The Boy I Threw Away


A short royal romantic story of a 21 year old foreigner whose stuck dealing with a national jerk because his family is indebted with her when all she wanted to do is go off on that adventure she always wanted before settling down. Their families try to talk them into being together as a couple while they figure out ways to never see each other again. The foreginer has only a few days to decide what to do with the situation before leaving the prince behind to live his own life without her. Though he might be the one to make up her mind for her after spending time together. But will they be able to say Good-Bye after all that? 



Street light goes green. A teenage boy crosses the street while looking down on his phone. Suddenly a car comes rushing down the intersection towards his direction at full speed. Everyone just stands around ready to see the catastrophe about to happen......except me. I noticed just in time to get him out of the way. So I jumped off my bike and ran and grabbed him to push him to the other side. I closed my eyes tight and held on till I couldn't hear the engine passing by. Then when I looked up to check for the car. All that was left were tire marks and people looked around us to check if we were okay. He looked dead when i saw his face. I didn't know what else to do but to check to see if he responded with the hard slaps I gave him on the face. But he wouldn't react. So i decided to start CPR right away. But I didn't have to do it for so long because then the ambulance came. I don't remember exactly when because I was concentrating in pumping his chest. And like that the paramedics took him away and I never even knew to what hospital he went. So that's all I remember Mr. Chang. Sorry about the slaps...and if I broke his ribs instead of helping out with the CPR...




~~~~Continued in Chapter 1~~~~~

P.S. : Imagine the main male character as your bias!!! Just thought it would shoot down the question on how he looks ^.^


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