Part III

Young and Beautiful

The sun shone brightly on the warm summer day. Not too hot but not too cold; just how Luhan liked it. A green ball was flying through the air, standing out against the orange sky that was gradually getting darker, turning into a nighttime red. Dinner was being made and carefully portioned out into three. It was dumplings; Luhan’s mother’s recipe. It made the whole house smell like the home he visited when he went to China. The warmness and comfort of a home cooked meal hugged him when his body stepped into the kitchen. 


A small hand was gripped against his. Fingers that were slightly dirty from hitting on the ground and picking up things that had been resting in the mud from the rain. But that hand was just as warm as that home cooked meal. They had the same feel; home. He helped the little one on the small stool he kept by the sink. Those fingers were washed with foamed soap that made bubbles float through the air. Giggles and smiles were through both of them. 


His chair was cushioned by a light cream colored pad that contrasted with the blue on the walls. It was much more comfortable than sitting on the hard chairs alone. The chopsticks in front of him were a light blue color with small prints of a bear on them. He couldn’t help but chuckle at them, realizing his own chopsticks were used in the morning for an interesting session of arts and crafts. It was okay, though. 


Dinner ended in a mess. Sauce was over the table and some had even landed on the floor. Luhan had escaped the job of cleaning and was currently filling up the bath with water. His fingers dipped in slowly to make sure the water was the perfect temperature. Once it was up enough and just how he knew it was supposed to be, he called the small one the bath was for. 


“Fai! Bath is ready.” 


In a matter of seconds, a small boy came running in. He slipped on the bath mat and fell into Luhan’s arms. A loud combination of laughter filled the bathroom. 


“Woah, be careful.” 


Luhan planted a small kiss on his chubby cheeks as he proceeded to take off his dirty clothing. There were dirt stains and red splotches from the sauce that accompanied their dinner. 


“Look how messy you are! We need to get you in the bath before your mom yells at you.” 


Three years ago, Luhan had been blessed with a handsome baby boy. Four years before that, he met his wife. It was by accident at his place of work. Luhan was looking around for an article on seventeenth century China when they bumped into each other, literally, at the local historical center. It was the start of what he had now. 


When he found out that she was pregnant, they decided to get married. Not because of the pregnancy, but because they loved each other. Through the nine months, they grew closer and closer. Luhan was truly happy. 


“Daddy, can I wash my hair myself?” 


Luhan looked up from the basket of bath toys he was organizing to see his son looking at him with the big deer eyes he had inherited. 


“I think you could. You have to be careful not to get soap in your eyes though.” 


The small boy giggled when a finger tapped him on his nose. Fai grabbed the shampoo, his fingers almost letting it slip through and plop in the tub. Luhan watched as his small hands rubbed the soap in his black hair. He had a frog washcloth on standby incase any soap made it’s way to his son’s eyes. Luckily though, he had successfully washed his own hair. His hands dropped the small cup a few times but in the end, his hair was smelling fresh like oranges. 


Fai was wrapped in his matching frog towel, complete with a hood and everything. Luhan tickled his sides which made his son fall into his arms and grab onto him. Shivers ran through the smaller one’s body as they walked to his bedroom. The weather had been rather hot and the air was circulating through their home. 


“Fai, stay still please. Or your mom won’t read you a bedtime story.” 


A gasp came from his son and he immediately stilled from his wiggling. Luhan couldn’t help but laugh at how his son had reacted to the statement. Luhan was able to slip his pajamas on easily and completed the task with a kiss on the boy’s forehead. 


Luhan saw his wife at the doorway with a smile on her face. It was his cue to stand up and exit so their bedtime routine could continue. He walked over to where she was standing and flashed her a smile. His hand ran down to touch her stomach, fingers running over the now obvious belly button. The woman’s fingers ran over Luhan’s, rings clinking together for a brief moment. Their lips met for a second before breaking away. 


It was Luhan’s time to take his shower. His fingers ran through his short hair, tugging on it gently as he massaged the shampoo through it. He had stuck with his blonde color. It was more of a pale blonde, almost white that month. His wife was worried it would make him look older. It had in fact done the opposite and seemed to reverse him a few years. 


Luhan wasn’t old. He had turned twenty eight two months prior. But like always, he still had his youthful look. Many people often thought he was still a teenager. Even when he had his wife’s hand in his and his other hand pushing the stroller holding his son. Luhan didn’t dare to complain though. 


His skin smelled like his favorite lotion; Milk plus. It had become his favorite a few years ago and he was hooked ever since. It didn’t smell like milk, like many people seemed to think. It was soft and had a fresh smell to it. His skin seemed to have a lighter complexion with it too. 


The air had become cooler and a small flutter of wind was making his hair twitch as he leaned over the balcony. Like always, his throat tightened and his hands became sweaty. He was only a bit off the ground but it still made his heart beat fast. It was his own night time ritual. While his wife was reading their son his bedtime story, Luhan was rest out in their bedroom balcony. No matter what the weather was like. No matter how hard of a day at work he had. No matter if he was happy or sad. He stood outside every single night without fail. 




He turned around to see his wife in the balcony doorway. She had a slight face of concern and had tiredness in her eyes. 


“I’m coming.” 


They pulled the blanket over themselves and Luhan’s fingers switched off the nightstand light. He closed his eyes for a moment before turning on his side and looking at his wife. She had a small smile on her tired lips. The two shared a final kiss before deciding to go to sleep. 


It soon came to the end of the week, meaning it was Luhan’s mother’s time to come visit. She came over every weekend to see her son’s family. It had started when Fai was born. His mother was so excited and happy to have her first grandchild. They often needed a baby sitter to watch over the weekends since they were going back and forth between both of their families. Luhan’s mother was more than happy to watch their child while they were gone. 


His mother always came early in the morning in time for breakfast. Luhan would just be stumbling out of bed when the doorbell would ring. Luckily his wife would always be away and ready to answer the door. He would hear Fai’s giggles and playful screams from the bedroom. Luhan would walk into the bathroom and wash his face and teeth, make sure he looked like he had been awake for a good hour, and get dressed for breakfast. 


“Luhan.” His mother pulled him into a hug like she did every time she saw him. “Good morning.” 


He mumbled a small good morning to his mother and proceeded to lean down and pick up his son that was tugging on his leg. Fai was lifted up and held against Luhan’s side as he and his mother conversed about the things that happened during the week. There was never anything too exciting. Occasionally Luhan would find a good book or two in the library but that was about it. 


He worked as a history professor at the elite college in Seoul. It took him a good two years to get in and get the position he wanted, but he was more than proud of it. His classes weren’t that often which gave him enough time to concentrate on his family and his own research. Luhan didn’t mind the down time since his work was still stressful. He spent many nights up until the sun rose grading long research papers or preparing presentations for the next class. 


“Daddy, i’m hungry!” 


The small boy wiggled and gripped onto Luhan’s shirt as he emphasized his hungry with rapid movements and whines. 


“Breakfast is already done, Fai.”


Luhan looked at his wife who had walked to the foyer. Fai wiggled even more and threatened to slip out of Luhan’s arms at the knowledge that breakfast was ready. Luhan let his son down before making his way into the kitchen. He was greeted by the warm smell of his wife’s cooking. There was a plate of sunny side up eggs at each chair; a smaller plate in front of the booster seat for their son. Bowls of watermelon cut into slices and bread and jam accompanied the eggs. 


Most of breakfast was filled with discussion. Luhan’s mother had recently bought a beach house and was urging the family to come on a trip with her. Fai was excited, more than excited and immediately started talking about all the fish he would see and the sandcastles he would make. 


“Right on the beach?” 


“You can walk outside and step in the sand!” 


Luhan’s mother seemed just as excited as Fai. She went through every detail of the house. All five rooms with bathrooms and a large media room. How there was a hot tub out on the porch and a place to watch the stars. It didn’t sound too bad to Luhan. His mother offered to take them down the next week. The family agreed and Fai practically jumped out of his seat and ran around before hugging his grandmother tightly.


The day was full of activities and presents from Luhan’s mother. She had brought the couple a few gifts for their new baby on the way. The last week they had found out they were having a baby girl. Both Luhan and his wife were extremely happy. Luhan had always wanted a boy and his wife had always wanted a girl. A perfect family they would tell others. 


With presents for the new baby there also had to be presents for Fai. There wasn’t much that the child didn’t have. He was spoiled and Luhan was the guilty father. It was hard for him to deny his son’s eyes and the way he pouted at him when there was something that he wanted. Even though he was spoiled, he had an excellent attitude and knew how to behave when he had to. 


The three adults were sitting around in the living room. Luhan had just finished giving Fai his bath and was cuddling the sleepy child on the couch. Fai had been very clear that he wanted to stay up until his grandmother left. The gift that Luhan’s mother had brought him had been a secret that she said she would reveal at bedtime. So naturally, Fai tried to keep his sleepy eyes open as long as he could. 


“We should get this sleepy one to bed.” 


Fai yawned and rubbed his eyes as he was taken out of his father’s arms and into the arms of his grandmother. Luhan nodded and mentioned he would be in to give his good night kiss in a few minutes. He watched as his mother carried his son away to his bedroom.


Luhan shared a few kisses with his wife. Both of them feeling tired from the early morning they had. Small whispers of how they loved each other and a few more kisses later and they both were heading upstairs. 


After doing his nighttime routine, Luhan made his way out in the hallway to say good night to his son. He could tell that his mother was still in the room from her voice that could be heard out in the hallway. Luhan slowed down as her voice became clearer and he could hear what she was saying. 


“And there are eleven men. Each one of them have special powers.”




“Mhm! Do you know what your daddy’s favorite was?” 


“What? What? What?” 


“The man with the wind.” 




Luhan’s hand pressed against the doorframe. His heart was beating too fast for his liking and his breath was staggered. 


“I’ll give him up in a minute. Anyways, the man with the wind. He’s very special to your dad.” 


Fai’s eyes were wide and Luhan could tell that he was concentrated on the story. “Really? Why?” 


“Well the wind man would come every night and leave him gifts. Right by the window.”


“Okay, time for bed. Thanks for coming over mom, it’s been great.” 


Luhan walked over to his mother and shot her a glare. He put on his best smile for his son and pressed a kiss to his forehead and tucked him into bed. Fai was whining and complaining how he wanted to finish the story but Luhan had already pulled his mother out into the hallway.


“Don’t tell him that story.” 


“Why? I told you it every night.” 


Luhan’s hand ran through his hair slowly as he tried to take deep breaths. “I just don’t want you to tell him. Can you do that for me, please?” 


His mother saw how distressed Luhan was. She agreed to his request and gave him a hug before gathering her things to head home. Luhan saw her to the door and confirmed the plans for the next week before waving goodbye and shutting the door. A deep breath was taken in and his back hit the door. 


The air was cool and there was a gentle breeze that made his bangs flutter against his forehead. His hands were gripped tightly against the railing, knuckles turning white from the force of it. He kept his eyes closed the whole time he waited outside. Luhan was afraid that if he were to open them, he would be there. Luhan was too afraid. 




The bed creaked and there was weight next to him as his son crawled over to him. Luhan felt as the smaller one laid down next to him. His eyes opened when he felt a hand pushing at his arm. Fai had the biggest smile that Luhan had ever seen. His son sat up and wrapped his arms around Luhan’s shoulders in excitement. 


A few minutes later and Luhan was being tugged down the hallway by his son. He pushed his door open and Luhan could immediately hear that the window was open. He heard the birds and the trees rustling louder than he was used to. Luhan’s eyes looked over to the window and he felt his heart start to beat faster. 


“Look what I found!” 


Luhan was pulled closer by his son to get a better look at what was resting on the windowsill. His eyes widened and his lips parted. Sitting against the screen was a small blue origami crane. 




Luhan keeps to himself for the next days. He’s unsure of what to do. Unsure what to think. Many of his hours are spent in his bedroom. The blankets cover him and his eyes are squeezed closed. He’s scared if he opens that that person will be in front of him. 


It’s Wednesday when he has to get up early for his class. It takes longer than usual for him to get ready. His tie doesn’t look right for several minutes and his fingers become sweaty from messing with it for so long. There are dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep and stress. Luhan lathers on several coats of coverup under them to make himself look presentable. 


His son is at school and his wife is out shopping for the day. He’s more than glad that none of them have to see him how he is. Luhan makes his way to his car and shuts the door quickly. There is wind outside and it makes his heart beat faster. Everything makes him feel on edge. 


The class is long. Almost three hours after it begins, Luhan is dismissing his students. He takes his time to wash off the whiteboard, not caring that everyone in the school was almost gone. Sometimes his hands run over and over again, washing what was never there to begin with. 


Instead of driving straight home to meet his family for dinner, Luhan drives to the tea shop. He’s met with a large crowd of teenagers having just finish their school activities. They clump together and take up much of the entrance and Luhan has to push his way through them, mumbles of ‘excuse me’ and ‘sorry’ leaving his lips. 


Chocolate bubble tea swirls in his cup as he walks. He slumps in the back corner, away from all the students and parents with children. Luhan doesn’t even like chocolate tea but he sips it like his life depends on it. 


The clock in the car reads past eight when Luhan pulls up in the driveway. The summer sun had just gone down, darkness being broken by the lights coming from the house and his headlights shining against the garage. Hands press against his eyes. They push and push until he sees white. Luhan shuts the car off and lets the darkness overcome him. Tears stream down his face, faster than they’ve ever slid out of his brown eyes. Luhan thinks it’s the first time he’s cried sad tears for several years. 


Fai is already in bed when Luhan walks up the stairs. His wife is in the shower and Luhan takes a deep breath. He walks into the office, hands pushing away things in each drawer until he comes across thick tape. It’s black and color and Luhan pushes the drawer closed and walks out of the room. 


His son is curled up in his bed. Stuffed animals scattered along the blanket and the warm smell of vanilla throughout the room. Luhan walks slowly into the room, not wanting to wake his son up. He tears the tape off quietly. It’s put over the window’s lock and along the bottom of the window. It looks ugly. A giant black mess over pristine white windows that were hand painted by his wife. Luhan continues until the whole window is almost black. 


Luhan stares at the window, his chest heaving up and down and his fingers curling into his palms. Part of him knows that it’s not going to stop the window from opening. But he does it anyways. It takes him a few minutes before he walks out of the room and into the bedroom. 


The balcony door is shut quietly, his wife attempting to sleep in the bedroom. Luhan’s hands grip at the railing. They twist and grip until Luhan thinks his knuckles are going to come out from under his skin. But it’s still not enough. 


The wind picks up and Luhan squeezes his eyes shut. He slams his hands down against the railing, a breath coming out. Luhan curls his fingers around the railing, letting them brush against his palms. 


“Go away! I hate you!” 


Tears push past the dark eyelashes that brush against the tops of his cheeks. Luhan lets his hands loosen around the cool railing. His body slides down to the hard ground, hands pressing against his eyes. Quiet sobs passed his lips, falling into the wind. They disappear as the wind picks up, making Luhan’s hair flutter in the wind. 


A small leaf falls down, swaying back and forth before it lands on Luhan’s leg. With a small sniffle, Luhan lifts his head, looking at the leaf that flutters as the wind picks up again. His hand reaches down to push it away when his eyes widen. Luhan’s lips press together, the black shoes in front of him not moving as the leaf blows away. 


Luhan follows the patterned pants slowly. The pattern makes his eyes blink a few times, it being harsh on his unfocused eyes. It takes him another minute to move his eyes upward, fearing what would come next. His lips part and a breath is taken when his brown eyes fall on a familiar milk skin and brown hair. 


“You don’t really hate me, do you, Luhan?” 


The question comes with a hint of hurt. He can see the smile on the other’s lips but it’s barely there. Maybe Luhan is hoping that it’ll be there and it isn’t really there at all. He’s hoping that the other isn’t hurt by his words. Luhan reads the look in his eyes as sadness and suddenly the wind is gone. 


Luhan stands up, attempting to wipe the dried tears off of his cheeks. His eyes are red and swollen at the corners. He knows the tip of his nose is a light pink, almost matching the color of his lips. He in a breath slowly, letting the cool air fill his body. 


“I do hate you. I hate you so much. What you did to me-” 




“No! You don’t get to explain to me! You ing left! Did you think it was funny to just leave like that? Do you know how long I waited for you? How long I sat in my room and stared out that window for hours.. months, years. A note, a gift, anything at all. You didn’t give me any kind of clue that you were coming back and now you show up years later out of no where.”


Sehun steps forward, his hands reaching out, wanting to hold Luhan close. Luhan thinks for a moment before stepping back, shaking his head as he closes his eyes. 


“You left me. Do you know how much that hurt me?” 


“It hurt me too. Please, Luhan just let me explain.” 


Luhan opens his eyes, his own brown eyes meeting with Sehun’s. They stare into each other, each pair of eyes on the edge of tears. Luhan parts his lips, leaning forward, wanting, needing, Sehun’s touch after so many years absent. Sehun’s hand reaches up, fingertips brushing against the corner of Luhan’s cheek. Luhan’s eyelashes flutter, tears finally pouring over and onto his cheeks. 




His arms reach up, ready to wrap around that small frame that his arms missed. His eyes squeeze shut, letting the tears fall, making small splashes with each hit on his arm. He reaches until he thinks he’s almost touching Sehun’s frame. His eyes open when his arms bump against each other. 


Luhan parts his lips and looks around, he lets out a whimper, lips pressing together as his eyes scan desperately for the taller boy. 




He tilts his head as he sees his wife standing in the doorway. Her brows furrowed in confusion and a hand on her stomach, thumb brushing against the fabric of her nightgown. Luhan looks around before he lets his shoulders slump gently. He nods and forces a smile, legs stepping forward to bring him into his wife’s arms. 


Luhan tilts his head back and watches a leaf fall against the balcony’s floor as they walk inside. 















a/n: wow~ hi guys! sorry i haven't updated in so long ;;; it's been forever i know ;n; i've been so soso busy but i'm trying to update all my stories so I don't leave any of you guys hanging! I'm definitely not abandoning any of my fics~ it's just really hard to update with school ;; 

There's going to be one last part to this story so i'll try to update as fast as i can~~~ 

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exollency #1
Love your writing and I hope that perhaps one day, you will return to finish this but if not, thank you regardless for letting us read this lovely story!
dizzzy07 #2
Chapter 3: Hope you finish this story. Found this first in live journal and have read this multiple times. Love your stories by the way. Have read all your stories in livejournal. Thanks for all of them. Keep on writing.
Chapter 3: Ok so... this was last updated in 2013 which was 3 years ago and holy cow I don't know what to do with my life because of it! Oh God I seriously need to know how the story ends! It's slowly killing me ughhhh. I think you're an amazing writer and I really hope you haven't given up on writing author-nim. Fighting!♡
Chapter 3: Update pls. U don't know how many tears I released bec of reading this remarkably amaZing story of yours. I'm really looking forward to the ending. I really want to know to what will happen to the both of them pls.~ I kow its been a years you had last updated but please don't stop making this :( I know its near in its end so pls. Finish it :'(
Chapter 3: author oh my god this story is just wow it started all nice and sweet then the angst struck hard and hunhan in this story is just making me tear all up and i hope you update soon even though its been years i so want and need and wish for the ending
Chapter 3: oh my gosh update please i think im going crazy
Chapter 2: Wait do...u will update right?!?! Omfg! U make me so fudgung happy! I read this all over again and I just need hunhan!!! Thank you for writing this! Im so going to wait....actually no i cant!!
Chapter 3: What did I just read ㅠㅠ
Update please ;; it's so beautiful, I'm crying rn otl
illiynn #10
please update~~