iTunes Drabbles - Challenge [OnKey focused]


Some drabbles written within the timeline of 12 songs from iTunes whilst on iTunes DJ, OnKey focused.



Title: iTunes Drabbles
Pairing: OnKey (one het!OnKey) / brief!JongKey
Rating: PG-13-15
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst, Drama - a mix?
Words: 1,446 (in total) - 12 drabbles
Disclaimer: I do not own SHINee (oh the shame), unfortunately all I own is the fragments of my over imaginative mind.
A/N: I really want to be able to write drabbles... but it really seems as though they are not for me, hahahaha. I don't know. I think most of these turned out terrible, but please do read and comment anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts; in fact I need to hear them. Please forgive me for the mistakes in grammar and spelling, writing within the time limit of some of the songs was practically impossible for me, hahahaha. Oh well, please try and enjoy anyway... even though the majority of these and are pretty depressing (>.<). Thank you. Taken from my LJ account; villa_visualkei.


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