Future Girlfriend

Next Stop, Insanity

Hanuel peered over Jungkook's shoulder as he beat the eggs in the bowl. She raised an eyebrow when he starting stabbing it instead.

“What did the eggs ever do to you?” She took the chopsticks from his hand and began beating the eggs instead. Jungkook stepped back and rubbed his neck in embarrassment, “I didn't know how this worked. Sorry.” Hanuel looked around, “You can at least chop up the onions right?” Jungkook nodded, “I think.” He went over and grabbed the knife before positioning the onion onto the cutting board. Hanuel stopped mixing to watch him. Her eyes widened when he started to cut.

“Yah! Do you not notice how people usually cut it into equal sizes? What are you doing?” She gasped and took the knife away from him. Jungkook hung his head down, “I admit defeat.” She paused,

“Wait does this mean-”

“Yes. This is the first thing you'll ever be better than me at, okay? I can't cook for my life.” He sounded so disappointed that even she felt bad herself. She turned around to find him with the side of his cheek lying against the table's surface.

“How about I teach you how to cook? Then we can have a challenge when you're ready. It's no fun when you're inexperienced.” She offered. Jungkook blinked, “Seriously? You'd do that for me, Miss. Second Place?” Her face fell, “Just when I was trying to be nice.” He chuckled and got up, “I'm kidding. Thanks though. Now teach me.”

“Well, you're trying to stir the eggs so it becomes smooth. You don't stab it. Here,” She handed him the chopsticks while she resumed her earlier task. Jungkook carefully spun the chopsticks around while occasionally glancing at her while she prepared the other ingredients. A small smile made its way onto his lips.

She definitely wasn't the little girl who couldn't cook even if her life depended on it.

“Are the eggs done?” She asked, causing him to snap out of it. He looked back down at the bowl and nodded. She took it from him before pouring it into the pan with the rice. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, “Won't that just make the rice all mushy?” She rolled her eyes, “Watch and learn, peasant.”

She began stirring it inside the pan and added the bits of meat, peas, bits of carrots, and onions. After a while of just cooking, the rice started to change into its light yellow colour.

Jungkook felt bored just watching her. His face lit up when an idea came along. He walked up behind her and rested his chin onto her shoulder. She stiffened, “What do you think you're doing?”

“If we're going to be a couple later on, we might as well practice now.” He didn't even have enough time to react as she turned around and kicked stomach, causing him to wince and stumble back. “You know, I think you're too flexible and strong for your own good.”

“On the contrary, I think it's perfect for erted stalkers like yourself.” She retorted as she turned back around to turn off the stove. Jungkook rolled his eyes as he lifted up his shirt to inspect the damage, “As violent as ever.”

She moved the rice from the pan onto a dish. Jungkook went to get two bowls and spoons. Hanuel placed the finished dish onto the table and smiled in satisfaction.

“I still can't believe you can't cook.” She commented as they sat down. Jungkook looked at her and smirked,

“I still can't believe you can.

- - - - -

They were both sitting on the couch after finishing up dinner and was currently watching television when the phone rang. Hanuel reached over to pick it up.


“Hanuel? Ah, is Jungkook there?” Hanuel blinked before passing the phone to him. Jungkook looked at the phone and mouthed 'who is it?'. Hanuel shrugged with a grin before turning back to the television. Jungkook put the phone to his ear, “Hello?”

“Jungkook, have you eaten dinner yet? By the way, you can come back now. I'm sure Hanuel can manage by herself for the rest of the night. So come home soon, okay?”

“Yeah, I've eaten dinner. Hanuel cooked. And alright, I'll be home soon. Bye, mom.” He pressed the hang-up button and handed the phone back to her.

“You're leaving?” She asked as he got up and headed towards the door. He stopped, turned around, and looked at her. “What? Do you want me to stay?” She starting laughing, “Nope! Bye!” He scoffed.

Of course.

He slipped back on his sneakers and opened the door. Hanuel waved, “Bye. Please don't be in my kitchen tomorrow morning again.” Jungkook smirked,


“No promises.”

- - - - -

Jungkook opened the door to the apartment and walked in. His mom greeted him who was watching a Korean drama on the television.

“Where's dad?”

“The restaurant had some papers needed to be signed so he went back.” His mother explained.

The thing was, the Jeon family owned a quite famous Korean BBQ restaurant in the area. So it was no wonder why Mrs. Jeon was such a good cook.

On the other hand, Hanuel's mom owned a clothing store while her dad was a chief carpenter.

“I see.” Jungkook nodded as he walked back into his room. His face darkened when he walked in. Junghwa was lying on his bed, scribbling on papers. She looked up when he came in,

“Oh, hi oppa. You're back.”

“What are you doing in my room?” He asked as he put his jacket onto his computer chair and walked over to see what she was doing. She quickly took the picture and hid it behind her back as she hopped off his bed,


Jungkook watched her leave his room and sighed.

“Yah, Jeon Junghwa, clean up your crayons!”


- - - - -

Hanuel was in her room the next day, sitting criss-cross on her bed with her laptop on. She scrolled through her emails and was busy replying to them when her doorbell rang. She looked up, “It better not be Jungkook.” She sighed when she got up and headed out of her room to open the door.

“Jungkook, go away-” Her voice died down when she saw who it was.

Junghwa looked up at her with bright eyes and she was holding a pink backpack. Hanuel blinked. Junghwa giggled as she ran and hugged her legs. Jungkook appeared from behind her and looked down,

“Oh, okay. So when she hugs you like that it's okay. You don't kick her and call her a ert. But when I do it, I get a death sentence.” He scoffed. Hanuel looked up and glared at him as she gave the little girl a pat on the head who snuggled in closer.

“Can you watch her for the day? I have to go help out at the restaurant and so does my mom.” He explained. Hanuel nodded, “I don't mind.” Jungkook nodded, “Alright, thanks. See you later. And hey, you dwarf, don't cause your unnie any trouble or else you'll really be in trouble then.” Junghwa turned around and stuck out her tongue at him before turning to look up at Hanuel. Jungkook put his hands into his pockets and walked away as Hanuel closed the door.

“So what do you want to do, Jungie?” Hanuel asked as she picked her up. Junghwa thought about it for a minute, “Let's watch television!” Hanuel raised an eyebrow at her simple request, “Alright then.”

Junghwa laughed- a little too much- at the parts where it was supposed to be funny in the cartoon show. Hanuel couldn't help but laugh because Junghwa seemed like she couldn't stop. All of a sudden, Junghwa got up from her seat and went to sit on Hanuel's lap. Hanuel winced at the sudden weight. Junghwa giggled, “Unnie, I drew you a picture. Do you want to see it?”

“Oh, really? Sure. I'd love to see it.” Hanuel replied. Junghwa grinned, “Okay! Wait right here.” She came back a minute later with her backpack and took out her drawing. Hanuel took it from her hands to take a look.

“Who is who?” Hanuel wondered. Junghwa crawled back onto the couch, “This pretty one is you, and the smaller one is me!” Hanuel smiled at her cuteness but then her eyebrows furrowed in confused, “Wait, but then who is this?”

“That little person with a frown is oppa. He never smiles around me.” Junghwa pouted sadly. Hanuel softened and lifted her back onto her lap and hugged her. Junghwa looked at the picture, “Does oppa not like me?”

“I think he loves you a lot, Jungie. He just doesn't know how to show it.” Hanuel reassured. “Then how come he always yells at me?” Junghwa frowned as her lips quivered. “I'm sure he loves you a lot, Jungie. Don't say that.”

“No. He only smiles around unnie. Oppa doesn't like me at all.” Hanuel raised an eyebrow, but didn't know what to say. Junghwa began to cry and Hanuel's eyes widened.

“Wait, don't cry. He loves you, I'm sure of it.” Hanuel had no idea what to do. Junghwa kept crying as she wiped her eyes. Hanuel racked her mind for something.

“Jungie, why don't we go make sure your oppa loves you, huh?” Junghwa stopped crying, “How do we do that?”

“We'll go visit him at work.” Hanuel winked as she gathered Junghwa's stuff back into her backpack and grabbed her own bag from the table before picking Junghwa up and locking the apartment.

- - - - -

“Your order, sir.” Jungkook smiled as he placed down the dish. He walked back into the kitchen to retrieve the other orders. Today was an exceptionally busy day. There was a waiting line that extended out onto the streets. Jungkook was sweating under his waiter's uniform.

He sighed as he placed the orders onto the plate and brought it back out to the dining area. He's already been doing this for a few hours now, and to be honest, he was tired of it. He walked up to the guy at the cash register, “Can we switch positions for a bit?” The guy nodded, “Sure, Jungkook. Take a rest.” Jungkook nodded thankfully as he sat down onto the chair and told the person the total of their meal.

When the bell above the door jingled, signalling that a new customer had arrived, Jungkook looked up, ready to give them their waiting number.

His eyes rounded when he saw who it was. Hanuel looked up and met his eyes before grinning. Junghwa's back was turned to him. Hanuel made her way through the line of people and up to the cash register. People gave her weird looks because to them, it looked like she was cutting the line.

“What are you guys doing here?” Jungkook whispered when Junghwa turned around. Hanuel walked behind the counter and gave her to him. Junghwa sat there on his lap as Jungkook blinked, flabbergasted.

“Junghwa had something to ask you. I can take over your spot for a bit. Just go take some time with her in the back office or something.” Hanuel said as she pushed him off his seat. Jungkook looked back at her as she smiled at the customers and bowed. He pushed open the door to the back office and walked in with Junghwa in his arms. He set her down onto the lone couch.

“What did you do this time? How come Hanuel had to come all the way here?” Jungkook asked, his tone coming out harsher than he intended. Junghwa looked up and her eyes teared again, “See! I told you! Unnie said you loved me but you don't! You always yell at me!” She accused. Jungkook felt like the wind from his lungs just got knocked out.

Junghwa kept crying, “I hate you! You're the worst! I hate you!” She gasped and halted when Jungkook wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

“I'm so sorry, Junghwa. I didn't mean to be such a horrible brother.” He apologized. “I guess I just don't show it well enough. I promise I'll be a better brother from now on, okay? So please stop crying.”

Junghwa pulled away, “Are you lying to me?” Jungkook laughed and ruffled her hair, “I'm serious. You don't believe your oppa?” Junghwa's face brightened up as she threw her arms around his neck and giggled. “Yay! Oppa loves me!” Jungkook chuckled as he picked her up, “Now will you go home with Hanuel? I bet you caused her a lot of trouble for bringing you here.”

“I didn't do anything! Unnie said she wanted to bring me here to prove that you loved me.” Junghwa blinked. Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he opened the door and came back out. Hanuel turned around at the noise, “Oh, did you guys get it all figured out?” Junghwa nodded, “Thank you unnie! Oppa does love me. Just like you said.”

Hanuel smiled, “I knew it.” Jungkook smiled back.

He owed her one.

Who knew she'd waste that much time to come just so the siblings could make up?

Jungkook looked back at his sister, “Hey, you have to head home now though. We'll be back later.” Junghwa pouted, “But I don't want to go!”

“You can go with your favourite unnie.” Jungkook persuaded. Junghwa shook her head, “No! I like oppa better now.” Hanuel's mouth fell open after giving a customer their number. Jungkook became speechless as well but then his lips curved into a grin, “You lost gain, Miss. Second Place.”

“But Junghwa, you have to go home okay. Oppa's busy and I can't play with you now. Be a good girl and go home alright? I'll be back to play with you later.” Jungkook handed her back over to Hanuel who got up from her seat.

Jungkook handed Hanuel the key to the apartment, “It's getting late and she might fall asleep so you can just go back to our apartment.” She nodded as she took the key and put it into her pocket.

Hanuel grabbed Junghwa's backpack from the counter and let her wave goodbye to her brother before leaving the restaurant.

“So you like Jungkook more than me now?” Hanuel asked as she walked down the streets with Junghwa in her arms.

Junghwa put a finger to her lips and grinned mischievously, “Don't tell oppa, but I will always like you better. I'm just trying to make oppa feel better.” Hanuel laughed, “When did you learn to lie like that?” Junghwa shrugged with a cute expression, “I don't know~”

- - - - -

Jungkook was dismissed from work around 10 at night. His parents had to stay for an extra hour or two to pack everything up. He stretched his arms as he opened the apartment. He took off his shoes and placed them onto the shoe rack but stopped when he saw a pair of shoes that didn't belong in this household. He looked at it, “Hanuel's here?” He walked into the apartment and looked around but the living room was empty.

He walked into Junghwa's room to see if she was in there.

“Junghwa, where's Hanuel-” His eyes wandered to the scene in front of him.

Junghwa was curled up in a ball as she faced the door and Hanuel's arm was draped over her small waist and was sleeping behind her. Jungkook softened at the sight and he felt something inside his heart move. He walked over and took Junghwa's small blanket and draped it over her body. He walked to the other side and smiled when he saw Hanuel's sleeping figure.

He crouched down and lightly shook her awake. Hanuel turned the other way and was now facing him. He stopped breathing when her eyes started to open. He was just about to get up and escape when he saw her awake.

Hanuel opened her eyes fully and saw Jungkook's face merely inches away from hers. She wondered if this was a dream, but then again in her dream she would've done the same thing. She sat up straight and bent over him, “What the hell were you doing!?”

“Waking you up, sheesh. You have school tomorrow and aren't we a bit too old for sleepovers? You're so ungrateful.” Jungkook responded as he rubbed the arm she just kicked. He stood up and was now towering over her.

“More like you were being a ert.” She hissed as she walked out of the room. Jungkook followed after her and closed the door.

“Why can't you wake a person up normally!?” She wanted to scream, but it came out as a whisper instead because she didn't want to wake up Junghwa. Jungkook smirked, “Would you like to hear how I actually wanted to wake you up?”

She turned to him with a dead-panned look, “I don't want to hear it because I can already tell it's erted.” He leaned down near her face and looked her straight in the eye,

“I'd kiss you awake.” He whispered. Her eyes widened before she scrambled back, “You ert!” She grabbed her bag from the couch and walked over to the door as she put her shoes back on. Jungkook leaned against the wall and watched with an amused expression as she starting mumbling things about him.


“I don't know why I even bothered. You're a jerk. A erted jerk. A ert stalker jerk. Ugh! I don't see why girls like you anyway! I feel bad for your future girlfriend already!” She went on and on. Jungkook raised an eyebrow when she opened the door and was about to step out.

“Now, why would you feel bad for yourself?” He commented. She stopped, “What do you mean?”


Now she understood.

“Who said I was going to be your future girlfriend!?” She slammed the door in his face as he smirked.

He just loved teasing her.



 Thank you guys for commenting~ And thank you for subscribing!

 I never knew I'd get that many comments in one chapter ;-; Thank you so much!

 Anyway, I hope you guys like the chapter (:

(I know I enjoyed writing it LOLOLOL.)


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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)