She's My Wife

Next Stop, Insanity

Hey, wake up. We're here.” Jungkook nudged her as her head lolled to the front. He reached out to catch her head when she almost fell off his shoulder. He shook her again, “Come on, we have to go.” She finally opened her eyes and yawned. She groggily got up and followed after him like a zombie. He softly chuckled as he thanked the bus driver and got off.

Hanuel walked ahead of him so she could open the door for him. He slipped in and waited for her to follow. They gave a smile to the security guard before walking past him to get to the elevator.

“Are you going with your parents to visit your grandparents this weekend?” Jungkook asked. Hanuel raised an eyebrow, “And how come you know this? You stalker.” Jungkook rolled his eyes, “More like your mom tells my mom everything.”

“Well, no. I'm not. They're going for four days and I need to be at school.” She replied. “So you can see your mark for your project and know that you lost? Again?" Jungkook wondered. She hit his arm, “Jerk.” He chuckled.

When the elevator came to their destination floor, they both walked down the halls to their respective doors. Jungkook turned to her, “Don't miss me.” She scoffed and opened the door, “I won't.”

- - - - -

Hanuel woke up to a loud blaring noise in her ear. She winced and rolled to the other side, trying to avoid it but it just wouldn't stop. She groaned as she opened her eyes and turned off her alarm clock. Her eyes went wide when she saw the time.


She was about to scream and ask her mom why she didn't wake her up for school when she remembered that today was Saturday and her parents had already left for the countryside. She sighed in relief and sat up straight before yawning. She then stood up and stretched out her limbs.  Hanuel rubbed her eyes as she went into the washroom to freshen up.

After she was done, she walked down the hallway and into the kitchen to make breakfast.

She screamed.

For real, this time.

“Why the hell are you here!?” She shouted when she saw Jungkook sitting on her chair at her dinner table playing with his phone. Jungkook looked up and grinned, “Your mom told me to come over and keep an eye on you so you don't do something dumb.”

“How did you get in here?” She interrogated. He pointed at the door and she scoffed.

His eyes trailed to what she was wearing and he raised an eyebrow, “I also suggest you change into something less exposing when there's a male in the room.” Hanuel glanced down at her outfit she was wearing.

A pair of short shorts and a slim fit tank top. She glared at him and hissed, “ert.” Before walking back into her room to change. Jungkook scoffed, “That girl doesn't even know what she's doing.”

She came back out after a minute wearing long sweatpants and a black hoodie. She made a little show of twirling, “There you go, your royal doofus.” Jungkook chuckled, “Much better.” She walked over to the fridge and took the note off the magnet to get a better look.

We will be back on Tuesday evening so I trust you to watch the house okay? By the way, I told the Jeon's to come over and check up on you from time to time because I'll be worried about you. I'm sure you can manage though.

Stay safe, and don't burn the house down.



She wrinkled her nose, “I won't burn the house down.”

“With your cooking skills you might.” Jungkook commented. She turned around, “I can cook much better now.” Jungkook shrugged, “Well then, show me.” Hanuel huffed, “Fine! I will. Now get out so I can cook breakfast for a stupid erted stalker.

“Sheesh, you and your harsh words.”

- - - - -

Jungkook sat on the couch and waited for her to finish cooking. He occupied himself by playing the daily crossword on the newspaper. He was anticipating this because he hadn't eaten her cooking since Grade 3, and that was still a terrifying memory for him.

“King Doofus, your breakfast is ready.” He heard her call. He smirked at the childish nickname and got up.

“Well, well. Let's see how this tastes.” He sat down while she placed the homemade pancakes onto the plate in front of him. He raised an eyebrow when she placed the other foods onto his plate.

“What is this?”

She sat down across from him and looked at him, “What is what?”

“This?” He picked up the thing he was talking about from his plate and she cracked a grin.

“It's an octopus wiener. What, you've never heard of it? You deprived child.” He examined the cut up hotdog and raised an eyebrow, “You've got some creativity.” She smiled, “I know.” He chuckled and went back to his breakfast. He glanced up to see her eating.

Does she not care about his opinion on her cooking?

He went back to his food.

She looked up from her food to see him eating as well.

What? Was he not going to give his opinion on her cooking?

She also went back to eating. When he was done, he put his chin onto his hands and watched her eat. She looked up at him and blinked, “What?” He shrugged, “Just watching how you eat like a piggy.”

“A piggy!?” She frowned and put her utensils down. “Fine, I won't eat anymore.” He laughed, “I'm kidding. Eat, you idiot. I'll go wash my own dish.” He got up and walked to the sink while she glared at his back figure.

She finished her breakfast in peace and she got up and gave him his plate. He looked at her and she grinned back innocently, “The least you could do is wash the dishes for eating such an extravagant breakfast.” He looked down as his bangs fell over his eyes and lightly laughed, “Fine.”

He put the last dish onto the drying rack and dried his hands on the towel. He walked out of the kitchen to see Hanuel lying on the couch with her arm over her head and her leg propped up.

Did she fall asleep?

He waved his hands around her face.

No reaction.

He was about to sit down on the other couch when he felt a hand grab his wrist and he jerked backwards. Hanuel sat up and grinned at him, “Finished the dishes yet?” He nodded, “Yeah. What do you want to do?” She blinked at him, “What do you mean? You can leave now. I cooked breakfast without burning the house down.” He leaned down closer to her, “What if I don't want to?” Her breath hitched as she pushed him back, “Yeah, well I don't want a ert here so you may leave.”

“Who said we had to stay in the house to be together?”

- - - - -

“Yah, Hanuel!” Jungkook caught up to her as she sped up her walking pace.

“I have no idea why I even bother to hang out around you.” She mumbled as she put her hands into her hoodie pockets. Jungkook grinned as he walked beside her, “Maybe because you can't live without me.” She rolled her eyes, “Yeah right. Where are we going anyway? You dragged me out here. I demand an explanation.”

Jungkook shrugged, “I was just planning on walking around, to be honest. But I heard there's a carnival in town.” Hanuel's face brightened, “Seriously? A carnival!? Let's go there.” She exclaimed as she almost ran ahead. But then she halted and turned around,

“Wait, where is it?”

Jungkook scoffed, “You're an idiot. It's that way.” He pointed. fell open, “Oh okay.”

- - - - -

Jungkook watched as her eyes practically lit up when she saw the stuff at the carnival.

Was she that excited to be here?

She turned to him and her face fell, causing his to turn back into a bored expression was well.

“What are you looking at?” She wondered. “You.” He replied. She stepped back warily, “And why?” “You look like a kid who got a whole ton of presents on Christmas day.” She shrugged, “It's because I'm happy, duh.”

They walked further into the carnival. A guy came up to them holding a card,

“Come one, come all! Your free fortune reading today! Let the magical crystal ball reveal all the answers to your questions!” He advertised. Hanuel blinked, “Does it actually work?” Jungkook face-palmed at that.

Why did she have to be so gullible?

The man grinned, “For sure! Come along, young lady. We'll get your reading done right here.” They walked into a tent where a girl was sitting down. She was all dressed up like one of those fortune readers in movies.

Hanuel sat down in front of her as the girl looked at her.

“What do you wish to know about?”

“Will I ever beat my rival?” Hanuel questioned. Jungkook watched in amusement from her question. The lady nodded as she spoke out some random words and wiggled her fingers around the ball, acting as if she was possessed.

“I have the answer!” She declared. She pretended as if she was reading inside the ball. “Your rival beats you in everything you do and it's not by a mile. They beat you by such a small difference that you get annoyed easily, is that right?”

Hanuel's mouth fell open at her accurate reading and nodded like an over-excited puppy.

“The answer is that you'll never beat him.” She replied.

Hanuel's face fell.






Never!?” Hanuel gasped. The lady nodded, “He's out of your league. I'm sorry. Next!” Hanuel frowned as she got out of the seat and Jungkook gave her a pat on the head, “Eternally Miss. Second Place.” She gave him a fierce glare as he held up his hands in surrender.

The lady pointed at Jungkook, “Young man, you're next.” Jungkook's eyes widened, “What me?” She nodded. “You look like you have a lot of questions.” Jungkook didn't believe in these things but he went over anyway.

“What do you wish to know about?”

Jungkook pondered for a moment.

“Does Lee Hanuel and I have a future together?” He asked. Hanuel's mouth dropped open, “Say what!?”

The lady nodded as she closed her eyes and began moving her hands around the ball. She moved her body this time as well before her eyes opened.

“The answer to your question is....”

“You guys have a future together. It won't be the near future but it will come soon. You just have to wait for the right time.” She explained. Jungkook nodded with interest while Hanuel felt like smashing her head against a wall. When they left the tent together, Jungkook slung his arm around her shoulder and laughed.

“So, we're going to be together, huh?” She shrugged off his hand and walked further away from him, “I would never fall for my rival.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her, “Didn't you just hear her? She said we did. She even got the part about you never beating me right too.” Hanuel simply frowned even more and walked away. He chuckled as he walked behind her.

Did she really believe all that?

“Hey, I'm kidding.” He walked up to her as she turned to him with a pout. “I hate you, so much.”

He waved his hand as if dismissing the matter, “I know you do.”

“Hey, they have those water gun shooting contests! Let's go play. I'll beat you in it.” Hanuel challenged. “Do you really want to lose to me in public now too?” He teased. She sighed in frustration and grabbed his hand, dragging him over. He looked down at their hands and smirked at her boldness.

She let go once they reached the tent. The girl operating the tent didn't even bother to look up as she played on her phone.

“Fifty-cents per person. Just put your coins on the counter and tell me when you want to start.” She said lazily. Jungkook took out a dollar and put it on the counter. Hanuel looked at him, “I'll pay you back after this.”

“Could you start it, please?” Hanuel requested. The girl nodded as she hit a button,

“I'll count to three. Just hit and aim for the hole so that the bar fills up to the top. Whoever wins gets the toy on top of it.”

“One, two three.” She counted. Hanuel focused her gaze to the target and began shooting. She glanced at Jungkook's bar who was on the exact same level as hers. When they both reached the top, she held her breath to see who had won.

The light flickered for Jungkook's bar.

Hanuel gaped at him, “What! We tied! How is that even possible!?” Jungkook shrugged as he got up, “I'm just too skilled.”

The lady finally stood up from her seat and stood up. That's when her eyes fell onto Jungkook. Her eyes widened as she quickly turned around to fix her hair. She then turned around and gave him a dazzling smile,

“Which toy would you want?” She asked sweetly. Hanuel was confused at her sudden change of behaviour. Jungkook turned to her, “What toy do you want?” Hanuel turned to him with a dead-panned look, “What? Is this my losing trophy? No thanks.” She walked away, leaving Jungkook there.

The lady cleared , “So which toy will it be, handsome?” Jungkook mentally gagged.

“The Totoro one there, thanks.” She got up and grabbed it for him before handing it to him.

“Is that girl your girlfriend?” She asked, hoping he would say no.

“No, she's not.” Jungkook looked up. The lady's face brightened, “Is that so?”

“She's my wife.” He declared as he walked away with a smirk. The lady gasped, “What!?”

Jungkook walked towards Hanuel who was looking around at some paintings at another tent and shoved the toy in front of her face. She stepped back and looked at him, “What are you doing?”

“Giving this to you.” He said in an obvious tone. She blinked, “Why?”

“Consider it a pity gift because when our results for the project are handed back on Monday, I'll win the bet.” He smirked. “Ha-ha, very funny. I know I'll win. Now go away. I don't need your stupid gift.”

He sighed when he realized she wouldn't accept it this way. He grabbed her wrist and spun her around, “Just take it okay? Just think of it as a thank-you gift for always inviting us over for dinner or something.” She became speechless at his changed tone. She hesitantly grabbed the doll from him, “Fine.”

He smiled when she took it, “Don't burn it when you get home.”

“Don't worry. I'll be surprised if I even bring it home without trashing it.”

- - - - -

It was way past noon now, and they were both hungry after walking around for half the day. Jungkook turned to her, “Do you want to go eat something?” She shrugged as she held onto the doll, “I can just go home and cook something.”

“Is this an invitation for me to come over?” He chuckled. She scoffed, “No way. You can eat alone, you doofus.” He pretended to be hurt, “How could you say something so rude? I'll help you cook, how about that?” She sighed, “Fine. But we have to stop by the grocery store to buy some ingredients.”

“What do you plan on cooking?” He asked as they walked towards the grocery store.

“Whatever I feel like.” She replied. Once they arrived, she grabbed a basket and shoved it into his hands. She also placed the doll inside and stifled her laughter as she walked inside. He rolled his eyes and followed after her. Kids blinked when they saw him holding the doll. One little girl went over to her mom and asked,

“Why is that oppa carrying a doll like that?” Her mom shrugged, “Maybe he's giving it a ride.”

Hanuel burst out laughing as Jungkook hid his face. He glared at her, “Take this doll away.” She turned around, “No way. You told me to keep it. You're giving it a ride remember?” He sighed, “Whatever. Just hurry up, please.”

“I think I'll make some Beijing Fried Rice.” She decided as she went to get the required ingredients.

She went to buy a carton of eggs, and some green onions. She also went buy the candy aisle and bought herself a box of strawberry Pocky. She turned to him, “Do you want anything?”

“No.” He replied. She felt bad for making him hold everything, “Let's go buy some mint chocolate ice cream. That's your favourite right?” He was speechless at her suggestion.

The last time he told her that was way back in elementary school. He grinned when he realized she actually remembered.

She led him into the ice cream aisle and she looked around for a tub of mint chocolate ice cream. She grinned when she found it and she opened up the freezer to take it out. She held it and tilted her head at him, “There. Now we're even.”

They went to pay for it, and Hanuel managed to push Jungkook's wallet onto the ground so she could pay for the stuff before he did. She grabbed the bags and gave him the plush toy as they walked out.

“Seriously? You're acting like the man here.”

“What? I held the doll already. Maybe after giving it a ride, it also wants a hug. So hug it.”

“No. I'd rather hug you.”

She stopped in her steps, “Stop joking around.” She shook her head as she walked ahead of him. Jungkook sighed.

Who said he was?

He reached for her hand that was holding one bag and held onto it. She turned to look at him with wide eyes as he grinned at her, “There, now we'll hold it together.” She quickly retracted her hand and stepped away causing him to laugh.

“See? Was letting me hold it that hard? Now I'll hold the bags and you can hold the toy.” He put the toy back into her arms and took the other bag from her as well. She let out a groan of frustration before following after him,


This guy.

The things he did sometimes made her speechless.

“Hurry up. Totoro's probably dying from the heat and your mishandling!” He called out.

“Oh, shut up, Jungkook!”



Thank you guys for reading! ^-^ 

And thank you subscribing and commenting (: 


If you guys don't know what an octopus wiener is, just look it up xD I make my hotdogs like that all the time.

I J-Hope you guys liked the chapter. LOLOL. See what I did there? 

Sorry. My bad puns ;-; Ignore that.


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[160203] Next Stop, Insanity- It's finally complete! Thank you to everyone for sticking with me :)


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atasiwi #1
19941991 #2
14 streak #3
Chapter 50: Great story! I can't stop squealing like an idiot whenever I read about jungkook XD I would read the sequel but it's not finished... ;__;
ahhhh this was so good!
New reader<3
I can't wait to come to the end:)
Chapter 21: This is beautiful and I’m very happy reading this. Thank you!
Chapter 48: And done (againXD)