Chapter 17: Amber's past encounter

The Blue Moon

[Amber's POV]

"Well, you see, it started on a very beautiful sunny day 10 years ago, when I was 11. My family went to Daegu to visited my grandparents as they were living there." I told my members, starting the very long and memorable story off. 

"Hey, wait, I think someone is watching us." Victoria stood up and looked at the camera at the corner of the room. Then she walked over to it "Lee Soo Man-ssi, I know that you're watching us, but this is something very private and I think that if reporters accidentally hear it, it will become a big scandal, so I will turn this off, because I know Amber wishes that only F(x) knows about her story, for now. Mianhe" she apologized before pressing the button and the camera went death.

"Sulli, Krystal, Luna, can you guys turn the other ones off too?" Victoria asked. I was staring at her in disbelief. I never thought that far before, man. 

Krystal, Sulli, and Luna nodded and went over to the other three corners before turning off all the cameras that were present in the room. Then, Sulli and Luna went to sat down beside me while Krystal and Victoria exchanged glances. Victoria nodded in approval before she joined us, and I saw Krystal walked over to the door and opened it.

My eyes widened at who was at the door. I frowned and formed into a ball, my head on top of my arms as I stared into space. Please, all I want is to share this story with my members/non-blood-related sisters. I want them to be in it with me. I just....really, I will tell you guys later, oppas, but please.

As I was deep in my thoughts, the 13 members of Super Junior+12 members of EXO were standing in front of a furious Krystal. And everybody know what to do when that happen.

"Run!" Leeteuk and Suho yelled at the same time and the 25 male idols scurry into different directions. I sighed, turning my body toward the door. 

"Krystal, please lock it. And also the door outside of this one. I don't think we need any disturbant at all for now. I have to tell Vic-unnie and y'll before I began my long-awaited mental breakdown" I said.

Victoria crawled over to me and wrapped her arms around me in a protective manner. 

"Amber, just relax your body. It will be okay. You have us all here, and all your oppas and unnies in the company too. They will be by your side, no matter what. So don't worry" Victoria whispered to me in Chinese. I knew it. I knew that she didn't want the younger members to start noticing the strange things that started to happen within the company.

I smiled slightly "I'm okay, unnie. I'll be fine. I know you're all here for me" I whispered back to her.

Luna started to come over to us.

"Amber unnie, what's going on? Can you please tell us?" she asked kindly. Sulli went over to me and wrapped her arms around Victoria and I reassuringly. Haha, thanks, giant baby Sulli.

Krystal finished locking the door after checking if there is anymore people outside, before joining us for a group hug.

"Thank you, guys. I'm thankful that I have you all with me. You're the ones that had support me all these 5 years that I was alone in Seoul. Thank you for being there for me. I will do the same to you guys in the future, so don't worry. When it's your turn to cry, I will be there for you. Just don't come all at once" I joked and my members bursted out laughing.

"You will never lose your teasing-venom, no matter what, hyung~" Sulli mumbled to me, but it was still pretty loudly audible to the rest of the members. Krystal, Luna, and Victoria giggled.

"Oh c'mon, Sul. You know that there will that day when you fall in love and god, why am I even thinking such cheesy stuff?" I shivered, getting goosebumps all over my body.

"Vic-unnie, Amber unnie finally thought of things like that!" Luna cheered, pulling all of us up with two tried, her hands going arond Victoria's and Krystal's shoulders, and Krystal and Victoria's arms were over mine and Sulli's shoulders.
"F(x) forever!" we yelled out of no where. And all of us were in sync.

I looked at them and chuckled "It seem like our minds are connected just now" I teased, but I knew that it was the truth. And my members know it too.

"Anyway, aren't you gonna tell your anticipated story, Amber?" Krystal asked, plopping down onto the floor. Sulli smiled and sat down next to her same-age friend, before laying down onto Krystal laps ( like how Krystal laid on Sulli's laps in Amazing F(x) episode 8 >,<).

I nodded my head and went over to my bag, taking out my phone and went back over to them. I laid down onto the practice room's floor and the story that was never told to anyone was told, to my dearest and loving members. The members that I was with, and will always be with for the next few year, and I know it.


"Annyeonghaseyo!" I greeted my my uncle, my aunt, and my cousin. 

"Omo, Amber-ah?" my aunt asked me as she walked over to me with a big smile on her face. I looked up at her, "Ne, aunty!" I yelled happily and ran into embrace. I missed her. I missed them. It had been years since I had seen them.

My uncle behind me laughed heartily with my parents, while Jackie was just playing on her phone. Haha, typical sis. 

"You've grown so much, over the year! Unlike my own son!" My aunt said teasingly to me, while we were both looking at my cousin. My cousin scowled "Umma!" he whined. He stomped over to me and took my hand into his, pulling me with him upstairs.

I stared blankly back at my parents, sis, aunty, and uncle. I was trying to look for an answer from them, but all I could see were smiles and "You'll enjoy his company, Amber"

Before I could even realize what was going on, I was pulled into a room with basketball poster and superheroes figures on the table. There was also a queen size bed in the middle of the room, a blue desk with drawers and finally, there was a boy there.

"Oh, Dongwoo, who's she?" the boy that I saw asked my cousin. 

I stared at the boy long and hard, before turning over to my cousin "He didn't say I'm a boy" was the first thing that I blurted out. My cousin looked at me ridiculously before he and his friend laughed.

"Meet [....]." he told me(I can't reveal who the guy is yet, sorry :P. You will find out soon though, so no worry). "And this is Amber, my youngest cousin." he gestured toward me.

I shrugged " Nice meeting ya, I'm Amber." my voice turned boyish and my social-butterfly skill was activated. "I'm guessing you're older than me since you know my cousin?" I smirked.

"Yah!" I heard both him and my cousin shouted offensively at me. I grinned {Misson Success!}.

My cousin just sighed and pushed me farther into his room and just left me there, going over to the spot next to his friend and sat down. I shrugged again before I ran over to him and pushed him over, getting him out of his seat, and instead, I sat next to my new friend.

The boy laughed "Hey Amber, I'm a few years older than you so you should call me oppa" he looked at me and I froze. I felt my cousin's eyes traveled over to me too as they both waited for my answer.

"Aniyo, hyung. I'm never going to call you the right term~" I meronged him, not even mentioning the said word.My cousin reached up and pulled me backward, letting me fall onto the ground beside him.

"You, Amber, will never learn. You're just as stubborn as your sis. What's wrong with you two?" 

"I don't know. You should ask unnie since she should know more about me than I do" I answered innocently.

Dongwoo clicked his tongue, but before he could said another word, my aunt called us down for dinner.

I smiled and jumped up, running down the stairs and toward the dining area. I sat donw on one of the chairs and a few seconds later, both of my sides were occupied by none other than my cousin and his friend.

Jackie glanced at me and grinned " I see that you already captivated him with your charm, Eunyoung-ah" she called me by my Korean's name. Wait...Did she...just me....Eunyoung?!!!!

"JACKIE!" I shouted, kicking her under the table since she was sitting right opposite of me.

"Wae?" she stared at me with her innocently oversized puppy dog eyes.

"Aish, nevermind" I groaned and started to dig into my dinner.

2 hours later, the Lius were by the door, saying good-bye to their relatives.

"Bye~" I called to my cousin and his friend. I bowed to my uncle and aunt together with my sis and then we went back to our own house, which was a 30 minutes car ride.

[At home]

I ran into the house, taking off my shoes and successfully threw them onto the shoe racks and sprinted to my room. I promised my friend to skype, but I totally forgot! And she said she was going to send me something important too. Gotta check my mails!

I opened my laptop and it automatically . After about 15 seconds, the loading was completed and I was in my inbox. I went through each one of my mails and when it was the last one, I stopped. 

"TGlocks14589" (it's a totally made-up name by me, so therefore unrealistic) "Who is this?" I mumbled to myself as I clicked onto it. When I started to scan the content of the letter that was totally no emotion icons whatsoever, indicating that it was not any of my friends that sent me this. As I started to read deeper into the letter, my eyes widened.

"Dear Amber,

This is a very sudden and weird message to you, but please don't ignore it. I have been wanting to tell you for awhile, but had never gotten the courage until today. I want to tell yout that I really really like you.Please reply to this.

From, James. 

I grabbed my pillow and covered my face with it, muffling my girly squeal. This letter was too cheesy, for me it is anyway. 

A few moments later, I looked up from my pillow and toward the computer screen. I shook my head. I was 11, never have a boyfriend, heck, i never have a boy confess to me before. So, what am I going to do now? 

And once again, before I could even realize what i was doing, I already clicked the 'send' button on the screen, replying to him with a "I only like you as a friend"

I screamed, and thank god my room and the other rooms inside the house were soundproof. I looked at the screen again and sighed. That reply was the nicest one I could offer in this situation. My mind was totally jumbled up and I swear that i have absolutely no control of my body anymore whatsoever. I slumped down onto my bed and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


3 months later, I discovered that the mysterious sender was actually someone from my grade in school back in America. Even though I know his name, I still didn't know who he was, so yeah. And what now? 

I looked at my phone to check for mail, and there was a reply from him. He said "Why don't you want to be my girlfriend?" 

Aish, how stubborn can he be? I sighed in frustration, feeling like pulling my hair out from its root. I had been rejecting him for a while now and he keep on asking me the reason. And whenever I answer him with a "I dont't want to be your girlfriend because I don't like you the way you like me", but he keep on insisting that i was lying and that the real reason was because I might like one of his friends.

WTF?! Who are his friends anyway? How should I know them? How do I even know if I like them or not?! H*ll, I never like anyone before in my whole life, so don't even say anything.

"Amber, your cousin is here! And your new friend is also here!" my mom called out. After a moment, my sister sticked her head into my room "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" she cooed, before disappearing down the hallway.

"AISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, my head buried in my pillow.

"Um...are we interrupting something...private?" Dongwoo asked with a quiet voice. When he and his friend stepped into the room, they heard a scream and it was coming from the girl on the bed.

I grabbed a pillow from the top of my bed and threw it at my cousin. Then I grabbed a big stuff dino and threw it at his friend who was next to him. They both got hit, and I was sure, because I heard some noises like someone fell down onto the floor.

I looked up and grinned, cheering happily for my success "Tricked you!" I said, half-lying.

His friend looked up at me and pouted "No fair! Ya, Dongwoo, you never told me your cousin was good at aiming" 

"Nothing is fair in life, hyung" I climbed off my bed to collected the things I threw before my mom come in and have a fuss. After I finished organizing my bed, I hang out with the 'hyungs' for a while before it was time to go.

"Wait a minute, Dongwoo hyung. You and the other hyung *grin*, give me your phone numbers and email addresses" I ordered, giving them my phone so they could dial their numbers and email into it. 

"Okay. But you don't have Dongwoo's number even though you're like...all devils?" he asked me with playfulness in his voice.

"Oh, it was just that Dongwoo-hyung didn't have an email yet when I asked him before" I tilted my head at my cousin in a wicked way.

"Evil duo" Dongwoo muttered under his breath and went out of my room once he finished writing what I need. 

I laughed and looked at the remaining person inside my room "Well, see you later, hyung" I smirked and we high-fived. After that, we parted, and we didn't know that it would be a long time before we meet again, as two strangers.


"Well, that's all I could remembered. The part that is related to "Beautiful Stranger", Krystal will tell you. I'm exhausted" I sighed and went to the music to start dancing some random dances that my body remembered. I just need to forget about this, but as you already know, it's already impossible. A lot of people had gotten involved into it already and there was no way back.

Krystal clapped her hands "Alright unnies. I will tell you that part. Long story will become a short one. Okay, so basically from what I know: Amber rejected that James guy and then when she went to junior high, she fell for this guy and he told her he liked her too. They started to date but he betrayed her and had an affair. Amber got mental breakdown and went to the park she like to calm down. This Korean-like guy came and comforted her. He didn't question her and let her cry even though it seem like they never met before. He healed her broken-hearted, this part was not very clear since she didn't told me the exact details, and went away from her after she stopped crying. She didn't know his name or appearance, but she said that she didn't seem to care since she never thought they would meet again."

"Okay. The story is told. But what does this have to do with the song "Beautiful Stranger?" Luna asked.

I sat up "The raps that I wrote, were basically the whole whole story. If you pay close attention, the first line 'It's Just Another Story, Where I fell in love with a stranger' it tell it all from there" i explained to them.

The four girls squeaked at the sweet lyrics and I just frowned " Well, any guess on who the guy is?" I asked them.

Victoria leaned over to all of us "He's definitely from Big Bang." she said with experiences "Some gossip told me that" she smiled and I nodded, meaning that she is correct.

"But unnie," Sulli stared at me "At first, I'm sure you didn't know who he was, so how did you know who it is now? And that he is surely from Big Bang?"

I looked at Sulli and then scanned over the rest of my members "Minho hyung told me that when we were eating ice cream together 1 hour ago. I don't know how he know, but since he know, it seem like some other Shinne's members know too. And I'm very worry about that. I'm just...seriously, I don't need a scandal at this time of our special performance. It will probably delay the performance and annoys the company and I wouldn't want that. Beside, our SM family knowing is already a lot of people, but if this get out to the papparazzi, it won't stop" 

Krystal nodded "Amber unnie is right. It won't stop until more than 1 year later. This is big news to the rest of the world." 

"You're right. We will need to keep your story a secret until it's the right time, or else it will effect your career as the group F(x). And especially you, Amber" a voice said from the door, startling the girls.

The girls turned their heads toward the door and their eyes widened "WHAT?!" they screamed.


Hey guys! I'm back! So basically after 5 days of not updating, I finally update, and it's a long chapter too! YAY! 

Anyway, I gotta say. There's definitely some kind of tradition for the SM artists to just appear at the door and surprised other people! Because there's defintiely a lot of this going on!

Beside, I want to say that I love F(x)'s Rum Pum Pum Pum MV. It was great. I thought it would came out tomorrow, 7/25/2013, in America, but it actually came out today on Youtube! Just wanna say that, :D

So yeah, that's it. I'm pretty hyper today so you can expect it. Oh, one more thing. The whole plot of this chapter and conversation and connections are totally fictional. And so is the rest of the story. 

Thank you for following this fic so far! Comment and Subscribe! Love you all subscribers and commenters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *heart* :D

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Chapter 23: Hi author I just read all of this chapter and I am carving for more and what happen next with top-amber-gd things.. so please dont abandoned this story and update soon.. oh thank you for making this masterpiece :3
xxcindyxx1 #2
Chapter 23: I'm glad you have returned. I absolutely love this story and I am hoping for a good ending
AyieSky #3
Chapter 23: I'm really glad that you're back.. Your work is really great.. Please continue..
Chapter 23: I'm glad that you're back, you know I really like your ff. Please give me more Gdber and Topber
IamAmber #5
Chapter 22: Please continue and do more gdber plss
Chapter 10: GD and Amber please!^^
xxcindyxx1 #7
Chapter 22: Still hoping for an update I really like gdber :)
Chapter 22: Aow i ship gdber eventhough they don't have a moment,please update authornim...
Chapter 22: Love how cute everyone is in this story! I hope you find the time to update this!
KpopOwl07 #10
Chapter 22: love the awesome story ^^