
♧RED Graphics Shop♧


Non-Animated Poster



Animated Poster


Character Chart


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Note to Author: Thank you for choosing Red Graphics Shop!

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MindyHC #1
Chapter 13: oh wow! thanks so much!
i was so busy and haven't been able to log on!
i will use it happily!
Requested! :D
Chapter 15: o m g glad it's done.. thank you soo much!!! <3 i love it!!! <3
i requested!
ShinJunior #5
Cool! I will request if I make a story~
Chapter 15: CALLING ON lia2298!
Your request is ready for pick-up n_n
Thank you for the banner, I like that it's the same colour scheme as last time, though I didn't really want the title on it, never mind though, it's fine.
Chapter 8: CALLING ON aznphoenix95! Your Banner is ready!
Chapter 14: CALLING ON jaejaeme! Your request is ready!