iTunes Drabbles - Challenge [02]


Some drabbles written within the timeline of 12 songs from iTunes whilst on iTunes DJ. Various pairings but predominately OnKey focused.


Title: iTunes Drabbles - 02
Pairing: OnKey, OnHo/TofuHo, and brief!JongTae (No way, I actually can’t believe I just typed this pairing… O.o)
Rating: PG-13-15
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst, Drama - a mix
Words: 1,769 (in total) - 12 drabbles
Disclaimer: I do not own SHINee (oh the shame), unfortunately all I own is the fragments of my over imaginative mind.
A/N: iTunes thing again because it is quick and is the only way I can produce drabbles, plus because of the time limit you have to get it complete, otherwise I would never finish them, kekekeke (=>.<=). I also tried to mix up the pairings a little, I still can’t believe I wrote JongTae (well pretty much non-existent JongTae, but it is there!), as you will see I couldn’t steer too far away from OnKey, to my OTP I will remain faithful, kekekeke (=^.^=).  Thank You, I hope these are bearable (>.<). Taken from my LJ account; villa_visualkei.


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