you weren’t going to appear. I climbed up here because I knew that even if I shout and yell at you... No one would hear.” Soh let out a quiet laugh.

“And yes, I hate this place. I only have bad memories here on the roof. I almost fell from that side one time when Aniyaku told me to scrub all of these even when it was raining so hard.” He pointed to a spot a few steps away.

Phoenix couldn’t seem to get past the horror of imagining Soh sliding and falling down from the roof. He frowned. “You should’ve just waited on the balcony. What if you fell down? You could’ve--”

“I know you wouldn’t let me fall,” Sogogi answered with a confident smile.

“How do you know?” he asked, quite anxious to hear the answer.

However, the boy just gave him a shrug. “I just know it.”

That doesn’t help one bit, he thought.

“Let’s get out of here,” Phoenix said.

“Not yet. I want to show you why I like this place, too.” The human carefully stood up and held out his hand. Phoenix took it and was led towards the highest part of the roof. “Before you came, this has been the furthest place I have ever gone. And even if I’m scared and lonely, when I’m here, on this part... I feel free.”

“You really want to be free, huh?” he asked even though he already knew the answer.

“Yes. I want to be free. Right now. Right at this instant. This moment. Now, now now!” Sogogi laughed before he sighed wistfully.

Phoenix knew he could give the wish to him right now. Set him free and make him happy. But what of him? There were just five days left. Soh could wait, right? Just five more days. Please.

As if to torture himself more, he asked, “What would be the first thing you’d do if you got free?”

“Truthfully? I’d call for you,” Sogogi said with a grin, those bright, bright eyes turning into crescents.

“I--” I love. I have never felt it. But I am sure. I love.

“Yes, I’d call for you... For free transportation.” The human almost doubled in laughter.

Phoenix frowned and was about to make a comeback--a smart retort ready on his lips--when the young boy slipped and fell. Faster than he had ever been in all his lifetimes, Phoenix swooped down and caught Sogogi against him. In fright, the server boy wrapped his arms tightly around the spirit and whimpered.

“Shhh. I got you.” At least for this moment I got you.

Phoenix flew them back on the roof but this time he placed the still trembling boy on his lap and hugged him securely. “I told you, you should’ve just waited on the balcony.”

“And I told you, you’d catch me.” Soh surprised him when the boy touched his jaw and tilted his face towards him so he could gaze at Phoenix directly. He wanted so much to just stay in that moment. “Don’t let go yet, okay?”

“I won’t.”

He didn’t want to ever let go.

The night sky was quiet. Phoenix knew he should feel guilty for stealing this time and holding onto the boy when he shouldn't. It was selfish but all he felt was joy. He wished that he could have met Soh a thousand years ago so he could have had the time to love him. But Phoenix believed that would still not be enough; he'd need another thousand years--a thousand one thousand years looking into his eyes.

Sogogi shifted on his lap. "I'm sorry. I'm heavy. I should--"

"No. Don't move," he replied unthinkingly. He could see Soh studying him, a wondrous expression on his face. Phoenix didn't want the boy to see the longing that must be etched on his features. It would just make things complicated. So he tried to distract him instead.

"Look," he said as he raised his palm up. He gathered his energy at that point and in a sudden burst of heat and flame, a small ball of fire hovered over his palm. He grinned when the boy exclaimed in fascination.

"Woah," Soh said in awe.

"There's more." He then let the ball hover higher before it exploded into the shape of tiny fireflies. Phoenix saw the human's lips open into an O before he felt a nudge of an elbow against his side.

"Do it again!" Phoenix raised an eyebrow at the demanding tone but he was disarmed completely when Sogogi pouted and gave him a soft "Please?"

The taller male grinned once more. With a flick of his wrist, the fireflies exploded one by one to form tinier fireflies until they surrounded him and Soh with golden light. He heard the boy laugh in glee. Phoenix was about to say something but he forgot what it was when he felt soft lips press against the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you," the human whispered, eyes forever glowing brightly. "I now have good memories here."

He wouldn't have stopped even if he could. Phoenix cradled Sogogi's cheek in his hand and kissed him. He could feel the explosions in his chest as his lips moved repeatedly--urgently over the boy's thin ones. He wanted to get closer and closer, wanted to get under his skin and be one with him so they wouldn't have to part. So Phoenix wouldn't have to give this up.

Soh cupped his jaw and his lips slowed down, gentling the kiss. Phoenix lifted his head and gazed into the boy's eyes, trying to commit into memory this second when he was sure that Sogogi loved him, too. Even if he forgot everything else, he wished that this would at least remain with him.

The boy traced the spirit's lower lip with his thumb almost reverently. "Tomorrow. Let's do this again tomorrow and tomorrow after that and every day and every month and every year and--"

Phoenix halted the painful words with his mouth as he pressed their lips together again. He knew what he had to do soon but for tonight he'd let himself believe of a future with Soh.





He was running and there were endless tears falling down his face. Everywhere was so hot, so bright. Everything, a confusing blur. But he still kept on running.

Don’t go! he called out. Don’t!

He knew that tall, retreating figure that was quickly being enveloped by white and blue flames. Soh was sure that if he could just get to that figure, he’d be able to stop him. He’d be able to keep him.

Stop! Don’t run away from me.

Soh woke up with a sob. “Phoenix.”

He didn’t remember anything from his dream but the feeling of helplessness remained. Sogogi sat up on his quilt. He felt something damp slide down his cheek. He wiped it with a finger and touched it to his lips. Tears?

Baffled, Soh looked around him. The crowded sleeping quarters was still full of snoring frog spirits. The light outside told him it was just a little past noon. In a few minutes, Phoenix would be waiting for him by the balcony. He wondered where they were going to today.

The past few days since their first kiss had been blissful. Instead of going to different places every day, they just stayed and held each other on the rooftop until it was time for Soh to leave for work. Soh wished he didn't have to sleep because that could be time spent with Phoenix instead. Strange how just a few days ago he was complaining about the spirit cutting in on his sleep when now he couldn't wait to be with him.

He recalled their outing on the rooftop last night and he could feel his face heat up from embarrassment and from... Something else. When the tall spirit finally arrived, he felt his heart leap with joy. He had not expected what happened up there but he had no regrets. The kiss--and every touch since then had been glorious.

When he sees him again today, he wants to run to him and pull at that magnificent hair of his until they could stand face to face, when just a small tilt up of his head and he could kiss him endlessly again.

Sogogi! he berated himself. For shame!

Although, in the end, he just laughed at how foolish he was being. Soh stretched his arms upward and that was when he saw the red and crimson feather fall slowly from above. He looked up but there was nothing there. Curious, he picked it up. Somehow he expected something to happen when he touched the contours of the feathers. But nothing felt different. However, the feather was pretty and strangely, he couldn’t let it go so Sogogi just kept it inside his kimono and went out to meet the Phoenix Spirit.

He didn’t know what to think, though, when the spirit didn’t come that day. He waited until the sun had already laid down to rest and the moon had risen to take its place. Still there was no sight of flame-colored hair and teasing lips. Something was wrong.

It was presumptuous of him to be standing outside the doors of the Lotus Room, asking for an audience with the Time Spirit, but he didn’t know what else to do or who else to ask. Nobody had seen Phoenix anywhere. Soh had asked Chenchen--who knew all the twists and turns inside the Bathhouse like the back of his hand-- if he could help him find the spirit but his friend wasn’t able to get even a small glimpse of the Phoenix.

All signs said that he was gone but Phoenix would never leave without saying goodbye. It was impossible. Soh just couldn’t believe that.

He felt a sense of deja vu when he heard a firm voice say Enter! and the doors opened to let him in. Except this time there was only one occupant in the room and Soh felt a strong urge to fold into himself and cry.

“You wanted to see me?” the raven-haired spirit asked him as soon as the doors closed.

"I wanted to see Phoenix.”

Tao’s lips curved into a half-smile. “Well, he’s not here.”

“I am aware of that, Master Tao. I came here to ask if you knew where he is,” Soh replied seriously.

“Please sit down... Sogogi, isn’t it?” the Time Spirit motioned towards the other end of the low tea table.

“Yes. Thank you but I just needed to know where Phoenix is then I’ll be on my way and--”

“Sit down, human,” the spirit said sharply.

Soh stiffened but eventually complied.

“Patience, human boy. You must learn patience.”

Soh looked directly into the Time Spirit’s dark eyes before answering. “I am human. I am not immortal. My life... it will end. I apologize but I don’t have the time be patient.”

To his surprise, Tao laughed. “You don’t need me.” At his confused expression, the spirit continued. “Phoenix told me to stay here and look after you.”

His brows knotted. “Why? Where did he go?”

Instead of answering, the spirit asked, “Tomorrow’s the Day of the Red Sun. Do you know what that means?”

He has heard of it before. Soh tried to search his brain for what he knew about that day. “It comes... Every one thousand years. I have never seen it but the myth says that on that day the skies turn red because there is going to be death and the blood will cover the Realm. That’s all I know.”

Tao nodded. “Does the myth say who dies?”

Sogogi suddenly felt cold. “I don’t... know.”

“The Sun God created a creature to guard over the other spirits of the Realm during the Wars. He made this spirit so strong, he was said to possess the power of a thousand suns and a lifetime of a thousand years. The Sun God was very fond of this spirit because he had helped him with numerous victories. So he mourns every time the spirit must die and paint the skies the color of blood before the sun rises a bright gold the day after. This signals that a new Phoenix has risen from its ashes." The Time Spirit tilted his head and waited for the boy's reaction.

"Phoenix... He's going to die tomorrow?" Soh said weakly. He was shaking and feeling sick to his stomach as he stared at Tao. "But it's alright. It's alright because you said he'd live once more."

There was a pitying look in the Time Spirit's eyes that Sogogi didn't want to see. "He won’t know you. He won’t be the same Phoenix."

Something struck his chest, strong and sharp, and Soh could barely breathe. "It's okay," he said more to himself. "It's alright as long as he lives and I can see him again."

"He will live," Tao said.

But you can't see him again. Soh could see the unspoken words in the Time Spirit's sad smile.

Why? Why couldn't he see him again? He couldn't understand. He glanced at his clenched fists on his lap. More importantly, if he knew he was leaving, why didn't Phoenix even say goodbye? The back of his eyes burned. How could you?

"Do you have the feather?"

Sogogi abruptly looked up. The feather. He lifted a hand and felt it secure inside his kimono.

"He gave you his last feather. Phoenix heard the plea of your heart. He told me your greatest wish was to be free. Tomorrow, you will be."

"Where is he?" Soh asked, voice trembling with emotion.

"He's preparing for his final day."

"Where?" he persisted.

"Why do you need to see him?" The Time Spirit studied his face.

"So I can tell him he got everything wrong." Tao remained quiet. Soh stood up. "If you won't tell me, I'll find him myself." He bowed and turned to leave.

"Human, it will change nothing."

Sogogi heard him but he went on walking until he was outside on the topmost balcony where nobody could see how scared he really was. He didn't know where Phoenix was and it was nearing sunset.

He'll forget about me. He will forget.

Soh couldn't help it, loud sobs wracked his small body. "I'd always remember while you... you'd forget," he cried.

He had to see him. Because what if the Time Spirit was wrong? What if he could change things? He... He loved Phoenix too much not to try. He loved him. He had never felt freer in his life than when he was with him. So he needn't escape here, he just needed Phoenix by his side and he wouldn't ask for more.

He still had the feather. It had to count for something, right? He took it out and touched it's softness to his lips and he smiled sadly when he recalled the way Phoenix protested from being called a bird even if he has a nest--

His eyes widened as it finally clicked into place. The nest! That was why Phoenix built it. Soh wasn't completely sure but he had to see. He ran to find Chenchen. Only his friend could help him.

Dodging the other workers, Soh looked for the mouse spirit. He finally found his friend taking down towels from a closet. "Chenchen!"

"Hey, Soh! Where have you been? Aniyaku has been looking for you. You'll definitely get it when he sees you!" his friend said worriedly.

"I don't care. I need your help," he said before he pulled Chenchen towards a corner. "I need to go somewhere."

"But where? We have work to do. We're preparing for a large celebration. It's going to be the Time Spirit's last night with--"

Soh held on to Chenchen's wrist. "Chenchen, listen to me. I have to go to see Phoenix. I need to see him, please. Tell me how I can get away from here."

His friend must have sensed his urgency because he gave in. "Okay, Soh. Go to the gardens and walk until you find the edge. On your right you will see a small white gate that opens to a set of steps going down. Take them, but be careful because the rocks are slippery there. At the bottom you will see a small cave where a tub boat is located. You could use that to paddle towards the train station. You know where that is, right?"

Yes, he could see it from the Bathhouse's rooftop. He nodded.

"You don't have a ticket but maybe if you could give them this, they'd let you in." Chenchen handed him three gold nuggets. "Don't worry I got that from a generous customer. You have to go now or Aniyaku may find you."

"Thank you!" Soh drew him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much."

"Will you be back?" Chenchen whispered against his shoulder.

He wanted to say yes but he wasn't sure. "I don't know," he said and hugged Chenchen tighter.

"I will miss you, Soh." With a last squeeze, the mouse spirit let go. "Now go!"

Sogogi did just as he was instructed. He had to walk fast and bend low so the other workers wouldn't see him. It was relatively easy getting out of the Bathhouse. However, he had a scare when he got to the garden, though. He heard Aniyaku calling out for him and he had to quickly hide under a rose bush to not be seen. From then on he crawled on the ground to get to the white gate.

Soh winced when the gate gave out a low whine as he pushed it open. He quickly got out and bent down again, barely missing a lady server who Aniyaku ordered to look for him. The boy ran down the steps. It was slippery but he couldn't afford to slow down. He prayed to all the gods in the Realm that he wouldn't be too late.

He reached the bottom step and didn't waste time before he swam towards the cave where the tub boat was waiting. His arms were already shaking with the effort of paddling and the weight of exhaustion but he still forged on. He could already see the lights of the train station. Just a few more, Sogogi.

It wasn't until he was inside the train carriage that he was able to breathe. The sky was already so dark. He looked out the window. The Bathhouse appeared smaller and smaller as the train ate up the distance.

He had to find Phoenix soon. He couldn't sit still. I'll find him in time. I will.

Soh didn't know how many hours have passed with him sticking his head out the window and watching the scenery change. The island had to be near here somewhere. It was the first one east of the Bathhouse, he remembered.

After a few moments, he saw a familiar formation of trees. His heart thudded fast. There!

He ran towards the doors and couldn't even wait for the train to fully stop before jumping off. Soh had to walk through thigh-deep sea water to get there, which slowed his progress but he didn't pay heed to it, eager as he was.

He felt it. Phoenix was near. He was within reach.

He broke into a run when he got to the beach. He was forced to grind to a halt, though, when he reached the edge of the clearing where the nest was. It was so hot. He was instantly sweating and the heat hurt his eyes. His vision blurred but he could make out the shape of large bonfires circling the nest.

"Phoenix!" he called out. There was no response. "Phoenix!"

He came closer and had to close his eyes completely against the wave of heat that assaulted him. "Where are you? Phoenix!"

The sweltering heat subsided abruptly as the fires started to burn low. Soh tentatively opened his eyes. He had to blink a few times before he could see the outline of the nest. A few moments more and the smoke began to clear. In the middle of it was a tall, half- figure alight with white-blue flame. Soh advanced towards it. "Phoenix?"

"Sogogi?" The flame around the figure disappeared and it was indeed the Phoenix Spirit.

With a cry of relief, Soh climbed into the nest and ran towards the spirit. Without another word, the boy wrapped his arms around Pheonix’s waist and sobbed uncontrollably against his broad chest.

"Don't. You'll get burned." Phoenix said, arms remaining at his sides.

Sogogi just shook his head and clutched Phoenix closer to him.

"What are you doing here, Soh? You shouldn't be here."

"Hug me back," Soh said fiercely. "It's the least you can do for leaving without saying goodbye. Hug me back." He didn’t ease his hold on Phoenix even after he felt the spirit's arms go around him.

"Soh," Phoenix murmured against his hair. "You have to leave."

"No. I'm staying. I'll stay until the last second that you know me. You took my heart so please give me that." He was crying in earnest now. "Phoenix, can we not use the feather? It's for a wish, right? What if I wish for you not to die? Or for you not to forget? For you to recognize me when you're reborn? There's a way to do that, right?"

The boy could hear the taller male take a shaky breath. "You can't. That feather was already told what to do. Do you remember that day? When I listened to your heart and found out what you wished for?" Phoenix leaned down and against his ear said, "Everything is going to be alright. Tomorrow, Soh, you will have no memory of this. You will be free."

"No. No!" Sogogi stepped back and tried to pull the spirit's head towards his chest. "Hear it. Please."

Phoenix shook his head and just drew Soh back into his arms.

"Hear it. It's you," Soh cried helplessly. "It's you."

Phoenix took hold of his chin and tilted his face up to his. "Mine says your name, too."

And then couldn't stop himself any longer. He snatched Soh closer and captured his mouth with his. Their lips moved with hungry desperation, both knowing too well that this wouldn't last. Soh felt a fresh surge of tears when Phoenix trailed lingering kisses across his face. He kissed as if he wanted to memorize every inch of his face but it was no use. Phoenix would still forget.

"I will die and be resurrected. I will forget you, Soh, but I'm sure... I may love again but it will never be like this. There will never be another you." Phoenix wiped at a tear that slid down the human's cheek.

Then Soh felt they were floating and they were getting further and further from the island. "Where are we going?" he whispered brokenly.

Phoenix didn't answer and just held him. The sky was lightening to a crimson hue and Soh was filled with despair. They arrived on a familiar looking place where Phoenix let go and set the boy down. Sogogi looked around. "I--I know this place."

It was the land he came from before Yubaba found him on the beach and took him to the Bathhouse. From a distance was a sprawling structure made of red bricks surrounded by tall grass and numerous trees. Phoenix held onto his shoulder and turned him around so that his back was pressing against the spirit's chest. Phoenix leaned down and kissed his cheek. "See that tower? Go there."

Sogogi held on to the spirit's hand and wrapped it around his waist. "I don't want to."

"When you get to it, enter the tunnel. At the end... There you'll find what you have always wanted."

"Will you be there?" His hold on Phoenix tightened because he knew it was the end.

"I love you," Phoenix whispered into his ear.

"I love you," he cried, heart breaking. "I love--"

"Run, little one. Don't look back."

Then all Soh was holding onto was air. "No!"

He was dying inside but he ran. He ran and didn't look back. Phoenix said he would find what he wanted at the end of the tunnel. Sogogi was still holding onto the chance that maybe it was a trick, or a test and Phoenix would be there at the end.

His knees and feet hurt but he still ran. He slowed down a bit as he reached the tunnel. It was dark, surrounded by overgrown plants. Sogogi breathed deeply and went inside. Wishing. Hoping.

He reached the end and the sudden brightness made him close his eyes.







Baekhyun? Byun Baekhyun. That's... me.

He opened his eyes and he was enveloped into a warm embrace by a tall man with short dark hair. "Chanyeol?"

"God, Baek, I've been so worried about you. You said you'd just look at something but you've been gone for three hours! Where have you been?"

Where have I been? He didn’t remember. All he knew was that he was running towards the end of the tunnel. "I'm not sure."

Chanyeol poked him on his forehead before hugging him again. Baekhyun felt something dig into his chest but wasn't able to think about it more because Chanyeol was reprimanding him again. "That's why I told you to stay with me. I looked everywhere for you, dummy. Don't scare me like that again, okay?"

Baekhyun nodded. He felt a kiss against his temple. "Let's go home, Baek."

Home. Yes, he felt at home.




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Dodoisthree #1
Dodoisthree #2
Dodoisthree #3
Dodoisthree #4
Dodoisthree #5
U_did_well_jjong #6
Chapter 2: Authornim don't stop are an amazing create more...stories.༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Osekop12 #7
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 2: This was so amazing! It was beautiful and perfect! I really, really, really, really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 2: STUDIO GHIBLI ♡