Best Trip Ever

Next Stop, Insanity

Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for loving me, and letting me love you.”

She stared at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. She did not expect this at all. She knew Jungkook could be cheesy but this was downright sentimental and serious. She was at a loss for words because there really was no playful glint in his eyes.

“Is there any reason you decided to spring this on me?” She whispered. She was touched but she never really knew how to express her words right on the spot. Jungkook shrugged and simply pulled her into his arms.

“I'm just really thankful that I have someone like you by my side, Hanuel.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I feel the same, silly.”

“You know I would say that everyday but you'd probably get sick of it. It's kind of long overdue but I thought I should just get it out there.” He smiled as they pulled apart. He leaned down and gave her a quick peck on her lips. His heart warmed when he saw her lips spread from ear to ear and she looked down to hide her blush. He tilted her chin up and she looked up at him.

“Thank you.” He repeated before eliminating the distance between their lips. He could feel her smile into the kiss and he inwardly fist-pumped at his successful confession.

They pulled back, slightly breathless and she looked down at the new jewelry on her finger. “Do you think the parents will freak when I return home with a ring on my finger?” She wondered. He looked down at her hands laughed. “Well, who knows? They might even throw a congratulations party.”

“That sounds like something they would do.” She nodded in agreement. Hanuel turned back around and faced the water while Jungkook wrapped his arm around her waist. She leaned against his build and sighed in content.

“Remember that one time you pushed me into the river because you thought it would be funny to see me struggle?” She asked. She heard him laugh from behind and she rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, but you ended up pulling me in afterwards anyway. Why do you remember something like that anyway? It's been so many years.”

“I just don't forget things about you.” She replied. She stopped herself and blinked out into the open once she realized what she had said. She knew it was already too late when she could practically feel the glowing smirk plastered onto his face.

“Really, now?” He asked.

“Shush, you.”

He grinned and tightened his hold on her while he slightly rocked her back and forth. The watch on his arm beeped and they both looked down in surprise. His eyes rounded when he realized they were supposed to be back with the teachers for them to do a head count before the bonfires. They got up and he held out a hand for her to take. She smiled as she placed her hand into his and they walked back together.

“I like it when you're honest.” He looked at her. She turned to him, “Aren't I always?”

“Yeah, cause calling me names when you'd rather kiss me is total honesty.” He winced when she punched his arm and he held up his free hand in surrender.

“Okay, okay. I shall never speak of this again.”

- - - - -

“How was your private time?” Minjung wiggled her eyebrows as the two of them sat down onto the ground together. Jungkook had gone over to his friends. Hanuel shrugged with a smile on her lips.

Minjung frowned. “Oh come on, spill!” Hanuel turned to her friend and let out a sigh. “I don't know. He suddenly went all romantic on me and-” She lifted up her hand and Minjung gasped with wide eyes.

“He gave me a promise ring too. Is that weird?” Minjung shook her head fervently. “Oh my god, that's so cute! I should have expected he would do something like this on the trip. I bet you got butterflies fluttering all over, didn't you?”

“Yeah, which was why I sat there dumbfounded.” Hanuel went through everything Jungkook had said and Minjung raised an eyebrow.

“Hold on, so you didn't return everything he said?” Hanuel held up her hands. “No, I did. I just didn't do it as well as he did.” Minjung shrugged. “Well, he should have expected something like that from you too when he decided to tell you everything.”

“I'm happy for you, Hanuel.” Minjung smiled as she wrapped an arm around the girl. Hanuel laughed. “Thank you. I expect you to tell me everything about you and J-Hope soon too.” Minjung threw her hand off and her eyes darted around.

“Wait, what!?”

“I think we've all noticed it.” Hanuel chuckled. Minjung looked down at her sweater and played with the ends of it. “Yeah, so what? I just like being around him. And who are you to say you notice anything? You didn't even notice you liked the boy you spent your whole life with!”

“Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But seriously, tell me, okay?” Hanuel smiled. Minjung returned with the tug of her own lips and laid her head onto her friend's shoulder.

“Deal. Talking about the boy we like is totally the most exciting topic in the world.”

Hanuel rolled her eyes with a laugh, “Sure.”

Jungkook, on the other hand, was being bombarded with questions from the three others. He held up his hands, as if telling them to stop for a second so he could talk. They shut their mouths and looked up at him with expectant eyes.

“What do you want me to say? It went well?” He questioned out loud. J-Hope rolled his eyes, “Yeah, and her response too. We wanted to know how she reacted!”

“Did she think you were weird and dumped you?” V asked. Jungkook shot him a glare and he chortled into his fist.

“No, she took it well. Flustered but she acted like her normal self.” Jungkook explained. J-Hope shuffled closer and nudged his hair. “You're all grown up now, kid. Getting a stable girl before any of us.”

“I think the reason I can't get a girlfriend is because this guy taints my reputation.” Jimin groaned and pointed a finger at V. He gasped, “Excuse you.” Jimin made a face at him in return.

They were pulled out of their bickering when the teacher called for their attention. The students whooped once they sat the snacks that the teachers had prepared.

Minjung and Hanuel stood up to get in line for their turn.

“This is the best trip ever. S'mores at night too?” Minjung whispered in amazement.

Hanuel locked eyes with Jungkook who stood in another line. She smiled.

It sure was.

- - - - -

Everyone had returned to their own rooms and was now getting ready for bed. Minjung had knocked out the moment she finished brushing her teeth. Hanuel lay there on her own bed in boredom. She had hoped Minjung and her could stay up to talk some more but she wasn't going to wake her friend up for something like that.

She silently watched the television screen. She grabbed her phone and scrolled through her social media. She opened a few news articles and read through them. She had just closed her web browser and was about to put her phone back when she felt it start to vibrate. Her eyes widened when she saw that it was none other than a call from her boyfriend. She glanced at Minjung who was fast asleep and sat up to answer the call.

Jungkook's face came onto the screen and she smiled at him.

“Sleeping soon?” He asked. As if on cue, she let out a yawn. He chuckled. “How cute.”

“Yeah, I think I am. How about you?” She asked. She watched as he turned his phone around and showed her the room. She frowned in confusion when she saw that it was empty.

“Where are the other guys?”

“They went into another room because one of the guys brought a game console.” He replied. She tilted her head, “I'm surprised you're not joining them.”

“I'll go after I sing you a lullaby. You know my day starts and ends with you, Hanuel.” He grinned. She scoffed at him, “And why would I need a lullaby from you?”

“That's simple. It's because you love hearing my voice.”

She wrinkled her face at his claim but did not deny it. He took her silence as a win for himself.

“I'm sorry for bringing something so sudden on you, by the way.” He apologized. She blinked at him, “What? Your confession?” He nodded from the other side of the screen.

“I found it sweet. Why are you apologizing?” She frowned. He shrugged. “I don't know. I just thought it would've been too much but I really wanted to get it off my chest.”

“I really appreciated the sincere words, Jungkook. If anything, I should be sorry that I didn't have much of a response.”

“It's okay, I expected you to look like a deer caught in headlights.” Her frown deepened when she heard his laughter.

“I'll reply to all of them one day when I figure out what it is I want to say.” She said. He smiled, “Is that a promise?”

“Yeah, it's a promise.” Her heart fluttered when she saw the grin on his face.

“Are you ready for tomorrow's activities?” He asked. She nodded, “I'm exciting to go rock climbing. It's been way too long since we've done that.”

“Remember, if you fall, I'll catch you.” He pointed out. She stuck her tongue out at him. “I'm better than you at rock climbing remember?” He raised an eyebrow at her claim.

“Want to bet on that?”

“Okay. The person who gets the best time climbing up the wall gets one wish.” She decided. He held up a pinky to the camera and she did the same.

“You're not going to win, honey.” He cooed. She scrunched up her nose. “Oh, shut up, loser.”

He cleared his throat to stop his laughter and she watched as he grabbed a water bottle to drink a few gulps.

“Are you ready for your song?” He asked. She let out a laugh at the suddenness and lay onto her back. She pulled the blanket up to her neck and put the phone beside her ears. She closed her eyes and listened as his voice came through the speakers. A smile came onto her face and she could feel she was already getting sleepy.

This song is for you
For everything we've been through
It's been so long overdue
I just wanna say
Thank you”

She didn't even get to hear the second part of the chorus because she had already fallen into a blissful sleep after the first chorus.

- - - - -

The next day passed by like a blur. Everybody was energetic and ready to go in the morning but after doing nothing but physical activity for the day out in the sun, they were ready to sleep it off by the time dinner came.

As expected, Jungkook had gotten the best time and Hanuel and claimed he somehow rigged her ropes so she would lose. He simply chuckled at her defeated look and told her to prepare for the thing he wanted from her. She had groaned and walked away from him.

They had gone rock climbing and then to a vertical playground in which they were attached to a harness and then they were to climb up the hanging wooden planks and tires themselves. It was fun but by the end of the day, every student was wiped out. Not to mention the teachers who had to watch over them to make sure nobody had gotten hurt.

The sun had set and the teachers had told the students to return to their rooms to pack their bags after a shower.

The plan was to have them sleep while on the bus and while they passed by the cliff area, the teachers would wake them up to see the sunrise before they were to be dropped off at the school for parents to pick them up.

Hanuel had put her suitcase into the trunk under the bus and got onto the bus. She spotted Minjung amongst the many other students and sat down beside her. Jungkook ruffled her hair as he passed by her to sit with J-Hope near the back of the bus.

The two girls spent an hour or two talking to each other and laughing at funny pictures they had taken on the trip before they decided they were both going to rest.

Hanuel woke up a few hours later and she let out a yawn as she looked out at the darkened scenery. She leaned her head against the back of the seat and looked out at the front of the window. She took out her phone and immediately retracted it once she realized her brightness was still way too high. She looked around, hoping she had not bothered anyone with the sudden surge of brightness.

She checked the time and she realized she had woken up a little while before the teachers were supposed to. So, instead of going back to sleep, she plugged in her earbuds and listened to her songs instead.

She watched the landscapes fly by and she smiled as she thought back to the trip. Although it was shorter than she had wished for it to be, it was still memorable. She was glad she got to spend time with the students that she would miss after graduation.

Of course, there were many things she was grateful for towards Jungkook. Like how he would always carry her to the nurse's office when she hurt herself. From both when she was a kid to now that she was on her way to becoming an adult. Or like how he would always come over and wake her up, although obnoxiously, so she would not be late for school.

Or how he would finish her food for her if she figured out she was too full to finish the other half.

He would tend to her like a kid when she was sick.

He would always make sure she finished and fully understood her homework after he made fun of her for not knowing it.

It was always like he put her as a high priority. No matter what it was, he was always there for her as well. She could not think back to a time when she was genuinely angry.

Actually, there was the one time he had accidentally tossed her favourite stuffed animal into a puddle of mud because he was trying to dangle it over her head when they were kids.

Or when he had accidentally tangled up her hair after trying to put on a hair clip.

Or when he had purposely switched out the avocado in her sushi roll with wasabi to see how she would react.

No matter what, she had always forgiven him. Although she never openly told him that, she figured he must have known he could have gotten away with anything, really.

Maybe she always known these little things but she never really thought about them enough to know what or why things were like that.

She tilted her head as an idea popped into her mind. She looked down at her phone and a grin came onto her face.

She knew just how she could express everything she wanted him to know.

However, just as she was about put her phone back onto her lap and look out the window again, the screen lit up with a new message.

You awake?

She stuck her head out from her seat and looked down the row of seats to see Jungkook at the back waving his phone at her. She settled back into her seat and typed in a response.


- - - - -

The students got off the buses and crowded around the railings on the side of the mountain. The teachers told them the sun should start to rise and they were excited. Some already had their phones out to capture the moment. Some were still half asleep while some acted like they had just drank two cups of coffee this early in the morning.

Hanuel, Jungkook, Minjung, J-Hope, V and Jimin stood together in one spot as they watched the sunrise together.

“It's going to be sad once we graduate but I'm actually looking forward to it.” J-Hope confessed as he leaned his elbows onto the railing and looked out. Jimin nodded, “I mean, look at the hyungs. They're still the best of friends. I'm sure we'll be like that too.”

“Yeah, if you and Taehyung can stop fighting each other every second of the day.” Jungkook commented with a roll of his eyes as he shuffled away from them to stand beside his girlfriend. The others laughed and V scoffed. He turned to Jimin.

The boy let out a yelp of pain when V started nudging his head.

“Ow! What are you doing?!” He exclaimed. V practically hopped onto his back. “I don't hate you that much! I mean, you're still my one and only best friend!” Jimin pretended to gag at that while everybody else grinned.

“You two are so cute.” Minjung laughed. V had gotten off and fixed his shirt before looking at her. “You know who's cuter though? Those two.” They all turned their heads to see Jungkook and Hanuel beside each other as they talking about something far too quiet for them to listen in on.

“I hope they last.” J-Hope smiled. Jimin rolled his eyes, “Look at them. They're going to be like that till their death bed.”

“And why don't any of you have yourselves a girlfriend?” Minjung asked. The three of them shrugged.

“I'll just wait until we graduate.”

“Not interested, to be honest.”

“I blame Jimin. Since I'm friends with him, he repels all the girls away from me.”

“I'm going to push you over this cliff.” Jimin growled. V let out a yelp and pulled J-Hope in front of him. Jungkook and Hanuel turned their heads to see what the noise was about and he rolled his eyes with a sigh.

“They'll never grow up, will they?”


If you can find a guy who can make you fangirl as if you're watching a K-Pop idol... he's the one. LOL. Okay enough about me!

As some of you may know, B.A.P has finally returned after one year and nine months! They've been my top group since the Bang&Zelo sub-unit so omg. Have you guys all seen 'Young, Wild & Free'?! WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK? BECAUSE, HELLO, ZELO? YOU CAN'T JUST SHOW OFF YOUR BODY LIKE THAT. THAT IS NOT SAFE FOR OUR HEARTS. STOP. Also, if you haven't watched it, click here to! Help us BABYs reach 3 million views so the first ever dance practice of B.A.P will be released!

Thank you with all my heart to those who have subscribed to The Trapped Warriors. I can't express enough how much it means to me because that story is literally the one I've started since their Warrior era. I'm in the process of editting the chapter and posting it, so keep an eye out!


Find me elsewhere at:
instagram: aiju.chau

snapchat: ai.loveyou

Check out my other stories here:
Next Stop, Together Again (Zelo & OC) 

Her Life Through His Eyes (J-Hope, Jungkook & OC)

Forgetful, but not Forgotten (Jungkook, Zelo & OC)



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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)