See You Soon

Next Stop, Insanity

Haneul looked at herself in the mirror and patted her cheeks in nervousness.

This morning was the day of their graduation.

Tonight was the day of their prom.

Tomorrow was the day of Jungkook's flight.

“Hey princess, are you ready to go? Your carriage is waiting.” Haneul looked up and she smiled when she saw her father's face. He held out a hand and she walked towards him to give him a hug.

“I am so proud of you, Haneul. For everything you have accomplished. I felt like the happiest person alive today when I saw you walk off the stage with your diploma.” He pulled back to look at her face. “Look at my beautiful daughter. All the boys will be staring tonight, won't they?”

“Not if Jungkook's there. He'll probably pop a blood vessel if he saw that, right dear?” Haneul laughed when her mom walked over and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

“That is very true, actually. Please keep him safe tonight.” Her dad chuckled. Mrs. Lee turned to Haneul and smiled as she reached her hand up to touch her daughter's face.

“Stay safe and have fun tonight, okay? You look beautiful.” Haneul bent down to kiss her mother on the cheek before straightening up. She smiled.

“Thank you mom and dad. I love you both.”

After a few pictures and hugs later, Haneul slipped into her high heels for the night and opened the door. She turned back around and gave her parents one last wave before shutting the door.

Waiting there in the hallway was none other than Jungkook.

Her boyfriend.

Her prom date.

He looked like a model with his hair styled off to the side. He was wearing a tight-fitting suit and he looked better than any model she had ever seen.

Man, she was even starting to think like him.

His eyes went travelled over her body and he let out a shaky breath as he stepped forward with a single rose.

“You look amazing.” He breathed out as he handed her the rose. She smiled. “You look very dashing today as well, Jungkook.” He grinned. “Wow, should I be recording this for future purposes?” She rolled her eyes and gave him a push.

“You look amazing in that blue dress. My favourite colour.” He whispered as he slipped his hand through hers. “And your hair is done up. I like it a lot. Who are you trying to impress tonight, huh?”

“Just some guy who I happen to be in a relationship with.” Haneul shrugged. Jungkook chuckled and leaned down to kiss her cheek before they got out of the elevator. She blinked once they reached the entrance of the apartment.

“Wait, isn't my dad driving?”

“Did you not notice how he didn't come out with us?” Jungkook reached into his pocket to pull out car keys. “My mom let me borrow the car for tonight.”

Haneul's eyes widened and she stared at him. “When did you get your license?” He shrugged and led her outside. “I kept it a secret so tonight could be even more special. What, did you fall for me even more knowing that I'm a man who can drive now?”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, please.”

“Well, let's get ready to go, princess. After you,” Jungkook smiled as he opened the door for her. Haneul chuckled and took his hand.

“Thank you, my prince.”

- - - - -

“I called it. The golden couple would arrive hand in hand. You owe me five dollars.” Jimin grinned as he slapped V on the back. His friend groaned and reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet. Jungkook and Haneul came towards their reserved table and he raised an eyebrow.

“Seriously? You made a bet on us?”

Jimin grinned. “Sorry buddy. Couldn't help it.”

Haneul's eyes found Minjung and J-Hope sitting together and she nudged Jungkook with a grin. He turned and his eyes rounded.

“Wow, look at you hyung. It was about time.” He commented. J-Hope looked up and rolled his eyes but he still got out of his seat to give him a hug. Haneul walked over to sit beside Minjung.

“Congratulations. It's still cuter seeing this in person even if you called me to tell me nights before.” Minjung laughed and she looked up at J-Hope who was goofing off with the guys.

“I still can't believe it. He's the sweetest guy ever.” Minjung whispered. Haneul smiled. “As long as he makes you happy, then that's all that matters.”

“You look so pretty tonight, Haneul.” She laughed and turned to her friend. “You look even prettier, Minjung.”

The two girls sat there for a minute or two as they watched the four of them joke around.

Minjung suddenly turned to Haneul. “How are you holding up? It's tomorrow, isn't it?”

Haneul's smile dropped and she turned her head to lock eyes with Jungkook. She turned back to Minjung with a small smile.

“I'm fine. We still have tonight together. I'll be fine, don't worry.”

Jungkook walked back over to sit beside Haneul and the night officially began when one of the teachers walked on stage.

“Welcome graduating students of 2016!”

- - - - -

Music was softly playing in the background as couples and friends dance together around the ballroom. She had her arms around Jungkook's neck and his arms rested on her hips. They slowly swayed together to the music.

“Did you have fun tonight?” Jungkook asked as he looked down at her. He felt her nod her head against his head and he smiled.

“Remember when my mom put me in dance lessons? I had to dance with this girl who really hated my guts. She was taller than me.” Jungkook suddenly said. She laughed at the random story. “What are you talking about?”

“I hated having dance partners. Either they were too tall or I just didn't like them.” He continued. Haneul raised an eyebrow as she waited for him to finish.

“The only dance partner I like is you. You fit perfectly in my arms.” She flushed at his sudden comment but she still smiled up at him. “You're so cheesy.”

“I know I am. I know.” He wrapped his arms tighter and she did the same. They stayed like that until the song ended and he pulled back to touch her earrings and he tilted his head.

“I got you these, didn't I?” She nodded as she reached up to touch his hand.

“It still feels like a dream. Tonight passed by like a blur with everyone.” Jungkook whispered. Haneul smiled and reached up to fix his collar. “That's because you spent it with people you care about. Time always flies.”

“I wish it didn't, though.”

Her hands fell down to her sides when Jungkook pulled her in to kiss her all of a sudden.

Jungkook was never one to take anything too far with her but tonight felt different. He was desperate to convey whatever feelings he hadn't before. She could probably feel the fast beating of his heart as he did with hers.

God, he loved her.

There was nothing even remotely comparable to having her in his arms. There was just something about her that pulled him in and he could never get enough of it. He wanted to feel like this every minute of the day.

“Jungkook,” She breathed as they pulled apart. Her heart was beating at an irregularly fast pace and she knew it was because of him. Jungkook simply flashed another smile and rested his chin on the top of her head.

“Let's just stay like this for a bit. I'm going to miss having you in my arms.”

“I'll miss you too.” She sighed as she wrapped her arms back around him. She turned so that her cheek was now pressed against his chest.

“I'll miss you a lot.”

- - - - -

“As a girl in her teens who's still clueless about how the world works, there's one thing I know for sure. And you know what that is?” Haneul smiled as she curled the strands of hair behind her ear.

“It's that I love you, Jungkook.” She cleared , a light blush now tinting her cheeks.

“You know, I feel like as we grow up, everything in the present seems to be the most important. Back then, middle school was the biggest thing for us. If somebody didn't want to play with us on the playground, we would run home and cry about it for days. Back then, we couldn't even tell a lie without not being able to fall asleep that night. Everything seemed just so important and it seemed like such a big deal at the time. Like if we didn't get picked to clean the chalkboard, we weren't the cool kid for the day.” Looking down, she wrung her fingers together.

“High school came along and everything changed. This was where everything seemed like it mattered even more. We had people come in from different schools and we didn't know everybody in the school anymore. Looks mattered and so did our grades. People openly showed their dislike towards you and you start to realize how people really were. How many of them were fake? How many of them only smiled at you to make sure you would vote for them when the student council campaign came around? It was like a war zone trying to fit in with everything and everyone.”

She looked back up. “Luckily, I didn't have to experience that as much as some others have. But all that really only bothered me on a minimal scale because you know what annoyed me the most? You. Everyday, you were like this pesky house fly that I could never get rid of. It was like you would always just fly around and invade my space, you know? I still think you enjoy doing that. You probably will forever.”

Another smile.

“I don't think I would mind it one bit. I don't know when it happened but I've gotten used to this. I've gotten used to you being around me. Having you wake me up, help me with homework, or take care of me while I'm sick and ending up getting sick yourself- I've gotten all used to it now. Remember when you had to piggy back me home that day because a boy pushed me off the slide at school? Our parents weren't home that evening and you did a poor job at consoling me, to be honest.” She laughed.

“Going through middle school and high school, I always had you by my side. Whether you were there to annoy me or to support me, I still question that everyday.” Haneul rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

“I know you meant well, trust me. If anything, I feel like I should be awarded with the world's most patient award because I've had to put up with you for so long. Honestly, how have I done it?” Her tone was sarcastic, but her eyes were bright.

“I like you. I like your smile. I like your half-smirk half-grin when you find something amusing. I like how your eyes light up when you smile. If I didn't show it enough, there was never a time that I didn't find myself smiling along because of you. Unless you were bugging me because then that's a whole different story.”

She laughed.

“But, the amount of times you've made me smile is countless. And oh god, I love your laugh. Is that weird to admit? It feels like everything is just a dream when I hear it. As a person, I don't like seeing people upset. Especially when I see you upset, Jungkook. It makes me even happier to know that I'm sometimes the reason behind your smiles and laughter. I may just sound like a lovestruck girl but maybe that's what the general consensus is when it comes to love.”

Haneul let out a wistful sigh.

“Thinking back, this really does feel like a perfect love story. That day you asked me to dance with you for the formal dance, I honestly was at a loss for words. I was in a state of shock when I walked into the ballroom because the first person my eyes found were you. You looked handsome that day, standing there with your friends. It almost looked like a photo straight from a magazine. That's when you turned around and met eyes with me. I couldn't breath.” She shook her head at the memory.

“It's usually a guy line but honestly, you took my breath away. Mostly because I was scared. I was scared of my sudden change in attitude towards you. I began to notice every little thing you did. Everything you said, I would sit in bed and think it over and over like a broken record stuck on replay.” She took in a breath.

“I realized I had fallen for you. More than I would've ever imagined. Going on that trip together, it was suffocating. I was stuck with you on a daily basis and honestly, I couldn't think straight anymore. Things became more apparent to me and all the little hints you had been dropping started to ring an alarm.”

She paused.

“Confessing to you that night felt like lifting the biggest weight off of my chest. It probably surprised you, right? I don't know where I got the courage from to do such a thing but I don't regret it one bit. I think.” She grinned.

“It's probably the most happiest feeling in the world when you can confirm with someone that they share the same feelings. Self-doubt and constant worry is the worst. I can't even count the amount of times that I laid in bed and just thought it over. Should I really go through with this? What if I've been taking it wrong the whole time and Jungkook doesn't actually like me?” She puffed out her cheeks.

“Really, is this what every girl feels like when they're in love? Wanting to call the guy everyday, talk to him, see him and physically be near him? There's nothing more I would want to do than to just sit at home and play video games with you or just to watch movies. I'm starting to even sound like you. This is so weird.” She shuffled from her position on the bed and fixed her hair.

“For as long as I can tell, you're the only one who's going to be capable of making my heart do weird things. Every little thoughtful action of yours, it makes me feel special. Every sweet thing you've ever said, I remember it all. Although, I do brush it off as an annoying thing. Don't take it the wrong way because I hold my pride over my head sometimes.”

She narrowed her eyes.

“Even doing this right now, you better not make fun of me afterwards for pouring my heart out because I swear, Jeon Jungkook, I will slap you.” She suddenly turned her head to look towards her door when she thought she heard a noise. She shrugged her shoulders before facing forwards again.

“I just want to support you in everything you do. Whether it be your dancing, your singing or anything, I want to be there for you. Just like how you've been here every step of the way for me. I want to be there when you smile, I want to be there when you cry. I want to be able to see how the two of us grow up together.” She ran her hands through her hair.

“It's scary, Jungkook. It's a scary thought to know you're going to be gone from me for so long. It might not seem so long when we finish the four years but like I said, we as teenagers live in the moment. Everything we do right now seems like the biggest issue in our lives. Even if it may become the most tiniest of issues in a few weeks.”

She looked up and held up four fingers.

“This is four years we're talking about, though. Four years of us being miles and miles apart from one another. I'm not doubting us at all but I can tell that you feel unsure of it too. Which is why I wanted to make this video both to thank you and tell you to go for it.” She let out a yawn as she picked up her phone to check the time.

“It's getting late and you're probably getting ready to call me before we sleep tonight so I have to end this here. Just know that I care a lot about you. Probably more than I should but I think that's how it goes right? As a teen in love, you can't help but film a movie in your head with the special someone as your main lead. I know that's how it is for me everyday.”

Another yawn escaped her lips and she brought her hand up to .

“Jungkook, I love you. Know that I'll be here for you whenever you need me. Even if you need to wake me up in the middle of the night because of our time zone difference, I'll get up to speak with you.”

She smiled at the camera.

“This is my way of thanking you for everything you've done. I have trouble expressing myself to you in person so hopefully this suffices.”

And then the screen went black.

- - - - -

Jungkook sat there with his phone in hand. His brain was now a muddled mess as he tried making sense of what had just happened. He could have sworn he was just in a video call with his girlfriend before she sent him a link to a video file. She then went offline and told him to call her when he arrived. He was still in the waiting room of the airport and he had to look up and make sure nobody saw his pink face.

He had just seen her a few minutes ago before entering the last gate and all he wanted to do was run out and see her again after watching it.

They had promised each other the night before that no tears would be shed today. Although the parents and his little sister did cry a bit. Both him and her kept up their end of the promise.

This video was sure making it hard not to cry.

He downloaded it.

He played it.

He watched it.

He replayed it again for the fourth time now.

“What the heck?” He whispered to himself as he clicked to start the video again and turned up the volume.

It was like a wave of emotions hit him right off the bat because he first noticed how beautiful she looked in a plain t-shirt and shorts as she sat there on her bed. Her hair was tied up in a simple ponytail and he could see the earrings she was wearing peeking through.

He couldn't help but smile and inwardly laugh at her cuteness when he realized how awkward it must have been for her. Like she had admitted, she was never good at expression. Doing something like this probably took her ages to prepare.

Each time he watched it again, he noticed something different.

He noticed how she would bite her lip as she thought about what she wanted to say.

He noticed how she would smile and show her teeth when she felt embarrassed.

He noticed how she would stumble over her words and have to restart the thought again.

It was like she brought him back on a ride to their first memories. She explained youth so well, he had the fraction of a second where he thought that she could write this into a book.

He could feel his own heart beat against his chest when he saw her smile at the camera and confess everything she had been keeping inside. It was like that night all over again but now, he was able to hear more of it.

Everything she said made him fawn over her. It was like she knew how much of a hold she had on him, and with a simple tuck of her hair, she had him captured. He watched the video and listened to her with a gaping mouth and mesmerized eyes.

Honestly, he wasn't expecting this when she said that she would give him something in return. She had suddenly sprung it upon him of the surprise gift while they were at the arcade after Jungkook finally told her what he wanted from her since the rock climbing bet.

He wouldn't have expected anything else. This seemed like something Haneul would do for sure. Something simple but perfectly capable of conveying everything she wanted to say.

He leaned his head back against his chair and grinned from ear to ear.

He was a lucky guy. Being able to date a girl like her was a blessing. She was the most thoughtful, attentive and prettiest girl her had ever seen. Then again, maybe he was just biased. He didn't care.

Everything he thought about her was true. She was perfect from head to toe, and she drove him crazy on a daily basis.

He looked up when the announcer called in the passengers for his flight. He put the phone back into his pocket and he got up.

As much as he wanted to run back out there right now and hug her, he pushed his suitcase forward and handed the attendant his passport. Once he was settled into his seat, he looked out the window of the airplane and let out a sigh.

It was going to be difficult.

Leaving behind his friends and family to start a new chapter of his life alone.

But the thing was, he wasn't really alone. He had something to come back to and he knew if he worked hard enough, he could make them proud. And that was all he wanted.

He smiled as he looked down at his phone wallpaper of them together. He ran his fingers across the screen with fond eyes.

“See you soon, Haneul.”


It is done. It's finally over. It's been 3 years. Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck with me till the end. It doesn't matter when you joined, but thank you. I met so many amazing friends through writing this. Thank you all so much.

I don't want to make this anymore sentimental because you guys probably felt enough through this chapter LOL. 

Head on over to the sequel if you want to see more of this couple! Just click the poster below.


If you'd like to interact with me elsewhere, add me on Snapchat @ai.loveyou or follow me on Instagram @ailoveru

If you want some other BTS or B.A.P stories, head over to my profile and check them out! I promise they won't disappoint! (Hopefully.)

Otherwise, once again, thank you to all of you. Thanks for coming along on this crazy story.

See you in their marriage life!


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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)