
Baby Story


*Angel's dance routine is THE best*



Kyungsoo’s POV

Later that night, in the kitchen

“Here, your pre-natal medication.” Jongin handed me my pills. I could really get used to this. We just had dinner which Jongin attempted to cook under my supervision. I had to take over halfway through in order to prevent the kitchen from burning up into flames. Suho was the only other person who could cook but he wasn’t back from the recording studio yet.

Speaking of the devil, Suho just walked into the house.

“Hyung, your dinner is in the microwave. Do you want me to heat it up for y…” I called out from the kitchen. Before I even finished my sentence, the other members, with the exception of Sehun, were huddling around our leader at the door, bombarding him with their burning curiosity. Sehun was, well, being Sehun. Lazing on the couch. Waiting for Luhan to call.

“Come on, guys. Let him eat first.”

“Kyungsoo, aren’t you curious? About his friend?” Chanyeol asked.

“I am, but I’m sure our dear leader is hungry.” I answered, carrying out Suho’s dinner from the kitchen.

“Thanks, Kyung ah. Wow, this looks yummy; I am absolutely famished.”

I smiled as we watched Suho wolf down the plate of food. The earlier concern in his eyes seemed to have been replaced by a sense of peace and excitement. I wondered what attributed to this sudden change.

“Nom..Nom.. Kyung ah, Jongin ah, I have some..nom nom.. good news for you guys.”

“Hyung! Finish your meal first! No one wants to see the insides of your mouth when you’re eating!” Jongin exclaimed. “Sorry,” Suho grinned sheepishly. Once he was finally done with his meal, he settled down on the couch with all the members surrounding him. Even Sehun seemed interested. All the members were staring at Suho with puppy eyes, silent but fidgeting with impatience.

“So as I was saying, I had a friend in college…..”


Jongin’s POV

“…so that was the story of my friend, Himchan.”


Mindblown, yet again.


From B.A.P.

With Bang Yongguk.

Who knew.

I had never spoken to them before, any of them. We did cross paths at music shows and award ceremonies but our interactions were limited to just greetings and bows. Suho was the only one who had connections with B.A.P. We knew that Himchan was Suho’s college friend but it never occurred to us that his friend from college was THAT friend from college.

All five of us just sat there, reeling from the story we just heard.

“Unbelievable. But I am glad things turned out well. That gives me a bit of hope that our future will turn out as well as theirs.” Kyungsoo broke the silence and intertwined his fingers in between mine and asked, “Oh ya, hyung, you mentioned good news? What good news?”

“Right. So I was on the phone with Himchan today and he said he wouldn’t mind setting up a private meeting with you and Jongin. It is such a great idea, don’t you think?”

Outsiders knowing our secret? Well, technically, they were not exactly outsiders. After all, we were all from the same industry. And any friend of Suho could be assumed to be a good person. Right? Somehow, I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that I had. The fact that they were our rival group unnerved me. Our fans had pitted us against one another and the clash of the fandoms had been insanely intense. There would definitely be incentive for them to expose us. I could not allow Kyungsoo to go through the pain and criticism he would have to face if the truth was let out of the bag.

When I brought this up with Kyungsoo later that night, he offered a different point of view I had not considered. They were risking exposure on the existence of their daughter as well, and yet they were willing to help us.

“Instead of being suspicious, we should be thankful instead, Jongin ah.”



Sehun’s POV

While listening to Suho’s story, I kept stealing glances at my phone. Not that I wasn’t interested in what Suho was saying, I just found it hard to concentrate when Luhan was supposed to call me at any moment now. When Suho finished his story, I sat on the couch with the other members, trying to process the information when my phone vibrated. The display lit up with a picture of the most handsome man in the world (I am definitely biased but who cares! He’s my boyfriend!)

My heart skipped a beat.


I shot up from my seat, clutching my vibrating phone, and headed straight for my room.

“Hyung! I can tell Luhan, right? About your pregnancy.” I turned back for a minute.

“Sure, Sehun ah.” Kyungsoo hyung answered with a wide smile.

With that I closed the door for some privacy and answered the phone.

“Hello?” I sounded a little breathless, probably because I had been waiting for this moment the entire day.

To hear his angelic voice.

“Hey, Sehun,” his voice was like music to my ears.


“How are you today? I miss you like crazy… I wish we could video chat but Xiumin and Chen are hogging the computer.”

“I miss you too. Especially so today.”

“Sehun, what happened? Why do you sound so sad?”

“It’s just that it’s too hard. It hurts so bad not to be able to see you, to touch you, to be with you.”

“What happened? Are you crying? Want me to forcefully snatch the computer away from Xiumin and Chen?”

“Funny, Luhan.”

“I wasn’t joking. What happened, Sehun. Tell me. I’m getting worried here.”

“Well… Don’t freak out ok? …. Kyungsoo hyung is pregnant with Jongin’s baby.”

“This is not a joke, Sehun. Tell me the truth. What is bothering you?”

“Not a joke. I’ve seen the ultrasound.”


“LuHan? You still there?”

A pause.

“Still here. Video conference. Now. All twelve of us. Right now. Go.”

Over the phone, I could hear him hurrying Xiumin and Chen to pause their game and gathering all the EXO-M members around the computer. Likewise, I brought Chanyeol’s laptop back out to the living room and explained the situation to my members. Soon the six of us came face-to-face with the six faces of EXO-M. At the sight of Luhan, my heart pounded rapidly and I had to take several deep breaths to calm down. It should be a crime to look this good.

“Hi guys!” Suho’s eyes stared straight at Yixing hyung’s face on the screen. At that moment, I thought I saw a flash yearning in his eyes before it was quickly replaced with excitement to see the six members of EXO-M. Hmm, maybe he was having a hard time being away from Yixing Hyung as well. Soon, the six members got the full story from Kyungsoo, with Jongin adding in some details here and there. EXO-M’s reactions ranged from WHAT?! (Kris and Yixing), Cool! (Xiumin and Chen), I see (Luhan) and bored (Tao). Eventually, the six of them became really excited (Tao, well, as excited as he could be over anything but Gucci) and started asking questions all at once. The whole video conference lasted two hours and I was totally exhausted after the whole session. But it was worth it. It felt great to see not just Luhan but all of them. We were like a huge family of twelve and I don’t think we would ever feel complete until all twelve of us were together.


Jongin’s POV

Time for bed.

As I laid down in bed waiting for Kyungie to join me, the day’s events went through my head. The board, the members, Lee Soo Man Seonsaengnim, the other six members. Now all the people who should know knew. It felt like a huge burden off my chest. Besides, getting to speak with our EXO-M brothers was definitely a bonus. How I missed those carefree times when the twelve of us were all together goofing around. Carefree, huh? I was going to be a father; I guess those carefree days were more or less over. But somehow I was not complaining; not when I had Kyungie beside me.


It seemed like I had unknowingly stopped addressing him as my hyung. I wondered when that started.

Soon Kyungie joined me in the bed and cuddled with me.

“Thank goodness everyone reacted  well. I’m so happy. By the way, you still haven’t told me about what happened to Sehun this morning. What did he say? What was the reason for his reaction?”

“Nothing important. He’s fine with it now.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure. Let’s just forget everything for a moment. Let tonight be about just the two of us.” I tightened my arms around his slender waist, “Have I told you how much I love you?”

“Jongin! When did you become so mushy?!” Kyungie playfully smacked my arm.

“Yesterday? Hahaha. But putting all jokes aside, I DO love you, Do Kyungsoo.”

He cuddled deeper into my arms.








“I love you too, Kim Jongin.”


Kyungsoo’s POV

Sunshine and daisies, that’s what Jongin smelt like.

Waking up in his arms was the best feeling in the world. Lying with his arm as my headrest facing his sleeping face, I traced my fingers along his long eyelashes. Sometimes I really wondered how I got so lucky. My other hand went down to my tummy. Morning, Miracle. Although my life is far from perfect, I couldn’t really complain about anything.

Jongin’s eyes fluttered open.

“Morning, sleepy-head.”

“Morning, beautiful.” He answered groggily.

Suddenly the door slammed wide open and gave both of us a shock.

Chanyeol burst into the room. His frantic face was contorted with worry and desperation.

“Baekhyun…. Baek… Something’s wrong with him…. I don’t know what to do…”

“What’s the matter? Bring me to him.” I got out of bed immediately and followed Chanyeol down the hallway to their room. Jongin followed closely behind me, placing his hand at the small of my back.

There Baekhyun was.

Slouched over the toilet seat.







A/N: Thank you for reading and leaving comments. Means a lot to me ^^

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yourdeer7 #1
Chapter 23: Well it's time to go to the sequel..
yourdeer7 #2
Chapter 19: Ah is Jongin has a little propose?
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 23: And now they're family... can't wait for sequel hehe
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 23: Wow. Amazing story. Finally the kids came.out safety same as Kyungsoo
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 22: It's true that Chen definitely bored to death while watching pororo haha
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 21: Uh oh... the babies soon coming..
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 20: Aww so sweet of Jongin...his words are the best indeed
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 19: IsnJongin gonna propose?? Hmmm
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 18: How i miss the 12 kids being togethee..
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 17: The kiddos called by kid daddh Jongin haha