Sehun's Review and Recommendation Café [Closed]




current status: |Closed | Slow update|


Ask for review! 

This is the right place for you if you would want a detailed review rather than a few lines because we will try our best to be as detailed as possible and be as helpful as we can!


Recommendation: Most of the recommended stories I recommend are one-shot so you could enjoy them on a daily basis! I will try to update one  one-shot recommendation on a monthly basis (at least)!


Review: You could request for review for you story! What's different from the other shops around is that you can actually choose whether you want your story review to be graded or not! You can request for non-graded review, where no score or markings will be given! Moreover, you can request as many times as you want! 

Old reviews can be found here: ‣The Good Ol' Days

☂ Recommendations

☁ Reviews



1. For a review request, send your request form in the comment section and it's compulsory to comment again upon receiving/after reading the review. Please do write us a long- feedback and thoughts, we'll appreciate it! (Yes, we do keep track of this.)


2.You must subscribe to have your request accepted and do not unsubscribe, it's the least you can do for the effort we put into the reviews. Upvotes are highly appreciated!


3. It's compulsory to credit the review, so credit this shop by putting a link back to this café in your foreword/description page with reviewer's usernameDo not put a link to the chapter of your review, just a link back to this shop, thank you!

eg. pilsuk123 from Sehun's Review & Recommendation Café


4. Do not complain or bash us regardless of your final score of the review. If you can't handle criticism or feedback, I suggest to reconsider getting a review.


5. Reviews might sound harsh but it's only if necessary so that it could help you. We try to be as honest and as helpful as possible to help!


6. All types of stories are allowed in this shop. Including , , disturbing, , violence, coarse language or rated M stories. 


7. Depending on the reviewer, reviewers have the rights to read only up to 12 chapters, or more only when the assigned reviewer finds it necessary. Chaptered stories should at least have 3 or more chapters to be reviewed fairly and correctly.


8. Please be patient and understanding while waiting for your review, it takes time to write up a detailed review. Password is Yehet.


9. As mentioned, you could have the privilege to choose a non-graded review where there will not be marks/score given. For example, a graded review will have a grand total of 200 marks but a non-graded review will not have any grades or scores.


10. Text selection MUST be allowed for reviewing purposes.


request form



Story's link:



Preferred Reviewer: (If any) 


Graded review: Yes/ No

Additional Comments: 





Title: (-/20)

Originality and uniqueness of the title will be commented briefly. Additionally, how does the title relates and connect tp story's plot has to be clear and obvious. Is the title interesting enough to catch reader's attention?

Overall Appearance: (-/5)

Overall appearance includes commenting on poster, background picture, layout, font and size, paragraphing will all be commented.

Description & Foreword: (-/20)

The description and foreword is as important as the story's title, it has to be eye-catching, interesting, short and sweet and must be related to the story. The description and foreword shouldn't be revealing too much or too little information and the page has to be pleasing looking. Any grammar/language mistakes should be raised and corrected if neccasary.

Plot: (-/30) 

Originality of the plot takes up a huge part in plot's marking. However, do not misunderstand that overused/cliché plot will definitely be unoriginal. If the author is able to take an overused/cliché plot and mold it into a original plot with plot twists or written with a different aspect, reward the author. The plot aspect has to be unique, interesting, exciting, surprising and most importantly, it has to be realistic. Comment on story plot about what the reviewers like and dislike and explained how to make it better or how to improve it. A good plot needs complications/problems to thicken the plot and to make it entertaining to read. Lastly, the ending of the plot has to be impactful and has to achieve reviewer/reader's satisfactory. 

Originality: (-/30)
Language: (-/20) 
Firstly, comment on author's writing style, overall language/grammar abilities and author's descriptive writing. For descriptive writing, was the author able to move or touch reader's feelings and emotions through writing, in other words, were the author able to deliver her writings well? Secondly, point out author's mistakes and explained on how to improve them. Some common mistakes to look out for is grammar, inconsistent tenses, incomplete sentences, punctuation, fragmented sentence structure, informal writings, capitalizing etc) Reviewers could add anything else that relates to language but also do not forget to show the solution on how to improve them.
Writing Style: (-/20)
Characterization: (-/30)
The characters in the story has to at least be realistic and memorable to the readers, for example: A perfect human being is less likely to be realistic for liking. There should be excessive or adequate information of the main characters, which includes their background, past, features, physical appearance and characteristics.

Flow: (-/30)

The flow of the story has to flow smoothly from one scene to another, by constantly changing point of view would likely lead to being choppy. The pace of the story has to good enough for readers to catch up but it mustn't be too slow that it might turn off readers. The author has full control of the flow and pace of the story, reviewers can comment and give their opinion if it's going too fast/slow. Changing scene/point of view/chapter can be tough as authors must be able to pull it off by describing the scene fully before continuing. 

Reader's Scope/ Overall Enjoyment: (-/10)

This is probably the part where reviewer's personal opinion is advice but fully explain the reasons why you did or did not enjoy the story. This segment is a individual standing segment where despite everything that the author did not manage to pull off. Some examples that could be written here are as the following:  You love the author's writing style, the story was interesting, you love the characters in the story etc. More importantly, voice out opinion and thoughts based of as a reader point of view instead of a reviewer.

Bonus (+10)

Grand Total: (-/200) 


affiliates{Comment to be afflies<3} 

NEON™ Request Shop Whatever- the 2nd shop ◜Coffee Candy◞ Reviews ~Halo~ Reviews  Somnium Review Shop  

| On Glory's Edge  |  ❝f(snsd) magazine❞ The PROMI5E box |  ☼Summer review shop | ↻ the OB·SID·I·AN shop 

| ❝tried to walk❞ Shark & Eleohant Review CinnamonFrappé shop ◖ halcyon days ▬ shoppe ME0WXX'S SHOP 

|Cloudy Day, Clear Day Reviews ↻ The ωanderℓust Café ➟ | ♪♫ Midnight Sonata Café ♫♪ Halcyon Review Shop 

❁Crimson Twilight Review Shop❁ euforia Paper Hearts ℙandora's Box Review Shop |




  Hiring Peferences:

   ✿ Efficient and detailed

   ✿ Able to write long reviews  and review long chatered story

   ✿ Stay as a permanent reviewer (Hiatus + Breaks are allowed)

   ✿ Horror, , fantasy reviewers are needed!

  ✿ Devoted into spending time into reviewing and reading stories in aff.






/update 23.09.2014

Hello all! This is pilsuk123 here and first and foremost thank you so much for being so patient and supportive of Sehun'a R&R Café because despite waiting a long time for your reivews, all of you are so nice and understanding. So thank you so much! It's that point of time that I'm so close to closing the shop because the reviewers and I are all so busy with our lives so please do wait a little longer and I'm sure we'll do our very best to provide good review for you <3

/update 07.01.2015

It's 2015! Happy (late) new year to everyone out there! May this year be the year to remember and stay safe alright! The shop will be accepting a batch of requests before we closed again but pelase be prepared that all reviews will take about 2-4 weeks to complete! And the shop recruited a few new and awesome reviewers so be sure to check them ou


Happy one year anniversary to Sehun's R&R shop :""


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Chapter 211: i hope u dont deactivate the acc yet as i want to read it as a learning for me thanks :)
I don't suppose you guys will be open again soon? //bricked
Chapter 282: thank you for the review! <3
I sent the application form~^^
Hi~^^ I'd like to apply to be a reviewer. If you have any questions please contact me on my profile or PM me~^^ thanks
reikundesho #7
Title: Of Fingers and Lullabies
Story's link:
Length: Prologue/3
Password: Yehet
Preferred Reviewer: pilsuk
Themes: angst, tragedy, slightly romcom
Graded review: Yes
Additional Comments: I enjoyed and appreciated the last review pilsuk provided me the last time, which was for my fic Awake My Soul. I would like to thank you again for that! It totally helped me into correcting the mistakes you acknowledged. Anyway, I would be more than privileged if you reviewed my this Chanbaek piece. I posted this almost a year ago btw :) I don't really mind if it will take time. I completely understand. Thanks again!
sevenpixels #8
Chapter 278: Oh my, thank you so so so so so much! I will go improve on my story and hopefully you'll still accept requests!
caleesia #9
Chapter 282: Thank you so much for the lovely review!
Yes, I did look around for graphic shops, but the only two I liked were on hiatus so I decided the poster would just have to wait. And thanks for your positive comments on the description, because that was the part I spent the most time writing and I honestly worried about giving too much away. But there were a lot of things I drew from personal experience, so seeing that you seem to be able to relate to the story and characters really makes me happy as a writer. I would love to request another review later on when I've uploaded more of the cic (when I have time to write more of the fic), but for now I've credited the shop! Thank you!