⤜Chapter Four: Breakfast and Small Talks ⤛

Arranged Marriage to Mr. Nam Woohyun

You draped the dress over your arm and you rolled out your two suitcases out of the master's room. You were nice enough to allow Woohyun to have the master's room. You draped the dress on the railing and rolled your suitcases in front of one of the guest rooms. You walked downstairs and saw Woohyun's eyes glued to the TV. You walked to him. 
"You can go shower now." 
He looked at you and then got up. Before he could leave, you stopped him. 
"You can have the master's room. Can I have the keys to the guest room?" You asked him. He turned back and handed you the keys. 
"Thanks." You muttered. You just wanted to sleep. It had been a long day for you. 
You watched him enter the room, before unlocking the guest's room. You smiled when the door opened. 
Are you serious? No beds? No blankets? Nothing? 

You looked around the room and then quickly searched in the closets. The whole room was empty. 
You quickly unlocked the other rooms. All of the rooms were empty. No beds. No blankets. No furniture. You released a heavy sigh. 
"This can't be happening!!!" You covered your mouth, screaming. You walked out and rolled in our luggage into one of the rooms and hung your dress over the closet door. You closed the door and sat on the floor. You were so tired. Just as you were about to close your eyes, you heard Woohyun walk out of the room. You quickly got up and ran to the door, listening to his footsteps. He was walking downstairs. You quietly opened your door and ran to the master's room. You opened to huge walk-in closet and noticed that there were a few blankets tucked in there. You smiled in relief that at least there were extra blankets. You grabbed two blankets and one of the pillows that were laying on the bed. Woohyun definitely does not need 4 pillows. You thought. Just as you turned around to walk to the entrance of the room, Woohyun was standing there, with a cup of water in his hand. 
"What are you doing?" He asked and entered the room. 
"I just need these stuff." You told him and walked pass him.

You didn't know that he was following you. You entered the room and used your foot to close it but it was stopped when Woohyun placed his hand on the door, stopping it. You turned back to see him, sipping his water. 
"What do you need?" You asked him. He looked at the room. Woohyun noticed that there were no beds in the room. There was just a night stand and a lamp at the corner of the room. He walked in and you used your foot to stop him. 
"Hey, what are you doing?" You asked him, still holding onto the blankets and pillow. 
"You know, we can sleep together in the master's room, right?" He said, taking another sip of his water. 
"No, it's okay. You can have that room." You told him, trying to push him out. 
"What? You're scared that I will do something to you?" He asked. 
"N-no, of course not. You have a girlfriend, so why should you have to do anything with me? Plus, I don't plan on falling for you." You told him. 
"Be careful with your words. You know that lots of women tend to fall for me when they say that." He chuckled. You grew annoyed with his comment. 
"If you're just here to boast yourself, then please get out. I'm tired and I want to sleep." You told him.
"Are you sure you don't want to sleep with me? I don't bite." He asked again. 
"You wished I agreed." You told him. He set his cup on the floor. 
"Ya! Take your cup." You said to him. 

Woohyun grabbed the blankets pillow out of your hands. 
"I just want to sleep. Give it back." You insisted. You tried to reach for the blankets, but he was too tall. He moved it the other side when you would try to get it. He ran to the master's room and you chased after him. 
"Ya! I'm not playing, okay? You already have the nice and big bed. Take advantage of it while I'm being nice." You told him, placing both of your hands on your hip. He threw the pillow and one of the blankets on the bed. You ran over and grabbed it. 
"You can sleep in here tonight." He told you and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.  

You were shocked that he had a little goodness in him. You ran to the door to make sure it was locked and closed tightly. Again, you felt your heart raced a little bit, but you knew it was nothing important. You flopped onto the bed and snuggled in. That night, you had the warmest dream of all dreams. 

You got up extra early to prepare breakfast before heading to the company. You walked downstairs and saw Woohyun sleeping on the couch with a comforter over his head. You felt a little guilty that he had to sleep on the couch. 

You walked into the kitchen, but noticed that there was no food in the kitchen. You decided to head out for a small grocery trip. You picked out some meat and some vegetables for breakfast and lunch. After your small grocery trip, you headed back and Woohyun was still sleeping; the comforter was no longer covering his sleepy face. You quietly closed the door and headed to the kitchen to start cooking. 

It was 8:00AM, when you finished; you cooked a hearty Korean breakfast. Your mom had always told you that a good Korean breakfast is the way to go to start a good day. Even though you knew you wouldn't be falling for him, you still wanted to show effort into the "marriage." You really had to sell it. You set the table. You both sat across from each other. You let out a sigh, feeling proud of the meal you cooked. You wiped your hands on the side of your apron. As you took off your apron, you walked to the living room to see if Woohyun was still sleeping there. He wasn't anymore. You turned to look upstairs, but he was right beside you, making you jump a little and gasping. He was extremely close to you. You backed away, by taking a huge step back. Ahhh, why does he have to stand so close to me? You thought. 

You noticed that he had a really nice suit on and he had sprayed some cologne on. It wasn't those smelly ones; it had a nice scent to it. You snapped out of it and invited him for breakfast. 

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"Breakfast is ready." You told him. He didn't reply. Aish, why is he so quiet today? Last night, he was talking so much. You complained in your thoughts.
He followed you behind and then sat down at the table. You sat after he situated. 
"I didn't know what you like, so I just cooked a simple Korean meal." You told him. 

Korean breakfast
Once again, he seemed to be ignoring you. You grew a little annoyed since he wasn't replying back to your conversation. He took a sip from the soup. You looked at his reaction, hoping that it was a good one. 
"Hmm, not bad." He said and took another sip. 
"You talk way too for the morning." He said, looking at you. 
"Well, that's just me." You told him, and then began digging in as well. 
You really wanted to know more about him. You wished that the relationship would work out. Not as husband and wife, but maybe as friends. You broke the silence, since it was getting too awkward. 

"I think we should get to know each other." You told him. He stopped eating and looked at you. 
"Really?" He asked, and leaned back a little. You nodded your head. 
"You're not scared that you might fall for me?" He questioned. 
"Hey, I'm just being nice, okay? We are going to spend the rest of our lives together. At least put a little effort into the relationship." You told him, feeling annoyed. This guy really knows how to test my patience. You thought, as you grabbed a piece of kimchi. Woohyun thought for a while. 
"Hmm, I guess that's okay. There's nothing for the both of us to lose anyway." He said and then continued to eat. 
Somehow, you felt a little excited to know about him. You wondered if he was feeling the same. 
"Really?" You asked. He nodded. 
"But don't fall for me. I have a girlfriend already. I don't want to break two girls' heart." He said. 
"You wished I fell for you." You annoyingly said to him. 
"What's her name?" You asked. 
"Eunji." He answered. 
You really didn't know what to say next. 

"So.... why did you try to escape yesterday?" Woohyun asked, setting down his chopsticks. You stopped eating, and quickly looked at him. 
"Escape?" You pretended to not know what he was talking about. 
"Mhmm... you bumped into me at the entrance of the hotel. Maybe that will help you remember." He said. 
"What entrance? I was in the room, getting ready." You denied. 
He leaned across the table, making you leaned back into your chair. 
"I remember your eyes." He told you. You felt your heart flutter again. 
"I...uhh...I didn't want to get marry." You explained. "I thought that by escaping, I would be able to stop the wedding." 
"You should have done better at planning then, because we're stuck together. Forever." He said. 
"Ya! Why didn't you do anything? If you ran away, I wouldn't have to be in this position." You defended yourself. Why was he blaming you? 
"Now, you're blaming me? Aishh, you crazy lady." Woohyun couldn't believe you tried putting the blame on him. 
"Crazy lady? You're so.....annoying. You've made me lost my appetite." You got up and carried your bowls to the sink. 
"Maybe I shouldn't have let you sleep in the master's room." Woohyun yelled out, making sure you heard it. Deep inside, he was only teasing you. Woohyun wanted to know you more too. Maybe you guys could be friends someday. 

"You idiot! You think I wanted to sleep in there?" You whispered to yourself. You started washing your own dishes. Woohyun walked in and placed his dishes on the counter. 
"Make sure you do your dishes." You angrily told him. You turned the water off. 
"Hey, I answered your question already. Why are you so mad? It wouldn't be fair if you only questioned me." He chuckled. 
You wiped your hand with the kitchen towel. You turned back to look at him. 
"It's not funny. You can't just put the blame on me. It's partially you too." You said, before walking out of the kitchen. Woohyun was still standing in the kitchen, smiling at your reaction. It was amusing to him. 

You changed into a business outfit to head to the company.

Pin em looks/moda/fashion

There was no time to be lovey dovey with your "husband." Plus, you couldn't stand him at all. You wanted to get as far away from him as possible. You were about to grab your key, but Woohyun beat you to it. 
"Hey, you've annoyed me enough this morning. Give me my key. I'm heading to the company." You told him. 
"No, you're coming with me to my company." Woohyun said and smiled at you. 
"Aish, you are so annoying. On whose orders?" You asked. 
"Your mom's, actually. She texted me this morning that you're going to work with me. All of your papers have been finished." He explained. 
"You're lying. My mom would never say that. Do you have proof?" You asked him. 
"I do. I was waiting for you to ask me that." He chuckled. He pulled out his phone and showed you the chat between him and your mom. You were utterly in shock. Omma, how could you do this to me? You thought. 

You looked at him angrily. 
"Just today." You told him and he smiled at you, making you want to smack him even more. 
You both entered his car and the ride was quiet. No one spoke a word to each other. By the time you knew it, you guys were already in front of his company. Woohyun was the CEO of a pearl and diamond jewelry company. 
"Remember to act, but don't fall for me." He winked at you. This time, you really wanted to give him a good smack. He walked out of the car and you did the same. 

You stood next to him. With the help of the heels you wore, it made you look a little taller. Just as you were about to take a step on the stair, Woohyun grabbed your hand, which surprised you. You were about to retreat your hand back. 
"Remember to act, Mrs. Nam." Woohyun emphasized the "Mrs. Nam." You stopped. Come on, ----! We can do this! It's not real. Put some effort like you said. You encouraged yourself.
"You seem to like holding my hand a lot." You told him. 
"Well, it's called acting." He smiled at you. 
"I didn't take acting classes." You replied back. 
"Well, you're getting a double A-class actor helping you and it's free of charge, so I guess you got a pretty good package." He told you. 
"Woohyun-sshi, why do you talk so much?" You asked him. Now you wished he was quiet. 
"Well, that's just me." He mimic you, as you have said the same thing in the morning. Just as you were about to retreat your hand away from him, one of his staffs came out to greet the both of you. 
She bowed to both of you. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Nam."
You stopped and regain your posture, as Woohyun continued to smile at your reaction. You smiled at the girl. You and Woohyun made your way up the stairs, following the girl to the main entrance.
"Mrs. Nam." He whispered to you. He knew it would piss you off. You elbowed his side, which caused him to let out an "ouch!" 

You smiled as you have won one of the battles. 



Hey guys! Don't forget to let me know what you guys are thinking of the new edits. Again, pictures do not belong to me, so credits to the rightful owners. Thanks for supporting this Woohyun fanfiction! Please send lots of love to Infinite.

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Lastly, it is only important to mention that I couldn't have done it with your guys' continuous support and generous love! I hope you guys continue to support me as you guys have always. Inspirit_07


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hakimmj #1
Chapter 56: Hopefully that is woohyun. But really want to know why he left her like that and what story will unveil after this.
hakimmj #2
Chapter 55: So sad;((
Where did woohyun go and really hope that nothing happen to him. So glad that nothing happen to her and can't wait to know their journey after this.
hakimmj #3
Chapter 53: Oh my god! Hopefully woohyun can save her. Eunji really does anything to get woohyun including hurting his wife. Can't wait to know what will happen after this
hakimmj #4
Chapter 51: The confession, oh my god!
Really hope that she will be with woohyun and continue to love each other. Since both of them know their feelings well, then they should be together forever;)))
Love the update! ;))