Two Moons
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It was so dark that Siyeon could barely see the path infront of her own feet. There was a small light at the end of the tunnel. She walked towards it, carefully since she didn’t know what would await her. There was no sound and as she looked back for a moment, she saw a shadow of a person… or? For a moment Siyeon was hesitant if she should go back or not but then she continued her way.

Smoldering heat hit her face as she stepped out of what seemed to be a tunnel. The picture of the burning villa was all too familiar. A pang of repentance flashed through her feelings but she also knew that she couldn’t do anything more than just watching. Listening to the voices who screamed her names again and again in despair and fear.
Siyeon. Siyeon! Where are you Siyeon?
They repeated her name like a chorus, like a mantra until Siyeon couldn’t bear it anymore.

Blurry shadows hushed past her. Maybe they were Shigen and the others who tried to rescue her and their appearances were only so blurry because at that time Siyeon was way too young to remember all the faces. Sudden shudders ran down Siyeon’s spine. Something was not right. This was something new. A new memory maybe? Or something new she finally could remember?
“There you are little Siyeon. I finally got you. Show me the memory, deary.”
As soon as she heard those words, Siyeon started to run. Fear was the only explanation she had. She was scared to death of what- or whoever was after her.

With her heartbeat pounding in her ears and the cold sweat running down her back into the tunnel. Siyeon was running for her life until she felt somewhat safe. But there was no time to relax. The way behind her shut down. A mirror showed her reflexion but then again not. The she in the mirror looked haggard, tired and exhausted, with the burning villa in the back. A shadow loomed over her. It looked like it would torture her and devour her at any minute.

Suddenly, Siyeon’s reflection reached through the mirror. The glass distorted and cracked as the hand broke through. Frightened, Siyeon stepped back. The hand of her reflection turned into a skeleton hand, which was engulfed by shadows.

A wall touched Siyeon’s back. There was nowhere to run while her reflection slowly walked out of the mirror in her skeleton form. “I m coming to get you. You can’t run away from me.”

Gasping and bathed in sweat, Siyeon woke up. That wasn’t a dream. That was a foreboding. Nearly jumping out of her bed she tried to find a way to distract herself. Whoever that shadow was, he would find her. From one moment to the next, every bit of fear got wiped away.
Something was calling for her. It whispered her name but it was different from the whispering in her dreams. This voice was… peaceful.

“Come to me.” Like under hypnosis, Siyeon walked towards her closet. In her bag, she found what was calling for her. The small marble h got from the granny glowed blueish in the dim light. There was a liquid inside the marble that moved slowly and formed beautiful swirls. It started o pulsate slightly wherever Siyeon’s skin touched the glass. Whatever was inside the marble, it was alive.

Someone knocked at the door and Siyeon nearly dropped the marble. “Siyeon?” It was Mao’s voice. Quickly she put the marble back into her bag before she opened the door. His worried gaze met hers and before Siyeon could say anythin

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Sebaeksmoon #1
Chapter 187: re eeading this years later and oh my god i think kai is her brother!! cause this chapter her parents are described like kais
Chapter 196: Hi, it's been a while right? Just scrolling back on my fav stories and I saw Two Moon. Then, i remember how this story accompanied me during my degree's life. Everytime i had problem or stressing about my life, i would reread this piece again. Just one to let you know, i will reread it again and will be waiting for your update... Love you and take carw
My_Guest #3
Still remember i would binge reading your story before..it's been a while..ngl i miss readi g your story so here i am again..i read oll of your works from the legend series, the misfit and lost king and this book..i like your works bciz it was really detail, the way you potray each character and scenes..it was such an amazi g experience reading your story..feels like it could turn into a great anime...
isonetaeng #4
Chapter 196: Hope you are doing well, looking forward for next update. I will re read the story again while waiting for you. Lots of love for you❤️
Back to reread this masterpiece again! Hope you're doing well 😊
RasendryaFatharani #6
ngl i miss u n this story so im here again. i hope ure doing well
atasiwi #7
Chapter 196: Take your time ^^
Chapter 196: Heyyyy. its been a year again since you last updated. 🥲🥺

I hope you're doing great, looking forward to hearing from you again author-nim
adorable_colours #10
Chapter 192: Hello, so glad to hear that you come back here after so long 😆 honestlt though (and this is not me just sugar coating my words), your story truly is my number one favorite in AFF. I've read The Misfits for more than 3 times and is reading it again, your stories are just THATT good!!! And I cannot think of anyone other than you who can create better plot and storyline, making me totally immersed and awed and inspired. Thank you soo much for creating ur stories, take care and stay safee 🥰