

Which is your Channie? Himchan from B.a.p or Gongchan from B1A4?


The woman tried to make a decision and tried to understand her feelings for both of them. Which one does she like as a friend and which one stole her heart? Himchan or Gongchan? She felt sorry for the one she left alone but she couldn't have both. A sight left her lips as she saw the group of mans. A light smile went on her face as she realised that he has seen her. “Channie!”, she said with a cute smile and got close to the group... 


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Chapter 4: *best friend
Chapter 4: even though neither of them are my biased but I like Himchan's part the most. so romantic lol :) and if I were the girl, I would chose my bes griend though cause he might appeared to understand me well ^^ I enjoy reading this story :)