Famous Cousin

Next Stop, Insanity

Hanuel ran up to her cousin after shoving her phone back into her pocket.

The two of them were taking a short trip to the convenience store to buy some new necessities for his family since they apparently had none at their apartment.

That was understandable- considering the fact that they haven't lived there for a few years.

He turned to her, “Do you really not remember me?” She turned and tilted her head to look up at him, “I sort of have a faint idea.” He clucked his tongue in disappointment, “Those days where you called me Channie oppa are gone, aren't they?”

“I called you that?” She blinked. He nodded, “There was also Minnie oppa. Or just oppa.”

“Did I never call you Changmin oppa?” She raised an eyebrow. He shook his head with a grin, “Somebody couldn't pronounce my name back then.” She rolled her eyes with a small scoff, “Well, you can't really blame me.”

He ruffled her hair, causing her to duck away, “You've grown taller, haven't you?” She fixed her bangs, “You've certainly grown since the last time I saw you too.” He nodded in agreement, “I know. I've been told.” She chuckled, “I never knew my cousin was conceited.”

“There's a lot of things you don't know about me.”

“Same goes for me.”

“That's true.”

She looked up once she realized they had arrived, “Here.” He halted in his steps and followed her inside. Changmin looked around, “Not much different from Japan stores.” She turned around, “Well they are neighbouring countries.” He chuckled, nodded, and walked off on his own.

Hanuel felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she furrowed her eyebrows, reaching her hand to check it.

Is your cousin a guy or a girl? ._.

She tilted her head at Jungkook's text.

Why on earth would that be of a concern to him?

My cousin's a guy. Why?

:'( I'm jealous baby

She stared down at her phone with her jaw open.

Seriously, Jungkook?

He's my cousin. What is wrong with you LOL

I'm jealous of any guy that can be near you. Excluding your dad though :D

...Yeah ok there bye

hey wait! D:<

Rolling her eyes, she turned the screen off and went to find her cousin. She spotted him near the cleaning section and walked over. He turned to her, “There's so many different types of air fresheners.” She raised an eyebrow, “Are you going to buy each and every one?”

“I wish.”

“Which one are you buying then?” She crouched down and scanned her eyes over the labels. He looked at them, “I don't know. Choose one for me, Hanuel.” She picked up a random one and handed it to him, “Here.”

She heard him gasp and got up, “What?”

“Apple cinnamon scent?” He blinked. She scrunched up her nose, “If you spray that in your apartment, I'm never coming in.” Changmin put it back, “Do you not like cinnamon?”

“I like eating it. Not smelling it.”

“Makes sense.”

He finally made up his mind with the one labelled Ocean Breeze and walked towards the counter to pay. Changmin looked up at the cashier as she scanned the items. She met eyes with him before she gasped and pointed a finger at him. Hanuel looked up in surprise.

“Are you Shim Changmin?!” She exclaimed. He nodded, “Yeah. Why? Do you know me?”

“Oh my god.” She fanned herself, “I can't believe I'm checking out Shim Changmin's items. Who doesn't know you?”

“I don't.” Hanuel mumbled to herself.

“May I have your signature?” The lady asked, handing him a piece of paper and a pen. He gave her a dashing smile, “Sure, why not?”

She checked out the rest of his items and handed it to him with a big smile, “I'm a big fan of yours. Thank you!” Changmin nodded, “Thanks. Have a nice day.” He turned to Hanuel, “Let's go, kid.” She frowned and followed him out, “Why'd you call me a kid?”

Once they left the store, he turned back to her, “I don't want her mistaking you as my girlfriend. My name would be in the news the following day.”

“You're talking as if you're somebody famous.” She raised an eyebrow.

“I am.”

She stopped walking, “Wait what?” Changmin chuckled and did a little bow,

“Korean and Japanese brand name clothes model, Shim Changmin at your service.”

Her eyes widened, “Are you serious?” He nodded and straightened up, “Have you never seen me in the magazines?”

“I don't really read any.”

He rolled his eyes, “You should.” Hanuel tilted her head and began walking, “I never knew I had a famous cousin. That's cool.” He grinned, “A lot cooler than you last remembered right?”

“I always thought you were cool. You were tall as a kid and I looked up to you for that. Literally.”

“It's nice to hear that my baby cousin likes me so much.” Changmin smiled, but then his eyes softened, “I'm also glad you're not one of those super shy girls that I wouldn't be able to converse with.”

“I'm glad too. I was wondering what kind of cousin it'd be. But I'm glad it's you.” She smiled. He chuckled, 
“Then why don't you call me oppa again?” She looked at him, “It's kind of weird. I haven't called you that in a long time.”

“Exactly. So try now.”

“Which one do you prefer?”


“I'll call you Channie oppa.”

“Sounds good to me.”

- - - - -

After another hour at the skate park, Jungkook and his friends decided to head home.

“God, I should come more often.” Suga winced as he stretched out his back. Jimin have him a comforting pat, “You're just growing old, hyung. Exercise your tired limbs before they rot away.” Suga turned to him with a glare, “Thanks for the advice.”

Oh yeah, I scored another girl's number.” Rap Monster smirked as he fumbled with his phone. Jin leaned over to take a look, “Of course you would, Namjoon.” Rap Monster held up his hands defensively, “Hey, hey. Not my fault she was smoking hot.”

“I bet you only like her because she looked like a girl version of you.” J-Hope commented with a grin. Rap Monster shrugged, “There's no problem with being in love with yourself.” V raised an eyebrow, “I think there's a psychological problem, but no worries hyung. We'll support you.”

The group cracked up at his remark and Rap Monster pretended to choke V with his arm around his neck.

“Hey, hey. Don't go killing him now.” Jin cut in and pried his arm off. “Not after he stated the truth.” Rap Monster's jaw dropped and he turned to the older. Jin smirked, “That's revenge for almost pushing me off the ramp earlier.”

J-Hope slung an arm around Jungkook's shoulder, “You're awfully quiet today.” Jungkook turned to him, “Aren't I always?”

“Yeah. You look pissed. Something happened?” Jimin asked. Jungkook waved his hand in dismissal, “Nah. I'm good.”

“I'm heading home on the bus. Who else?” V questioned. Jimin raised his hand and walked over, “I am.”
“I'm walking home with this guy.” Jin jabbed a finger at Suga. Rap Monster straightened out his shirt, “I'm taking the subway.”

“I'm going with Jungkook.” J-Hope added in.

They big their goodbyes and headed off in their separate ways.

J-Hope turned to Jungkook, “You've been whipped ever since you guys got together. Did you notice?” Jungkook rolled his eyes, “I can't wait to see what you'd be like after you get a girlfriend.” J-Hope was about to reply but Jungkook continued,

“But then again. That won't be happening for a long time.”

J-Hope narrowed his eyes and punched his arm, “Oh shut up.” Jungkook grinned and continued walking.

They neared J-Hope's apartment building and J-Hope took out his keys, “See ya.” Jungkook nodded with a small salute, “Bye Hoseok hyung.”

Jungkook adjusted the skateboard in his arms and continued walking. He took out his phone to check the time, and he frowned when he realized Hanuel hadn't even replied to his last text. He looked up after putting his phone away and he paused.

Hanuel was coming down the other side of the street with a really tall guy.

Jungkook practically glared at him from this distance as he walked towards the apartment building.

Why the hell did she have so many tall guys in her life?

First Zelo, and now this even taller skyscraper.

She was laughing at something he said, and Jungkook felt something within his chest stir.

He didn't like it one bit.

Hanuel looked up, and her eyes rounded a bit when she saw him. Changmin caught her gaze and he looked in the direction she currently was. He tilted his head when he saw Jungkook.

Hanuel and Changmin walked over to him and she looked at him, “Skate park?” Jungkook absentmindedly replied, “Yeah.” Hanuel nodded and looked back at her cousin before her eyes rounded,

“Oh yeah. Jungkook, meet my cousin Changmin. Channie oppa, meet Jungkook- my boyfriend.” She introduced, feeling a bit shy about labelling Jungkook as such.

In other situations, Jungkook would've been overjoyed to hear that she introduced him like that, but this time?

He was a bit ticked off at something else to even notice.

Why did she call him oppa?

The hell?

Changmin good-naturedly and maturely stuck out his hand, “Shim Changmin. Nice to meet you.” Jungkook looked up at him and shook his hand, “Jungkook.” Changmin mentally grinned when he noticed his expression.

Oh, young love. It was amusing, wasn't it?

Changmin walked ahead, “I'll head up first.”

Hanuel was about to call after him when Jungkook grabbed onto her wrist. She turned to him in surprise, “What?”

Her eyes widened in surprise when he pulled her into his chest. She looked around in embarrassment and bit her lip, “Let go.”

“Do you know how sad I was today?” He whispered against her ear. She was about to push him back, but he wrapped his arms around her waist tighter. Her face flushed and she felt her heart hammer against her chest.

“Why did your cousin have to be a guy?” He groaned. She blinked in surprise, “He's my cousin, Jungkook.”

“I hope you know that I'm bothered by any guy near you.”

She rolled her eyes and wrapped her own arms around his waist, “I know now.” He finally began to smile and he pulled back, “You're forgiven.”

Hanuel scoffed as he intertwined their hands, “You're an idiot.”

Your idiot.”

She laughed, “Sure.” Jungkook grinned and leaned in, causing her eyes to cross. He stopped right in front of her face and looked into her eyes,

“You know, I'm still a bit upset.”

She didn't reply in fear that their lips would touch.

So he continued.

“A kiss from you would be enough to get this depressed boy happy again.” He whispered against her lips before tilting her chin up to kiss her. Her eyes widened at first, but then she closed them with a small smile. He pulled back after a few seconds and she opened her eyes to look at him.

“Okay. I'm fine now.” Jungkook smiled but then his face fell, “Wait, why's he going into your house? Don't tell me he's living with you.”

“His family's staying over for dinner.” She replied as they began to walk into the building. Jungkook frowned, “So you ditched my family for his?” She rolled her eyes, “They don't have any food in their fridge, Jungkook.”

“They can go buy it.”


“Do they not have money too?”

She sighed, “Seriously, Jungkook?” He shrugged, “I am serious.”

“They why do you come over for dinner every week?” She raised an eyebrow. He grinned, “To get closer to my parents-in-law.” Her eyes widened and he grinned. She ignored him and went into the elevator. Jungkook got in after her and pushed in the button for their floor level.

Once they arrived, Jungkook gave her hand a small squeeze before opening the door to his apartment but before going inside, he turned to her,

“I'm kidding. I'm not that unreasonable. Have a nice dinner, Hanuel. I'll text you later.”

She softened.

Not many guys would actually say that.

She certainly didn't expect Jungkook to do so but you know what? She was touched.

Hanuel took out her phone.

Thank you, Jungkook<3

- - - - -

Hanuel went inside the apartment and she saw the two fathers and Changmin sitting in the living room. She smiled and greeted them before going into the kitchen. She saw her mother and auntie cooking and she walked over,

“Do you need help?”

Her aunt turned around, “Oh, we're good, dear. You could help us by setting the table, though.” Hanuel nodded, “Okay.”

Her mom placed the dishes of food onto the table and Hanuel put down a bowl for each person. Changmin walked in, “I wouldn't have expected anything less from the two cooks of our family.” Hanuel's mother chuckled, “Thank you, Changmin.”

“Honey, go get the two guys. We're done.” Mrs. Shim chided. Changmin nodded and walked back into the living room.

The two families gathered around the table and after waiting for the parents to get their food, Changmin and Hanuel dug in.

Hanuel put another spoon of rice into and was about to get some more meat when her dad spoke up,

“So what's this I hear about your boyfriend, Hanuel?”

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She looked up at Changmin who gave her a meek and apologetic grin,

“Sorry. I thought your parents already knew.”

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Hi guys! I really am sorry for this late update ;~; But it's because school started and I'm so busy T-T I think the updates from now on will be once every few days, and in worst cases- once a week D: 

I honestly had no idea who some of your guesses were... But maybe I gave off the wrong hints? D: Sorry 'bout that. A lot of you guys guessed who her cousin was correctly- but yeah x] It was Changmin <3 The adorable maknae :3 Just like Zelo! LOL. They're both tall, maknaes...and like food(?) also really handsome and pretty and omg

But yeah! :D That's all. Bye guys! 

OMG WAIT, BUT DID YOU GUYS SEE BANGTAN'S CONCEPT TRAILER AND TEASER? ;~; I think I replayed the concept trailer like a hundred times now but I regret nothing! >:D 

Stupid BTS. Ruining my life bias list.


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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)