
Betrayal and Forgiveness


Eric held the crinkled paper in his hands, trying to understand what his sister was trying to tell him. He had gotten some of it down but she had spoken too quickly and quietly that some of it didn't make sense. When he was making his way home, Ms. Yoon called out to him from her porch, telling him that she had bad news. His heart sank when he heard what had happened. He knew that what Daniel did for a living wasn't safe and that at one point he would have to see him in handcuffs but never did he think that Christine would have been taken too. The elderly woman sat him down, offered him some food and told him that maybe they would get word of something soon.


Yard...Under the tree...There is no tree in the backyard.”, he scratched his head in frustration.

“Above the stars?”, he laid back in his bed, looking at the ceiling. “A tree shaped constellation?”


He got up and took the back door out. “Aish, noona what were you trying to say?”

He walked around the small yard, saying the first few lines over in his head and mumbling out some possible answers. As he heard the call of an owl he looked back at their home. And there, right next to the back door, he saw the tree she was talking about. The first year they lived there, they couldn't afford a Christmas tree, so Daniel spray painted one on the outside wall and put down the few presents he was able to buy for them. Eric ran to the back porch and touched the worn out paint. Under the tree.


He kneeled down and saw the other bricks were painted as presents, they had done that after their second Christmas, adding something different each year. Above the stars. One present near the center had a star as a ribbon and smaller stars on the 'wrapping paper'. He touched the brick above it and felt it move a little. Before continuing he ran inside and searched for a flash light. When he returned he carefully removed the brick and placed it on the ground next to him. With the flashlight in his hand he took a quick look around to make sure that no one was watching him and put the light beam inside the empty space.


There was a small box inside and he took it out, putting the brick back and taking the box with him inside. He picked up the dining table that had been turned over from when the police arrived and placed the box and scrap of paper with the riddle on the top. There was a combination lock and it needed four numbers for it to be opened. He looked at the paper again, the only clue he had gotten was the word birthday. Since this was for him he figured it must be his. He put in the month and date carefully and the top popped open. Inside was a key and attached to it, a tag. The tag was worn out and the writing was slightly faded but he could tell the address and he knew where it was because he had just been there.


When he arrived at the train station he went to the lockers. He had to get off and on three trains to get to this one and he hoped that whatever it was Christine wanted him to find, it would be worth it. Locker #320. He made sure no one was looking and pushed in the code that was on the back of the tag and insert the key to unlock it. Inside was a black backpack. It was a little heavy and he went inside the nearest bathroom, locking himself in a stall and let out sigh before ping it. The first thing he saw was an envelope with his name on it.




If you're reading this then that means that I'm either dead or in jail because of your idiot brother. That's right, your idiot brother, I should tell you now that I'm adopted...Okay bad time for a joke. Anyway, things probably didn't go as planned but you know your sister~ I've always had a plan B for you. This should help with some stuff, don't be reckless with it! I worked hard to keep this up for you so you'd better not ruin it.

I'm sorry we failed you. It's bad enough mom and dad did but I never wanted to disappoint you Eric, you're my baby brother. And don't put all the blame on Daniel, if I'm in trouble it's because I did something stupid too, you know me, I'm rash sometimes. You'll be fine, you're smart but don't sulk too long. Noona loves you, so does your hyung, never forget that and one day we'll be back together again, I promise.


Eric felt tears overflow in his eyes as he finished reading the letter, some falling onto the paper and wetting the ink. He sniffed and put the letter neatly back into the envelope. After wiping his eyes he opened the backpack wider and with it so did his eyes. Inside was another rectangular plastic semi transparent bag. It resembled a concrete block and even though it wasn't completely translucent he could see all of the neatly stacked bills of money. He didn't know how much was in there but from the weight he could tell it was a lot. He felt something else shift around in the bag and he carefully balanced the package of money on his lap and pulled out a solid black case. On the front, slipped inside the clear lining was a note.




He gulped before slowly ping it and realized why she had put that note there. Inside was a shiny, chrome 9mm glock with a box filled with extra bullets. Eric nearly dropped everything from the shock but held it together and zipped everything back inside the backpack before leaving the stall. He splashed some cold water on his face at the sink and ran his hands through his hair, tugging on it hard to make sure that he wasn't in a dream. He took a long look at himself in the mirror and left, taking the train back home.


Eric sat at the dining room table again, the house quiet and not as messy, he cleaned up the second he got home. It was almost 2am and it had been an hour since he last heard from his sister. He had counted all the money, wondering how she had kept nearly 11 million won a secret from himself and Daniel. He wasn't used to it being so quiet, so...lonely. When he would come home from school, Christine would heat him up whatever she had made for dinner or what they went out to get. And every time she said the same thing. “You'd better eat it and like it because I had to fight off five hungry men for it.”


A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts and he stared at it, hearing another knock. As quietly as he could he grabbed the gun from the table top and walked towards it, who ever it was it would at least scare them considering he didn't really now how to use it. The knocking continued, non stop and he looked through the peep hole but who ever it was had it covered. Eric inhaled and slowly turned the lock and opened it, keeping the gun hidden behind it.


Eric? You're Eric Chae, right?”


He looked at the navy blue uniform that he wore and shook his head slightly, the gun shaking tentatively in his hand. Yongguk shut his eyes, knowing that he should have been more cautious with approaching him, but he didn't have any time to make the plan accustomed to anyone's needs.

“Look there isn't a lot of time, I need to get back and I'm going to need your help if you want Daniel and Christine back.”


Eric slowly brought his hand out and Yongguk's eyes went directly to the gun he had.

“Okay, how about you calm down and just give me the gun.” He held his hand out slowly, palm side up.


The younger boy shook his head, bringing it closer to his chest. “How are you going to get them back? And why do I have to help?”


Yongguk rubbed his face harshly, letting out a groan. He thought that it would've gone more smoothly but the kid was smart in asking questions.

“I was the officer assigned to your brother's case...I-”

“You're the reason he's in jail? You're the reason the guys I think of as family are there. You're the reason Christine is in there?!”

His hand shook as he gave Yongguk an angry look and he recognized it from Christine except it wasn't as hurtful since he had never met him.

“I didn't arrest them.”, he clarified. “...I wasn't planning on it either...”


Eric scoffed, “Why should I trust you?”


Yongguk cringed, he was right, why should he? “You shouldn't...I lied to your sister but...I want to make it right so, you're just going to have to.”


Eric had nothing to lose so he motioned for him to come inside. Yongguk entered, picking up two boxes he had put down on the porch. He noticed the money on the table with the spare ammunition and turned to face the younger boy with a questioning look.

“Christine left these for me...She wanted to make sure that I would be okay if anything happened.”, he explained.


Yongguk put the boxes down and Eric continued to hold onto the gun, hoping that he hadn't made a mistake by letting him in.

“How do you Christine? You said you lied to her...How do you know her, Daniel doesn't let her have any friends, especially not any guy friends...who are cops.”


He stuck his hands in his pockets, “I...I'm kind of her boyfriend...” He saw the confusion in Eric's face and just continued his story. “She didn't know I was a cop. When they handed me the file, I took it and before I even started to track down your brother, I met her. Things got complicated and I just never told her...I was planning on it, I really was.”, he sighed, finding a chair to sit down in. “I was going to tell your brother and his friends that they should leave, get out of the country or something, hell I know people that would've helped...But they sent out the squad cars before I could tell them that I needed more time. I didn't know that they were going to arrest them tonight.”


But now I want to make things as right as I can. So I need your help for that, they won't leave without you, are you going to help me or not?”


Eric had no choice, if this guy had even the slightest chance to bring back his family he was going to do whatever he had to. “Fine, what do I have to do?”


Yongguk stood up, pulling out a set of keys from his pocket. “Pack up whatever you can, things that you and your brother and sister would die without. Don't worry about things that can be replaced. When you're done, there's a black SUV in this parking garage. You can drive right?”

Eric stepped away as he handed him the keys. “Daniel taught me but, I don't have a license...”


Yongguk stared at him for a second before letting out a laugh, “Are you kidding? You let a cop inside your house while you're holding an unregistered illegal weapon, there's at least a few thousand won on that table with even more bullets, and I just told you I was going to help your family, who are now considered convicted criminals, break out of jail. I think driving without a license is the least of your worries right now.”


He shook it off, agreeing with him. “Okay fine, and then what just toss everything in and wait?”

Yongguk nodded, “If I'm not back by 4...then there's a chance I might have not made it out. If that does happen then...This person can help you out, just tell him what happened and he'll help you get situated.”

Along with the keys he handed him a small slip of paper scribbled with the name and number. Eric took them with a shaking hand, nodding slightly and Yongguk headed to the door.

“Oh, you have a fireplace?”, he asked suddenly.


Uh yeah wh-”

“Burn everything in those boxes.”, he pointed to the two boxes that were sitting on the floor.

Eric glanced at the items and was going to ask why but Yongguk had already left.



What are you in for sweetheart?”


Christine looked to her right and saw that the other woman who was in the cell with her had woken up.

“I'm not sure.”, she chuckled weakly, “Maybe accessory to something, I don't know.”


The older woman furrowed her brows and scooted to the edge of the cot.

“You don't seem like trouble.”, she said.

Christine shrugged, “I think the real crime is falling for the wrong guy...and maybe being related to another.”


The woman shifted around, crossing her legs as she leaned back against the wall.

“Is the guy you fell for the same one that's related to you?”

Christine and her shared a look before laughing together. “I mean, I don't judge or anything.”


She shook her head, “No, no. They aren't the same person...It's a little twisted but nothing like that.”


Well I don't think I should be one to give out advice, I mean look at where we're at but...You can't control who you fall in love with and you can't control who's in your family. And if they love you, you should never doubt it.”


She thought back to Yongguk and how he told her to believe him. It was true, he wasn't there when they came to arrest them but, he should've told her sooner. Although maybe if he had told her sooner she probably would've left him, and then somehow tell Daniel that they all had to leave. Maybe. That is if by then she hadn't already mentally declared her love for him. Christine sighed and leaned back against the wall, thinking of how things might have gone for them.



She looked up at the harsh whisper and saw Yongguk looking around and as quietly as he could opened the cell door. She raised her brow but didn't move from where she was.

“Come on!”, he hissed, continuing to keep an eye out.

“Why?”, she asked cooly.


Yongguk grumbled and took another look around before stepping inside to lift her up. “Let's go now.”


Why?”, her voice was more forceful as she tugged her arms away from him and put her hands on her hips.


Because I have your brother and his friends in a transport van and I promised Eric I would bring you back so we have to leave now!”


W-what?” He pulled her a few steps forward but she made him stop.


I'll explain later but we need to leave, I don't know how long the cameras will be down. I'm not good with technology and I just clipped wires. I don't even know if they were the right one's so let's go!”


He led her around the empty hallways of the station, keeping her body closely behind his. There weren't many officers anymore, some having left right after Yongguk said they could deal with everything in the morning. Christine tried to ask him questions but he would only shush her and say that he would tell her when they were already driving. Once outside he quickly opened the back doors and helped her inside.

“Chris!” She was squished by their bodies as she stumbled in, the doors slamming shut behind her.

“D-Daniel are you okay? Is everyone okay?”, she reached out and felt one of their hands lock with hers, pulling her to sit down as the van started moving.

“Simon?” She recognized his cologne and hugged him. He pressed her flush against his body, rubbing her back soothingly and sighing in relief.

“We were so worried!” Daniel felt around for her and Simon moved out of the way.


Where is he taking us?”, she heard Intae's voice.


He didn't tell them...Christine kept shut, still not knowing how things would go if she told them.


I don't know, but here's what we're going to do.”


She heard them planning a break once the doors opened again and she knew that she was going to have to tell them. Christine went through all the possible ways she could bring it up, knowing that she was just stalling for her own selfishness. It didn't matter anymore if Daniel would be mad at her, all that mattered was staying together and getting as far away as possible.

“D...Don't do it.”, she gulped.

Even in the darkness she could tell that they were all throwing her confused and some slightly agitated faces. None of them were able to say anything because the van came to a slow stop and she heard Jisu whisper, “Get ready.”


She heard as the driver door slammed shut and his footsteps as they approached the back doors. The second they opened the five of them charged out, knocking Yongguk down on the ground. Christine scrambled out, watching as they lifted him up and shoved him against the side of the van. She tried to yell at them to stop but she couldn't find her voice.


Stop.”, she croaked, pushing her way through until she was pulling on Daniel and Simon's arms.


She repeated her plea, making Daniel look at her oddly. Simon had Yongguk pinned with his forearm across his throat, making it hard for him to breath.


Let him go...please.”, Christine begged.


How do you know him?”, Daniel asked sharply, grabbing her arm tightly. “What is he to you?”


Christine exhaled, locking eyes with Yongguk, who didn't even put up a fight with any of them.

“He's the man I fell in love with.”


Hearing this, Simon pressed his arm harder against Yongguk's throat. She felt everyone's anger rise, their eyes all on her. Daniel made her face him, breaking the eye contact she had with Yongguk.


What are you talking about?”, he hissed angrily.


Just let him go and I'll explain.”, she whimpered.


They looked to Simon and it took him all the willpower he had to let go of Yongguk. He fell to the ground, coughing heavily as he was able to breath normally. They circled around her but she pushed through to help him up. She patted his back while he clung to her, resting a bit of his weight on her.


I...I didn't tell her who I was.”, Yongguk said hoarsely. “It's not her fault.”


As he tried to explain, the black SUV pulled up into the driveway behind them and Eric hopped out of the driver's seat, running to his brother and sister. Yongguk leaned against the van for support as the three siblings hugged.

“You did everything I asked?”, Yongguk looked to Eric.

He nodded, “Everything is ashes and all the bags are at the front door.”

Daniel furrowed his brows, “You worked with him? Eric, why di-”

“He said he would bring you back, all of you and what was I going to do?!”, Eric interrupted, “You're all I have so I took a shot and...he came through.”, he said happily.


We have to get going.”, Yongguk straightened up, wincing from the pain in his back from the blows he took.


Get going where?”, Christine looked at him.


Yongguk shrugged, “I have a friend that'll help. He can get us out of the country in a few hours.”


So we're just going to leave with you? That's how this is going to work, that man we don't know you.”, Donglim bitterly spoke.


I'm with him on this Daniel. I love you three but no...I can't just do that.”, Intae shook his head.


Yongguk sighed, “They know who you are, they've seen all of your faces. I was able to take everything that had any connection to you guys. But, the officers that arrested you know you now, I can't erase that so we have to leave because when they realize we're all missing they'll come at us with everything they have.”


Daniel clenched his jaw, looking at his friends then to his siblings. “Can we trust him Chris?”


She looked at Yongguk, his eyes pleading with her to listen to him, to come with him.

“I...I don't know...” Everyone let out groans and sighs at her unsure response.

“Christine.” Yongguk took a step towards her but she just shook her head.

“You lied to me this whole time Yongguk-”

“But he came through for me noona, he came through for us. He's trying to make things right and if that means that it'll keep us together then why are we still talking about this?”


Christine shut her eyes tight and nodded, “Okay.”


Everyone moved quick. Yongguk told everyone to get inside the SUV, fitting them as best as they could. Eric ran inside, bringing only two duffel bags out and the backpack from the train station. When he handed the keys to Yongguk to drive he pushed them back to him.

“I have to dump this thing.” He pointed to the transport van he had taken to bring them all back here. “You still have that number I gave you?” Eric nodded and took it out.

Yongguk handed him his cellphone, “Call him, tell him what's going on and that you're on your way. I'll meet you guys there.”


Daniel overheard and took the keys from Eric. “This better not be a trap, or so help me God-”


Yongguk swore it wasn't and they both headed to the black car with the others while he went into the transport van. Christine sat in the middle row next to Simon, waiting with her foot tapping impatiently. She saw as her brothers exchanged words with him, and when his back turned to the car they were in she furrowed her brows. Daniel went to the driver's seat and Eric to the passengers.

“Where's he going?” Christine scooted towards the front and looked at Daniel.

“He has to ditch the van, he'll meet up with us later.”


Her body reacted before she could even tell herself to calm down. She reached out for the door handle but Simon and the others pulled her back to sit. Yongguk honked the horn once, and waved his hand out the window, telling them to go already.

“Christine, we have to go.”, Daniel said, his hand hovering over the transmission lever.

“W-What if he's lying, what if there's no friend to help us.”, she said weakly, knowing well that he wasn't.


The car started moving and she turned around to see the van he was driving towards the other side of the street.

“W-What if they find him and he doesn't make it back?”, she croaked out, turning back in her seat.


She felt hands pat her shoulders and Simon tentatively put his arms around her. She heard them mumble some comforting words and she fought against the audible cries threatening to escape from but for now all she could do was hope that he would make it back.


Hello?” Eric spoke into the cellphone. “Yeah, I'm looking for a Kim Himchan...Yongguk said to call...”

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 4: dayuuuum this story is simply awesome i luv it
Chapter 4: Sequel pleaseeeeeeeeee!!
Infinitely4k #3
Chapter 4: ... That's the end? Aww... I hope every thing will be fine for them!
thank you for the story!!
AHA... Thanks for the story btw~~ Love you~~(;
Infinitely4k #5
Chapter 3: yeah an update!! Yongguk is really sweet, even if he looked like a stalker! Thank you for the chapter ^^
Infinitely4k #6
Chapter 2: I've always love your stories and this one is amazing!!! Thank you for writing it ^^