A Caterpillar and a Spider

Next Stop, Insanity

The sun shone through the white curtains of her room, and she winced when the rays passed over her closed eyelids. She grumbled and turned her body towards the other side of the bed- away from the sunlight. She also drew the blanket higher over her head, completely burying herself under the covers. She sighed in relief and closed her eyes in hope for more sleep.

That hope crumbled down when she heard her door slam open and the right side of her bed dipped low with the added weight. She opened her eyes and sat up to see what the disturbance was. She raised an unimpressed eyebrow when she saw that it was her boyfriend staring back at her with the most innocent smile playing on his lips.

“Excuse you, what are you doing?” He blinked back at her, “Waking you up, duh. What else does it look like I'm doing? Taking a dump?” She groaned and kicked him with the little strength she had, “Can you not be such a smartass so early in the morning? Thanks.” His lips curved up and he pushed himself off the bed. He was about to leave the room when he heard his name come out like a whisper. He turned around,


His eyes rounded in surprise when he saw her laying there with her hands up in the air and a pouting face. He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side, “What?” She pushed her lips into a deeper pout and he let out a sigh before walking over. He put his arms under her arms and her legs and in one great huff, he lifted her off the bed.

“Mm, I kinda like it here. Can we just stay like this?” She snuggled into his neck and he chuckled, “Look at you be a baby so early in the morning. If anything, I would love to stay like this forever but honey, we have to leave for school.” All he received in response was a groan.


Jungkook carried her into the washroom and set her onto the sink table. Her head hung down in a sleepy daze and he chuckled. He grabbed her comb and ran his fingers through her hair to help her brush it. After he deemed it looked presentable, although he thought she looked presentable even when she had bed hair, he grabbed her face towel from the bar. He soaked the towel and wrung it semi-dry before brushing her hair out of her face to wash her face. She turned away once the coldness hit her skin.

“Come on, sleepyhead. Work with me here.” He smiled as she peeked one eye open to frown at him. He leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek before putting the towel back to its original pace.

“Okay, let's go eat breakfast and then you can come back in and brush your teeth. Deal?” He asked. She nodded and held out her hands again.

“Man, if you were like this everyday, I think I would die of happiness. Not to mention, I'd be getting a workout every minute of the day.” He turned around this time and lightly crouched down. She climbed onto his back and once he made sure she was safe, he carried her into the kitchen where her parents were preparing breakfast and reading the newspaper.

They both turned around at the noise and laughed at the sight.

“It's a rare occasion if she calls for skinship. Cherish it.” Her dad said as he took a sip of his coffee. Jungkook chuckled, “Yeah, I know. Should I be recording this for future use?”

“I think you should.” He replied.

Her mom pulled out a chair for him to place her down. “Thank you for bearing with this kid of mine, Jungkook. I don't know what we'd do without you.” He shrugged, “She would just never get out of bed. Ever.”

By the time she was into her fourth spoonful of cereal, she was awake. She finally opened her eyes and looked around, “What's going on?”

They all laughed.

“Nothing. Just continue eating.” Her mother chided with a smile. Jungkook coughed to cover up his laughter and her dad brought the newspaper higher up to cover his face.

- - - - -

Did I pack everything?” Hanuel looked around her room and put a hand on her hips in thought. Jungkook came up from behind and wrapped an arm around her, “Do you want me to open up your suitcase and double-check?” She shook her head and turned around to give him a smile, “No, I think I'm good.”

He nodded as he let go to grab onto her suitcase and hauled it out of the room for her.

“Hey! I can carry that myself!?” She called out as she grabbed her phone and shoved it into her jeans before dashing out after him. He laughed, “I know! Does it look like I will let you?”

Her dad chuckled as he walked out in his work clothes, “Alright, kids. Pile into the car. I'll drop you off at school before heading to work.” Hanuel beamed at him, “Thanks, dad!”

Her mom came running out tying up her hair, “Wait for me!”

The four of them piled into the car and Hanuel put on her seat belt as she waited for her father to back out of the parking lot.

“Stay safe, please. If you're going to the washroom, go with a friend. Don't drink anything that has been left unattended. Don't stay out after it gets dark. Do not get lost and if so, call-”

“Mom, I'll be fine. Don't worry so much,” Hanuel cut her off with a smile. Her mom sighed, “Yeah, yeah. I know. You're all grown up now but I will still worry about you forever.”

“Man, that's what I go through everyday too, auntie.” Jungkook pretended to let out a huge sigh. Her mom looked into the mirror and gave him a sad look, “Poor us.”

“Hey!?” Hanuel yelped. Jungkook chuckled and gave her a pat on the head, “Shush, you.” She swatted his hand away and crossed her arms over her chest, “Ugh, I really don't like you.”

“He knows.” “I know.”

- - - - -


All the senior students of the school had walked towards the school parking lot with their baggage. They stopped once the teacher came to a halt in front of the many school buses parked and ready to drive them to their destination. She began calling the names off the attendance, and one by one, the students piled into the buses assigned to them.

Hanuel and Minjung laughed as they were able to get onto the same bus. Miraculously, so were the boys. J-Hope slung an arm over Jungkook's shoulder as they walked towards their bus, “So, you're sitting with me right?” He nodded, “No way in hell am I sitting beside those two.”

Jimin and V groaned once they realized they were going to have to sit with each other for hours.

“Why!?” Jimin groaned. V rolled his eyes, “Great, I'm stuck with the idiot who's missing a chromosome.” Jimin growled as he shoved V forward, “Jerk!”

“Stop it! What if I tripped?!” V gasped. Jimin shrugged his shoulders and pushed past him to get onto the bus first, “Like I care!”

V turned back and let his jaw slung open, “Did you guys see that? See what I have to deal with?” J-Hope laughed, “Oh, come one you immature pigs. Go up already, you're holding up the line.” Jungkook let out a chuckle when V groaned once more.

Minjung giggled and leaned into Hanuel to whisper, “Their bickering is like a married couple.” Hanuel smiled and nodded in agreement.

“They remind me of you and Jun- ow! Okay, okay I'm sorry.” Minjung quickly dashed onto the bus to evade Hanuel's pokes. She rolled her eyes, “You deserved it.”

- - - - -

They arrived at their summer resort. Students laughed and shouted in glee as they got out of the buses and was able to stretch their cramped legs.

It was a beautiful wooden lodge surrounded with forests and rivers wide and long enough for canoeing. The grass was green and looked soft enough to walk barefoot on and have a good time. Hanuel let out a sigh of content.

This was perfect. A perfect place to have some fun with some of the most important people in her life. She smiled as she followed along behind Minjung towards their rooms.

Since there was a good two hundred or more students, two lodges were booked for their use. And once again, Jungkook and his friends were in the same lodge as Hanuel and Minjung. The six of them pulled their bags with them to take a one hour break in the rooms before their first activity.

It was going to be a two night and three day stay here purely for fun. No homework was going to be assigned after this, and they had little teacher supervision for once.

Jimin walked ahead and held the door for everyone. They all thanked him as they walked by.

All except for V who pretended to flip his non-existent long hair. Jimin gave him a look and rolled his eyes, “Immature brat.”

Once they got up towards their floors, Jungkook helped Hanuel pulled her suitcase into the room before giving her a wave to walk to his room shared with the other three. They were on the same floor, but the boys were way further down the hall than the two of the girls.

“I didn't hear any other names being called after us. Does that mean we get this corner room to ourselves?” Minjung whispered in awe. Hanuel nodded, “Most likely.” Minjung laughed with happiness and jumped onto the bed, “Yes! This is awesome, oh my god. I'm so happy to be here.”

“Same here.” Hanuel smiled. Minjung looked up, “I'll go take a quick shower and get changed into my sports clothes. You okay with showering second?” Hanuel shook her head, “Nope, go ahead.”

“Okay, I'll be quick!”

- - - - -

All the students had gathered back out in the field for lunch. The teachers were busy preparing the barbeque food for them, and the students were chatting amongst themselves. Hanuel sat on the wooden log and leaned her head onto Minjung's shoulder.

“I'm so sleepy.” She yawned. Minjung laughed, “But you slept all throughout the bus ride. How are you still sleepy?”

“She is tired 24/7, that's why.” Jungkook commented as he walked over with still slightly damp hair. Minjung laughed, “True. And what, did you end up showering last?” He groaned, “They were being immature, so yes, being the most mature one I took a hit for the team.”

“How honourable,” Hanuel rolled her eyes. Jungkook stuck out his tongue at her and sat down on a log beside theirs. J-Hope and the other two monkeys came towards them after grabbing a few water bottles.

“Here, stay hydrated.” J-Hope passed the water bottles around and they thanked him as they opened it up.

“So, what exactly are we doing now?” V asked as he held onto his water bottle in his hands. “Pretty sure we're going canoeing after lunch. Half can go hiking if they want to as well. And they said that would go into dinner time with this so afterwards we can return for a campfire if we want to.” Jungkook explained.

“What exactly is canoeing?” Jimin asked with round eyes. V turned to him like he had sprouted five heads, “Are you serious?” Jimin nodded, “Yeah. I actually have never been canoeing before. I know you like, paddle things on the water right?”

“Oh my god, I'm rooming with a world-class idiot.” V face palmed. Jimin kicked him and V let out a pained grunt.

“You basically paddle with two or three people on a small boat-looking thing.” Hanuel chuckled. Jimin grinned at her, “Thank you. You were much better than this resident here.”

“You guys are so funny.” J-Hope sniggered. “I should have recorded them for Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin hyung.” Jungkook sighed. Minjung laughed, “Poor guys.”

“Hey, gather round for the food!” The teachers called out. The students all formed into giant lines at each table and waited patiently for their food. Hanuel and Jungkook ended up sitting together as the boys dragged Minjung away.

“Have fun, lovebirds!” Minjung shouted before they walked to the other side of the field. Jungkook turned to his girlfriend with a grin, “Come on, lovebird, let's find a seat.”

“Oh boy.” She rolled her eyes and followed behind him. They came to the grass and sat under a tree for shade.

“Ew, you put mustard on your hotdog.” Jungkook commented with a grimace. She raised an eyebrow, “Ew? You're ew.” Jungkook blew a raspberry, “I don't understand how you like it.”

“I don't understand you.” She counterattacked. He chuckled and sighed in defeat, “Okay, okay.”

They sat together and observed their fellow peers while they silently devoured their food.

“Isn't it amazing that we are graduating this year? I can't believe it.” Jungkook sighed. Hanuel nodded with a small smile, “Yeah. We survived, and now it's time to survive another four years of even harder education.”

Jungkook laughed, “Way to be half-optimistic.”

By the time they finished their food and conversed, the teachers had called them back to sit it off for a bit before heading down to the river to grab their canoes.

- - - - -

Hanuel and Jungkook had picked to go canoeing together while Minjung and Jimin had decided to go hiking instead. In his words, Jimin had claimed that he “did not want to die while on a small boat with a jerk”.

That's how J-Hope and V ended up sharing a canoe together. 

Jungkook walked towards the life jackets and picked two up. He walked back towards Hanuel who was tying up her long hair. He nodded his head, and she turned her body around and held out her hands. After putting the life jacket on her, he began to put it on himself. They both grabbed a paddle and headed down the steps to the shallowest parts of the water.

He stepped onto the canoe first, and then turned back to hold out a hand for her. She grabbed onto it and he guided her onto the canoe.

“You're letting me treat you like a princess today. Is there any special reason?” He smiled as she settled herself down into the wooden seat. She turned around to stare at him, “Nope.”

“Okay. Well, I hope this lasts because I'm ridiculously happy right now.” He confessed. She smiled towards the front, “You're silly.”

“I'll stay at the back so I can do all the dirty work, okay? You just worry about not falling over.” He commented as he pushed them off the wall and into the actual water. She rolled her eyes and held up a hand, “Okay, there. If you fall, I'm just going to sit here and laugh.”

“What do you mean sit there? If I fall, you fall too, idiot.” She scrunched up her face, “Just paddle, Jungkook.”

“Yes, princess.”

- - - - -

The sun was shining, but it wasn't scorching hot. At least not today it wasn't. They came across ducks and saw some fish glittering under the sunlight as well. The path they chose to go down was at least a two hour trip, and they were glad they did because not a lot of the other students went down this one.

“This is nice.” Hanuel smiled as she continued to paddle. Jungkook smiled, knowing she was probably smiling, “Yeah. Spending time like this with nothing to worry about.”

“Well, actually, I'm kind of afraid we're going to fall overboard but yeah, nothing to worry about.” She chuckled.

“You're so cute.”

“And you're so weird.”

“Wouldn't it be funny if I lost my paddle and you had to do all the work?” She turned around and gawped at him, “Don't you dare!” He laughed and held out a hand, “Don't worry. I would never do that.”

They returned back to their silence once again, however, Jungkook began to feel something itching his leg. He scratched it, and his eyes widened when he felt something furry and now slimy. He looked down and his mouth hang open when he saw the guts of a caterpillar on his calf.

“What the actual !?” He shouted, scaring Hanuel and the two other canoes rowing past him. She turned around and her eyes rounded when she saw the splotch of black on his leg.

“What is that?” She whispered in horror. He looked up at her with a sad frown, “I don't know? Some caterpillar? Oh god, I'm so sorry little guy.”

He wasn't scared of bugs, but really, anybody would be terrified if they had caterpillar guts smeared on their fingers and leg.

He reached over the canoe and thanked the heavens the water looked clean. He cupped his hand and began washing off the remains of the bug. Once he deemed his leg was clean enough until he could get back and wash with a soap and a cloth, he grabbed onto his paddle to begin rowing. That's when he looked up.

“Uh, babe?” He blinked. Hanuel looked at him, “What? Are you okay?” He shook his head and pointed in front of her, and she turned around. That's when they realized they had ran into a dropping tree because they had stopped rowing all together and had begun drifting. She let out a small gasp when the branches rammed right into her. Her arms flew up to shield her face and she leaned back as far as she could to prevent any further damage.

“Oh shoot.” Jungkook quickly pushed them off from the dirt and away from the branch. He wanted to walk up towards her seat so bad just to see if she was okay.

“Please don't tell me bugs fell on me. Please don't.” She whispered in horror as she wiped the bits and pieces of bark and leaves off her body and out of her hair. Jungkook could only watch and check from behind.

His eyes rounded when he saw something as big as an apple crawling under her seat. He narrowed his eyes and shielded the sun away with his hand to get a better glimpse. He bit his lip when he realized it was a spider.

A really big one.

And of course, her absolute fear had to be of spiders.

“Okay. Hanuel, I'm going to need you to stay very calm.” He commanded in a gentle tone. She shivered in disgust as she scraped the stuff off her clothes, “How can I stay calm!? We just ran into a tree! This is why I'd rather stay indoors.”

“No, no. Listen to me. Do not move, okay? And do not turn around.” He slowly leaned forward and reached out his paddle to scoop the spider towards him instead. She frowned, “Why? Are you doing something? Jungkook, I swear to go-”

He looked up in horror when she turned around. Her sharp eyes zeroed down onto the black moving arachnid crawling around. Her breath got caught in and she looked up at him in absolute horror.

“No, no, no. Oh god why did you turn around?!” He hissed as he tried to scoop the spider, but still to no luck. She took her legs and took them into her chest as she sat there.

“Jungkook, please get rid of it, oh god. Oh my god. How did this happen?” She whispered, petrified. Jungkook bit his lip in concentration and tried to reach forward, but the spider kept running in the opposite direction.

“I'm trying. Just take a deep breath and stay calm. It will be gone soon, I promise.” Once he got a hold of the spider, he pulled it towards him with all his might. He ended up catching the spider in his hands and throwing it over board. If he could, he would have placed it onto the ground but he was a bit too far away from the land to do that at this point.

He looked back up at her, “Look, it's gone!”

She looked at him, “I never want to go canoeing ever again.” He let out a small chuckle, “Okay, we won't. Let's just continue rowing away from the trees now so they don't drop on us.”

“Who's fault was it that we ran into one in the first place?”

“You could have kept rowing! I was busy!”

“I was concerned for you so I turned around!”

“Yeah well- wait wait? Did you just admit that?”

“Now is not the time, Jungkook!” 

Hello! Thank you for everyone's lovely comments :) On this story as well as my other ones. You guys are all so lovely. I may not reply to all of them, but you can bet that I have read all of them. 

I'll try to update as often as possible, but it's senior year and I'm going to be very busy with a lot of other stuff now too. I won't be as active on AFF, but you guys can always add me elsewhere! 

A lot of you have already added me on Snapchat and wow, you guys are so pretty and wonderful and omg. And on kik too! It's so lovely being able to chat with you guys :D 

Snapchat: ai.loveyou
kik: ai9071

Interact with me! 


 Check out my other stories here:

Next Stop, Together Again (Zelo & OC) 

Her Life Through His Eyes (J-Hope, Jungkook & OC)

Forgetful, but not Forgotten (Jungkook, Zelo & OC)

Thank you to those of you who have already subscribed and left some wonderful comments! I'm so grateful. 

And as always, happy reading and have a wonderful day :D

P.S. HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN MONSTA X'S RUSH? UP10TION'S SO DANGEROUS? HOLY COW SO MANY NEW BOY GROUPS MY HEART CANNOT HANDLE LOL. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT IT? Here's a list of the songs and videos I finally had the time to watch and listen to! Give me your own review of it in the comments and let me know about any music videos I need to watch! (Or any dramas because omg I finished Oh My Ghostess too and dang I have no words for my feels)

1. Monsta X - Rush
2 Up10tion - So Dangerous
3. Beast - YeY
4. Girls' Generation - Lion Heart & You Think
5. BTS - Dope
6. Super Junior Devil
7. GOT7 - Just Right

Okay, bye!

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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)